Beispiel #1
def test_schema_attrs():
    obj = SchemaTest([1, 2.3], [1, [2.3]], 5)
    obj2 = SchemaTest([1, 2.3], [1, [2.4]], 5)

    assert is_hashable(hashable(obj))
    assert find_ne(obj, obj) is None
    assert find_ne(obj, obj2) == DiffersAtAttribute(obj, obj2, 'b')

    e1 = eval(estr(obj))
    assert_equivalent(e1, obj)

    assert list(visit(obj)) == [('a', [1, 2.3]), ('b', [1, [2.3]]), ('c', 5)]
    assert rstr(obj) == "SchemaTest(a = [1, 2.3], b = [1, [2.3]], c = 5)"

    sval = deserialize(serialize(obj))
    assert_equivalent(sval, obj)
    assert deep_feq(sval, obj)

    val = generate(SchemaTest)
    assert type(val) is SchemaTest

    assert_raises(TypeError, SchemaTest, [1], [2.3], 5)
    assert_raises(TypeError, SchemaTest, [11, 2.3], [1, [2.3]], 5)
    assert_raises(TypeError, SchemaTest, [1, 2.3], [1, [2.3]], 9)
Beispiel #2
def test_schema_attrs():
    obj = SchemaTest([1, 2.3], [1, [2.3]], 5)
    obj2 = SchemaTest([1, 2.3], [1, [2.4]], 5)

    assert is_hashable(hashable(obj))

    assert find_ne(obj, obj) is None
    assert find_ne(obj, obj2) == DiffersAtAttribute(obj, obj2, 'b')

    e1 = eval(estr(obj))
    assert_equivalent(e1, obj)

    assert list(visit(obj)) == [('a', [1, 2.3]), ('b', [1, [2.3]]), ('c', 5)]
    assert rstr(obj) == "SchemaTest(a = [1, 2.3], b = [1, [2.3]], c = 5)"

    sval = deserialize(serialize(obj))
    assert_equivalent(sval, obj)
    assert deep_feq(sval, obj)

    val = generate(SchemaTest)
    assert type(val) is SchemaTest

    assert_raises(TypeError, SchemaTest, [1], [2.3], 5)
    assert_raises(TypeError, SchemaTest, [11, 2.3], [1, [2.3]], 5)
    assert_raises(TypeError, SchemaTest, [1, 2.3], [1, [2.3]], 9)
Beispiel #3
def test_dependency():
    assert depd.DEPENDENCY_KEYS == dict(apt = Apt,
                                        pip = Pip,
                                        yatr = Yatr)
    assert depd.DEPENDENCY_ORDERS == dict(apt = Apt.order,
                                          pip = Pip.order,
                                          yatr = Yatr.order)

    dep = Dependency('foo')
    assert == 'foo'
    assert not dep.installed()
    assert not dep.check()
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, dep.satisfy)

    assert_equivalent(Dependency.from_conf('foo'), dep)
    assert_raises(TypeError, Dependency.from_conf, [])
    assert_raises(TypeError, Dependency.from_conf, dict(a = 1, b = 2))

    class Foo(Dependency):
        _attrs = dict(a = Attr(int),
                      b = Attr(int))
    assert_equivalent(Foo.from_conf(dict(foo = dict(a = 1, b = 2))),
                      Foo('foo', a = 1, b = 2))

    f = Foo('bar', a = 1, b = 2, order=5)
    assert is_hashable(f)
Beispiel #4
def test_sequence_conversion():
    seq = [1, 2.3, 'abc']
    seq2 = seq + ['def']
    assert ConvTest._dict_from_sequence(seq) == dict(a = 1, b = 2.3, c = 'abc')

    ct1 = ConvTest(1, 2.3, 'abc')
    assert_equivalent(ConvTest.from_sequence(seq), ct1)
    assert_raises(ValueError, ConvTest.from_sequence, seq2)
Beispiel #5
def test_sequence_conversion():
    seq = [1, 2.3, 'abc']
    seq2 = seq + ['def']
    assert ConvTest._dict_from_sequence(seq) == dict(a=1, b=2.3, c='abc')

    ct1 = ConvTest(1, 2.3, 'abc')
    assert_equivalent(ConvTest.from_sequence(seq), ct1)
    assert_raises(ValueError, ConvTest.from_sequence, seq2)
Beispiel #6
def test_base_str():
    obj = StrTest(a=[1, 2], b=1.2, c='abc')
    assert str(obj) == "StrTest(a = [1, 2], c = 'abc')"

    pretty_str = '''StrTest(a = [1,
        c = 'abc')'''
    assert obj.pretty() == pretty_str
    assert_equivalent(eval(obj.pretty()), obj)
Beispiel #7
def test_base_str():
    obj = StrTest(a = [1, 2], b = 1.2, c = 'abc')
    assert str(obj) == "StrTest(a = [1, 2], c = 'abc')"

    pretty_str = '''StrTest(a = [1,
        c = 'abc')'''
    assert obj.pretty() == pretty_str
    assert_equivalent(eval(obj.pretty()), obj)
Beispiel #8
def test_sequence():
    l = [1, 2.3, 'abc']
    t = Type.dispatch(l)
    assert isinstance(t, Sequence)
    assert type(t) is List
    if PY2:
        assert set(hashable(l)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'__builtin__.list', 1, 2.3, 'abc'}
        assert set(hashable(l)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'builtins.list', 1, 2.3, 'abc'}

    assert not is_hashable(l)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(l))

    l1 = [1, 2, 3]
    l2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    l3 = [1, 2, 4]
    assert find_ne(l1, l2) == DifferentLength(l1, l2)
    assert find_ne(l2, l1) == DifferentLength(l2, l1)
    assert find_ne(l1, l3) == DiffersAtIndex(l1, l3, 2)

    e1 = eval(estr(l1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, l1)

    tup = tuple(l)
    examine_sequence(List, l)
    examine_sequence(Tuple, tup)

    examine_sequence(Tuple, ([
        -1839677305294322342, b'', b'\x05l\xbf', b'0\xcfXp\xaa',
    ], True))

    for cls in subclasses(Sequence):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_sequence, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_sequence, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    assert list(visit(l, enumerate=True)) == [(0, 1), (1, 2.3), (2, 'abc')]
    assert list(visit([])) == []

    l = [1, 2, (3, 4)]
    assert primitive_form(l) == [1, 2, [3, 4]]
    assert collect(l) == primitive_form(l)
Beispiel #9
def test_vars():
    a, b = vars('a', 'b')
    assert_equivalent(a, Variable('a'))
    assert_equivalent(b, Variable('b'))

    c = vars('c')
    assert_equivalent(c, Variable('c'))

    d, e = vars('d e')
    assert_equivalent(d, Variable('d'))
    assert_equivalent(e, Variable('e'))
Beispiel #10
def test_assert_equivalent():
    from syn.base_utils import assert_equivalent

    e1 = EquivObj(1)
    e2 = EquivObj(1)
    e3 = EquivObj(2)

    assert_equivalent(e1, e2)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_equivalent, e1, e3)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_equivalent, e2, e3)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_equivalent, e1, e1)
Beispiel #11
def test_vars():
    a, b = vars('a', 'b')
    assert_equivalent(a, Variable('a'))
    assert_equivalent(b, Variable('b'))

    c = vars('c')
    assert_equivalent(c, Variable('c'))

