Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, dataset, L, numfolds=4):
     self.d = Dataset(dataset)
     self.e = Extractor()
     self.dense_codebook = self.e.get_codebook(self.d, 'dsift')
     self.sparse_codebook = self.e.get_codebook(self.d, 'sift')
     self.L = L
     self.numfolds = numfolds
Beispiel #2
class ClassifierConfig():
  def __init__(self, dataset, L, numfolds=4):
    self.d = Dataset(dataset)
    self.e = Extractor()
    self.dense_codebook = self.e.get_codebook(self.d, 'dsift')
    self.sparse_codebook = self.e.get_codebook(self.d, 'sift')
    self.L = L
    self.numfolds = numfolds
  def kfold(self):
    train_idx, val_idx = KFold(len(len(self.d.images), self.numfolds))
Beispiel #3
class ClassifierConfig():
    def __init__(self, dataset, L, numfolds=4):
        self.d = Dataset(dataset)
        self.e = Extractor()
        self.dense_codebook = self.e.get_codebook(self.d, 'dsift')
        self.sparse_codebook = self.e.get_codebook(self.d, 'sift')
        self.L = L
        self.numfolds = numfolds

    def kfold(self):
        train_idx, val_idx = KFold(len(len(self.d.images), self.numfolds))
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, dataset, L, numfolds=4):
   self.d = Dataset(dataset)
   self.e = Extractor()
   self.dense_codebook = self.e.get_codebook(self.d, 'dsift')
   self.sparse_codebook = self.e.get_codebook(self.d, 'sift')
   self.L = L
   self.numfolds = numfolds
Beispiel #5
from common_imports import *
from common_mpi import *
import synthetic.config as config

from synthetic.dataset import Dataset
from synthetic.extractor import Extractor

if __name__ == "__main__":
    d = Dataset("full_pascal_trainval")
    feature_type = "dsift"
    numpos = 15
    num_words = 3000
    iterations = 8
    e = Extractor()
    all_classes = config.pascal_classes
    #  for cls_idx in range(comm_rank, len(all_classes), comm_size): # PARALLEL
    #  #for cls in all_classes:
    #    cls = all_classes[cls_idx]
    #    print cls
    # d, feature_type, num_words=3000,iterations=10, force_new=False, kmeansBatch=True
    e.get_codebook(d, feature_type, numpos, iterations, force_new=False, kmeansBatch=True)
Beispiel #6
def train_with_hard_negatives(d, dtest,cbwords, cbsamps, codebook, cls, pos_table, neg_table,feature_type,\
                               iterations, kernel='chi2', L=2, \
                               testsize = 'max',randomize=False): 
    An iterative training with hard negatives
      d - training Dataset
      dtest - test Dataset
      codebook - dsift codebook for pyramid (recommended size 3000)
      cls - the class to be trained
      pos_table - Table with cols [x,y,w,h,img_ind]
      neg_table - same
      kernel - 'linear', 'rbf', 'chi2'
      iterations - number of rounds of training
      L - levels for pyramids    
      testsize - size of initial test 
  # Featurize and pyramidize the input
  e = Extractor()
  M = codebook.shape[0]
  pyr_size = M*1./3.*(4**(L+1)-1)

