def test_is_url():
    """test the ability to determine whether a string is a URL"""
    assert utils.is_url("")
    assert utils.is_url("")
    assert not utils.is_url("syn123445")    
    assert not utils.is_url("wasssuuuup???")
    assert utils.is_url('file://')
    assert utils.is_url('file:///path/to/')
    assert utils.is_url('file:/path/to/')
    assert utils.is_url('file:///c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi')
    assert utils.is_url('file:c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi')
    assert not utils.is_url('c:/WINDOWS/ugh/ugh.ugh')
def test_is_url():
    """test the ability to determine whether a string is a URL"""
    assert utils.is_url("")
    assert utils.is_url("")
    assert not utils.is_url("syn123445")    
    assert not utils.is_url("wasssuuuup???")
    assert utils.is_url('file://')
    assert utils.is_url('file:///path/to/')
    assert utils.is_url('file:/path/to/')
    assert utils.is_url('file:///c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi')
    assert utils.is_url('file:c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi')
    assert not utils.is_url('c:/WINDOWS/ugh/ugh.ugh')
Beispiel #3
def test_windows_file_urls():
    url = 'file:///c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi'
    assert utils.is_url(url)
    assert utils.file_url_to_path(
        verify_exists=False) == 'c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi', utils.file_url_to_path(
Beispiel #4
def _check_path_and_normalize(f):
    if is_url(f):
        return f
    path_normalized = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(f)))
    if not os.path.isfile(path_normalized):
        print('\nThe specified path "%s" is either not a file path or does not exist.', f)
        raise IOError('The path %s is not a file or does not exist' %f)
    return path_normalized
def local_file_has_changed(entityBundle, checkIndirect, path=None):
    Checks the local cache to see if the given file has been modified.

    :param entityBundle : A dictionary with 'fileHandles' and 'entity'.
                          Typically created via::


    :param checkIndirect: Whether or not the cache should be checked for unmodified files.
                          Should be True when getting, False when storing.
    :param path:          Path to the local file.  May be in any format.
                          If not given, the information from the 'entityBundle'
                          is used to derive a cached location for the file.

    :returns: True if the file has been modified.


    # Find the directory of the '.cacheMap' for the file
    cacheDir, filepath, _ = determine_local_file_location(entityBundle)
    if path is None:
        path = filepath

    # If there is no file path, there is nothing to download
    if path is None:
        return False

    # For external URLs, if the path has not changed
    # then the file handle does not have to change
    if utils.is_url(path):
        for handle in entityBundle['fileHandles']:
            if handle['id'] == entityBundle['entity']['dataFileHandleId'] \
                    and handle['concreteType'] == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.file.ExternalFileHandle' \
                    and handle['externalURL'] == path:
                return False
        return True

    # Compare the modification times
    path = utils.normalize_path(path)
    fileMTime = get_modification_time(path)
    unmodifiedFileExists = False
    for file, cacheTime, cachedFileMTime in iterator_over_cache_map(cacheDir):
        # When there is a direct match, return if it is modified
        if path == file and os.path.exists(path):
            return not fileMTime == cacheTime

        # If there is no direct match, but a copy exists, return False after checking all entries
        if checkIndirect and cachedFileMTime == cacheTime:
            unmodifiedFileExists = True

    # The file is cached but not in the right place copy it add it to the cache
    if checkIndirect and unmodifiedFileExists and not path.startswith(CACHE_DIR):
        add_local_file_to_cache(path=path, **entityBundle['entity'])
    return not unmodifiedFileExists
Beispiel #6
def local_file_has_changed(entityBundle, path=None):
    Checks the local cache to see if the given file has been modified.
    :param entityBundle: A dictionary with 'fileHandles' and 'entity'.
                         Typically created via::

    :param path:         Path to the local file.  May be in any format.  
                         If not given, the information from the 'entityBundle'
                         is used to derive a cached location for the file.  
    :returns: True if the file has been modified.