    d, e = vars('d e')
    assert_equivalent(d, Variable('d'))
    assert_equivalent(e, Variable('e'))
Beispiel #12
def test_sequence():
    l = [1, 2.3, 'abc']
    t = Type.dispatch(l)
    assert isinstance(t, Sequence)
    assert type(t) is List
    if PY2:
        assert set(hashable(l)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'__builtin__.list', 1, 2.3, 'abc'}
        assert set(hashable(l)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'builtins.list', 1, 2.3, 'abc'}

    assert not is_hashable(l)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(l))

    l1 = [1, 2, 3]
    l2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    l3 = [1, 2, 4]
    assert find_ne(l1, l2) == DifferentLength(l1, l2)
    assert find_ne(l2, l1) == DifferentLength(l2, l1)
    assert find_ne(l1, l3) == DiffersAtIndex(l1, l3, 2)

    e1 = eval(estr(l1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, l1)

    tup = tuple(l)
    examine_sequence(List, l)
    examine_sequence(Tuple, tup)

    examine_sequence(Tuple, ([-1839677305294322342, b'', b'\x05l\xbf', 
                              b'0\xcfXp\xaa', -8468204163727415930], True))

    for cls in subclasses(Sequence):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_sequence, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_sequence, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    assert list(visit(l, enumerate=True)) == [(0, 1), (1, 2.3), (2, 'abc')]
    assert list(visit([])) == []

    l = [1, 2, (3, 4)]
    assert primitive_form(l) == [1, 2, [3, 4]]
    assert collect(l) == primitive_form(l)
Beispiel #13
def test_assert_equivalent():
    from syn.base_utils import assert_equivalent

    e1 = EquivObj(1)
    e2 = EquivObj(1)
    e3 = EquivObj(2)

    assert_equivalent(e1, e2)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_equivalent, e1, e3)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_equivalent, e2, e3)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_equivalent, e1, e1)
Beispiel #14
def test_object_conversion():
    class Foo(object): pass
    obj = Foo()
    obj.a = 1
    obj.b = 2.3
    obj.c = 'abc'
    obj.d = 'def'
    ct1 = ConvTest(1, 2.3, 'abc')
    ct2 = ConvTest.from_object(obj)
    assert_equivalent(ct2, ct1)
    assert not hasattr(ct2, 'd')
Beispiel #15
def test_normal_type():
    b = Bar(1, 2.3)
    b2 = Bar(1, 2.4)
    b3 = Bar(2, 2.3)

    assert b != b2
    assert_equivalent(Bar(1, 2.3), Bar(1, 2.3))

    if PY3:
        assert not is_hashable(b)
        assert is_hashable(b)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(b))

    assert find_ne(b, b) is None
    assert find_ne(b, b2) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(b, b3) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b3, 'a')

    # Is evaluable, but not correct, because we haven't given the
    # types system the proper information for this class
    e1 = eval(estr(b))
    assert b != e1

    assert list(visit(b)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)]
    assert attrs(b) == ['a', 'b']
    assert rstr(b).startswith('<{} object at '.format(get_fullname(Bar)))

    sval = deserialize(serialize(b))
    assert_equivalent(b, sval)
    assert deep_feq(b, sval)

    assert primitive_form(Bar) is Bar
    assert primitive_form(b) == dict(a=1, b=2.3)

    b4 = Bar(2, b2)
    assert primitive_form(b4) == dict(a=2, b=dict(a=1, b=2.4))

    assert collect(b4) == primitive_form(b4)

    def dothing(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping):
            return safe_sorted(obj.values())
        return safe_sorted(obj)

    assert collect(b4, dothing) in [[2, [1, 2.4]], [2, [2.4, 1]], [[1, 2.4],
                                    [[2.4, 1], 2]]

    # Because the types system knows nothing of the Bar class
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, generate, Bar)
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, list, enum(Bar, max_enum=50))
Beispiel #16
def test_normal_type():
    b = Bar(1, 2.3)
    b2 = Bar(1, 2.4)
    b3 = Bar(2, 2.3)

    assert b != b2
    assert_equivalent(Bar(1, 2.3), Bar(1, 2.3))

    if PY3:
        assert not is_hashable(b)
        assert is_hashable(b)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(b))

    assert find_ne(b, b) is None
    assert find_ne(b, b2) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(b, b3) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b3, 'a')

    # Is evaluable, but not correct, because we haven't given the
    # types system the proper information for this class
    e1 = eval(estr(b))
    assert b != e1

    assert list(visit(b)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)]
    assert attrs(b) == ['a', 'b']
    assert rstr(b).startswith('<{} object at '.format(get_fullname(Bar)))

    sval =  deserialize(serialize(b))
    assert_equivalent(b, sval)
    assert deep_feq(b, sval)

    assert primitive_form(Bar) is Bar
    assert primitive_form(b) == dict(a=1, b=2.3)

    b4 = Bar(2, b2)
    assert primitive_form(b4) == dict(a=2, b=dict(a=1, b=2.4))

    assert collect(b4) == primitive_form(b4)
    def dothing(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping):
            return safe_sorted(obj.values())
        return safe_sorted(obj)
    assert collect(b4, dothing) in [[2, [1, 2.4]],
                                    [2, [2.4, 1]],
                                    [[1, 2.4], 2],
                                    [[2.4, 1], 2]]

    # Because the types system knows nothing of the Bar class
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, generate, Bar)
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, list, enum(Bar, max_enum=50))
Beispiel #17
def test_misc_serialization():
    assert int is deserialize(serialize(int))

    d = dict(a=1, b=2)
    dd = deserialize(d)
    assert_equivalent(d, dd)

    k = KWObject(a=1, b=2.3)
    assert k != KWObject(a=2, b=2.3)
    assert_equivalent(KWObject(a=1, b=2.3), KWObject(b=2.3, a=1))
    sval = deserialize(serialize(k))
    assert_equivalent(sval, k)
    assert deep_feq(sval, k)
    assert KWObject is deserialize(serialize(KWObject))

    f = Foo2(1, b=2.3, c='abc')
    f2 = Foo2(1, b=2.4, c='abc')
    assert f != f2

    sval = deserialize(serialize(f))
    assert_equivalent(sval, f)
    assert deep_feq(sval, f)
    assert Foo2 is deserialize(serialize(Foo2))

    n = NoSer()
    n.a = 1

    sval = deserialize(serialize(n))
    assert isinstance(sval, NoSer)
    assert n != sval
    assert vars(n) != vars(sval)
    assert n.a == 1
    assert not hasattr(sval, 'a')
Beispiel #18
def test_misc_serialization():
    assert int is deserialize(serialize(int))

    d = dict(a=1, b=2)
    dd = deserialize(d)
    assert_equivalent(d, dd)

    k = KWObject(a=1, b=2.3)
    assert k != KWObject(a=2, b=2.3)
    assert_equivalent(KWObject(a=1, b=2.3), KWObject(b=2.3, a=1))

    sval = deserialize(serialize(k))
    assert_equivalent(sval, k)
    assert deep_feq(sval, k)
    assert KWObject is deserialize(serialize(KWObject))

    f = Foo2(1, b=2.3, c='abc')
    f2 = Foo2(1, b=2.4, c='abc')
    assert f != f2

    sval = deserialize(serialize(f))
    assert_equivalent(sval, f)
    assert deep_feq(sval, f)
    assert Foo2 is deserialize(serialize(Foo2))