  print 'get pos train pyrs'
  pos_pyrs = get_pyr(d,e,pos_table,pyr_size,L,codebook,feature_type,cls)
  print 'get neg train pyrs'
  neg_pyrs = get_pyr(d,e,neg_table,pyr_size,L,codebook,feature_type,cls)
  print 'built all positive pyramids'
  classification = np.asarray([1]*pos_table.arr.shape[0] + [-1]*neg_table.arr.shape[0])
  filename = config.data_dir + 'features/' + feature_type + '/svms/' + kernel + \
        '/'+ cls
  ut.makedirs(config.data_dir + 'features/' + feature_type + '/svms/' + kernel)
  # with that we now determined our whole dataset D  
  #D = np.concatenate((pos_pyrs, neg_pyrs, pos_test_pyr, neg_test_pyr))
  #Y = np.concatenate((classification, test_classification))
  #idx_train = np.arange(pos_pyrs.shape[0] + neg_pyrs.shape[0])
  #idx_test = np.arange(pos_test_pyr.shape[0] + neg_test_pyr.shape[0]) + idx_train.size
  train_pyrs = np.concatenate((pos_pyrs,neg_pyrs))  
  for i in range(iterations):
    # train new model - according to hard mining algorithm by Felszenswalb et al.
    # "Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Modles"
    [test_pyrs, test_classification] = get_test_windows(testsize,dtest,e,\
                                          pos_table.cols, randomize=randomize)
    print 'node',comm_rank,'training in round', i, 'with', np.sum(classification==1),'pos and',\
      np.sum(classification == -1),'negs'
    print 'testing', test_pyrs.shape[0], 'new samples'
    print time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M')
    # get new test samples
    # ----------1-------------
    model = train_svm(train_pyrs, classification, kernel)
    testY = svm_predict(np.concatenate((train_pyrs,test_pyrs)), model)
    result = testY
    print result
    res_train = testY[:train_pyrs.shape[0]]
    res_test = testY[train_pyrs.shape[0]:]
    # ----------3-------------        
    # remove easy samples from train-set
    idx_tr_list = []
    for s_ind in range(res_train.shape[0]):
      if res_train[s_ind]*classification[s_ind] <= 1:
    indices = np.matrix(idx_tr_list).reshape(1,len(idx_tr_list))
    indices = np.array(indices.astype(Int))[0]        
    train_pyrs = train_pyrs[indices]
    classification = classification[indices]
    # ----------4-------------
    idx_hn_list = []
    new_hards = False
    for s_ind in range(res_test.shape[0]):
      if res_test[s_ind]*test_classification[s_ind] < 1:
        new_hards = True

    nu_train_idc = np.matrix(idx_hn_list).reshape(1,len(idx_hn_list))
    nu_train_idc = np.array(nu_train_idc.astype(Int))[0]      
    train_pyrs = np.vstack((train_pyrs, test_pyrs[nu_train_idc]))
    classification = np.concatenate((classification, test_classification[nu_train_idc]))
    test_result = result[-test_pyrs.shape[0]:]
    fp = np.sum(np.multiply(test_result < 0, np.transpose(np.matrix(test_classification == 1))))
    tp = np.sum(np.multiply(test_result > 0, np.transpose(np.matrix(test_classification == 1))))
    fn = np.sum(np.multiply(test_result > 0, np.transpose(np.matrix(test_classification == -1))))
    # save these to the training file
    prec = tp/float(tp+fp)
    rec = tp/float(tp+fn)
    print 'tp, fp:',tp,fp
    print 'prec, rec:', prec,rec
    with open(filename + '_train', "a") as myfile:
      myfile.write(str(prec) + ' ' + str(rec)+'\n')    
    # ----------2-------------
    if not new_hards:
      # no new_hards from test set,we want to quit.
Beispiel #7
#  model = train_svm(x, y)         
#  print 'result:'  
#  result = svm_predict(x0, model)
#  print result

#  d = Dataset('full_pascal_trainval')
#  d.evaluate_get_pos_windows(0.5)

#if False:
  randomize = not os.path.exists('/home/tobibaum')
  d = Dataset('full_pascal_train')
  dtest = Dataset('full_pascal_val')
  e = Extractor()
  classes = config.pascal_classes  
  num_words = 3000
  iters = 10
  feature_type = 'dsift'
  codebook_samples = 15
  num_pos = 'max'
  testsize = 'max' 
  kernel = 'chi2'
#  num_pos = 3
#  testsize = 4
  # For my local testings
  classes = ['dog']
Beispiel #8
from common_imports import *
from common_mpi import *
import synthetic.config as config