    # Find the directory of the '.cacheMap' for the file
    cacheDir, filepath, _ = determine_local_file_location(entityBundle)
    if path is None:
        path = filepath

    # If there is no file path, there is nothing to download
    if path is None:
        return False

    # External URLs will be ignored
    if utils.is_url(path):
        return True

    # Compare the modification times
    path = normalize_path(path)
    fileMTime = get_modification_time(path)
    unmodifiedFileExists = False
    for file, cacheTime, _ in iterator_over_cache_map(cacheDir):
        # When there is a direct match, return if it is modified
        if path == file and os.path.exists(path):
            return not fileMTime == cacheTime

        # If there is no direct match, but a pristine copy exists, return False (after checking all entries)
        # The filecmp is necessary for Windows machines since their clocks do not keep millisecond information
        # i.e. Two files created quickly may have the same timestamp
        if fileMTime == cacheTime and os.path.exists(file) and filecmp.cmp(
                path, file):
            unmodifiedFileExists = True

    # The file is not cached or has been changed
    return not unmodifiedFileExists
Beispiel #7
def local_file_has_changed(entityBundle, checkIndirect, path=None):
    Checks the local cache to see if the given file has been modified.
    :param entityBundle : A dictionary with 'fileHandles' and 'entity'.
                          Typically created via::

    :param checkIndirect: Whether or not the cache should be checked for unmodified files.
                          Should be True when getting, False when storing.  
    :param path:          Path to the local file.  May be in any format.  
                          If not given, the information from the 'entityBundle'
                          is used to derive a cached location for the file.  
    :returns: True if the file has been modified.
    # Find the directory of the '.cacheMap' for the file
    cacheDir, filepath, _ = determine_local_file_location(entityBundle)
    if path is None:
        path = filepath
    # If there is no file path, there is nothing to download
    if path is None:
        return False
    # External URLs will be ignored
    if utils.is_url(path):
        return True
    # Compare the modification times
    path = normalize_path(path)
    fileMTime = get_modification_time(path)
    unmodifiedFileExists = False
    for file, cacheTime, cachedFileMTime in iterator_over_cache_map(cacheDir):
        # When there is a direct match, return if it is modified
        if path == file and os.path.exists(path):
            return not fileMTime == cacheTime
        # If there is no direct match, but a pristine copy exists, return False (after checking all entries)
        if checkIndirect and cachedFileMTime == cacheTime:
            unmodifiedFileExists = True
    # The file is not cached or has been changed
    return not unmodifiedFileExists
Beispiel #8
def local_file_has_changed(entityBundle, path=None):
    Checks the local cache to see if the given file has been modified.
    :param entityBundle: A dictionary with 'fileHandles' and 'entity'.
                         Typically created via::

    :param path:         Path to the local file.  May be in any format.  
                         If not given, the information from the 'entityBundle'
                         is used to derive a cached location for the file.  
    :returns: True if the file has been modified.
    # Find the directory of the '.cacheMap' for the file
    cacheDir, filepath, _ = determine_local_file_location(entityBundle)
    if path is None:
        path = filepath
    # If there is no file path, there is nothing to download
    if path is None:
        return False
    # External URLs will be ignored
    if utils.is_url(path):
        return True
    # Compare the modification times
    path = normalize_path(path)
    fileMTime = get_modification_time(path)
    unmodifiedFileExists = False
    for file, cacheTime, _ in iterator_over_cache_map(cacheDir):
        # When there is a direct match, return if it is modified
        if path == file and os.path.exists(path):
            return not fileMTime == cacheTime
        # If there is no direct match, but a pristine copy exists, return False (after checking all entries)
        # The filecmp is necessary for Windows machines since their clocks do not keep millisecond information
        # i.e. Two files created quickly may have the same timestamp
        if fileMTime == cacheTime and os.path.exists(file) and filecmp.cmp(path, file):
            unmodifiedFileExists = True
    # The file is not cached or has been changed
    return not unmodifiedFileExists
def add_local_file_to_cache(**entity):
    Makes a '.cacheMap' entry in the cache.  
    :param entity: A Synapse Entity object or dictionary with a 'path'.
                   FileEntities require a 'dataFileHandleID'.
                   Locationables require a 'id' and 'versionNumber'.
        foo = File('/path/to/file/xyz.txt')
        cache.add_local_file_to_cache(bar="Something to include in dict", **foo)
    Note: Since neither FileEntities nor Locationables have a 'path' in their properties,
          calls to this method should look like::
        cache.add_local_file_to_cache(path=entity['path'], **entity)