    n = NoSer()
    n.a = 1

    sval = deserialize(serialize(n))
    assert isinstance(sval, NoSer)
    assert n != sval
    assert vars(n) != vars(sval)
    assert n.a == 1
    assert not hasattr(sval, 'a')
Beispiel #19
def test_syn_types_functionality():
    s = SynTypesTest(a=1, b=1.2, c='abc')
    s2 = SynTypesTest(a=1, b=1.2, c='abcd')

    assert not is_hashable(s)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(s))

    assert find_ne(s, s) is None
    assert find_ne(s, s2) == DiffersAtAttribute(s, s2, 'c')

    e1 = eval(estr(s))
    assert_equivalent(e1, s)

    assert list(visit(s)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2), ('c', 'abc')]
    assert rstr(s) == "SynTypesTest(a = 1, b = 1.2, c = 'abc')"

    assert attrs(s) == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert pairs(s) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2), ('c', 'abc')]

    sval = deserialize(serialize(s))
    assert_equivalent(sval, s)
    assert deep_feq(sval, s)

    assert primitive_form(s) == dict(a=1, b=1.2, c='abc')
    assert primitive_form(SynTypesTest) is SynTypesTest

    assert SynTypesTest is deserialize(serialize(SynTypesTest))

    val = generate(SynTypesTest)
    assert type(val) is SynTypesTest

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(SynTypesTest, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is SynTypesTest
        assert item != last
        last = item

    assert enumeration_value(SynTypesTest, 0) == \
        first(enum(SynTypesTest, max_enum=1))
    assert is_unique(buf)

    val = generate(SynTypesTest2)
    assert type(val) is not SynTypesTest2
    assert type(val) is SynTypesTest

    item = first(enum(SynTypesTest3, max_enum=1))
    assert type(item) is SynTypesTest3
    assert not hasattr(item, 'd')
Beispiel #20
def test_syn_types_functionality():
    s = SynTypesTest(a=1, b=1.2, c='abc')
    s2 = SynTypesTest(a=1, b=1.2, c='abcd')

    assert not is_hashable(s)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(s))

    assert find_ne(s, s) is None
    assert find_ne(s, s2) == DiffersAtAttribute(s, s2, 'c')

    e1 = eval(estr(s))
    assert_equivalent(e1, s)

    assert list(visit(s)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2), ('c', 'abc')]
    assert rstr(s) == "SynTypesTest(a = 1, b = 1.2, c = 'abc')"

    assert attrs(s) == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert pairs(s) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2), ('c', 'abc')]

    sval = deserialize(serialize(s))
    assert_equivalent(sval, s)
    assert deep_feq(sval, s)

    assert primitive_form(s) == dict(a=1, b=1.2, c='abc')
    assert primitive_form(SynTypesTest) is SynTypesTest

    assert SynTypesTest is deserialize(serialize(SynTypesTest))

    val = generate(SynTypesTest)
    assert type(val) is SynTypesTest

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(SynTypesTest,  max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is SynTypesTest
        assert item != last
        last = item

    assert enumeration_value(SynTypesTest, 0) == \
        first(enum(SynTypesTest, max_enum=1))
    assert is_unique(buf)

    val = generate(SynTypesTest2)
    assert type(val) is not SynTypesTest2
    assert type(val) is SynTypesTest

    item = first(enum(SynTypesTest3, max_enum=1))
    assert type(item) is SynTypesTest3
    assert not hasattr(item, 'd')
Beispiel #21
def test_object_conversion():
    class Foo(object):

    obj = Foo()
    obj.a = 1
    obj.b = 2.3
    obj.c = 'abc'
    obj.d = 'def'

    ct1 = ConvTest(1, 2.3, 'abc')
    ct2 = ConvTest.from_object(obj)
    assert_equivalent(ct2, ct1)
    assert not hasattr(ct2, 'd')
Beispiel #22
def test_copy():
    c = CopyTest(1, 1.2, 'abc')
    assert_equivalent(c, c.copy())

    c2 = CopyTest2(1, 2.3, 'abc', d=[1, 2], e=[3, 4])
    c2c = c2.copy()
    assert_equivalent(c2.d, c2c.d)
    assert c2.e == [3, 4]
    assert not hasattr(c2c, 'e')

    c3 = CopyTest3(1, 2.3, 'abc', d=[1, 2], e=[3, 4], f=5)
    c3c = copy(c3)
    assert c3c.to_dict() == dict(a=1, b=2.3, c='abc', d=[1, 2], f=5)
    assert c3.copy(exclude=['eq_exclude']).to_dict() == \
        dict(a=1, b=2.3, c='abc', d=[1,2])
Beispiel #23
def test_copy():
    c = CopyTest(1, 1.2, 'abc')
    assert_equivalent(c, c.copy())

    c2 = CopyTest2(1, 2.3, 'abc', d=[1, 2], e=[3, 4])
    c2c = c2.copy()
    assert_equivalent(c2.d, c2c.d)
    assert c2.e == [3, 4]
    assert not hasattr(c2c, 'e')

    c3 = CopyTest3(1, 2.3, 'abc', d=[1, 2], e=[3, 4], f=5)
    c3c = copy(c3)
    assert c3c.to_dict() == dict(a=1, b=2.3, c='abc', d=[1,2], f=5)
    assert c3.copy(exclude=['eq_exclude']).to_dict() == \
        dict(a=1, b=2.3, c='abc', d=[1,2])
Beispiel #24
def test_assert_type_equivalent():
    from syn.base_utils import assert_type_equivalent, assert_equivalent
    from syn.base_utils.dict import AttrDict

    e1 = EquivObj(1)
    e2 = EquivObj(1)
    e3 = EquivObj2(1)

    assert_type_equivalent(e1, e2)
    assert_equivalent(e1, e3)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_type_equivalent, e1, e3)

    d1 = dict(a = 1, b = 2)
    d2 = AttrDict(a = 1, b = 2)

    assert_equivalent(d1, d2)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_type_equivalent, d1, d2)
Beispiel #25
def test_assert_type_equivalent():
    from syn.base_utils import assert_type_equivalent, assert_equivalent
    from syn.base_utils.dict import AttrDict

    e1 = EquivObj(1)
    e2 = EquivObj(1)
    e3 = EquivObj2(1)

    assert_type_equivalent(e1, e2)
    assert_equivalent(e1, e3)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_type_equivalent, e1, e3)

    d1 = dict(a=1, b=2)
    d2 = AttrDict(a=1, b=2)

    assert_equivalent(d1, d2)
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_type_equivalent, d1, d2)
Beispiel #26
def test_mapping():
    d = dict(a = 1, b = 2.3)
    t = Type.dispatch(d)
    assert isinstance(t, Mapping)
    assert type(t) is Dict
    if PY2:
        assert set(hashable(d)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'__builtin__.dict', ('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)}
        assert set(hashable(d)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'builtins.dict', ('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)}

    d1 = dict(a=1, b=2)
    d2 = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
    d3 = dict(a=1, b=3)
    assert find_ne(d1, d2) == KeyDifferences(d1, d2)
    assert find_ne(d2, d1) == KeyDifferences(d2, d1)
    assert find_ne(d1, d3) == DiffersAtKey(d1, d3, 'b')