from synthetic.dataset import Dataset
from synthetic.extractor import Extractor

if __name__ == '__main__':
    d = Dataset('full_pascal_trainval')
    feature_type = 'dsift'
    numpos = 15
    num_words = 3000
    iterations = 8
    e = Extractor()
    all_classes = config.pascal_classes
    #  for cls_idx in range(comm_rank, len(all_classes), comm_size): # PARALLEL
    #  #for cls in all_classes:
    #    cls = all_classes[cls_idx]
    #    print cls
    #d, feature_type, num_words=3000,iterations=10, force_new=False, kmeansBatch=True
Beispiel #9
def main():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Execute different functions of our system')
      'window_stats', 'evaluate_metaparams', 'evaluate_jw',
      'evaluate_get_pos_windows', 'train_svm',
      'evaluate_jw_grid', 'final_metaparams',
  parser.add_argument('--test_dataset', choices=['val','test','train'],
      default='test', help='dataset to use for testing. the training dataset \
      is automatically inferred (val->train and test->trainval).')
  parser.add_argument('--first_n', type=int,
      help='only take the first N images in the datasets')
  parser.add_argument('--bounds', type=str,
      help='the start_time and deadline_time for the ImagePolicy and corresponding evaluation. ex: (1,5)')
  parser.add_argument('--name', help='name for this run')
  parser.add_argument('--priors', default='random', help= \
      "list of choice for the policy for selecting the next action. choose from random, oracle,fixed_order, no_smooth, backoff. ex: --priors=random,oracle,no_smooth")
  parser.add_argument('--compare_evals', action='store_true', 
      default=False, help='plot all the priors modes given on same plot'),
  parser.add_argument('--detector', choices=['perfect','perfect_with_noise', 'dpm','ctf'],
      default='perfect', help='detector type')
  parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', 
      default=False, help='force overwrite')
  parser.add_argument('--gist', action='store_true', 
      default=False, help='use GIST as one of the actions')
  parser.add_argument('--clear_tmp', action='store_true', 
      default=False, help='clear the cached windows folder before running'),
  parser.add_argument('--feature_type', choices=['sift','dsift'], 
      default='dsift', help='use this feature type'),
  parser.add_argument('--kernel', choices=['chi2','rbf'], 
      default='chi2', help='kernel to train svm on'),
  args = parser.parse_args()
  if args.priors:
    args.priors = args.priors.split(',')
  if args.bounds:
    args.bounds = [float(x) for x in re.findall(r'\d+', args.bounds)]

  # Load the dataset
  dataset = Dataset('full_pascal_'+args.test_dataset)
  if args.first_n:
    dataset.images = dataset.images[:args.first_n]

  # Infer train_dataset
  if args.test_dataset=='test':
    train_dataset = Dataset('full_pascal_trainval')
  elif args.test_dataset=='val':
    train_dataset = Dataset('full_pascal_train')
    print("Impossible, setting train_dataset to dataset")
    train_dataset = dataset
  # Create window generator
  sw = SlidingWindows(dataset,train_dataset)

  if args.clear_tmp:
    dirname = config.get_sliding_windows_cached_dir(train_dataset.get_name())
    dirname = config.get_sliding_windows_cached_dir(dataset.get_name())

  if args.mode=='assemble_dpm_dets':
    policy = DatasetPolicy(dataset,train_dataset,sw)
    dets = policy.load_ext_detections(dataset,suffix='dpm_may25')

  if args.mode=='assemble_ctf_dets':
    policy = DatasetPolicy(dataset,train_dataset,sw)
    dets = policy.load_ext_detections(dataset,'ctf','ctf_default')
    dets = policy.load_ext_detections(dataset,'ctf','ctf_nohal')
    dets = policy.load_ext_detections(dataset,'ctf', 'ctf_halfsize')

  if args.mode=='evaluate_get_pos_windows':

  if args.mode=='window_stats':
    "Compute and plot the statistics of ground truth window parameters."
    results = SlidingWindows.get_dataset_window_stats(train_dataset,plot=True)

  if args.mode=='ctfdet':
    """Run Pedersoli's detector on the dataset and assemble into one Table."""

  if args.mode=='evaluate_jw':
    Evaluate the jumping window approach by producing plots of recall vs.
    # TODO hack: both sw and jw should subclass something like WindowGenerator
    jw = JumpingWindowsDetector(use_scale=True)
    sw.jw = jw
    #classes = dataset.classes
    classes = ['car']
#    classes = ['bicycle' ,'car','horse', 'sofa',\
#               'bird',  'chair',     'motorbike', 'train',\
#               'boat',  'cow',       'person',    'tvmonitor',\
#               'bottle','diningtable',  'pottedplant',\
#               'bus','dog'     ,'sheep']
    for cls_idx in range(comm_rank, len(classes), comm_size):
    #for cls in dataset.classes:
      cls = classes[cls_idx]
      dirname = config.get_jumping_windows_dir(dataset.get_name())
      filename = os.path.join(dirname,'%s'%cls)
      sw.evaluate_recall(cls, filename, metaparams=None, mode='jw', plot=True)
  if args.mode=='evaluate_jw_grid':
    Evaluate the jumping window approach by producing plots of recall vs.
    sw = SlidingWindows(dataset,train_dataset)
    jw = JumpingWindowsDetectorGrid()
    sw.jw = jw
    for cls in dataset.classes:
      dirname = config.get_jumping_windows_dir(dataset.get_name())
      filename = os.path.join(dirname,'%s'%cls)
      if os.path.isfile(config.data_dir + 'JumpingWindows/'+cls):
        sw.evaluate_recall(cls, filename, metaparams=None, mode='jw', plot=True)