    # External URLs will be ignored
    if utils.is_url(entity['path']) or entity['path'] is None:

    # Get the '.cacheMap'
    cacheDir = determine_cache_directory(entity)
    entity['path'] = utils.normalize_path(entity['path'])

    # If the file to-be-added does not exist, search the cache for a pristine copy
    if not os.path.exists(entity['path']):
        for file, cacheTime, fileMTime in iterator_over_cache_map(cacheDir):
            if fileMTime == cacheTime:
                shutil.copyfile(file, entity['path'])

    # Update the cache
    if os.path.exists(entity['path']):
        cache = obtain_lock_and_read_cache(cacheDir)
        cache[entity['path']] = time.strftime(
            utils.ISO_FORMAT, time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(entity['path'])))
        write_cache_then_release_lock(cacheDir, cache)
Beispiel #10
def add_local_file_to_cache(**entity):
    Makes a '.cacheMap' entry in the cache.  
    :param entity: A Synapse Entity object or dictionary with a 'path'.
                   FileEntities require a 'dataFileHandleID'.
                   Locationables require a 'id' and 'versionNumber'.
        foo = File('/path/to/file/xyz.txt')
        cache.add_local_file_to_cache(bar="Something to include in dict", **foo)
    Note: Since neither FileEntities nor Locationables have a 'path' in their properties,
          calls to this method should look like::
        cache.add_local_file_to_cache(path=entity['path'], **entity)
    # External URLs will be ignored
    if utils.is_url(entity['path']):
        return True
    # Get the '.cacheMap'
    cacheDir = determine_cache_directory(entity)
    entity['path'] = normalize_path(entity['path'])
    # If the file to-be-added does not exist, search the cache for a pristine copy
    if not os.path.exists(entity['path']):
        for file, cacheTime, fileMTime in iterator_over_cache_map(cacheDir):
            if fileMTime == cacheTime:
                shutil.copyfile(file, entity['path'])
    # Update the cache
    if os.path.exists(entity['path']):
        cache = obtain_lock_and_read_cache(cacheDir)
        cache[entity['path']] = time.strftime(utils.ISO_FORMAT, time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(entity['path'])))
        write_cache_then_release_lock(cacheDir, cache)
    def used(self,
        Add a resource used by the activity.

        This method tries to be as permissive as possible. It accepts a string which might be a synapse ID or a URL,
        a synapse entity, a UsedEntity or UsedURL dictionary or a list containing any combination of these.

        In addition, named parameters can be used to specify the fields of either a UsedEntity or a UsedURL.
        If target and optionally targetVersion are specified, create a UsedEntity.
        If url and optionally name are specified, create a UsedURL.

        It is an error to specify both target/targetVersion parameters and url/name parameters in the same call.
        To add multiple UsedEntities and UsedURLs, make a separate call for each or pass in a list.