    e1 = eval(estr(d1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, d1)

    assert not is_hashable(d)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(d))
    examine_mapping(Dict, d)

    for cls in subclasses(Mapping):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_mapping, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_mapping, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    d = dict(a=1, b=[1, 2, (3, 4)])
    assert primitive_form(d) == dict(a=1, b=[1, 2, [3, 4]])
    assert collect(d) == primitive_form(d)
Beispiel #27
def test_env():

    with assign(ye, 'INITIAL_MACROS', dict(a='1', b='2')):
        e = Env()

        assert e.macros
        assert e.contexts
        assert e.default_context
        assert not e.tasks
        assert not e.secret_values

    e1 = Env(macros=dict(a='b', b='{{a}}c', c='d{{b}}'))
    e2 = Env(macros=dict(a='a', d='{{c}}e'))
    e3 = Env(macros=dict(a='{{d}}'))

    e1c = e1.copy()
    assert_equivalent(e1, e1c)
    assert_equivalent(e1.macros, e1c.macros)

    e0 = deepcopy(e1)
    assert e0.env == dict(a='b', b='bc', c='dbc')

    e1c = deepcopy(e1)
    assert e1.env == dict(a='a', b='ac', c='dac', d='dace')

    e2.macros['a'] = 'c'
    e1c2 = deepcopy(e1c)
    assert e1c.env == dict(a='c', b='cc', c='dcc', d='dcce')

    assert_raises(ValueError, e1c2.resolve_macros)

    e = Env(default_task='foo')
    assert e.default_task == 'foo'
    assert e.default_task == 'bar'
Beispiel #28
def test_long():
    if PY2:
        lst = list(enumerate_(long, max_enum=5))
        assert lst == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        x = long('1L')
        assert rstr(x) == '1'
        assert estr(x) == '1L'
        assert_equivalent(hashable(-x), -x)

        gen = generate(long)
        assert isinstance(gen, long)
        assert find_ne(gen, gen+1) == NotEqual(gen, gen+1)

        assert_type_equivalent(deserialize(serialize(x)), x)

        assert TYPE_REGISTRY[long] is Long
        assert Long in TYPE_REGISTRY.values()
        assert Long not in TYPE_REGISTRY.values()
Beispiel #29
def test_long():
    if PY2:
        lst = list(enumerate_(long, max_enum=5))
        assert lst == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

        x = long('1L')
        assert rstr(x) == '1'
        assert estr(x) == '1L'
        assert_equivalent(hashable(-x), -x)

        gen = generate(long)
        assert isinstance(gen, long)
        assert find_ne(gen, gen + 1) == NotEqual(gen, gen + 1)

        assert_type_equivalent(deserialize(serialize(x)), x)

        assert TYPE_REGISTRY[long] is Long
        assert Long in TYPE_REGISTRY.values()
        assert Long not in TYPE_REGISTRY.values()
Beispiel #30
def test_base():
    kwargs = dict(a=5, b=3.4, c=u'abc')
    obj = A(**kwargs)

    assert obj.a == 5
    assert obj.b == 3.4
    assert obj.c == u'abc'
    assert obj.to_dict() == kwargs
    assert obj.to_dict(exclude=['a', 'b']) == dict(c=u'abc')

    assert obj != 5
    assert_equivalent(obj, A(**kwargs))
    assert_inequivalent(obj, A(a=6, b=3.4, c=u'abc'))

    assert A(a=5, b=3.4).to_dict() == dict(a=5, b=3.4)


    assert_raises(TypeError, A, a=5.1, b=3.4)
    assert_raises(AttributeError, A, a=5)
Beispiel #31
def test_set():
    s = frozenset([1, 2.3, 'abc'])
    t = Type.dispatch(s)
    assert isinstance(t, Set)
    assert type(t) is FrozenSet

    assert hashable(s) == t.hashable() == s
    assert is_hashable(s)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(s))

    s1 = {1, 2, 3}
    s2 = {2, 3, 4}
    assert find_ne(s1, s2) == SetDifferences(s1, s2)

    e1 = eval(estr(s1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, s1)

    examine_set(Set, set(s))
    examine_set(FrozenSet, s)

    for cls in subclasses(Set, [Set]):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_set, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_set, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    s = {1, 2, (3, 4)}
    assert primitive_form(s) == [1, 2, [3, 4]]
    assert collect(s) == primitive_form(s)
Beispiel #32
def test_set():
    s = frozenset([1, 2.3, 'abc'])
    t = Type.dispatch(s)
    assert isinstance(t, Set)
    assert type(t) is FrozenSet

    assert hashable(s) == t.hashable() == s
    assert is_hashable(s)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(s))

    s1 = {1, 2, 3}
    s2 = {2, 3, 4}
    assert find_ne(s1, s2) == SetDifferences(s1, s2)

    e1 = eval(estr(s1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, s1)

    examine_set(Set, set(s))
    examine_set(FrozenSet, s)

    for cls in subclasses(Set, [Set]):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_set, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_set, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    s = {1, 2, (3, 4)}
    assert primitive_form(s) == [1, 2, [3, 4]]
    assert collect(s) == primitive_form(s)
Beispiel #33
def test_base():
    kwargs = dict(a=5, b=3.4, c=u'abc')
    obj = A(**kwargs)

    assert obj.a == 5
    assert obj.b == 3.4
    assert obj.c == u'abc'

    assert obj.to_dict() == kwargs
    assert obj.to_tuple() == (5, 3.4, u'abc')
    assert not is_hashable(obj)

    assert obj != 5
    assert_equivalent(obj, A(**kwargs))
    assert_inequivalent(obj, A(a=6, b=3.4, c=u'abc'))

    assert A(a=5, b=3.4).to_dict() == dict(a=5, b=3.4)


    assert_raises(TypeError, A, a=5.1, b=3.4)
    assert_raises(AttributeError, A, a=5)

    assert_equivalent(A(**kwargs), A(**kwargs))
    assert_inequivalent(A2(**kwargs), A2(**kwargs))
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_pickle_idempotent, A2(**kwargs))

    obj2 = A2(**kwargs)
    assert_type_equivalent(obj2.to_dict(), dict(a=5, b=3.4, c=u'abc'))
    assert obj2.to_dict(include=['getstate_exclude']) == dict(b=3.4)

    obj3 = A3(**kwargs)
    assert obj3.to_tuple() == (5, 3.4, u'abc')
    assert is_hashable(obj3)

    obj4 = A4(a=[1, 2, 3], b=3.4, c='abc')
    assert is_hashable(obj4)
Beispiel #34
def test_base():
    kwargs = dict(a=5, b=3.4, c=u'abc')
    obj = A(**kwargs)

    assert obj.a == 5
    assert obj.b == 3.4
    assert obj.c == u'abc'
    assert obj.to_dict() == kwargs
    assert obj.to_tuple() == (5, 3.4, u'abc')
    assert not is_hashable(obj)

    assert obj != 5
    assert_equivalent(obj, A(**kwargs))
    assert_inequivalent(obj, A(a=6, b=3.4, c=u'abc'))

    assert A(a=5, b=3.4).to_dict() == dict(a=5, b=3.4)

    assert_raises(TypeError, A, a=5.1, b=3.4)
    assert_raises(AttributeError, A, a=5)

    assert_equivalent(A(**kwargs), A(**kwargs))
    assert_inequivalent(A2(**kwargs), A2(**kwargs))
    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_pickle_idempotent, A2(**kwargs))

