Beispiel #1
    def testParseSet(self):
        ctxt = {
            "x": Ta,
            "A": set.setT(Ta),
            "B": set.setT(Ta),
        test_data = [
            ("({}::'a set)", "(∅::'a set)", "'a set"),
            ("x MEM A", "x ∈ A", "bool"),
            ("A SUB B", "A ⊆ B", "bool"),
            ("A INTER B", "A ∩ B", "'a set"),
            ("A UNION B", "A ∪ B", "'a set"),

        for s1, s2, Ts in test_data:
            T = parser.parse_type(thy, Ts)

            t1 = parser.parse_term(thy, ctxt, s1)
            self.assertIsInstance(t1, Term)
            self.assertEqual(t1.checked_get_type(), T)
            self.assertEqual(print_term(thy, t1), s1)

            t2 = parser.parse_term(thy, ctxt, s2)
            self.assertIsInstance(t2, Term)
            self.assertEqual(t2.checked_get_type(), T)
            self.assertEqual(print_term(thy, t2, unicode=True), s2)
Beispiel #2
    def testCombineFractionConv(self):
        test_data = [
            ('1 / (x + 1) + 1 / (x - 1)',
             'x Mem real_open_interval (-1/2) (1/2)',
             '2 * x / ((x + 1) * (x - 1))'),
            ("2 + 1 / (x + 1)", 'x Mem real_open_interval 0 1',
             '(3 + 2 * x) / (x + 1)'),
            ("(x + 1) ^ -(1::real)", 'x Mem real_open_interval 0 1',
             '1 / (x + 1)'),
            ("2 * (x * (x + 1) ^ -(1::real))", 'x Mem real_open_interval 0 1',
             '2 * x / (x + 1)'),
            ("2 - 1 / (x + 1)", 'x Mem real_open_interval 0 1',
             '(1 + 2 * x) / (x + 1)'),
            ("x ^ (1/2)", "x Mem real_open_interval 0 1", "x ^ (1/2) / 1"),
            ("x ^ -(1/2)", "x Mem real_open_interval 0 1", "1 / (x ^ (1/2))"),
            ("x ^ -(2::real)", "x Mem real_open_interval 0 1",
             "1 / (x ^ (2::nat))"),

        vars = {'x': 'real'}
        context.set_context('interval_arith', vars=vars)
        for s, cond, res in test_data:
            s = parser.parse_term(s)
            res = parser.parse_term(res)
            cond_t = parser.parse_term(cond)
            cv = proof.combine_fraction([ProofTerm.assume(cond_t)])
Beispiel #3
    def testRewriteIntWithAsserstion(self):
        test_data = [(
            "¬(¬(¬(¬P8 ∨ ¬(F20 + -1 * F18 ≤ 0)) ∨ ¬(P8 ∨ ¬(F4 + -1 * F2 ≤ 0))) ∨ ¬(¬(P8 ∨ ¬(F6 + -1 * F4 ≤ 0)) ∨ \
            ¬(¬P8 ∨ ¬(F22 + -1 * F20 ≤ 0))) ∨ ¬(¬(P8 ∨ ¬(F2 + -1 * F0 ≤ 0)) ∨ ¬(¬P8 ∨ ¬(F18 + -1 * F16 ≤ 0))))\
            ⟷ ¬(¬(F2 + -1 * F0 ≤ 0) ∨ ¬(F6 + -1 * F4 ≤ 0) ∨ ¬(F4 + -1 * F2 ≤ 0))",
            ("P8", "P8 ⟷ false"))]

