Beispiel #1
	def mkdir_basepath(self):
		'''call mkdir -p if the destination directory does not exist yet'''
		if synctool_lib.DRY_RUN:
		# check if the directory exists
		basedir = os.path.dirname(self.dest_path)
		stat = synctool_stat.SyncStat(basedir)
		if not stat.exists():
			# create the directory
			verbose('making directory %s' % synctool_lib.prettypath(basedir))
			unix_out('mkdir -p %s' % basedir)
Beispiel #2
def upload(interface, upload_filename, upload_suffix=None):
	'''copy a file from a node into the overlay/ tree'''
	if not synctool_param.SCP_CMD:
		stderr('%s: error: scp_cmd has not been defined in %s' % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
	if upload_filename[0] != '/':
		stderr('error: the filename to upload must be an absolute path')
	trimmed_upload_fn = upload_filename[1:]			# remove leading slash
	import synctool_overlay
	# make the known groups lists
	synctool_param.MY_GROUPS = synctool_config.get_my_groups()
	synctool_param.ALL_GROUPS = synctool_config.make_all_groups()
	if upload_suffix and not upload_suffix in synctool_param.ALL_GROUPS:
		stderr("no such group '%s'" % upload_suffix)
	# shadow DRY_RUN because that var can not be used correctly here
	if '-f' in PASS_ARGS or '--fix' in PASS_ARGS:
		dry_run = False
		dry_run = True
		if not synctool_lib.QUIET:
			stdout('DRY RUN, not uploading any files')
			terse(synctool_lib.TERSE_DRYRUN, 'not uploading any files')
	node = NODESET.get_nodename_from_interface(interface)
	# pretend that the current node is now the given node;
	# this is needed for find() to find the most optimal reference for the file
	orig_NODENAME = synctool_param.NODENAME
	synctool_param.NODENAME = node
	synctool_config.insert_group(node, node)
	orig_MY_GROUPS = synctool_param.MY_GROUPS[:]
	synctool_param.MY_GROUPS = synctool_config.get_my_groups()
	# see if file is already in the repository
	(obj, err) = synctool_overlay.find_terse(synctool_overlay.OV_OVERLAY, upload_filename)
	if err == synctool_overlay.OV_FOUND_MULTIPLE:
		# multiple source possible
		# possibilities have already been printed
	if err == synctool_overlay.OV_NOT_FOUND:
		# no source path found
		if string.find(upload_filename, '...') >= 0:
			stderr("%s is not in the repository, don't know what to map this path to\n"
				"Please give the full path instead of a terse path, or touch the source file\n"
				"in the repository first and try again"
				% os.path.basename(upload_filename))
		# it wasn't a terse path, throw a source path together
		# This picks the first overlay dir as default source, which may not be correct
		# but it is a good guess
		repos_filename = os.path.join(synctool_param.OVERLAY_DIRS[0], trimmed_upload_fn)
		if upload_suffix:
			repos_filename = repos_filename + '._' + upload_suffix
			repos_filename = repos_filename + '._' + node		# use _nodename as default suffix
		if upload_suffix:
			# remove the current group suffix an add the specified suffix to the filename
			arr = string.split(obj.src_path, '.')
			if len(arr) > 1 and arr[-1][0] == '_':
				repos_filename = string.join(arr[:-1], '.')
			repos_filename = repos_filename + '._' + upload_suffix
			repos_filename = obj.src_path
	synctool_param.NODENAME = orig_NODENAME
	synctool_param.MY_GROUPS = orig_MY_GROUPS
	verbose('%s:%s uploaded as %s' % (node, upload_filename, repos_filename))
	terse(synctool_lib.TERSE_UPLOAD, repos_filename)
	unix_out('%s %s:%s %s' % (synctool_param.SCP_CMD, interface, upload_filename, repos_filename))
	if dry_run:
		stdout('would be uploaded as %s' % synctool_lib.prettypath(repos_filename))
		# first check if the directory in the repository exists
		repos_dir = os.path.dirname(repos_filename)
		stat = synctool_stat.SyncStat(repos_dir)
		if not stat.exists():
			verbose('making directory %s' % synctool_lib.prettypath(repos_dir))
			unix_out('mkdir -p %s' % repos_dir)
		# make scp command array
		scp_cmd_arr = shlex.split(synctool_param.SCP_CMD)
		scp_cmd_arr.append('%s:%s' % (interface, upload_filename))
		synctool_lib.run_with_nodename(scp_cmd_arr, NODESET.get_nodename_from_interface(interface))
		if os.path.isfile(repos_filename):
			stdout('uploaded %s' % synctool_lib.prettypath(repos_filename))