Beispiel #1
    def _g_update_location(self, newparentpath):
        """Update location-dependent attributes.

        Updates location data when an ancestor node has changed its
        location in the hierarchy to `newparentpath`.  In fact, this
        method is expected to be called by an ancestor of this node.

        This also triggers the update of file references to this node.
        If the maximum recommended node depth is exceeded, a
        `PerformanceWarning` is issued.  This warning is assured to be


        oldpath = self._v_pathname
        newpath = join_path(newparentpath, self._v_name)
        newdepth = newpath.count('/')

        self._v_pathname = newpath
        self._v_depth = newdepth

        # Check if the node is too deep in the tree.
        if newdepth > self._v_maxtreedepth:
moved descendent node is exceeding the recommended maximum depth (%d);\
be ready to see PyTables asking for *lots* of memory and possibly slow I/O""" %
                (self._v_maxtreedepth, ), PerformanceWarning)

        node_manager = self._v_file._node_manager
        node_manager.rename_node(oldpath, newpath)

        # Tell dependent objects about the new location of this node.
Beispiel #2
    def _g_update_location(self, newparentpath):
        """Update location-dependent attributes.

        Updates location data when an ancestor node has changed its
        location in the hierarchy to `newparentpath`.  In fact, this
        method is expected to be called by an ancestor of this node.

        This also triggers the update of file references to this node.
        If the maximum recommended node depth is exceeded, a
        `PerformanceWarning` is issued.  This warning is assured to be


        oldpath = self._v_pathname
        newpath = join_path(newparentpath, self._v_name)
        newdepth = newpath.count('/')

        self._v_pathname = newpath
        self._v_depth = newdepth

        # Check if the node is too deep in the tree.
        if newdepth > self._v_maxtreedepth:
moved descendent node is exceeding the recommended maximum depth (%d);\
be ready to see PyTables asking for *lots* of memory and possibly slow I/O"""
                          % (self._v_maxtreedepth,), PerformanceWarning)

        file_ = self._v_file
        file_._refnode(self, newpath)

        # Tell dependent objects about the new location of this node.
Beispiel #3
    def _g_join(self, name):
        """Helper method to correctly concatenate a name child object with the
        pathname of this group."""

        if name == "/":
            # This case can happen when doing copies
            return self._v_pathname
        return join_path(self._v_pathname, name)
Beispiel #4
    def _g_join(self, name):
        """Helper method to correctly concatenate a name child object
        with the pathname of this group."""

        if name == "/":
            # This case can happen when doing copies
            return self._v_pathname
        return join_path(self._v_pathname, name)
Beispiel #5
    def _g_load_child(self, childname):
        """Load a child node from disk.

        The child node `childname` is loaded from disk and an adequate
        `Node` object is created and returned.  If there is no such
        child, a `NoSuchNodeError` is raised.


        if self._v_file.root_uep != "/":
            childname = join_path(self._v_file.root_uep, childname)
        # Is the node a group or a leaf?
        node_type = self._g_check_has_child(childname)

        # Nodes that HDF5 report as H5G_UNKNOWN
        if node_type == 'Unknown':
            return Unknown(self, childname)

        # Guess the PyTables class suited to the node,
        # build a PyTables node and return it.
        if node_type == "Group":
            if self._v_file.params['PYTABLES_SYS_ATTRS']:
                ChildClass = self._g_get_child_group_class(childname)
                # Default is a Group class
                ChildClass = Group
            return ChildClass(self, childname, new=False)
        elif node_type == "Leaf":
            ChildClass = self._g_get_child_leaf_class(childname, warn=True)
            # Building a leaf may still fail because of unsupported types
            # and other causes.
            # return ChildClass(self, childname)  # uncomment for debugging
                return ChildClass(self, childname)
            except Exception as exc:  # XXX
                    "problems loading leaf ``%s``::\n\n"
                    "  %s\n\n"
                    "The leaf will become an ``UnImplemented`` node." %
                    (self._g_join(childname), exc))
                # If not, associate an UnImplemented object to it
                return UnImplemented(self, childname)
        elif node_type == "SoftLink":
            return SoftLink(self, childname)
        elif node_type == "ExternalLink":
            return ExternalLink(self, childname)
            return UnImplemented(self, childname)
Beispiel #6
    def _g_load_child(self, childname):
        """Load a child node from disk.