                                "P8": "bool",
                                "F20": "int",
                                "F18": "int",
                                "P8": "bool",
                                "F4": "int",
                                "F2": "int",
                                "F6": "int",
                                "F22": "int",
                                "F20": "int",
                                "F2": "int",
                                "F16": "int",
                                "F0": "int"
        for tm, ast in test_data:
            tm = parse_term(tm)
            var, prop = [parse_term(i) for i in ast]
            proofrec.atoms[var] = ProofTerm.assume(prop)
Beispiel #4
    def testNormFull(self):
        test_data = [
            ("(x * y) * (z * y)", "x * y * y * z"),
            ("(x + y) + (z + y)", "x + y * 2 + z"),
            ("(x + y) * (y + z)", "x * y + x * z + y * y + y * z"),
            ("(x + y) * (x + y)", "x * x + x * y * 2 + y * y"),
            ("0 + 1 * x + 0 * y", "x"),
            ("x + 2 + y + 3", "x + y + 5"),
            ("3 * x * 5 * x", "x * x * 15"),
            ("(x + 2 * y) * (y + 2 * x)", "x * x * 2 + x * y * 5 + y * y * 2"),
            ("3 + 5 * 2", "13"),
            ("x + Suc y", "x + y + 1"),
            ("Suc (x + Suc y)", "x + y + 2"),
            ("x * Suc y", "x + x * y"),
            ("x * 1 * 1 * 1", "x"),

        cv = nat.norm_full()
        ctxt = {"x": nat.natT, "y": nat.natT, "z": nat.natT}
        for expr, res in test_data:
            t = parser.parse_term(thy, ctxt, expr)
            t2 = parser.parse_term(thy, ctxt, res)
            res_th = Thm.mk_equals(t, t2)
            prf = cv.get_proof_term(thy, t).export()
            self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), res_th)
Beispiel #5
    def testSymPySolve2(self):
        test_data = [
            # Interval condition
            ("1 - x ^ (2::nat) >= 0", "x Mem real_closed_interval 0 1", True),
            ("1 - x ^ (2::nat) >= 0", "x Mem real_closed_interval 0 (sqrt 2)",
            ("1 - x ^ (2::nat) > 0", "x Mem real_open_interval 0 1", True),
            ("2 - x ^ (2::nat) >= 0", "x Mem real_closed_interval 0 (sqrt 2)",
            ("2 - x ^ (2::nat) >= 0", "x Mem real_closed_interval 0 2", False),
            ("sqrt 2 * cos x >= 0", "x Mem real_closed_interval 0 (pi / 2)",
            ("sqrt 2 * cos x >= 0", "x Mem real_closed_interval 0 pi", False),
            ("log x >= 0", "x Mem real_closed_interval 1 (exp 1)", True),
            ("log x <= 0", "x Mem real_closed_interval (exp (-1)) 1", True),
            ("log x >= 0", "x Mem real_closed_interval (exp (-1)) (exp 1)",
            ("~(sin x = 0)", "x Mem real_closed_interval 1 2", True),
            ("~(sin x = 0)", "x Mem real_closed_interval (-1) 1", False),
            ("~(sin x = 0)", "x Mem real_closed_interval 0 1", False),
            ("~(x ^ (2::nat) = 0)", "x Mem real_closed_interval (-1) 1",
            ("~(x ^ (2::nat) + 1 = 0)", "x Mem real_closed_interval (-1) 1",

        context.set_context('transcendentals', vars={'x': 'real'})
        for goal, cond, res in test_data:
            goal = parser.parse_term(goal)
            cond = parser.parse_term(cond)
            self.assertEqual(sympywrapper.solve_with_interval(goal, cond), res)
Beispiel #6
 def testVCGIf(self):
     context.set_context(None, vars={'A': 'nat'})
     c = parser.parse_term("Cond (%s. s (0::nat) = A) Skip (Assign 0 (%s. A))")
     P = parser.parse_term("%s::nat=>nat. true")
     Q = parser.parse_term("%s. s (0::nat) = A")
     goal = Valid(P, c, Q)
     prf = imp.vcg_solve(goal).export()
     self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf), Thm([], goal))
Beispiel #7
 def testVCGWhile(self):
     context.set_context(None, vars={"A": 'nat', "B": 'nat'})
     c = parser.parse_term(
         "While (%s. ~s (0::nat) = A) (%s. s 1 = s 0 * B) (Seq (Assign 1 (%s. s 1 + B)) (Assign 0 (%s. s 0 + 1)))")
     P = parser.parse_term("%s. s (0::nat) = (0::nat) & s 1 = 0")
     Q = parser.parse_term("%s. s (1::nat) = A * B")
     goal = Valid(P, c, Q)
     prf = imp.vcg_solve(goal).export()
     self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf), Thm([], goal))
Beispiel #8
 def testVCGWhile(self):
     A = Var("A", natT)
     B = Var("B", natT)
     ctxt = {"A": natT, "B": natT}
     c = parser.parse_term(thy, ctxt, \
         "While (%s. ~s 0 = A) (%s. s 1 = s 0 * B) (Seq (Assign 1 (%s. s 1 + B)) (Assign 0 (%s. s 0 + 1)))")
     P = parser.parse_term(thy, ctxt, "%s. s 0 = 0 & s 1 = 0")
     Q = parser.parse_term(thy, ctxt, "%s. s 1 = A * B")
     goal = Valid(P, c, Q)
     prf = hoare.vcg_solve(thy, goal).export()
     self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), Thm([], goal))
Beispiel #9
    def testSwapDisjRConv(self):
        test_data = [
            ('A | B', 'B | A'),
            ('A | B | C', 'B | A | C'),