        In case of conflicting settings for wasExecuted both inside an object and with a parameter, the parameter wins.
        For example, this UsedURL will have wasExecuted set to False::

            activity.used({'url':'', 'name':'Goog', 'wasExecuted':True}, wasExecuted=False)

        Entity examples::

            activity.used(target=entity, targetVersion=2)
            activity.used(codeEntity, wasExecuted=True)
            activity.used({'reference':{'target':'syn12345', 'targetVersion':1}, 'wasExecuted':False})

        URL examples::

            activity.used(url='', name='Awesome Data')
            activity.used(url='', name='Gnarly hacks', wasExecuted=True)
            activity.used({'url':'', 'name':'Gnarly hacks'}, wasExecuted=True)

        List example::

            activity.used(['syn12345', 'syn23456', entity, \
                          {'reference':{'target':'syn100009', 'targetVersion':2}, 'wasExecuted':True}, \
        # -- A list of targets
        if isinstance(target, list):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['targetVersion', 'url', 'name'],
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'list of used resources')

            for item in target:
                self.used(item, wasExecuted=wasExecuted)

        # -- UsedEntity
        elif is_used_entity(target):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['targetVersion', 'url', 'name'],
                badargs, 'dictionary representing a used resource')

            resource = target
            if 'concreteType' not in resource:
                    'concreteType'] = 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedEntity'

        # -- Used URL
        elif is_used_url(target):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['targetVersion', 'url', 'name'],
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'URL')

            resource = target
            if 'concreteType' not in resource:
                    'concreteType'] = 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedURL'

        # -- Synapse Entity
        elif is_synapse_entity(target):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['url', 'name'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'Synapse entity')

            reference = {'targetId': target['id']}
            if 'versionNumber' in target:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = target['versionNumber']
            if targetVersion:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = int(targetVersion)
            resource = {
        # -- URL parameter
        elif url:
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['target', 'targetVersion'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'URL')

            resource = {
                'url': url,
                'name': name if name else target,

        # -- URL as a string
        elif is_url(target):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['targetVersion'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'URL')
            resource = {
                'url': target,
                'name': name if name else target,

        # -- Synapse Entity ID (assuming the string is an ID)
        elif isinstance(target, six.string_types):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['url', 'name'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'Synapse entity')
            vals = target.split('.')  # Handle synapseIds of from syn234.4
            if not is_synapse_id(vals[0]):
                raise ValueError('%s is not a valid Synapse id' % target)
            if len(vals) == 2:
                if targetVersion and int(targetVersion) != int(vals[1]):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Two conflicting versions for %s were specified' %
                targetVersion = int(vals[1])
            reference = {'targetId': vals[0]}
            if targetVersion:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = int(targetVersion)
            resource = {

            raise SynapseError(
                'Unexpected parameters in call to Activity.used().')

        # Set wasExecuted
        if wasExecuted is None:
            # Default to False
            if 'wasExecuted' not in resource:
                resource['wasExecuted'] = False
            # wasExecuted parameter overrides setting in an object
            resource['wasExecuted'] = wasExecuted

        # Add the used resource to the activity
def test_windows_file_urls():
    url = 'file:///c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi'
    assert utils.is_url(url)
    assert utils.file_url_to_path(url, verify_exists=False).get('path',None) == 'c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi', utils.file_url_to_path(url)
def test_windows_file_urls():
    url = 'file:///c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi'
    assert_equals(utils.file_url_to_path(url, verify_exists=False), 'c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi', utils.file_url_to_path(url))
Beispiel #14
def syncToSynapse(syn,
    """Synchronizes files specified in the manifest file to Synapse

    :param syn:             A synapse object as obtained with syn = synapseclient.login()

    :param manifestFile:    A tsv file with file locations and metadata to be pushed to Synapse.
                            See below for details

    :param dryRun: Performs validation without uploading if set to True (default is False)

    Given a file describing all of the uploads uploads the content to Synapse and optionally notifies you via Synapse
    messagging (email) at specific intervals, on errors and on completion.

