Beispiel #1
v2 = p2 - p1

# the cross product is a vector normal to the plane
cp = np.cross(v1, v2)
a, b, c = cp

# This evaluates a * x3 + b * y3 + c * z3 which equals d
d =, p3)

print('The equation is {0}x + {1}y + {2}z = {3}'.format(a, b, c, d))

P = Plane(Point3D(start_x, start_y, start_z), Point3D(dir_x, dir_y, dir_z),Point3D(goal_x, goal_y, goal_z))

nor_vec = P.normal_vector


def angle(v1, v2, acute):
# v1 is your firsr vector
# v2 is your second vector
    angle = np.arccos(, v2) / (np.linalg.norm(v1) * np.linalg.norm(v2)))
    if (acute == True):
Beispiel #2
def processBedTower(filename,
    """Reads and analyse a file with four measured bed heights (near towers and in centre).

    The probe trigger z value (not the actual height) is determined by moving the hot end 
    slowly down and noting the z value where the probe triggers. The distance from the 
    nozzle tip to the probe trigger height is zProbeOffset.

    The function calculates the number of screw turns required (on M3 screw). This save us 
    a little arithmetic and removes the confusion of which direction to move. .  

              | zProbeOffset (float): the the z value when the probe triggers. 
               friction test in mm.
                relative to one of the towers, X, Y or Z. B(default: `None`).
              | locmarg (float):  issues a bed titl warning above this threshold

              | the axis object for the plot

              | No exception is raised.

    print('{}\n{}\n\n'.format(79 * '-', filename))
    validlines = []
    tdone = False
    with open(filename, 'r') as fin:
        lines = fin.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            if len(line) > 2:
                line = line.strip()
                if '>' in line[0] or '<' in line[0]:
                    line = line[2:]
                lstl = line.split(' ')
                # only use lines with Bed X: in them for dataframe
                if 'Bed X:' in line:
                    # remove unwanted clutter, keep only x,y,z
                    validlines.append([float(lstl[i]) for i in [4, 6, 8]])
                # if temperature lines, get values
                if not tdone and 'ok' in line and 'T:' in line and 'B:' in line:
                    print('Time {} '.format(lstl[0]))
                    print('Bed temperature is {} deg C'.format(
                    print('Nozzle temperature is {} deg C'.format(
                    tdone = True

    # make pandas dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(validlines, columns=['x', 'y', 'z'])

    #name the towers
    df['Tower'] = df.apply(label_tower, axis=1)
    df['Target'] = df.apply(target_tower,
                            args=(xtarget, ytarget, ztarget),

    # correct for probe offset to get to metal
    df['z'] = df['z'] - zProbeOffset
    # get height at screw
    df['S'] = df['z'] * 158.6 / (52.85 + np.sqrt(df['x']**2 + df['y']**2))

    # now calc offsets to move to target
    df['dz'] = df['z'] - ztarget
    df['dz'] = df.apply(delta_tower, args=(xtarget, ytarget, ztarget), axis=1)

    df['dS'] = df['dz'] * 158.6 / (52.85 + np.sqrt(df['x']**2 + df['y']**2))
    # get required turn magnitude
    df['Trns(deg)'] = 360. * df['dS'] / 0.5
    df['Trns/0.25'] = (df['dS'] / 0.5) / 0.25

    # from now on work with aggregates
    dfg = df.groupby(['Tower'])
    dfr = dfg.aggregate(np.mean)
    dfr['Std dev'] = dfg.aggregate(np.std)['S']
    dfr['Spread'] = dfg.aggregate(np.max)['S'] - dfg.aggregate(np.min)['S']
    # centre does not require slant correction
    dfr['S'].ix['C'] = dfr['z'].ix['C']