        vars = {'A': 'bool', 'B': 'bool', 'C': 'bool'}
        context.set_context('logic', vars=vars)
        for t, res in test_data:
            t, res = parser.parse_term(t), parser.parse_term(res)
            test_conv(self, 'logic', proplogic.swap_disj_r(), vars=vars, t=t, t_res=res)  
Beispiel #10
    def testNormConjConjunction(self):
        test_data = [
            ('(A & B) & (C & D)', 'A & B & C & D'),
            ('(C & D) & (A & B)', 'A & B & C & D')

        vars = {'A': 'bool', 'B': 'bool', 'C': 'bool'}
        context.set_context('logic', vars=vars)
        for t, res in test_data:
            t, res = parser.parse_term(t), parser.parse_term(res)
            test_conv(self, 'logic', proplogic.norm_conj_conjunction(), vars=vars, t=t, t_res=res)
Beispiel #11
    def testNormDisjDisjunction(self):
        test_data = [
            ('(A | B) | (C | D)', 'A | B | C | D'),
            ('(C | D) | (A | B)', 'A | B | C | D')

        vars = {'A': 'bool', 'B': 'bool', 'C': 'bool'}
        context.set_context('logic', vars=vars)
        for t, res in test_data:
            t, res = parser.parse_term(t), parser.parse_term(res)
            test_conv(self, 'logic', proplogic.norm_disj_disjunction(), vars=vars, t=t, t_res=res)
Beispiel #12
    def testThLemmaIntMulti(self):
        test_data = [(('¬(x ≤ 3)', 'x ≤ 4'), '0 = -4 + x'),
                     (('x ≥ 0', 'x ≤ 0'), '1 = 1 + x'),
                     (('x ≥ 0', '¬(x ≥ 1)'), '1 = 1 + x')]

        context.set_context('smt', vars={'x': 'int'})

        for assms, res in test_data:
            assms = [ProofTerm.assume(parse_term(assm)) for assm in assms]
            res = parse_term(res)
            self.assertEqual(proofrec.th_lemma([*assms, res]).prop, res)
Beispiel #13
    def testNNF(self):
        test_data = [
            # Test case from Section 3.5 of HPLAR.
            ("(!x. P x) --> ((?y. Q y) <--> ?z. P z & Q z)",
             "(?x. ~P x) | (?y. Q y) & (?z. P z & Q z) | (!y. ~Q y) & (!z. ~P z | ~Q z)")

        context.set_context('logic', vars={'P': "'a => bool", 'Q': "'a => bool"})
        for fm, res in test_data:
            fm = parser.parse_term(fm)
            res = parser.parse_term(res)
            self.assertEqual(fologic.nnf(fm), res)
Beispiel #14
    def testSimplify(self):
        test_data = [
            # Three test cases Section 3.5 of HPLAR.
            ("true --> (p <--> (p <--> false))", "p <--> ~p"),
            ("?x. ?y::'a. ?z. P x --> Q z --> false", "?x. ?z. P x --> ~Q z"),
            ("(!x. !y. P x | (P y & false)) --> ?z::'a. q", "(!x. P x) --> q")