    **Manifest file format**

    The format of the manifest file is a tab delimited file with one row per file to upload and columns describing the
    file. The minimum required columns are **path** and **parent** where path is the local file path and parent is the
    Synapse Id of the project or folder where the file is uploaded to. In addition to these columns you can specify any
    of the parameters to the File constructor (**name**, **synapseStore**, **contentType**) as well as parameters to the command (**used**, **executed**, **activityName**, **activityDescription**, **forceVersion**).
    Used and executed can be semi-colon (";") separated lists of Synapse ids, urls and/or local filepaths of files
    already stored in Synapse (or being stored in Synapse by the manifest).
    Any additional columns will be added as annotations.

    **Required fields:**

    ======   ======================                  ============================
    Field    Meaning                                 Example
    ======   ======================                  ============================
    path     local file path or URL                  /path/to/local/file.txt
    parent   synapse id                              syn1235
    ======   ======================                  ============================
    **Common fields:**
    ===============        ===========================                   ============
    Field                  Meaning                                       Example
    ===============        ===========================                   ============
    name                   name of file in Synapse                       Example_file
    forceVersion           whether to update version                     False
    ===============        ===========================                   ============
    **Provenance fields:**  

    ====================   =====================================  ==========================================
    Field                  Meaning                                Example
    ====================   =====================================  ==========================================
    used                   List of items used to generate file    syn1235; /path/to_local/file.txt
    executed               List of items exectued       ; /path/to_local/
    activityName           Name of activity in provenance         "Ran normalization"
    activityDescription    Text description on what was done      "Ran algorithm xyx with parameters..."
    ====================   =====================================  ==========================================


    Any columns that are not in the reserved names described above will be interpreted as annotations of the file
    **Other optional fields:**

    ===============          ==========================================  ============
    Field                    Meaning                                     Example
    ===============          ==========================================  ============
    synapseStore             Boolean describing whether to upload files  True
    contentType              content type of file to overload defaults   text/html
    ===============          ==========================================  ============

    **Example manifest file**

    ===============   ========    =======   =======   ===========================    ============================
    path              parent      annot1    annot2    used                           executed
    ===============   ========    =======   =======   ===========================    ============================
    /path/file1.txt   syn1243     "bar"     3.1415    "syn124; /path/file2.txt"      ""
    /path/file2.txt   syn12433    "baz"     2.71      ""                             ""
    ===============   ========    =======   =======   ===========================    ============================

    df = readManifestFile(syn, manifestFile)
    sizes = [
        for f in df.path if not is_url(f)
    # Write output on what is getting pushed and estimated times - send out message.
    sys.stdout.write('=' * 50 + '\n')
        'We are about to upload %i files with a total size of %s.\n ' %
        (len(df), utils.humanizeBytes(sum(sizes))))
    sys.stdout.write('=' * 50 + '\n')

    if dryRun:

    sys.stdout.write('Starting upload...\n')
    if sendMessages:
        notify_decorator = notifyMe(syn,
                                    'Upload of %s' % manifestFile,
        upload = notify_decorator(_manifest_upload)
        upload(syn, df)
        _manifest_upload(syn, df)
    def used(self, target=None, targetVersion=None, wasExecuted=None, url=None, name=None):
        Add a resource used by the activity.

        This method tries to be as permissive as possible. It accepts a string which might
        be a synapse ID or a URL, a synapse entity, a UsedEntity or UsedURL dictionary or
        a list containing any combination of these.

        In addition, named parameters can be used to specify the fields of either a
        UsedEntity or a UsedURL. If target and optionally targetVersion are specified,
        create a UsedEntity. If url and optionally name are specified, create a UsedURL.

        It is an error to specify both target/targetVersion parameters and url/name
        parameters in the same call. To add multiple UsedEntities and UsedURLs, make a
        separate call for each or pass in a list.

