def test_common_config(self): confdefs = ( ('foo', {'defval': 20}), ('bar', {'defval': 30}), ) conf = s_common.config({'foo': 80}, confdefs) self.eq(80, conf.get('foo')) self.eq(30, conf.get('bar'))
async def __anit__(self, dirn, readonly=False): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) s_telepath.Aware.__init__(self) self.dirn = s_common.gendir(dirn) self.auth = None # each cell has a guid path = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'cell.guid') # generate a guid file if needed if not os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'w') as fd: fd.write(s_common.guid()) # read our guid file with open(path, 'r') as fd: self.iden = boot = self._loadCellYaml('boot.yaml') self.boot = s_common.config(boot, bootdefs) conf = self._loadCellYaml('cell.yaml') self.conf = s_common.config(conf, self.confdefs + self.confbase) self.cmds = {} self.boss = await s_boss.Boss.anit() self.onfini(self.boss) self.cellname = self.boot.get('cell:name') if self.cellname is None: self.cellname = self.__class__.__name__ await self._initCellAuth() await self._initCellSlab(readonly=readonly) await self._initCellHive()
def __init__(self, core): self.core = core # type: synapse.cortex.Cortex self.model = core.model # type: synapse.datamodel.Model # Avoid getModPath / getConfPath during __init__ since these APIs # will create directories. We do not need that behavior by default. self._modpath = os.path.join(self.core.dirn, 'mods', self.getModName()) self._confpath = os.path.join(self._modpath, 'conf.yaml') conf = {} if os.path.isfile(self._confpath): conf = s_common.yamlload(self._confpath) self.conf = s_common.config(conf, self.confdefs)
def test_common_config(self): confdefs = ( ('foo', { 'defval': 20 }), ('bar', { 'defval': 30 }), ) conf = s_common.config({'foo': 80}, confdefs) self.eq(80, conf.get('foo')) self.eq(30, conf.get('bar'))
def __init__(self, core, conf=None): self.core = core self.model = core.model if self.mod_name is None: self.mod_name = self.getModName() # Avoid getModPath / getConfPath during __init__ since these APIs # will create directories. We do not need that behavior by default. self._modpath = os.path.join(self.core.dirn, 'mods', self.getModName()) self._confpath = os.path.join(self._modpath, 'conf.yaml') if conf is None: conf = {} if os.path.isfile(self._confpath): conf = s_common.yamlload(self._confpath) self.conf = s_common.config(conf, self.confdefs)
async def __anit__(self, dirn=None, conf=None): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.dirn = None if dirn is not None: self.dirn = s_common.gendir(dirn) self._shareLoopTasks = set() yaml = self._loadDmonYaml() if conf is not None: yaml.update(conf) self.conf = s_common.config(yaml, self.confdefs) self.certdir = s_certdir.CertDir(os.path.join(dirn, 'certs')) self.mods = {} # keep refs to mods we load ( mostly for testing ) self.televers = s_telepath.televers self.addr = None # our main listen address self.cells = {} # all cells are shared. not all shared are cells. self.shared = {} # objects provided by daemon self.listenservers = [] # the sockets we're listening on self.connectedlinks = [] # the links we're currently connected on self.sessions = {} self.mesgfuncs = { 'tele:syn': self._onTeleSyn, 'task:init': self._onTaskInit, 'share:fini': self._onShareFini, # task version 2 API 't2:init': self._onTaskV2Init, } self.onfini(self._onDmonFini) await self._loadDmonConf() await self._loadDmonCells()
def __init__(self, core, conf=None): self.core = core # type: synapse.cortex.Cortex self.model = core.model # type: synapse.datamodel.Model if self.mod_name is None: self.mod_name = self.getModName() # Avoid getModPath / getConfPath during __init__ since these APIs # will create directories. We do not need that behavior by default. self._modpath = os.path.join(self.core.dirn, 'mods', self.getModName()) self._confpath = os.path.join(self._modpath, 'conf.yaml') if conf is None: conf = {} if os.path.isfile(self._confpath): conf = s_common.yamlload(self._confpath) self.conf = s_common.config(conf, self.confdefs)
async def __anit__(self, dirn, conf=None, readonly=False): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) s_telepath.Aware.__init__(self) self.dirn = s_common.gendir(dirn) self.auth = None # each cell has a guid path = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'cell.guid') # generate a guid file if needed if not os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'w') as fd: fd.write(s_common.guid()) # read our guid file with open(path, 'r') as fd: self.iden = boot = self._loadCellYaml('boot.yaml') self.boot = s_common.config(boot, bootdefs) await self._initCellDmon() if conf is None: conf = {} [conf.setdefault(k, v) for (k, v) in self._loadCellYaml('cell.yaml').items()] self.conf = s_common.config(conf, self.confdefs + self.confbase) self.cmds = {} self.insecure = self.boot.get('insecure', False) self.sessions = {} self.httpsonly = self.conf.get('https:only', False) self.boss = await s_boss.Boss.anit() self.onfini(self.boss) await self._initCellSlab(readonly=readonly) self.hive = await self._initCellHive() self.auth = await self._initCellAuth() # check and migrate old cell auth oldauth = s_common.genpath(self.dirn, 'auth') if os.path.isdir(oldauth): await s_compat.cellAuthToHive(oldauth, self.auth) os.rename(oldauth, oldauth + '.old') admin = self.boot.get('auth:admin') if admin is not None: name, passwd = admin.split(':', 1) user = self.auth.getUserByName(name) if user is None: user = await self.auth.addUser(name) await user.setAdmin(True) await user.setPasswd(passwd) self.insecure = False await self._initCellHttp() # self.cellinfo, a HiveDict for general purpose persistent storage node = await'cellinfo',)) self.cellinfo = await node.dict() self.onfini(node) self._health_funcs = [] self.addHealthFunc(self._cellHealth) async def fini(): [await s.fini() for s in self.sessions.values()] self.onfini(fini)
async def __anit__(self, dirn, conf=None, readonly=False): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) s_telepath.Aware.__init__(self) self.dirn = s_common.gendir(dirn) self.auth = None # each cell has a guid path = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'cell.guid') # generate a guid file if needed if not os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'w') as fd: fd.write(s_common.guid()) # read our guid file with open(path, 'r') as fd: self.iden = boot = self._loadCellYaml('boot.yaml') self.boot = s_common.config(boot, bootdefs) await self._initCellDmon() if conf is None: conf = {} [conf.setdefault(k, v) for (k, v) in self._loadCellYaml('cell.yaml').items()] self.conf = s_common.config(conf, self.confdefs + self.confbase) self.cmds = {} self.insecure = self.boot.get('insecure', False) self.sessions = {} self.httpsonly = self.conf.get('https:only', False) self.boss = await s_boss.Boss.anit() self.onfini(self.boss) await self._initCellSlab(readonly=readonly) self.hive = await self._initCellHive() self.auth = await self._initCellAuth() # check and migrate old cell auth oldauth = s_common.genpath(self.dirn, 'auth') if os.path.isdir(oldauth): await s_compat.cellAuthToHive(oldauth, self.auth) os.rename(oldauth, oldauth + '.old') admin = self.boot.get('auth:admin') if admin is not None: name, passwd = admin.split(':', 1) user = self.auth.getUserByName(name) if user is None: user = await self.auth.addUser(name) await user.setAdmin(True) await user.setPasswd(passwd) self.insecure = False await self._initCellHttp() async def fini(): [await s.fini() for s in self.sessions.values()] self.onfini(fini)