Beispiel #1
def render_fnt(parent_class, f_name, f_overloads):
       Generate the rst page for a function
        * f_name : name of the function
        * overload_docs : ??
        * parent_class : None or the parent class if it is a method
        * f_overloads : a list of WHAT ?
    # Start of the page
    R = rst_start

    # tag and name of the class
    parent_cls_name_fully_qualified = (CL.fully_qualified_name(parent_class) +
                                       "::") if parent_class else ""
    parent_cls_spelling = (parent_class.spelling + '_') if parent_class else ''
    f_name_full = parent_cls_name_fully_qualified + f_name

    R += """
.. _{class_rst_ref}:

""".format(f_name_full=f_name_full, class_rst_ref=parent_cls_spelling + f_name)

    R += '=' * (len(f_name_full) + 0) + '\n' + """

    # Synopsis
    R += make_synopsis_list(f_overloads) + '\n\n'

    # Enumerate all overloads
    for n, f in enumerate(f_overloads):
        doc = f.processed_doc
        doc_elem = doc.elements

        num = '%s.' % (n + 1) if len(f_overloads) > 1 else ''
        R += '\n' + num + ' ' + doc.brief_doc + '\n'
        R += doc.doc

        # TODO which order ?
        if 'note' in doc_elem: R += render_note(doc_elem.pop('note'))
        if 'warning' in doc_elem: R += render_warning(doc_elem.pop('warning'))
        if 'figure' in doc_elem: R += render_fig(doc_elem.pop('figure'))
        if 'tparam' in doc_elem:
            R += render_list(doc_elem.pop('tparam'), 'Template parameters')
        if 'param' in doc_elem:
            R += render_list(doc_elem.pop('param'), 'Parameters')
        if 'return' in doc_elem:
            R += make_header('Return value') + doc_elem.pop('return')

    # any example from the overloads
    # Should we TAKE ONLY ONE ????? Error ??
    example_file_name = reduce(
        lambda x, y: x or y,
        [f.processed_doc.elements.pop('example', '') for f in f_overloads], '')
    R += render_example(example_file_name)

    return R
Beispiel #2
def render_fnt(f_name, doc_methods, parent_class, f_overloads):
    R = rst_start
    R += """
.. _{class_rst_ref}:

        class_rst_ref=((parent_class.spelling + '_') if parent_class else '') +

    R += '=' * (len(f_name) + 0) + '\n' + """

.. code-block:: c

    # Synopsis
    R += make_synopsis_list(f_overloads, doc_methods) + '\n\n'

    # Enumerate all overloads
    for n, (m, doc) in enumerate(zip(f_overloads, doc_methods)):
        doc_elem = doc.elements

        num = '(%s)' % (n + 1) if len(f_overloads) > 1 else ''
        R += num + doc.brief_doc + '\n'

        R += replace_latex(render_note('note', doc_elem))
        R += replace_latex(render_note('warning', doc_elem))
        R += render_fig(doc_elem)
        R += render_list(doc_elem['tparam'], 'Template parameters')
        R += render_list(doc_elem['param'], 'Parameters')

        if doc_elem['return']: R += head('Return value') + doc_elem['return']
        if doc.processed_doc:
            R += head('Documentation') + replace_latex(doc.processed_doc)
        R += '\n\n'

    # any example from the overloads
    example_file_name = reduce(lambda x, y: x or y,
                                for d in doc_methods] + [f_name], '')
    code, d1, d2, s, e = prepare_example(example_file_name, 4)
    if code:
        R += """


.. triqs_example::



    return R
Beispiel #3
def render_fnt(parent_class, f_name, f_overloads):
       Generate the rst page for a function
        * f_name : name of the function
        * overload_docs : ??
        * parent_class : None or the parent class if it is a method
        * f_overloads : a list of WHAT ?
    # Start of the page
    R = rst_start

    # tag and name of the class
    parent_cls_name_fully_qualified = (CL.fully_qualified_name(parent_class) +
                                       "::") if parent_class else ""
    parent_cls_name = ( + '_') if parent_class else ''
    f_name_full = parent_cls_name_fully_qualified + f_name

    R += """
.. _{class_rst_ref}:

           class_rst_ref=make_label(parent_cls_name + f_name))

    R += '=' * (len(f_name_full) + 0) + '\n' + """