        The child node `childname` is loaded from disk and an adequate
        `Node` object is created and returned.  If there is no such
        child, a `NoSuchNodeError` is raised.


        if self._v_file.root_uep != "/":
            childname = join_path(self._v_file.root_uep, childname)
        # Is the node a group or a leaf?
        node_type = self._g_check_has_child(childname)

        # Nodes that HDF5 report as H5G_UNKNOWN
        if node_type == 'Unknown':
            return Unknown(self, childname)

        # Guess the PyTables class suited to the node,
        # build a PyTables node and return it.
        if node_type == "Group":
            if self._v_file.params['PYTABLES_SYS_ATTRS']:
                ChildClass = self._g_get_child_group_class(childname)
                # Default is a Group class
                ChildClass = Group
            return ChildClass(self, childname, new=False)
        elif node_type == "Leaf":
            ChildClass = self._g_get_child_leaf_class(childname, warn=True)
            # Building a leaf may still fail because of unsupported types
            # and other causes.
            # return ChildClass(self, childname)  # uncomment for debugging
                return ChildClass(self, childname)
            except Exception as exc:  # XXX
                    "problems loading leaf ``%s``::\n\n"
                    "  %s\n\n"
                    "The leaf will become an ``UnImplemented`` node."
                    % (self._g_join(childname), exc))
                # If not, associate an UnImplemented object to it
                return UnImplemented(self, childname)
        elif node_type == "SoftLink":
            return SoftLink(self, childname)
        elif node_type == "ExternalLink":
            return ExternalLink(self, childname)
            return UnImplemented(self, childname)
Beispiel #7
    def _g_set_location(self, parentnode, name):
        """Set location-dependent attributes.

        Sets the location-dependent attributes of this node to reflect
        that it is placed under the specified `parentnode`, with the
        specified `name`.

        This also triggers the insertion of file references to this
        node.  If the maximum recommended tree depth is exceeded, a
        `PerformanceWarning` is issued.


        file_ = parentnode._v_file
        parentdepth = parentnode._v_depth

        self._v_file = file_
        self._v_isopen = True

        root_uep = file_.root_uep
        if name.startswith(root_uep):
            # This has been called from File._get_node()
            assert parentdepth == 0
            if root_uep == "/":
                self._v_pathname = name
                self._v_pathname = name[len(root_uep) :]
            _, self._v_name = split_path(name)
            self._v_depth = name.count("/") - root_uep.count("/") + 1
            # If we enter here is because this has been called elsewhere
            self._v_name = name
            self._v_pathname = join_path(parentnode._v_pathname, name)
            self._v_depth = parentdepth + 1

        # Check if the node is too deep in the tree.
        if parentdepth >= self._v_maxtreedepth:
node ``%s`` is exceeding the recommended maximum depth (%d);\
be ready to see PyTables asking for *lots* of memory and possibly slow I/O"""
                % (self._v_pathname, self._v_maxtreedepth),

        if self._v_pathname != "/":
            file_._node_manager.cache_node(self, self._v_pathname)
Beispiel #8
    def _g_set_location(self, parentnode, name):
        """Set location-dependent attributes.

        Sets the location-dependent attributes of this node to reflect
        that it is placed under the specified `parentnode`, with the
        specified `name`.

        This also triggers the insertion of file references to this
        node.  If the maximum recommended tree depth is exceeded, a
        `PerformanceWarning` is issued.


        file_ = parentnode._v_file
        parentdepth = parentnode._v_depth

        self._v_file = file_
        self._v_isopen = True

        root_uep = file_.root_uep
        if name.startswith(root_uep):
            # This has been called from File._get_node()
            assert parentdepth == 0
            if root_uep == "/":
                self._v_pathname = name
                self._v_pathname = name[len(root_uep):]
            _, self._v_name = split_path(name)
            self._v_depth = name.count("/") - root_uep.count("/") + 1
            # If we enter here is because this has been called elsewhere
            self._v_name = name
            self._v_pathname = join_path(parentnode._v_pathname, name)
            self._v_depth = parentdepth + 1

        # Check if the node is too deep in the tree.
        if parentdepth >= self._v_maxtreedepth:
node ``%s`` is exceeding the recommended maximum depth (%d);\
be ready to see PyTables asking for *lots* of memory and possibly slow I/O""" %
                (self._v_pathname, self._v_maxtreedepth), PerformanceWarning)

        if self._v_pathname != '/':
            file_._node_manager.cache_node(self, self._v_pathname)
Beispiel #9
    def _f_get_child(self, childname):
        """Get the child called childname of this group.

        If the child exists (be it visible or not), it is returned.  Else, a
        NoSuchNodeError is raised.

        Using this method is recommended over getattr() when doing programmatic
        accesses to children if childname is unknown beforehand or when its
        name is not a valid Python identifier.




        childpath = join_path(self._v_pathname, childname)
        return self._v_file._get_node(childpath)
Beispiel #10
    def _f_get_child(self, childname):
        """Get the child called childname of this group.

        If the child exists (be it visible or not), it is returned.  Else, a
        NoSuchNodeError is raised.

        Using this method is recommended over getattr() when doing programmatic
        accesses to children if childname is unknown beforehand or when its
        name is not a valid Python identifier.




        childPath = join_path(self._v_pathname, childname)
        return self._v_file._get_node(childPath)