        In case of conflicting settings for wasExecuted both inside an object and with a
        parameter, the parameter wins. For example, this UsedURL will have wasExecuted set
        to False::
            activity.used({'url':'', 'name':'Goog', 'wasExecuted':True}, wasExecuted=False)

        Entity examples::
            activity.used(target=entity, targetVersion=2)
            activity.used(codeEntity, wasExecuted=True)
            activity.used({'reference':{'target':'syn12345', 'targetVersion':1}, 'wasExecuted':False})

        URL examples::
            activity.used(url='', name='Awesome Data')
            activity.used(url='', name='Gnarly hacks', wasExecuted=True)
            activity.used({'url':'', 'name':'Gnarly hacks'}, wasExecuted=True)

        List example::
            used( [ 'syn12345', 'syn23456', entity,
                    {'reference':{'target':'syn100009', 'targetVersion':2}, 'wasExecuted':True},
                    '' ] )

        # Check for allowed combinations of parameters and generate specific error message
        # based on the context. For example, if we specify a URL, it's illegal to specify
        # a version.
        def check_for_invalid_parameters(context=None, params={}):
            err_msg = 'Error in call to Activity.used()'
            if context == 'list':
                illegal_params = ('targetVersion', 'url', 'name',)
                context_msg = 'list of used resources'
            elif context == 'dict':
                illegal_params = ('targetVersion', 'url', 'name',)
                context_msg = 'dictionary representing a used resource'
            elif context == 'url_param':
                illegal_params = ('target', 'targetVersion',)
                context_msg = 'URL'
            elif context == 'url_string':
                illegal_params = ('targetVersion',)
                context_msg = 'URL'
            elif context == 'entity':
                illegal_params = ('url', 'name',)
                context_msg = 'Synapse entity'
                illegal_params = ()
                context_msg = '?'

            for param in illegal_params:
                if param in params and params[param] is not None:
                    raise Exception('%s: It is an error to specify the \'%s\' parameter in combination with a %s.' % (err_msg, str(param), context_msg))

        # List
        if isinstance(target, list):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='list', params=locals())
            for item in target:
                self.used(item, wasExecuted=wasExecuted)

        # Used Entity
        elif is_used_entity(target):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='dict', params=locals())
            resource = target
            if 'concreteType' not in resource:
                resource['concreteType'] = 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedEntity'

        # Used URL
        elif is_used_url(target):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='dict', params=locals())
            resource = target
            if 'concreteType' not in resource:
                resource['concreteType'] = 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedURL'

        #  Synapse Entity
        elif is_synapse_entity(target):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='entity', params=locals())
            reference = {'targetId':target['id']}
            if 'versionNumber' in target:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = target['versionNumber']
            ## if targetVersion is specified as a parameter, it overrides the version in the object
            if targetVersion:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = int(targetVersion)
            resource = {'reference':reference, 'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedEntity'}

        # URL parameter
        elif url:
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='url_param', params=locals())
            resource = {'url':url, 'name':name if name else target, 'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedURL'}

        # URL as a string
        elif is_url(target):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='url_string', params=locals())
            resource = {'url':target, 'name':name if name else target, 'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedURL'}

        # If it's a string and isn't a URL, assume it's a Synapse Entity ID
        elif isinstance(target, basestring):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='entity', params=locals())
            reference = {'targetId':target}
            if targetVersion:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = int(targetVersion)
            resource = {'reference':reference, 'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedEntity'}

            raise Exception('Unexpected parameters in call to Activity.used().')

        # Set wasExecuted
        if wasExecuted is None:
            # Default to False
            if 'wasExecuted' not in resource:
                resource['wasExecuted'] = False
            # wasExecuted parameter overrides setting in an object
            resource['wasExecuted'] = wasExecuted

        # Add the used resource to the activity
Beispiel #16
    def used(self,
        Add a resource used by the activity.

        This method tries to be as permissive as possible. It accepts a string which might
        be a synapse ID or a URL, a synapse entity, a UsedEntity or UsedURL dictionary or
        a list containing any combination of these.

        In addition, named parameters can be used to specify the fields of either a
        UsedEntity or a UsedURL. If target and optionally targetVersion are specified,
        create a UsedEntity. If url and optionally name are specified, create a UsedURL.

