def savanalysis(self, adataname, adatarray): ''' prerequisite: accesstructure, mkanalysis ''' m, n = adatarray.shape[0], adatarray.shape[1] with open_file(self.analysispath / (self.analysisfolder + ".h5"), 'w') as f: filters = Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc') acontainer = f.create_carray(f.root, adataname, Float64Atom(), shape=(m, n), filters=filters) acontainer[:, :] = adatarray # Create a table in the root directory and append data... class About(IsDescription): task = StringCol(len(self.task), pos=1) # N-character String comment = StringCol(len(self.comment), pos=2) # N-character String tableroot = f.create_table(f.root, 'info', About, "A table at root", Filters(1)) tableroot.append( [(self.task, self.comment)] ) # , ("Mediterranean", 11, -1, 11*11, 11**2), ("Adriatic", 12, -2, 12*12, 12**2)]) return
def save(self, db): """Save the input data to disk. Notes ----- Saves predictions, measurements, observables, and prior_pops to the HDF5 PyMC database. """ if db != "hdf5": return from tables import Float64Atom, Filters compression = Filters(complevel=9, complib='blosc', shuffle=True) F = self.mcmc.db._h5file F.createCArray("/", "predictions", Float64Atom(), self.predictions.shape, filters=compression) F.root.predictions[:] = self.predictions F.createCArray("/", "measurements", Float64Atom(), self.measurements.shape, filters=compression) F.root.measurements[:] = self.measurements F.createCArray("/", "uncertainties", Float64Atom(), self.uncertainties.shape, filters=compression) F.root.uncertainties[:] = self.uncertainties F.createCArray("/", "prior_pops", Float64Atom(), self.prior_pops.shape, filters=compression) F.root.prior_pops[:] = self.prior_pops
def create_correlation_matrix(infiles, roi, out_type, package): import os import numpy as np import as sio import nibabel as nb from nipype.utils.filemanip import split_filename, filename_to_list for idx, fname in enumerate(filename_to_list(infiles)): data = np.squeeze(nb.load(fname).get_data()) if idx == 0: timeseries = data else: timeseries = np.vstack((timeseries, data)) roi_data = np.genfromtxt(roi) if not len(roi_data.shape) == 2: roi_data = roi_data[:, None] corrmat = np.zeros((roi_data.shape[1], timeseries.shape[0])) print timeseries.shape for i in xrange(roi_data.shape[1]): for j in xrange(timeseries.shape[0]): r = np.corrcoef(timeseries[j, :], roi_data[:, i])[0][1] corrmat[i, j] = np.sqrt(timeseries.shape[1] - 3) * 0.5 * np.log( (1 + r) / (1 - r)) #corrmat = np.corrcoef(timeseries,roi_data.T) print corrmat.shape _, name, _ = split_filename(filename_to_list(infiles)[0]) if len(filename_to_list(infiles)) > 1: name = 'combined_' + name if 'mat' in out_type: matfile = os.path.abspath(name + '.mat') sio.savemat(matfile, {'corrmat': corrmat}) output = matfile elif 'hdf5' in out_type: hdf5file = os.path.abspath(name + '.hf5') if package == 'h5py': import h5py f = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'w') f.create_dataset('corrmat', data=corrmat, compression=5) f.close() else: from tables import openFile, Float64Atom, Filters h5file = openFile(hdf5file, 'w') arr = h5file.createCArray(h5file.root, 'corrmat', Float64Atom(), corrmat.shape, filters=Filters(complevel=5)) arr[:] = corrmat h5file.close() output = hdf5file else: raise Exception('Unknown output type') return output
def create_correlation_matrix(infiles, out_type, package): import os import numpy as np import as sio import nibabel as nb from nipype.utils.filemanip import split_filename, filename_to_list for idx, fname in enumerate(filename_to_list(infiles)): data = np.squeeze(nb.load(fname).get_data()) if idx == 0: timeseries = data else: timeseries = np.vstack((timeseries, data)) corrmat = np.corrcoef(timeseries) _, name, _ = split_filename(filename_to_list(infiles)[0]) if len(filename_to_list(infiles)) > 1: name = 'combined_' + name if 'mat' in out_type: matfile = os.path.abspath(name + '.mat') sio.savemat(matfile, {'corrmat': corrmat}) output = matfile elif 'hdf5' in out_type: hdf5file = os.path.abspath(name + '.hf5') if package == 'h5py': import h5py f = h5py.File(hdf5file, 'w') f.create_dataset('corrmat', data=corrmat, compression=5) f.close() else: from tables import openFile, Float64Atom, Filters h5file = openFile(hdf5file, 'w') arr = h5file.createCArray(h5file.root, 'corrmat', Float64Atom(), corrmat.shape, filters=Filters(complevel=5)) arr[:] = corrmat h5file.close() output = hdf5file else: raise Exception('Unknown output type') return output
def test_from_dtype_04(self): atom1 = Atom.from_dtype(numpy.dtype('Float64')) atom2 = Float64Atom(shape=(), dflt=0.0) self.assertEqual(atom1, atom2) self.assertEqual(str(atom1), str(atom2))