Beispiel #1
class User(IsDescription):
    id = Int32Col()
    name = StringCol(16)
    age = UInt8Col()
    reputation = UInt16Col()
    creation_date = Time32Col()
    views = UInt16Col()
    upvotes = UInt16Col()
    downvotes = UInt16Col()
Beispiel #2
class Post(IsDescription):
    id = Int32Col()
    post_type_id = UInt8Col()
    parent_id = Int32Col()
    accepted_answer_id = Int32Col()
    creation_date = Time32Col()
    score = UInt32Col()
    viewcount = UInt32Col()
    owner_user_id = Int32Col()
    answer_count = UInt16Col()
    favorite_count = UInt16Col()
    tags = StringCol(itemsize=25, shape=(5, ))
Beispiel #3
class ExperimentMetaData(tables.IsDescription):
    experiment_id = UInt32Col(pos=1)
    code = StringCol(24, pos=2)
    title = StringCol(48, pos=3)
    description = StringCol(256, pos=4)
    version = StringCol(6, pos=5)
    total_sessions_to_run = UInt16Col(pos=9)
class ArrayTableRow(IsDescription):
    """Describe row format for telescope array table.

    Contains parameter information for each telescope in the array.
    NOTE: Additional columns are added dynamically to some tables, see the
    github wiki page for the full table/data format descriptions.

    id : tables.UInt8Col
        Telescope id (unique).
    type : tables.StringCol
        Telescope type name (i.e. 'LST:LSTCam').
    x : tables.Float32Col
        Telescope position x coordinate relative to the center of the array.
    y : tables.Float32Col
        Telescope position y coordinate relative to the center of the array.
    z : tables.Float32Col
        Telescope position z coordinate (height) relative to the CORSIKA
        observatory altitude.


    id = UInt16Col()
    type = StringCol(20)
    x = Float32Col()
    y = Float32Col()
    z = Float32Col()
Beispiel #5
class Record(tables.IsDescription):
    var1 = StringCol(itemsize=4, dflt=b"abcd", pos=0)
    var2 = StringCol(itemsize=1, dflt=b"a", pos=1)
    var3 = BoolCol(dflt=1)
    var4 = Int8Col(dflt=1)
    var5 = UInt8Col(dflt=1)
    var6 = Int16Col(dflt=1)
    var7 = UInt16Col(dflt=1)
    var8 = Int32Col(dflt=1)
    var9 = UInt32Col(dflt=1)
    var10 = Int64Col(dflt=1)
    var11 = Float32Col(dflt=1.0)
    var12 = Float64Col(dflt=1.0)
    var13 = ComplexCol(itemsize=8, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
    var14 = ComplexCol(itemsize=16, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
    if hasattr(tables, 'Float16Col'):
        var15 = tables.Float16Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tables, 'Float96Col'):
        var16 = tables.Float96Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tables, 'Float128Col'):
        var17 = tables.Float128Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tables, 'Complex196Col'):
        var18 = tables.ComplexCol(itemsize=24, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
    if hasattr(tables, 'Complex256Col'):
        var19 = tables.ComplexCol(itemsize=32, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
class SpeciesTable(tables.IsDescription):
	id = UInt64Col(pos=0)
	name = StringCol(512, pos=1)
	scientific_name = StringCol(512, pos=2)
	ploidy = UInt16Col(pos=3)
class Particle(IsDescription):
    name = StringCol(16)   # 16-character String
    idnumber = Int64Col()      # Signed 64-bit integer
    ADCcount = UInt16Col()     # Unsigned short integer
    TDCcount = UInt8Col()      # unsigned byte
    grid_i = Int32Col()      # 32-bit integer
    grid_j = Int32Col()      # 32-bit integer
    pressure = Float32Col()    # float  (single-precision)
    energy = Float64Col()    # double (double-precision)
class AnalogInputWordstreamDescription(IsDescription):
    word = UInt16Col()