Beispiel #1
def smallest_rectangle(p):
    # mp.dps = 10
    ch = convex_hull(p)
    # Find extreme points
    x_min_index = 0
    y_max_index = uppermost_point_index(ch)
    x_max_index = rightmost_point_index(ch)
    y_min_index = lowermost_point_index(ch)

    # Create vertical and horizontal Rays
    ray_1 = Ray(ch[x_min_index], angle=pi / 2)
    ray_2 = Ray(ch[y_min_index], angle=0)
    ray_3 = Ray(ch[x_max_index], angle=pi / 2)
    ray_4 = Ray(ch[y_max_index], angle=0)

    min_rectangle = Polygon((0, 0), (99999999, 0), (99999999, 99999999),
                            (0, 99999999))

    rotated_angle = 0
    while rotated_angle <= pi / 2:
        # Convert Rays to lines
        line_1 = Line(ray_1)
        line_2 = Line(ray_2)
        line_3 = Line(ray_3)
        line_4 = Line(ray_4)

        # Find the intersections of the lines
        p1 = line_1.intersection(line_2)[0].evalf()
        p2 = line_2.intersection(line_3)[0].evalf()
        p3 = line_3.intersection(line_4)[0].evalf()
        p4 = line_4.intersection(line_1)[0].evalf()
        current_rectangle = Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4)

        # Calculate the area of the rectangle
            if current_rectangle.area < min_rectangle.area:
                min_rectangle = current_rectangle
        except AttributeError:
            min_rectangle = current_rectangle

        # Find the next Ray on the convex hull for each Ray in counter clockwise direction
        next_ray_1 = Ray(ch[x_min_index], ch[get_prev_index(ch, x_min_index)])
        next_ray_2 = Ray(ch[y_min_index], ch[get_prev_index(ch, y_min_index)])
        next_ray_3 = Ray(ch[x_max_index], ch[get_prev_index(ch, x_max_index)])
        next_ray_4 = Ray(ch[y_max_index], ch[get_prev_index(ch, y_max_index)])

        # Find the minimal angle to rotate each Ray until one aligns with the convex hull
        angle_1 = float(positive_angle(next_ray_1.closing_angle(ray_1)))
        angle_2 = float(positive_angle(next_ray_2.closing_angle(ray_2)))
        angle_3 = float(positive_angle(next_ray_3.closing_angle(ray_3)))
        angle_4 = float(positive_angle(next_ray_4.closing_angle(ray_4)))
        #print(angle_1, angle_2, angle_3, angle_4)
        min_angle = min(angle_1, angle_2, angle_3, angle_4)

        # Rotate all Rays around its origin with the angle calculated
        """ray_1 = ray_1.rotate(min_angle)
        ray_2 = ray_2.rotate(min_angle)
        ray_3 = ray_3.rotate(min_angle)
        ray_4 = ray_4.rotate(min_angle)"""

        ray_1 = Ray(ray_1.p1, angle=atan(ray_1.slope) + min_angle)
        ray_2 = Ray(ray_2.p1, angle=atan(ray_2.slope) + min_angle)
        ray_3 = Ray(ray_3.p1, angle=atan(ray_3.slope) + min_angle)
        ray_4 = Ray(ray_4.p1, angle=atan(ray_4.slope) + min_angle)

        # Set the next point in the convex hull as the origin of the Ray that alligned
        # and decrement the index

        slope_1 = next_ray_1.slope
        slope_2 = next_ray_2.slope
        slope_3 = next_ray_3.slope
        slope_4 = next_ray_4.slope

        if min_angle == angle_1:
            if slope_1 == oo:
                slope_1 = pi / 2
            ray_1 = Ray(next_ray_1.p2, angle=atan(slope_1))
            x_min_index = get_prev_index(ch, x_min_index)
        elif min_angle == angle_2:
            if slope_2 == oo:
                slope_2 = pi / 2
            ray_2 = Ray(next_ray_2.p2, angle=atan(slope_2))
            y_min_index = get_prev_index(ch, y_min_index)
        elif min_angle == angle_3:
            if slope_3 == oo:
                slope_3 = pi / 2
            ray_3 = Ray(next_ray_3.p2, angle=atan(slope_3))
            x_max_index = get_prev_index(ch, x_max_index)
        elif min_angle == angle_4:
            if slope_4 == oo:
                slope_4 = pi / 2
            ray_4 = Ray(next_ray_4.p2, angle=atan(slope_4))
            y_max_index = get_prev_index(ch, y_max_index)

        rotated_angle += min_angle

    return min_rectangle
def repeat():

    global waypoint_pointer
    global in_pivot_mode
    stopping_flag = False
    msg = package_msg(0, 0, 0, 0)
    #get latest available data
    bot_x, bot_y, bot_front_x, bot_front_y = get_db_data()