    obj2 = A2(**kwargs)
    assert_type_equivalent(obj2.to_dict(), dict(a=5, b=3.4, c=u'abc'))
    assert obj2.to_dict(include=['getstate_exclude']) == dict(b=3.4)

    obj3 = A3(**kwargs)
    assert obj3.to_tuple() == (5, 3.4, u'abc')
    assert is_hashable(obj3)

    obj4 = A4(a=[1, 2, 3], b=3.4, c='abc')
    assert is_hashable(obj4)
Beispiel #35
def test_tree_node():
    n = Node()
    assert n._children == []
    assert n._parent is None
    assert n._id is None
    assert n._name is None
    assert bool(n) is True
    assert_equivalent(n, Node())

    obj = Node(_id=4545, _name='foonode')
    assert obj._children == []
    assert obj._parent is None
    assert obj._id == 4545
    assert obj._name == 'foonode'

    assert list(obj.children()) == obj._children
    assert obj.parent() is obj._parent
    assert is obj._id
    assert is obj._name
    assert_inequivalent(obj, n)

Beispiel #36
def test_tree_node():
    n = Node()
    assert n._children == []
    assert n._parent is None
    assert n._id is None
    assert n._name is None
    assert bool(n) is True
    assert_equivalent(n, Node())

    obj = Node(_id = 4545, _name = 'foonode')
    assert obj._children == []
    assert obj._parent is None
    assert obj._id == 4545
    assert obj._name == 'foonode'

    assert list(obj.children()) == obj._children
    assert obj.parent() is obj._parent
    assert is obj._id
    assert is obj._name
    assert_inequivalent(obj, n)

Beispiel #37
def test_custom_type():
    b = Baz(1, 2.3)
    b2 = Baz(1, 2.4)
    b3 = Baz(2, 2.3)

    assert b != b2
    assert_equivalent(Baz(1, 2.3), Baz(1, 2.3))

    if PY3:
        assert not is_hashable(b)
        assert is_hashable(b)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(b))

    assert find_ne(b, b) is None
    assert find_ne(b, b2) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(b, b3) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b3, 'a')

    e1 = eval(estr(b))
    assert_equivalent(e1, b)

    assert list(visit(b)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)]
    assert rstr(b) == 'Baz(1,2.3)'

    assert attrs(b) == ['a', 'b']

    sval = deserialize(serialize(b))
    assert_equivalent(sval, b)
    assert deep_feq(sval, b)

    assert Baz is deserialize(serialize(Baz))
    assert primitive_form(Baz) is Baz
    assert primitive_form(b) == dict(a=1, b=2.3)

    val = generate(Baz)
    assert type(val) is Baz
    assert isinstance(val.a, int)
    assert isinstance(val.b, float)

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(Baz, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is Baz
        assert item != last
        last = item

    assert is_unique(buf)
Beispiel #38
def test_custom_type():
    b = Baz(1, 2.3)
    b2 = Baz(1, 2.4)
    b3 = Baz(2, 2.3)

    assert b != b2
    assert_equivalent(Baz(1, 2.3), Baz(1, 2.3))

    if PY3:
        assert not is_hashable(b)
        assert is_hashable(b)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(b))

    assert find_ne(b, b) is None
    assert find_ne(b, b2) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(b, b3) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b3, 'a')

    e1 = eval(estr(b))
    assert_equivalent(e1, b)

    assert list(visit(b)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)]
    assert rstr(b) == 'Baz(1,2.3)'

    assert attrs(b) == ['a', 'b']

    sval = deserialize(serialize(b))
    assert_equivalent(sval, b)
    assert deep_feq(sval, b)

    assert Baz is deserialize(serialize(Baz))
    assert primitive_form(Baz) is Baz
    assert primitive_form(b) == dict(a=1, b=2.3)

    val = generate(Baz)
    assert type(val) is Baz
    assert isinstance(val.a, int)
    assert isinstance(val.b, float)

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(Baz,  max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is Baz
        assert item != last
        last = item
    assert is_unique(buf)
Beispiel #39
def test_custom_object():
    f = Foo(1, 1.2)
    f2 = Foo(1, 1.3)
    f3 = Foo(2, 1.2)

    assert f != f2
    assert_equivalent(Foo(1, 2.3), Foo(1, 2.3))

    assert not is_hashable(f)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(f))

    assert find_ne(f, f) is None
    assert find_ne(f, f2) == DiffersAtAttribute(f, f2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(f, f3) == DiffersAtAttribute(f, f3, 'a')

    e1 = eval(estr(f))
    assert_equivalent(e1, f)

    assert list(visit(f)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2)]
    assert rstr(f) == 'Foo(1,1.2)'

    assert attrs(f) == ['a', 'b']
    assert pairs(f) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2)]

    sval = deserialize(serialize(f))
    assert_equivalent(sval, f)
    assert deep_feq(sval, f)

    assert Foo is deserialize(serialize(Foo))
    assert primitive_form(Foo) is Foo
    assert primitive_form(f) == dict(a=1, b=1.2)
    assert collect(f) == primitive_form(f)

    val = generate(Foo)
    assert type(val) is Foo

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(Foo, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is Foo
        assert item != last
        last = item

    assert enumeration_value(Foo, 0) == first(enum(Foo, max_enum=1))
    assert is_unique(buf)
Beispiel #40
def test_custom_object():
    f = Foo(1, 1.2)
    f2 = Foo(1, 1.3)
    f3 = Foo(2, 1.2)

    assert f != f2
    assert_equivalent(Foo(1, 2.3), Foo(1, 2.3))

    assert not is_hashable(f)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(f))

    assert find_ne(f, f) is None
    assert find_ne(f, f2) == DiffersAtAttribute(f, f2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(f, f3) == DiffersAtAttribute(f, f3, 'a')

    e1 = eval(estr(f))
    assert_equivalent(e1, f)

    assert list(visit(f)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2)]
    assert rstr(f) == 'Foo(1,1.2)'

    assert attrs(f) == ['a', 'b']
    assert pairs(f) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2)]

    sval = deserialize(serialize(f))
    assert_equivalent(sval, f)
    assert deep_feq(sval, f)

    assert Foo is deserialize(serialize(Foo))
    assert primitive_form(Foo) is Foo
    assert primitive_form(f) == dict(a=1, b=1.2)
    assert collect(f) == primitive_form(f)

    val = generate(Foo)
    assert type(val) is Foo

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(Foo,  max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is Foo
        assert item != last
        last = item

    assert enumeration_value(Foo, 0) == first(enum(Foo, max_enum=1))
    assert is_unique(buf)
Beispiel #41
def test_listwrapper():
    obj = ListWrapper(1, 2, 3)

    objc = obj.copy()
    assert_equivalent(obj, objc)
    assert_equivalent(obj._list, objc._list)
    assert obj._list is not objc._list

    assert isinstance(obj, collections.MutableSequence)
    assert issubclass(ListWrapper, collections.MutableSequence)

    cobj = deepcopy(obj)
    _list = list(range(10))
    cobj._list = list(_list)

    assert list(cobj) == _list
    assert list(cobj) == _list + [11]
    cobj.extend([12, 13])
    assert list(cobj) == _list + [11, 12, 13]
    cobj.insert(0, 14)
    assert list(cobj) == [14] + _list + [11, 12, 13]
    assert list(cobj) == [14] + _list + [11, 12]
    assert list(cobj) == [14] + _list + [11]