    # remove value for C outputs
    dfr.ix['C']['Trns(deg)'] = np.nan
    dfr.ix['C']['Trns/0.25'] = np.nan
    dfr.ix['C']['S'] = np.nan
    dfr.ix['C']['dS'] = np.nan
    dfr.ix['C']['dz'] = np.nan

    if 'Xm' in dfr.index:
        print(dfr.drop(['Xm', 'Ym', 'Zm'], axis=0))

    # get mean, min and max of the tower averages and tpower and centre
    twrMean = np.mean((dfr['S']).T[['X', 'Y', 'Z']])
    twrMin = np.min((dfr['S']).T[[
    twrMax = np.max((dfr['S']).T[['X', 'Y', 'Z']])
    twrSpread = twrMax - twrMin
    bedMean = np.mean((dfr['S']).T[['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'C']])
    bedMin = np.min((dfr['S']).T[['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'C']])
    bedMax = np.max((dfr['S']).T[['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'C']])
    bedSpread = bedMax - bedMin

    print('            Towers      Full bed')
    print('          (SX,SY,SZ)  (SX,SY,SZ,SC)')
    print('mean         {:.3f}        {:.3f} '.format(twrMean, bedMean))
    print('min          {:.3f}        {:.3f} '.format(twrMin, bedMin))
    print('max          {:.3f}        {:.3f} '.format(twrMax, bedMax))
    print('spread       {:.3f}        {:.3f} '.format(twrMax - twrMin,

    # calculate the plane through the three screws
    bedplane = Plane(Point3D(dfr.ix['X']['x'], dfr.ix['X']['y'],
                     Point3D(dfr.ix['Y']['x'], dfr.ix['Y']['y'],
                     Point3D(dfr.ix['Z']['x'], dfr.ix['Z']['y'],

    # process bed normal vector
    bednormal = Matrix(bedplane.normal_vector).normalized()
    bnx = float(N(bednormal[0]))
    bny = float(N(bednormal[1]))
    bnz = float(N(bednormal[2]))
    ang = np.arctan2(bny, bnx)
    norm = np.sqrt(bnx * bnx + bny * bny)
    print('\nBed normal vector ({:.3e},{:.3e},{:.3e})'.format(bnx, bny, bnz))
    print('  projection onto z=0 plane: radius={:.1f} um angle={:.1f} deg'.
          format(1e6 * norm, 180 * ang / np.pi))

    print('\nPrint locus:')
    print('Plane through SX, SY, and SZ:  {}'.format(N(bedplane.equation())))
    # measured bed centre
    bedcentre = Point3D(dfr.ix['C']['x'], dfr.ix['C']['y'], dfr.ix['C']['z'])
    # displacement between plane at (0,0) and measured z
    convex = N((N(bedplane.projection(Point3D(0, 0))) - bedcentre).z)
    # apparent bed direction as seen by printer
    direc = 'mountain' if convex < 0. else 'valley'
    slant = 'on a tilted bed' if twrSpread > locmarg else ''
        'Print locus convexity [plane(0,0) - SC] is {:.3f} mm'.format(convex))
    print('The printer perceives the bed as a {} {}'.format(direc, slant))
    if twrSpread > locmarg:
            '\n********  WARNING: bed tilt in z {:.3f} mm exceeds {:.3f} mm, {}'
            .format(twrSpread, locmarg, 'consider levelling'))
Beispiel #3
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify

from SALib.sample import saltelli

collinear = True
section_plane = None
x = symbols('x')
y = symbols('y')
z = symbols('z')

max_coord = 10
bounds = [[0,max_coord],[0,max_coord],[0,max_coord]]

problem = {'num_vars': 3,
           'names': ['x', 'y', 'z'],
           'bounds': bounds}

while collinear:
        #Selecting three points in the volume
        pl_pt = random.sample(list(saltelli.sample(problem, 400)), 3)
        #Plane crossing through them
        section_plane = Plane(*[Point(pt) for pt in pl_pt])
        collinear = False
    except ValueError:
        print("Collinear point chosen.")

plane_function = lambdify((x,y,z), section_plane.equation(), 'numpy')