    # Synopsis
    R += make_synopsis_list(f_overloads) + '\n\n'

    # We regroup the overload as in cppreference

    def make_unique(topic):
        rets = set(
            f.processed_doc.elements.pop(topic, '').strip()
            for f in f_overloads)
        rets = list(x for x in rets if x)
        if len(rets) > 1:
            print "Warning : Multiple documentation of %s across overloads. Picking first one" % topic
        return rets[0] if rets else ''

    def make_unique_list(topic):
        D = OrderedDict()
        for n, f in enumerate(f_overloads):
            plist = f.processed_doc.elements.pop(
                topic)  # p is a string "NAME REST"
            for p in plist:
                name, desc = (p + '   ').split(' ', 1)
                if name not in D:
                    D[name] = desc.strip()
                    if D[name] != desc.strip():
                        print "Warning : multiple definition of parameter %s at overload %s" % (
                            name, n)
        return D

    def render_dict(d, header, char):
           Make rst code for a list of items with  a header
           It splits the first word in a separate column
        if not d: return ''
        head = make_header(header, char) if header else ''
        return head + '\n'.join(" * **%s**: %s\n" % (k.strip(), v)
                                for (k, v) in d.items())

    has_overload = len(f_overloads) > 1

    # Head doc
    head = make_unique('head') or ("Documentation" if has_overload else '')
    R += '%s\n\n' % head

    # The piece of doc which is overload dependent
    for num, f in enumerate(f_overloads):
        pd = f.processed_doc
        num_s = '**%s)**  ' % (num + 1) if has_overload else ''
        if pd.doc: R += '\n\n %s %s\n ' % (num_s, pd.doc) + '\n'

    # Tail doc
    R += '%s\n\n' % make_unique('tail')

    # tparam and param
    tparam_dict = make_unique_list('tparam')
    param_dict = make_unique_list('param')

    R += render_dict(tparam_dict, 'Template parameters', '^')
    R += render_dict(param_dict, 'Parameters', '^')

    # Returns
    rets = make_unique("return")
    if rets: R += make_header('Returns', '^') + " * %s" % rets

    # Examples
    example_file_name = make_unique("example")
    R += render_example(example_file_name.strip())

    # Warning
    w = make_unique("warning")
    R += render_warning(w)

    return R
Beispiel #4
def render_fnt(parent_class, f_name, f_overloads):
       Generate the rst page for a function
        * f_name : name of the function
        * overload_docs : ??
        * parent_class : None or the parent class if it is a method
        * f_overloads : a list of WHAT ?
    # Start of the page
    R = rst_start
    # tag and name of the class
    parent_cls_name_fully_qualified = (CL.fully_qualified_name(parent_class) + "::") if parent_class else ""
    parent_cls_name = ( + '_') if parent_class else '' 
    f_name_full = parent_cls_name_fully_qualified + f_name
    R += """
.. _{class_rst_ref}:

""".format(f_name_full = f_name_full, class_rst_ref = make_label(parent_cls_name + f_name))

    R += '=' * (len(f_name_full)+0) + '\n' + """

    # Synopsis
    R += make_synopsis_list(f_overloads) + '\n\n'
    # We regroup the overload as in cppreference
    def make_unique(topic) :
        rets = set(f.processed_doc.elements.pop(topic, '').strip() for f in f_overloads)
        rets = list(x for x in rets if x)
        if len(rets)> 1: print "Warning : Multiple documentation of %s across overloads. Picking first one"%topic
        return rets[0] if rets else ''
    def make_unique_list(topic) : 
        D = OrderedDict()
        for n, f in enumerate(f_overloads):
           plist = f.processed_doc.elements.pop(topic) # p is a string "NAME REST"
           for p in plist : 
               name, desc = (p + '   ').split(' ',1)
               if name not in D:
                   D[name] = desc.strip()
                   if D[name] != desc.strip() : 
                       print "Warning : multiple definition of parameter %s at overload %s"%(name, n)
        return D

    def render_dict(d, header, char):
           Make rst code for a list of items with  a header
           It splits the first word in a separate column
        if not d: return ''
        head = make_header(header, char) if header else ''
        return head + '\n'.join(" * **%s**: %s\n"%(k.strip(),v) for (k,v) in d.items())

    has_overload = len(f_overloads)> 1

    # Head doc 
    head = make_unique('head') or ("Documentation" if has_overload else '')
    R += '%s\n\n'%head 

    # The piece of doc which is overload dependent
    for num, f in enumerate(f_overloads):
        pd =  f.processed_doc
        num_s =  '**%s)**  '%(num+1) if has_overload else '' 
        if pd.doc : R +=  '\n\n %s %s\n '%(num_s,  pd.doc)+ '\n'

    # Tail doc 
    R += '%s\n\n' %make_unique('tail') 

    # tparam and param
    tparam_dict = make_unique_list('tparam')
    param_dict = make_unique_list('param')
    R += render_dict(tparam_dict, 'Template parameters', '^')
    R += render_dict(param_dict, 'Parameters','^')
    # Returns 
    rets = make_unique("return")
    if rets : R += make_header('Returns', '^') + " * %s"%rets

    # Examples 
    example_file_name = make_unique("example")
    R += render_example(example_file_name.strip())

    # Warning 
    w = make_unique("warning")
    R += render_warning(w)

    return R