        context.set_context('logic', vars={'p': 'bool', 'q': 'bool', 'P': "'a => bool", 'Q': "'a => bool"})
        for fm, res in test_data:
            fm = parser.parse_term(fm)
            res = parser.parse_term(res)
            self.assertEqual(fologic.simplify(fm), res)
Beispiel #15
    def testIntNormMacro(self):
        test_data = (("x * z * y", "x * y * z"), ("x - y", "x + (-1) * y"),
                     ("x - -y", "x + y"), ("x - --x", "(0::int)"))

        vars = {"x": "int", "y": "int", "z": "int"}
        context.set_context('int', vars=vars)
        for t, t_res in test_data:
            t, t_res = parser.parse_term(t), parser.parse_term(t_res)
Beispiel #16
    def testASKolem(self):
        test_data = [
            # Test case from Section 3.6 of HPLAR.
            ("?y::nat. x < y --> !u. ?v. x * u < y * v",
             "~x < f_y x | (!u::nat. x * u < f_y x * f_v u x)"),
            ("!x. P x --> (?y. ?z::'a. Q y | ~(?z. P z & Q z))",
             "!x. ~P x | Q c_y | (!z. ~P z | ~Q z)")

        context.set_context('nat', vars={'P': "'a => bool", 'Q': "'a => bool"})
        for fm, res in test_data:
            fm = parser.parse_term(fm)
            res = parser.parse_term(res)
            self.assertEqual(fologic.askolemize(fm), res)
Beispiel #17
    def testSimplifyRewrConv(self):
        test_data = [
            ("(sin x) ^ (3::nat)", "sin x * (sin x) ^ (2::nat)"),

        context.set_context('interval_arith', vars={'x': 'real'})
        for s, t in test_data:
            s = parser.parse_term(s)
            t = parser.parse_term(t)
Beispiel #18
 def run_test(self, data, verbose=False):
     Ta = TVar('a')
                             'a': Ta,
                             'b': Ta,
                             'c': Ta,
                             'd': Ta,
                             'f': TFun(Ta, Ta),
                             'g': TFun(Ta, Ta),
                             'R': TFun(Ta, Ta, Ta),
                             'm': NatType,
                             'n': NatType,
                             'p': NatType,
                             'q': NatType,
                             'x': NatType,
                             'y': NatType,
                             'z': NatType
     closure = congc.CongClosureHOL()
     for item in data:
         if item[0] == MERGE:
             _, s, t = item
             s = parser.parse_term(s)
             t = parser.parse_term(t)
             closure.merge(s, t)
             if verbose:
                 print("Merge %s, %s\nAfter\n%s" % (s, t, closure))
         elif item[0] == CHECK:
             _, s, t, b = item
             s = parser.parse_term(s)
             t = parser.parse_term(t)
             self.assertEqual(closure.test(s, t), b)
         elif item[0] == EXPLAIN:
             _, s, t = item
             s = parser.parse_term(s)
             t = parser.parse_term(t)
             prf = closure.explain(s, t).export()
             self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf), Thm([], Eq(s, t)))
             if verbose:
                 print("Proof of %s" % Eq(s, t))
         elif item[0] == MATCH:
             _, pat, t, res = item
             pat = parser.parse_term(pat)
             t = parser.parse_term(t)
             for res_inst in res:
                 for k in res_inst:
                     res_inst[k] = parser.parse_term(res_inst[k])
             inst = closure.ematch(pat, t)
             self.assertEqual(inst, res)
             raise NotImplementedError
Beispiel #19
    def testSolve(self):
        if not z3wrapper.z3_loaded:

                                "s": 'nat => nat',
                                "A": 'nat',
                                "B": 'nat'
        test_data = [
            ("s 0 = 0 & s 1 = 0 --> s 1 = s 0 * B", True),
            ("s 1 = s 0 * B & ~~s 0 = A --> s 1 = A * B", True),
            ("s 1 = s 0 * B & ~s 0 = A --> s 1 + B = (s 0 + 1) * B", True),
            ("A * B + 1 = 1 + B * A", True),
            ("s 0 = s 1", False),
            ("s 0 + s 1 = A --> A + s 2 = B --> s 0 + s 2 + s 1 = B", True),
            ("s 0 + s 1 = A --> A + s 2 = B --> s 0 + s 2 = B", False),
            ("(!n. s n = 0) --> s 2 = 0", True),
            ("(!n. s n = 0) --> s 0 = 1", False),

        for s, res in test_data:
            t = parser.parse_term(s)
            self.assertEqual(z3wrapper.solve(t), res)
Beispiel #20
    def testRec1(self):
        test_data = [
            # ('s 0 = 0 & s 1 = 0 --> s 1 = s 0 * B',
            # '~(s 1 = s 0 * B), s 0 = 0 & s 1 = 0 |- false'),
            ('s 1 = s 0 * B & ~~s 0 = A --> s 1 = A * B',
             '~(s 1 = A * B), s 1 = s 0 * B & s 0 = A |- false'),
            ('s 1 = s 0 * B & ~s 0 = A --> s 1 + B = (s 0 + 1) * B',
             '~(s 1 + B = (s 0 + 1) * B), s 1 = s 0 * B & ~(s 0 = A) |- false'
            ('A * B + 1 = 1 + B * A', '~(A * B + 1 = 1 + B * A) |- false'),
            ('s 0 + s 1 = A --> A + s 2 = B --> s 0 + s 2 + s 1 = B',
             's 0 + s 1 = A, A + s 2 = B, ~(s 0 + s 2 + s 1 = B) |- false'),
            ('(!n. s n = 0) --> s 2 = 0', '!n. s n = 0, ~(s 2 = 0) |- false')

        for t, p in test_data:
                                    "s": 'nat => nat',
                                    "A": 'nat',
                                    "B": 'nat'
            t = parse_term(t)
            proof, assertions = z3wrapper.solve_and_proof(t)
            r = proofrec.proofrec(proof, assertions=assertions, trace=True)
            self.assertNotEqual(r.rule, 'sorry')
Beispiel #21
    def testNormAbsoluteValue(self):
        test_data = [
            ("abs x", ["x >= 0"], "x"),
            ("abs x", ["x Mem real_closed_interval 0 1"], "x"),
            ("abs x", ["x Mem real_closed_interval (-1) 0"], "-1 * x"),
            ("abs (sin x)", ["x Mem real_closed_interval 0 (pi / 2)"],
             "sin x"),
            ("abs (sin x)", ["x Mem real_closed_interval (-pi / 2) 0"],
             "-1 * sin x"),
            ("abs (log x)", ["x Mem real_open_interval (exp (-1)) 1"],
             "-1 * log x"),

        vars = {'x': 'real'}
        context.set_context('interval_arith', vars=vars)
        for t, conds, res in test_data:
            conds_pt = [
                ProofTerm.assume(parser.parse_term(cond)) for cond in conds
            cv = auto.auto_conv(conds_pt)
Beispiel #22
    def testRecSolveSet(self):
        test_data = [
            ('x Mem S --> S Sub T --> x Mem T',
             'S x, ~(T x), !x1. S x1 --> T x1 |- false'),
            ('m Mem univ', '~true |- false'),
            ('x Mem (diff S T) --> x Mem S', '~(S x), S x & ~(T x) |- false'),
            ('(?x1. x = x1 & x1 Mem S) --> x Mem S',
             '~(S x), ?x1. x = x1 & S x1 |- false'),
            ('(?a1. a = a1 & a1 Mem A) --> a Mem A',
             '~(A a), ?a1. a = a1 & A a1 |- false'),

        for t, p in test_data:
                                    'm': 'nat',
                                    'S': 'nat set',
                                    'T': 'nat set',
                                    'x': 'nat',
                                    'a': "'a",
                                    'A': "'a set"
            t = parse_term(t)
            proof, assertions = z3wrapper.solve_and_proof(t)
            r = proofrec.proofrec(proof, assertions=assertions, trace=True)
            self.assertNotEqual(r.rule, 'sorry')
Beispiel #23
    def testSortDisjunction(self):
        test_data = [
            ('A | ~A', 'true'),
            ('A | B | ~A', 'true'),
            ('A | B | (true | false) | C', 'true'),
            ('A | false', 'A'),
            ('B | (A | C) | (E | A) | D', 'A | B | C | D | E')