  if args.mode=='train_svm':
    randomize = not os.path.exists('/home/tobibaum')
    d = Dataset('full_pascal_train')
    dtest = Dataset('full_pascal_val')  
    e = Extractor()  
    classes = config.pascal_classes  
    num_words = 3000
    iters = 5
    feature_type = 'dsift'
    codebook_samples = 15
    num_pos = 'max'
    testsize = 'max'
    if args.first_n:
      num_pos = args.first_n
      testsize = 1.5*num_pos
    kernel = args.kernel
    if comm_rank == 0:
      ut.makedirs(config.data_dir + 'features/' + feature_type + '/times/')
      ut.makedirs(config.data_dir + 'features/' + feature_type + '/codebooks/times/')
      ut.makedirs(config.data_dir + 'features/' + feature_type + '/svms/train_times/')
    for cls_idx in range(comm_rank, len(classes), comm_size): 
    #for cls in classes:
      cls = classes[cls_idx]
      codebook = e.get_codebook(d, feature_type)
      pos_arr = d.get_pos_windows(cls)
      neg_arr = d.get_neg_windows(pos_arr.shape[0], cls, max_overlap=0)
      if not num_pos == 'max':    
        if not randomize:
          pos_arr = pos_arr[:num_pos]
          neg_arr = pos_arr[:num_pos]
          rand = np.random.random_integers(0, pos_arr.shape[0] - 1, size=num_pos)
          pos_arr = pos_arr[rand]
          rand = np.random.random_integers(0, neg_arr.shape[0] - 1, size=num_pos)
          neg_arr = neg_arr[rand]     
      pos_table = Table(pos_arr, ['x','y','w','h','img_ind'])
      neg_table = Table(neg_arr, pos_table.cols)      
      train_with_hard_negatives(d, dtest,  num_words,codebook_samples,codebook,\
                                cls, pos_table, neg_table,feature_type, \
                                iterations=iters, kernel=kernel, L=2, \

  if args.mode=='evaluate_metaparams':
    Grid search over metaparams values for get_windows_new, with the AUC of
    recall vs. # windows evaluation.

  if args.mode=='final_metaparams':
    dirname = config.get_sliding_windows_metaparams_dir(train_dataset.get_name())
    # currently these are the best auc/complexity params
    best_params_for_classes = [
        (62,15,12,'importance',0), #aeroplane
        (83,15,12,'importance',0), #bicycle
        (62,15,12,'importance',0), #bird
        (62,15,12,'importance',0), #boat
        (125,12,12,'importance',0), #bottle
        (83,12,9,'importance',0), #bus
        (125,15,9,'importance',0), #car
        (125,12,12,'linear',0), #cat
        (125,15,9,'importance',0), #chair
        (125,9,6,'importance',0), #cow
        (125,15,6,'linear',0), #diningtable
        (62,15,12,'importance',0), #dog
        (83,15,6,'importance',0), #horse
        (83,12,6,'importance',0), #motorbike
        (83,15,12,'importance',0), #person
        (83,15,6,'importance',0), #pottedplant
        (83,15,12,'importance',0), #sheep
        (83,9,6,'importance',0), #sofa
        (62,12,6,'importance',0), #train
        (62,12,12,'importance',0), #tvmonitor
        (125,9,12,'importance',0) #all
    cheap_params = (62, 9, 6, 'importance', 0)
    for i in range(comm_rank,dataset.num_classes(),comm_size):
      cls = dataset.classes[i]
      best_params = best_params_for_classes[i]
      #samples,num_scales,num_ratios,mode,priority,cls = cheap_params

      metaparams = {
        'samples_per_500px': samples,
        'num_scales': num_scales,
        'num_ratios': num_ratios,
        'mode': mode,
        'priority': 0 }
      filename = '%s_%d_%d_%d_%s_%d'%(
      filename = os.path.join(dirname,filename)

      tables = sw.evaluate_recall(cls,filename,metaparams,'sw',plot=True,force=False)