    #deal with goal changes
    goal_x, goal_y, wp_count, loop_on = get_goal(waypoint_pointer)

    Bot_Loc = Point2D(bot_x, bot_y)
    Goal_Loc = Point2D(goal_x, goal_y)

    #distance between goal and present loc
    eucledian_dist_error = (Bot_Loc.distance(Goal_Loc)).evalf()

    #angle to move so that vehicle heading is correct
    r1 = Ray((bot_x, bot_y), (goal_x, goal_y))
    r2 = Ray((bot_x, bot_y), (bot_front_x, bot_front_y))
    angle_error = math.degrees(r1.closing_angle(r2).evalf())

    #redundant check, do not remove.
    if angle_error < -180:
        angle_error = angle_error + 360
    if angle_error > 180:
        angle_error = angle_error - 360

    #####################################UNCOMMENT THESE FOR DEBUGGING######################################
    # print("angle error")
    # print(angle_error)

    # print("distance error")
    # print(eucledian_dist_error)

    # print("Steer PID")
    # print(BOT_1.Steer)

    # print("Throt PID")
    # print(BOT_1.Thr)
    # print("LEFT WHEEL")
    # print(out_left_wheel)

    # print("RIGHT WHEEL")
    # print(out_right_wheel)

    # print("Goal")
    # print(get_goal(waypoint_pointer))

    # pivot if angle_error is too big
    #TO-DO: change hard coded values into parameter's. Maybe a class that can be accessed from command line
    if abs(angle_error) > 60 or in_pivot_mode:
        in_pivot_mode = True
        if abs(angle_error) >= 35:
            pivot_speed = int(
                np.interp(abs(angle_error), [35, 180], [400, 500]))
            if angle_error > 0:
                #pivot anti-cws
                msg = package_msg(0, pivot_speed, 1, pivot_speed)
                #pivot cws
                msg = package_msg(1, pivot_speed, 0, pivot_speed)
            in_pivot_mode = False

    if in_pivot_mode == False:

        #what to do when approaching goal, i.e run precision controller
        if (eucledian_dist_error <= 100 and eucledian_dist_error > 40):
            left_direction = 1
            left_speed = 600 + 3 * angle_error
            right_direction = 1
            right_speed = 600 - 3 * angle_error
            msg = package_msg(1, left_speed, 1, right_speed)

        elif (eucledian_dist_error <= 40):
            if stopping_flag == False:
                waypoint_pointer = waypoint_pointer + 1
                if waypoint_pointer == wp_count:
                    if loop_on:
                        waypoint_pointer = 0
                        msg = package_msg(0, 0, 0, 0)
                msg = package_msg(0, 0, 0, 0)

        #convert PID value into motor driver understandable value
        #xyz_direction = 1 for forward


            #calculate PID values based on error obtained
            BOT_1.Steer = BOT_1.pid_steering_controller(angle_error)
            BOT_1.Thr = BOT_1.pid_throttle_controller(-eucledian_dist_error)

            #get computed values from PID
            out_left_wheel = BOT_1.Output_left_wheel()
            out_right_wheel = BOT_1.Output_right_wheel()

            if (out_left_wheel >= 0):
                left_direction = 1
                left_speed = out_left_wheel
                left_direction = 0
                left_speed = -out_left_wheel

            if (out_right_wheel >= 0):
                right_direction = 1
                right_speed = out_right_wheel
                right_direction = 0
                right_speed = -out_right_wheel

            msg = package_msg(left_direction, left_speed, right_direction,

    #pack the message and send
    sock.sendto(msg.encode(), (udp_host, udp_port))
    #repeat every x seconds
    threading.Timer(0.3, repeat).start()