        vars = {"A": "bool", "B" : "bool", "C": "bool", "D": "bool",
                "E": "bool", "F" : "bool", "G": "bool", "H": "bool"}
        context.set_context('logic', vars=vars)

        for t, t_res in test_data:
            t, t_res = parser.parse_term(t), parser.parse_term(t_res)
            test_conv(self, 'logic', proplogic.sort_disj(), vars=vars, t=t, t_res=t_res)
Beispiel #24
def parse_init_state(prop):
    """Given data for a theorem statement, construct the initial partial proof.
    data['vars']: list of variables.
    data['prop']: proposition to be proved. In the form A1 --> ... --> An --> C.

    Construct initial partial proof for the given assumptions and

    assums - assumptions A1, ... An.
    concl - conclusion C.

    0: assume A1
    n-1: assume An
    n: C by sorry
    n+1: A1 --> ... --> An --> C by intros from 0, 1, ..., n.

    typecheck.checkinstance('parse_init_state', prop, (str, list, Term))
    if isinstance(prop, (str, list)):
        prop = parser.parse_term(prop)
    assums, concl = prop.strip_implies()

    state = ProofState()
    for nm, T in context.ctxt.vars.items():
        state.vars.append(Var(nm, T))
    state.prf = Proof(*assums)
    n = len(assums)
    state.prf.add_item(n, "sorry", th=Thm(assums, concl))
    state.prf.add_item(n + 1, "intros", prevs=range(n + 1))
    return state
Beispiel #25
 def run_test(self, thy_name, s, expected_res, **kwargs):
     t = parser.parse_term(s)
     with global_setting(**kwargs):
         ast = pprint.get_ast_term(t)
         res = pprint.print_ast(ast)
         self.assertEqual(res, expected_res)
Beispiel #26
    def parse(self, data): = data['name']

            with context.fresh_context(vars=data['vars']):
                self.vars = context.ctxt.vars
                self.prop = parser.parse_term(data['prop'])

            # theorem does not already exist
            if theory.thy.has_theorem(
                raise ItemException("Theorem %s: theorem already exists")

            # prop should not contain extra variables
            self_vars = set(self.vars.keys())
            prop_vars = set( for v in self.prop.get_vars())
            if not prop_vars.issubset(self_vars):
                raise ItemException(
                    "Theorem %s: extra variables in prop: %s" %
                    (, ", ".join(v for v in prop_vars - self_vars)))

        except Exception as error:
            self.vars = data['vars']
            self.prop = data['prop']
            self.error = error
            self.trace = traceback2.format_exc()

        if 'attributes' in data:
            self.attributes = data['attributes']
Beispiel #27
    def parse(self, data): = data['name']

            self.type = parser.parse_type(data['type'])
            self.cname = theory.thy.get_overload_const_name(
      , self.type)

            for rule in data['rules']:
                with context.fresh_context(defs={ self.type}):
                    prop = parser.parse_term(rule['prop'])

                # prop should be an equality
                if not prop.is_equals():
                    raise ItemException("Fun %s: rule is not an equality" %

                f, args = prop.lhs.strip_comb()
                if f != Const(, self.type):
                    raise ItemException("Fun %s: wrong head of lhs" %
                lhs_vars = set( for v in prop.lhs.get_vars())
                rhs_vars = set( for v in prop.rhs.get_vars())
                if not rhs_vars.issubset(lhs_vars):
                    raise ItemException(
                        "Fun %s: extra variables in rhs: %s" %
                        (, ", ".join(v for v in rhs_vars - lhs_vars)))

                self.rules.append({'prop': prop})

        except Exception as error:
            self.type = data['type']
            self.rules = data['rules']
            self.error = error
            self.trace = traceback2.format_exc()
Beispiel #28
    def parse(self, data): = data['name']

            self.type = parser.parse_type(data['type'])
            self.cname = theory.thy.get_overload_const_name(
      , self.type)

            for rule in data['rules']:
                with context.fresh_context(defs={ self.type}):
                    prop = parser.parse_term(rule['prop'])