        It is an error to specify both target/targetVersion parameters and url/name
        parameters in the same call. To add multiple UsedEntities and UsedURLs, make a
        separate call for each or pass in a list.

        In case of conflicting settings for wasExecuted both inside an object and with a
        parameter, the parameter wins. For example, this UsedURL will have wasExecuted set
        to False::
            activity.used({'url':'', 'name':'Goog', 'wasExecuted':True}, wasExecuted=False)

        Entity examples::
            activity.used(target=entity, targetVersion=2)
            activity.used(codeEntity, wasExecuted=True)
            activity.used({'reference':{'target':'syn12345', 'targetVersion':1}, 'wasExecuted':False})

        URL examples::
            activity.used(url='', name='Awesome Data')
            activity.used(url='', name='Gnarly hacks', wasExecuted=True)
            activity.used({'url':'', 'name':'Gnarly hacks'}, wasExecuted=True)

        List example::
            used( [ 'syn12345', 'syn23456', entity,
                    {'reference':{'target':'syn100009', 'targetVersion':2}, 'wasExecuted':True},
                    '' ] )

        # Check for allowed combinations of parameters and generate specific error message
        # based on the context. For example, if we specify a URL, it's illegal to specify
        # a version.
        def check_for_invalid_parameters(context=None, params={}):
            err_msg = 'Error in call to Activity.used()'

            if context == 'list':
                illegal_params = (
                context_msg = 'list of used resources'
            elif context == 'dict':
                illegal_params = (
                context_msg = 'dictionary representing a used resource'
            elif context == 'url_param':
                illegal_params = (
                context_msg = 'URL'
            elif context == 'url_string':
                illegal_params = ('targetVersion', )
                context_msg = 'URL'
            elif context == 'entity':
                illegal_params = (
                context_msg = 'Synapse entity'
                illegal_params = ()
                context_msg = '?'

            for param in illegal_params:
                if param in params and params[param] is not None:
                    raise Exception(
                        '%s: It is an error to specify the \'%s\' parameter in combination with a %s.'
                        % (err_msg, str(param), context_msg))

        # List
        if isinstance(target, list):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='list', params=locals())
            for item in target:
                self.used(item, wasExecuted=wasExecuted)

        # Used Entity
        elif is_used_entity(target):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='dict', params=locals())
            resource = target
            if 'concreteType' not in resource:
                    'concreteType'] = 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedEntity'

        # Used URL
        elif is_used_url(target):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='dict', params=locals())
            resource = target
            if 'concreteType' not in resource:
                    'concreteType'] = 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedURL'

        #  Synapse Entity
        elif is_synapse_entity(target):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='entity', params=locals())
            reference = {'targetId': target['id']}
            if 'versionNumber' in target:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = target['versionNumber']
            ## if targetVersion is specified as a parameter, it overrides the version in the object
            if targetVersion:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = int(targetVersion)
            resource = {

        # URL parameter
        elif url:
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='url_param', params=locals())
            resource = {
                'url': url,
                'name': name if name else target,

        # URL as a string
        elif is_url(target):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='url_string', params=locals())
            resource = {
                'url': target,
                'name': name if name else target,

        # If it's a string and isn't a URL, assume it's a Synapse Entity ID
        elif isinstance(target, basestring):
            check_for_invalid_parameters(context='entity', params=locals())
            reference = {'targetId': target}
            if targetVersion:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = int(targetVersion)
            resource = {

            raise Exception(
                'Unexpected parameters in call to Activity.used().')

        # Set wasExecuted
        if wasExecuted is None:
            # Default to False
            if 'wasExecuted' not in resource:
                resource['wasExecuted'] = False
            # wasExecuted parameter overrides setting in an object
            resource['wasExecuted'] = wasExecuted

        # Add the used resource to the activity
Beispiel #17
    def used(self, target=None, targetVersion=None, wasExecuted=None, url=None, name=None):
        Add a resource used by the activity.