      metaparams = {
        'samples_per_500px': samples,
        'num_scales': num_scales,
        'num_ratios': num_ratios,
        'mode': mode,
        'priority': 1 }
      filename = '%s_%d_%d_%d_%s_%d'%(
      filename = os.path.join(dirname,filename)

      tables = sw.evaluate_recall(cls,filename,metaparams,'sw',plot=True,force=False)

  if args.mode=='extract_sift':
    e.extract_all(['sift'], ['full_pascal_trainval','full_pascal_test'], 0, 0) 
  if args.mode=='extract_assignments':
    feature_type = 'sift'
    for image_set in ['full_pascal_trainval','full_pascal_test']:
      d = Dataset(image_set)
      codebook = e.get_codebook(d, feature_type)  
      print 'codebook loaded'
      for img_ind in range(comm_rank,len(d.images),comm_size):
        img = d.images[img_ind]
      #for img in d.images:
        e.get_assignments(np.array([0,0,img.size[0],img.size[1]]), feature_type, \
                          codebook, img)

  if args.mode=='extract_codebook':
    d = Dataset('full_pascal_trainval')
    e = Extractor()
    codebook = e.get_codebook(d, args.feature_type)
Beispiel #10
def train_jumping_windows(d, codebook, use_scale=True, trun=False, diff=False, feature='sift'):
  tocer = ut.TicToc()
  llc_dir = '../../research/jumping_windows/llc/'
  featdir = '../../research/jumping_windows/sift/'
  if feature == 'sift':
    trainfile = join(config.VOC_dir, 'ImageSets','Main','trainval.txt')
    trainfiles = open(trainfile,'r').readlines()
  elif feature == 'llc':
    trainfiles = os.listdir(featdir)
  grids = 4
  if feature == 'sift':
    numcenters = codebook.shape[0]
  elif feature == 'llc':
    a = sio.loadmat(join(llc_dir,trainfiles[0]))['codes']
    numcenters = a.shape[0]
  ccmat = np.zeros((numcenters, len(d.classes)*grids*grids+1))
  e = Extractor()

  #first_visit = True
  print 'Read all features to create weights'
  for filename in trainfiles:
    print filename

    # Load feature positions
    if feature == 'sift':
      filename = filename[:-1] + '.jpg'
      assignment = e.get_assignments(np.asarray([0,0,100000,1000000]), 'sift', codebook, d.get_image_by_filename(filename))
      pts = assignment[:,0:2]
      codes = assignment[:,2]
    elif feature == 'llc':
      feaSet = sio.loadmat(join(featdir,filename))['feaSet']
      x = feaSet['x'][0][0]
      y = feaSet['y'][0][0]    
      pts = np.hstack((x,y))
      codes = sio.loadmat(join(llc_dir,filename))['codes']
    bg = np.ones((pts.shape[0], 1))        
    image = d.get_image_by_filename(filename[:-4]+'.jpg')
    im_ind = d.get_img_ind(image)
    gt = d.get_ground_truth_for_img_inds([im_ind])
    for row in gt.arr:
    #for row in gt.arr[0,:]:
      cls = row[gt.cols.index('cls_ind')]
      bbox = row[0:4]
      inds = get_indices_for_pos(pts, bbox[0], bbox[0]+bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[1]+bbox[3])
      bg[inds] = 0
      selbins = get_selbins(grids, inds, pts, bbox)
      binidx = np.transpose(sub2ind([grids, grids], selbins[:,0], selbins[:,1]) \
          + cls*grids*grids);
      if feature == 'sift':
        binidx -= np.tile(grids, binidx.shape)
      idx = get_idx(inds, codes, ccmat.shape, feature, binidx)  
      for i in idx:        
        [x, y] = ind2sub(ccmat.shape[0], i)  
        #print x, y      
        ccmat[x, y] = ccmat[x, y] + 1      
    # Now record background features
    cls = len(d.classes)*grids*grids
    inds = np.where(bg > 0)[0]