    assert cobj.count(1) == 1
    assert cobj.index(0) == 1

    assert list(cobj) == _list + [11, 14]

    assert cobj[-1] == 14
    cobj[-1] = 15
    assert list(cobj) == _list + [11, 15]
    del cobj[-1]

    assert list(cobj) == [11] + _list

    class LW1(ListWrapper):
        _opts = dict(max_len=1, min_len=None)

    class LW2(ListWrapper):
        _opts = dict(max_len=None, min_len=50)

    assert_raises(ValueError, LW1(_list=_list).validate)
    assert_raises(ValueError, LW2(_list=_list).validate)

    class LW3(ListWrapper):
        _attrs = dict(a=Attr(int), b=Attr(float))

    lw = LW3(1, 2, 3, a=1, b=1.2)
    assert str(lw) == "LW3(1, 2, 3, a = 1, b = 1.2)"
    pretty_lw = '''LW3(1,
    a = 1,
    b = 1.2)'''
    assert lw.pretty() == pretty_lw
Beispiel #42
def treenode_tst_3(cls):
    n5 = cls(_id = 5)
    n4 = cls(_id = 4)
    n3 = cls(n4, _id = 3)
    n2 = cls(_id = 2)
    n1 = cls(n2, n3, n5, _id = 1)

    assert n4.collect_rootward() == [n4, n3, n1]
    assert list(n4.rootward()) == [n4, n3, n1]
    assert list(n4.rootward(filt=lambda n: n._id >= 3)) == [n4, n3]
    assert list(n4.rootward(filt=lambda n: n._id <= 3)) == [n3, n1]
    assert list(n4.rootward(func=attrgetter('_id'), 
                            filt=lambda n: n._id <= 3)) == [3, 1]
    assert list(n1.depth_first()) == [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n1.depth_first(yield_depth=True)) == \
        [(0, n1), (1, n2), (1, n3), (2, n4), (1, n5)]
    assert list(n1.depth_first(reverse=True)) == [n5, n4, n3, n2, n1]
    assert list(n1.depth_first(reverse=True, yield_depth=True)) == \
        [(1, n5), (2, n4), (1, n3), (1, n2), (0, n1)]
    assert list(n1.depth_first(func=attrgetter('_id'),
                               filt=lambda n: n._id % 2 == 0)) == [2, 4]

    assert n1._children == [n2, n3, n5]
    assert n3._children == [n4]
    assert n2._parent is n1
    assert n3._parent is n1
    assert n4._parent is n3
    assert n5._parent is n1

    assert list(n1.children()) == [n2, n3, n5]
    assert list(n1.children(reverse=True)) == [n5, n3, n2]
    assert list(n5.siblings()) == [n2, n3]
    assert list(n5.siblings(preceding=True)) == [n2, n3]
    assert list(n5.siblings(preceding=True, axis=True)) == [n3, n2]
    assert list(n5.siblings(following=True)) == []
    assert list(n5.siblings(following=True, axis=True)) == []
    assert list(n4.siblings()) == []
    assert list(n3.siblings()) == [n2, n5]
    assert list(n3.siblings(preceding=True)) == [n2]
    assert list(n3.siblings(preceding=True, axis=True)) == [n2]
    assert list(n3.siblings(following=True)) == [n5]
    assert list(n3.siblings(following=True, axis=True)) == [n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings()) == [n3, n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings(axis=True)) == [n3, n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings(following=True)) == [n3, n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings(following=True, axis=True)) == [n3, n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings(preceding=True)) == []
    assert list(n2.siblings(preceding=True, axis=True)) == []
    assert list(n1.siblings()) == []

    assert list(n1.descendants()) == [n2, n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n1.descendants(include_self=True)) == [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n2.descendants()) == []
    assert list(n3.descendants()) == [n4]
    assert list(n4.descendants()) == []
    assert list(n5.descendants()) == []

    assert list(n1.ancestors()) == []
    assert list(n2.ancestors()) == [n1]
    assert list(n3.ancestors()) == [n1]
    assert list(n4.ancestors()) == [n3, n1]
    assert list(n4.ancestors(include_self=True)) == [n4, n3, n1]
    assert list(n5.ancestors()) == [n1]

    assert list(n1.following()) == [n2, n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n2.following()) == [n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n3.following()) == [n4, n5]
    assert list(n4.following()) == [n5]
    assert list(n5.following()) == []

    assert list(n1.preceding()) == []
    assert list(n2.preceding()) == [n1]
    assert list(n3.preceding()) == [n2, n1]
    assert list(n4.preceding()) == [n3, n2, n1]
    assert list(n5.preceding()) == [n4, n3, n2, n1]

    assert n1.root() is n1
    assert n2.root() is n1
    assert n3.root() is n1
    assert n4.root() is n1
    assert n5.root() is n1

    assert_equivalent(n1, n1.copy())
    assert_equivalent(n2, n2.copy())
    assert_equivalent(n3, n3.copy())
    assert_equivalent(n4, n4.copy())
    assert_equivalent(n5, n5.copy())

    assert n1.node_count() == 5
    assert n1.node_count() == 6
    assert n4.node_count() == 2
    assert n1.node_count() == 4
    assert n1.node_count() == 3
    assert n1._children == [n2, n3]
    assert n5._parent is None
    assert list(n5.siblings()) == []
    assert list(n1.descendants()) == [n2, n3]
    assert_raises(TreeError, n1.remove_child, n5)

    def set_foo(n): = n._id * 2
    assert list(n1.depth_first(attrgetter('foo'))) == [2, 4, 6]
Beispiel #43
def test_mapping_conversion():
    dct = dict(a = 1, b = 2.3, c = 'abc')
    assert_equivalent(Base._dict_from_mapping(dct), dct)

    ct1 = ConvTest(1, 2.3, 'abc')
    assert_equivalent(ConvTest.from_mapping(dct), ct1)
Beispiel #44
def test_mapping_conversion():
    dct = dict(a=1, b=2.3, c='abc')
    assert_equivalent(Base._dict_from_mapping(dct), dct)

    ct1 = ConvTest(1, 2.3, 'abc')
    assert_equivalent(ConvTest.from_mapping(dct), ct1)
Beispiel #45
def test_dependencies():
    def assert_listeq(A, B):
        for a in A:
            assert a in B
        for b in B:
            assert b in A

    with open(DEPS1, 'rt') as f:
        deps = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)
    contexts = dict(dev = [Apt('libxml2-dev'),
                    prod = [Pip('PyYAML')])
    assert_equivalent(deps, Dependencies(contexts=contexts))


    assert deps.deps_from_context('dev') ==
    assert deps.deps_from_context('prod') ==
    assert_raises(ValueError, deps.deps_from_context, 'foo')

    with open(DEPS2, 'rt') as f:
        deps2 = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)

    contexts = dict(dev = [Apt('gcc', order=0),

    assert_equivalent(deps2, Dependencies(contexts = contexts))
    assert deps2.deps_from_context('all') ==
    assert deps2.deps_from_context('dev') ==
    assert_raises(ValueError, deps2.deps_from_context, 'prod')

    with open(DEPS3, 'rt') as f:
        deps3 = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)