                # Test conclusion of the prop
                _, concl = prop.strip_implies()
                f, _ = concl.strip_comb()
                if f != Const(, self.type):
                    raise ItemException(
                        "Inductive %s: wrong head of conclusion" %

                self.rules.append({'name': rule['name'], 'prop': prop})

        except Exception as error:
            self.type = data['type']
            self.rules = data['rules']
            self.error = error
            self.trace = traceback2.format_exc()
Beispiel #29
    def testParseUnicode(self):
        test_data = [
            ("A ∧ B", "A & B"),
            ("A ∨ B", "A | B"),
            ("A ⟶ B ⟶ C", "A --> B --> C"),
            ("A ∧ B | C", "A & B | C"),
            ("¬A", "~A"),
            ("λx::'a. x", "%x::'a. x"),
            ("∀x::'a. P x", "!x. P x"),
            ("∃x::'a. P x", "?x. P x"),
            ("∀x::'a. P x ∧ Q x", "!x. P x & Q x"),
            ("(∀x::'a. P x) & Q y", "(!x. P x) & Q y"),

                                'A': 'bool',
                                'B': 'bool',
                                'C': 'bool',
                                'P': "'a => bool",
                                'Q': "'a => bool"
        for s, ascii_s in test_data:
            t = parser.parse_term(s)
            self.assertIsInstance(t, Term)
            with global_setting(unicode=False):
                self.assertEqual(print_term(t), ascii_s)
Beispiel #30
    def testThLemmaIntSingle(self):
        test_data = [
            # ¬(y ≤ 3), y ≤ 4 ⊢ 0 = -4 + y,
            # y ≥ 0, y ≤ 0 ⊢ 1 = 1 + y,
            # y ≥ 0, ¬(y ≥ 1) ⊢ 1 = 1 + y,
            "x ≥ 1 ∨ x ≤ 0",
            "¬(x ≥ 2) ∨ ¬(x ≤ 0)",
            "¬(x ≥ 1) ∨ ¬(x ≤ 0)",
            "¬(x ≤ 2) ∨ x ≤ 3",
            "¬(x ≤ 3) ∨ ¬(x ≥ 4)",
            "¬(x = 4) ∨ x ≤ 4",
            "¬(1 = x) ∨ x ≥ 1",
            "¬(x ≤ 0) ∨ 4 + x = (if x ≤ 0 then 4 + x else -1 + x)",
            "1 = x ∨ ¬(x ≤ 1) ∨ ¬(x ≥ 1)",
            "3 = -1 + x ∨ ¬(-1 + x ≤ 3) ∨ ¬(-1 + x ≥ 3)",
            "x = 3 ∨ ¬(x ≤ 3) ∨ ¬(x ≥ 3)",
            # "x ≥ 4 ∨ 1 + x = (if x ≥ 4 then -4 + x else 1 + x)",
            # "¬(4 + x = (if x ≤ 0 then 4 + x else -1 + x)) ∨ 4 + x + -1 * (if x ≤ 0 then 4 + x else -1 + x) ≥ 0)",
            # "¬(-1 + x = (if x ≤ 0 then 4 + x else -1 + x)) ∨ -1 + x + -1 * (if x ≤ 0 then 4 + x else -1 + x) ≥ 0)",
            "¬(Succ x = 3) ∨ Succ x ≤ 3",
            "¬(Sum (Pred x) (Succ y) ≥ 2) ∨ ¬(Sum (Pred x) (Succ y) ≤ 1)",
            "¬(Sum (Pred x) (Succ y) = 2) ∨ Sum (Pred x) (Succ y) ≥ 2",

                                "x": "int",
                                "Succ": "int => int",
                                "Pred": "int => int",
                                "Sum": "int => int => int"
        for tm in test_data:
            tm = parse_term(tm)
            self.assertNotEqual(proofrec.th_lemma([tm]).rule, 'sorry')