    if feature == 'llc':
      ind = np.where(codes[:,inds].data > 0)[0]
      words = codes[:,inds].nonzero()[0][ind]
      words = np.unique(words)
    elif feature == 'sift':
      words = codes[inds]
    for w in words:
      ccmat[w, cls] = ccmat[w, cls] + 1
    #sio.savemat('ccmat', {'ccmat2': ccmat})
  print 'features counted'
  # counted all words for all images&object, now compute weights   
  div = np.sum(ccmat,1)
  for didx in range(len(div)):
    ta = div[didx]
    if ta == 0:
      ccmat[didx, :] = 2.5
    ccmat[didx, :] /= ta
  print 'computed weights'
  numwords = 500
  [sortedprob, discwords] = sort_cols(ccmat, numwords)
  # Lookup for every class
  for cls_idx in range(len(d.classes)):
  #for cls_idx in [14]:
    cls = d.classes[cls_idx]
    print cls
    clswords = discwords[:, cls_idx*grids*grids:(cls_idx+1)*grids*grids]
    binidx,_ = np.meshgrid(range(grids*grids), np.zeros((clswords.shape[0],1)))
    clswords = sub2ind([numcenters, grids*grids], line_up_cols(clswords), line_up_cols(binidx))
    # === GOOD! ===
    wordprobs = sortedprob[:, cls_idx*grids*grids:(cls_idx+1)*grids*grids];
    wordprobs = line_up_cols(wordprobs);
    [wordprobs, idx] = sort_cols(wordprobs);
    clswords = mat_from_col_idx(clswords, idx);
    bbinfo = LookupTable(grids, numwords, clswords, wordprobs, numcenters, cls)
    fileids = d.get_ground_truth_for_class(cls)    
    last_filename = '000000'    
    for row_idx in range(fileids.shape[0]):
      row = fileids.arr[row_idx, :]
      filename = d.images[row[fileids.cols.index('img_ind')].astype('int32')].name[:-4]
      if not os.path.isfile(join(llc_dir, filename+'.mat')):
      print filename
      if not last_filename == filename:
        # This is a new filename. Load codes and pts.
        feaSet = sio.loadmat(join(featdir,filename))['feaSet']
        x = feaSet['x'][0][0]
        y = feaSet['y'][0][0]    
        pts = np.hstack((x,y))
        bg = np.ones((pts.shape[0], 1))    
        codes = sio.loadmat(join(llc_dir,filename))['codes']
        last_filename = filename
      bbox = row[0:4]
      inds = get_indices_for_pos(pts, bbox[0], bbox[0]+bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[1]+bbox[3])
      # Compute grid that each point falls into
      selbins = get_selbins(grids, inds, pts, bbox)      
      binidx = np.transpose(sub2ind([grids, grids], selbins[:,0]-1, selbins[:,1]-1));
      selbins = get_selbins(grids, inds, pts, bbox) 
      binidx = np.transpose(sub2ind([grids, grids], selbins[:,0], selbins[:,1]) \
          + cls*grids*grids);
      idx = get_idx(inds, codes, ccmat.shape, feature, binidx)
      if feature == 'llc':
        ind = np.where(codes[:,inds].data > 0)[0]
        ind = codes.nonzero()[1][ind]
      elif feature == 'sift':
        ind = inds
      #intersect idx and clswords
      clswords = np.unique(np.asarray(clswords))
      I = np.sort(idx)
#      J = np.sort(ind)
      idx = np.unique(np.asarray(idx))
      imgwords = np.unique(np.intersect1d(np.asarray(idx), np.asarray(clswords), assume_unique=True))
      for c in imgwords:
        idc = np.where(I == c)[0]        
        featidx = inds[ind[idc]]
        featpts = pts[featidx]
        featpts = np.hstack((featpts, featpts))
        ins = np.tile(bbox, (featpts.shape[0],1)) - featpts + np.matrix([0,0,bbox[0]-1,bbox[1]-1])
        bbinfo.insert(c, ins)         
    bbinfo.top_words = np.asarray(bbinfo.wordprobs.argsort(axis=0))[::-1]
  print 'computed all lookup tables' 
Beispiel #11
    missing_items = all_classes[(-missing_size):(len(all_classes))]
    if rank < missing_size:      
  return all_nu_classes

if __name__=='__main__':
  all_classes = config.pascal_classes
  val_set = 'full_pascal_test'
  train_set = 'full_pascal_trainval'
  K = 3000
  num_pos = 'max'

  use_scale = False

  e = Extractor()
  d = Dataset(train_set)
  train = False
  if train:
    # this is the codebook size
    # This is just for that it broke down during the night
    # MPI this
    feature = 'sift'        
    codebook = e.get_codebook(d, 'sift')
    ut.makedirs(join(config.data_dir, 'jumping_window','lookup'))
    train_jumping_windows(d, codebook, use_scale=use_scale,trun=True,diff=False, feature=feature)

  debug = True
  just_eval = True