    contexts = dict(prod = [Pip('six'),
                            Pip('syn', version=Eq('0.0.7'),

    assert_equivalent(deps3, Dependencies(contexts=contexts))
    assert deps3.deps_from_context('all') ==
    assert_raises(ValueError, deps3.deps_from_context, 'dev')
    assert deps3.deps_from_context('prod') ==

    with open(DEPS4, 'rt') as f:
        deps4 = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)

    assert 'includes' not in deps4.contexts

                  deps4.contexts.c1 + deps4.contexts.c2 +
                  deps4.contexts.c3 + deps4.contexts.c4)

                  deps4.contexts.c2 + deps4.contexts.c3)

    assert_listeq(deps4.deps_from_context('c3'), deps4.contexts.c3)
    assert_listeq(deps4.deps_from_context('c4'), deps4.contexts.c4)
    assert_listeq(deps4.deps_from_context('c5'), deps4.contexts.c5)

    assert_raises(AssertionError, Dependencies,
                  contexts = dict(c1 = [Apt('make')],
                                  c2 = [Pip('six')]),
                  includes = dict(c1 = ['c2', 'c3']))
    assert_raises(AssertionError, Dependencies,
                  contexts = dict(c1 = [Apt('make')],
                                  c2 = [Pip('six')]),
                  includes = dict(c3 = ['c2', 'c2']))

    with open(DEPS5, 'rt') as f:
        deps5 = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)
    with assign(Apt, '_pkgs', dict()):
        with assign(Pip, '_pkgs', dict()):
            from depman.apt import Install, Update
            from depman.pip import Install as PipInstall

            ops = deps5.satisfy('prod', execute=False)
            assert ops == [Update(order=Apt.order),
                           Install('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', order=Apt.order),
                           PipInstall('a', 'b', 'c', order=Pip.order)]

            with assign(aptd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                with assign(pipd, 'command', MagicMock()):

                    assert aptd.command.call_count == 2
                    aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get update')
                    aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y a b c d')

                    assert pipd.command.call_count == 1
                    pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade a b c')

    with open(DEPS6, 'rt') as f:
        deps6 = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)
    hdr = deps6.export_header()
    assert hdr == '# Auto-generated by depman {}\n'.format(dver)
    out = deps6.export('all', dispatch_type('pip'), None, write=False)
    eout = hdr + 'a\nb==1.2\nc<=1.2\nd>=1.2' # expected output (or export output)
    assert out == eout

    with open(TEST1, 'wt') as f:
        deps6.export('prod', dispatch_type('pip'), f)
    with open(TEST1, 'rt') as f:
        assert == eout

    with assign(Apt, '_pkgs', dict(a='1', b='1.3', c='1.3', f='1')):
        with assign(Pip, '_pkgs', dict(a='1', b='1.3', c='1.3')):
            from depman.apt import Install, Update, Remove
            from depman.pip import Install as PipInstall
            ops = deps6.satisfy('prod', execute=False)
            assert ops == [Remove('b', 'c', order=Apt.order),
                           Install('b=1.2', 'c=1.2', 'd', 'e=1.3', 'f',
                           PipInstall('b==1.2', 'c==1.2', 'd', order=Pip.order)]

            with assign(aptd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                with assign(pipd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                    assert aptd.command.call_count == 3
                    aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get remove -y b c')
                    aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get update')
                    aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y b=1.2 '
                                                 'c=1.2 d e=1.3 f')

                    assert pipd.command.call_count == 1
                    pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade b==1.2 '
                                                 'c==1.2 d')

    with open(DEPS7, 'rt') as f:
        deps7 = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)

    with assign(Apt, '_pkgs', dict()):
        with assign(Pip, '_pkgs', dict()):
            from depman.apt import Install, Update
            from depman.pip import Install as PipInstall

            ops = deps7.satisfy('prod', execute=False)
            assert ops == [PipInstall('d', order=Pip.order),
                           Install('b', order=Apt.order),
                           Install('a', order=Apt.order),
                           PipInstall('c', order=Pip.order)]

            with assign(aptd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                with assign(pipd, 'command', MagicMock()):

                    assert aptd.command.call_count == 4
                    aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get update')
                    aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y a')
                    aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y b')

                    assert pipd.command.call_count == 2
                    pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade c')
                    pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade d')

    with open(DEPS8, 'rt') as f:
        deps8 = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)

    with assign(Apt, '_pkgs', dict()):
        with assign(Pip, '_pkgs', dict()):
            from depman.apt import Install, Update
            from depman.pip import Install as PipInstall
            from depman.yatr import Task

            ops = deps8.satisfy('prod', execute=False)
            assert ops == [PipInstall('g', order=Pip.order),
                           Install('a', 'b', 'd', order=Apt.order),
                           Install('c', order=Apt.order),
                           PipInstall('e', 'f', order=Pip.order),
                           Task('z', order=Yatr.order)]

            with assign(aptd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                with assign(pipd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                    with assign(yatrd, 'command', MagicMock()):

                        assert aptd.command.call_count == 4
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get update')
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y a b d')
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y c')

                        assert pipd.command.call_count == 2
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade e f')
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade g')

                        assert yatrd.command.call_count == 1
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr z')

    with open(DEPS9, 'rt') as f:
        deps9 = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)

    with assign(Apt, '_pkgs', dict()):
        with assign(Pip, '_pkgs', dict()):
            from depman.pip import Install as PipInstall
            from depman.yatr import Task

            ops = deps9.satisfy('prod', execute=False)
            assert ops[0:2] == [PipInstall('a', order=Pip.order),
                                PipInstall('b', order=Pip.order)]
            others = [PipInstall('c', order=Pip.order),
                      PipInstall('d', order=Pip.order),
                      Task('z', order=Yatr.order)]
            assert ops[2] in others
            assert ops[3] in others
            assert ops[4] in others

    with open(DEPS10, 'rt') as f:
        deps10 = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)

    with assign(Apt, '_pkgs', dict()):
        with assign(Pip, '_pkgs', dict()):
            from depman.apt import Install, Update
            from depman.pip import Install as PipInstall
            from depman.yatr import Task

            ops = deps10.satisfy('prod', execute=False)
            assert ops == [Task('install-from-source', order=Yatr.order),
                           Install('a', 'b', 'd', order=Apt.order),
                           Install('c', order=Apt.order),
                           Task('install-from-source-2', order=Yatr.order),
                           PipInstall('e', 'g', order=Pip.order),
                           PipInstall('f', order=Pip.order),
                           Task('cleanup', order=Yatr.order)]

            with assign(aptd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                with assign(pipd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                    with assign(yatrd, 'command', MagicMock()):

                        assert aptd.command.call_count == 4
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get update')
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y a b d')
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y c')

                        assert pipd.command.call_count == 2
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade e g')
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade f')

                        assert yatrd.command.call_count == 3
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr install-from-source')
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr install-from-source-2')
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr cleanup')

    with open(DEPSEX, 'rt') as f:
        depsex = Dependencies.from_yaml(f)

    with assign(Apt, '_pkgs', dict()):
        with assign(Pip, '_pkgs', dict()):
            from depman.apt import Install, Update
            from depman.pip import Install as PipInstall
            from depman.yatr import Task