        This method tries to be as permissive as possible. It accepts a string which might
        be a synapse ID or a URL, a synapse entity, a UsedEntity or UsedURL dictionary or
        a list containing any combination of these.

        In addition, named parameters can be used to specify the fields of either a
        UsedEntity or a UsedURL. If target and optionally targetVersion are specified,
        create a UsedEntity. If url and optionally name are specified, create a UsedURL.

        It is an error to specify both target/targetVersion parameters and url/name
        parameters in the same call. To add multiple UsedEntities and UsedURLs, make a
        separate call for each or pass in a list.

        In case of conflicting settings for wasExecuted both inside an object and with a
        parameter, the parameter wins. For example, this UsedURL will have wasExecuted set
        to False::
            activity.used({'url':'', 'name':'Goog', 'wasExecuted':True}, wasExecuted=False)

        Entity examples::
            activity.used(target=entity, targetVersion=2)
            activity.used(codeEntity, wasExecuted=True)
            activity.used({'reference':{'target':'syn12345', 'targetVersion':1}, 'wasExecuted':False})

        URL examples::
            activity.used(url='', name='Awesome Data')
            activity.used(url='', name='Gnarly hacks', wasExecuted=True)
            activity.used({'url':'', 'name':'Gnarly hacks'}, wasExecuted=True)

        List example::
            used( [ 'syn12345', 'syn23456', entity,
                    {'reference':{'target':'syn100009', 'targetVersion':2}, 'wasExecuted':True},
                    '' ] )

        # -- A list of targets
        if isinstance(target, list):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['targetVersion', 'url', 'name'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'list of used resources')
            for item in target:
                self.used(item, wasExecuted=wasExecuted)
        # -- UsedEntity
        elif is_used_entity(target):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['targetVersion', 'url', 'name'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'dictionary representing a used resource')
            resource = target
            if 'concreteType' not in resource:
                resource['concreteType'] = 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedEntity'
        # -- Used URL
        elif is_used_url(target):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['targetVersion', 'url', 'name'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'URL')
            resource = target
            if 'concreteType' not in resource:
                resource['concreteType'] = 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedURL'
        # -- Synapse Entity
        elif is_synapse_entity(target):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['url', 'name'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'Synapse entity')
            reference = {'targetId':target['id']}
            if 'versionNumber' in target:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = target['versionNumber']
            if targetVersion:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = int(targetVersion)
            resource = {'reference':reference, 'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedEntity'}
        # -- URL parameter
        elif url:
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['target', 'targetVersion'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'URL')
            resource = {'url':url, 'name':name if name else target, 'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedURL'}
        # -- URL as a string
        elif is_url(target):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['targetVersion'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'URL')
            resource = {'url':target, 'name':name if name else target, 'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedURL'}
        # -- Synapse Entity ID (assuming the string is an ID)
        elif isinstance(target, basestring):
            badargs = _get_any_bad_args(['url', 'name'], locals())
            _raise_incorrect_used_usage(badargs, 'Synapse entity')
            reference = {'targetId':target}
            if targetVersion:
                reference['targetVersionNumber'] = int(targetVersion)
            resource = {'reference':reference, 'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.provenance.UsedEntity'}

            raise SynapseError('Unexpected parameters in call to Activity.used().')
        # Set wasExecuted
        if wasExecuted is None:
            # Default to False
            if 'wasExecuted' not in resource:
                resource['wasExecuted'] = False
            # wasExecuted parameter overrides setting in an object
            resource['wasExecuted'] = wasExecuted

        # Add the used resource to the activity
def test_windows_file_urls():
    url = "file:///c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi"
    assert utils.is_url(url)
    assert utils.file_url_to_path(url, verify_exists=False) == "c:/WINDOWS/clock.avi", utils.file_url_to_path(url)