            # all
            ops = depsex.satisfy('all', execute=False)
            _ops = [Task('install-from-source', order=Yatr.order),
                            'libxslt1-dev', order=Apt.order),
                    Task('install-from-source-2', order=Yatr.order),
                    PipInstall('openopt', order=Pip.order),
                    Task('-f other_tasks.yml', 'cleanup', order=Yatr.order)]
            assert ops == _ops

            with assign(aptd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                with assign(pipd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                    with assign(yatrd, 'command', MagicMock()):

                        assert aptd.command.call_count == 2
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get update')
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y libxml2-dev=2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u2 libxslt1-dev')

                        assert pipd.command.call_count == 2
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade Sphinx coverage gevent==1.0.2 lxml nose numpy six syn')
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade openopt')

                        assert yatrd.command.call_count == 3
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr install-from-source')
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr install-from-source-2')
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr -f other_tasks.yml cleanup')

            # test
            ops = depsex.satisfy('test', execute=False)
            _ops = [PipInstall('coverage', 'nose', order=Pip.order)]
            assert ops == _ops

            with assign(aptd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                with assign(pipd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                    with assign(yatrd, 'command', MagicMock()):

                        assert aptd.command.call_count == 0

                        assert pipd.command.call_count == 1
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade coverage nose')

                        assert yatrd.command.call_count == 0

            # dev
            ops = depsex.satisfy('dev', execute=False)
            _ops = [Task('install-from-source', order=Yatr.order),
                            'libxslt1-dev', order=Apt.order),
                    PipInstall('Sphinx', 'coverage', 'lxml', 'nose', order=Pip.order)]
            assert ops == _ops

            with assign(aptd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                with assign(pipd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                    with assign(yatrd, 'command', MagicMock()):

                        assert aptd.command.call_count == 2
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get update')
                        aptd.command.assert_any_call('apt-get install -y libxml2-dev=2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u2 libxslt1-dev')

                        assert pipd.command.call_count == 1
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade Sphinx coverage lxml nose')

                        assert yatrd.command.call_count == 1
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr install-from-source')

            # prod
            ops = depsex.satisfy('prod', execute=False)
            _ops = [Task('install-from-source-2', order=Yatr.order),
                    PipInstall('gevent==1.0.2', 'numpy', 'six', 'syn', order=Pip.order),
                    PipInstall('openopt', order=Pip.order),
                    Task('-f other_tasks.yml', 'cleanup', order=Yatr.order)]
            assert ops == _ops

            with assign(aptd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                with assign(pipd, 'command', MagicMock()):
                    with assign(yatrd, 'command', MagicMock()):

                        assert aptd.command.call_count == 0

                        assert pipd.command.call_count == 2
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade gevent==1.0.2 numpy six syn')
                        pipd.command.assert_any_call('pip install --upgrade openopt')

                        assert yatrd.command.call_count == 2
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr install-from-source-2')
                        yatrd.command.assert_any_call('yatr -f other_tasks.yml cleanup')
Beispiel #46
def treenode_tst_3(cls):
    n5 = cls(_id=5)
    n4 = cls(_id=4)
    n3 = cls(n4, _id=3)
    n2 = cls(_id=2)
    n1 = cls(n2, n3, n5, _id=1)

    assert n4.collect_rootward() == [n4, n3, n1]
    assert list(n4.rootward()) == [n4, n3, n1]
    assert list(n4.rootward(filt=lambda n: n._id >= 3)) == [n4, n3]
    assert list(n4.rootward(filt=lambda n: n._id <= 3)) == [n3, n1]
    assert list(n4.rootward(func=attrgetter('_id'),
                            filt=lambda n: n._id <= 3)) == [3, 1]

    assert list(n1.depth_first()) == [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n1.depth_first(yield_depth=True)) == \
        [(0, n1), (1, n2), (1, n3), (2, n4), (1, n5)]
    assert list(n1.depth_first(reverse=True)) == [n5, n4, n3, n2, n1]
    assert list(n1.depth_first(reverse=True, yield_depth=True)) == \
        [(1, n5), (2, n4), (1, n3), (1, n2), (0, n1)]
    assert list(
                       filt=lambda n: n._id % 2 == 0)) == [2, 4]

    assert n1._children == [n2, n3, n5]
    assert n3._children == [n4]
    assert n2._parent is n1
    assert n3._parent is n1
    assert n4._parent is n3
    assert n5._parent is n1

    assert list(n1.children()) == [n2, n3, n5]
    assert list(n1.children(reverse=True)) == [n5, n3, n2]

    assert list(n5.siblings()) == [n2, n3]
    assert list(n5.siblings(preceding=True)) == [n2, n3]
    assert list(n5.siblings(preceding=True, axis=True)) == [n3, n2]
    assert list(n5.siblings(following=True)) == []
    assert list(n5.siblings(following=True, axis=True)) == []
    assert list(n4.siblings()) == []
    assert list(n3.siblings()) == [n2, n5]
    assert list(n3.siblings(preceding=True)) == [n2]
    assert list(n3.siblings(preceding=True, axis=True)) == [n2]
    assert list(n3.siblings(following=True)) == [n5]
    assert list(n3.siblings(following=True, axis=True)) == [n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings()) == [n3, n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings(axis=True)) == [n3, n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings(following=True)) == [n3, n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings(following=True, axis=True)) == [n3, n5]
    assert list(n2.siblings(preceding=True)) == []
    assert list(n2.siblings(preceding=True, axis=True)) == []
    assert list(n1.siblings()) == []

    assert list(n1.descendants()) == [n2, n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n1.descendants(include_self=True)) == [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n2.descendants()) == []
    assert list(n3.descendants()) == [n4]
    assert list(n4.descendants()) == []
    assert list(n5.descendants()) == []

    assert list(n1.ancestors()) == []
    assert list(n2.ancestors()) == [n1]
    assert list(n3.ancestors()) == [n1]
    assert list(n4.ancestors()) == [n3, n1]
    assert list(n4.ancestors(include_self=True)) == [n4, n3, n1]
    assert list(n5.ancestors()) == [n1]

    assert list(n1.following()) == [n2, n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n2.following()) == [n3, n4, n5]
    assert list(n3.following()) == [n4, n5]
    assert list(n4.following()) == [n5]
    assert list(n5.following()) == []

    assert list(n1.preceding()) == []
    assert list(n2.preceding()) == [n1]
    assert list(n3.preceding()) == [n2, n1]
    assert list(n4.preceding()) == [n3, n2, n1]
    assert list(n5.preceding()) == [n4, n3, n2, n1]

    assert n1.root() is n1
    assert n2.root() is n1
    assert n3.root() is n1
    assert n4.root() is n1
    assert n5.root() is n1

    assert_equivalent(n1, n1.copy())
    assert_equivalent(n2, n2.copy())
    assert_equivalent(n3, n3.copy())
    assert_equivalent(n4, n4.copy())
    assert_equivalent(n5, n5.copy())

    assert n1.node_count() == 5
    assert n1.node_count() == 6
    assert n4.node_count() == 2
    assert n1.node_count() == 4
    assert n1.node_count() == 3
    assert n1._children == [n2, n3]
    assert n5._parent is None
    assert list(n5.siblings()) == []
    assert list(n1.descendants()) == [n2, n3]

    assert_raises(TreeError, n1.remove_child, n5)

    def set_foo(n): = n._id * 2

    assert list(n1.depth_first(attrgetter('foo'))) == [2, 4, 6]