Beispiel #1
def test_diffusion_cartesian():
    # test H2 and H7
    dt = 1e5        # test only steady state
    L = 1           # size of domain
    N = 500         # number of spatial grid points
    dx = L / (N-1)  # spatial grid size
    x = np.arange(N)*dx # location corresponding to grid points j=0, ..., N-1
    nL = 0.2
    # initial conditions
    n_initial = np.sin(np.pi * x) + nL * x
    # diffusion problem coefficients
    D = 0.8
    H1 = np.ones_like(x)
    H2 = D * np.ones_like(x)
    H7 = 1 - x**2
    # solve it for steady state: only one iteration required for linear problem
    n_final = HToMatrixFD.H_to_matrix_and_solve(dt, dx, nL, n_initial, H1=H1, H2=H2, H7=H7)
    # compare with analytic and plots
    n_ss_analytic = nL + 1/(12*D) * (1-x**2) * (5 - x**2)
    tol = 1e-4
    mean_square_error = np.linalg.norm(n_final - n_ss_analytic) / N
    obs = mean_square_error
    exp = 0
    assert abs(obs - exp) < tol
Beispiel #2
def test_diffusion_polar():
    # test H2 and H7 for spatially-dependent H2.  Diffusion in polar coordinates
    dt = 1e6
    L = 1           # size of domain
    N = 500         # number of spatial grid points
    dr = L / (N - 0.5)  # spatial grid size
    r = np.linspace(dr/2, L, N)   # location corresponding to grid points j=0, ..., N-1
    nL = 0.03
    # initial conditions
    n_initial = 0.3*np.sin(np.pi * r) + nL * r
    # diffusion problem coefficients
    D = 1.3
    H1 = r
    H2 = D*r
    H7 = r**2
    n_final = HToMatrixFD.H_to_matrix_and_solve(dt, dr, nL, n_initial, H1=H1, H2=H2, H7=H7 )
    # compare with analytic and plots
    n_ss_analytic = nL + 1/(9*D) * (1-r**3)
    tol = 1e-8 # for N=500    
    mean_square_error = np.linalg.norm(n_final - n_ss_analytic) / N
    obs = mean_square_error
    exp = 0
    assert abs(obs - exp) < tol
def test_H4():
    # test H4 in a problem with an analytic solution
    dt = 1e9  # test only steady state
    L = 1  # size of domain
    N = 500  # number of spatial grid points
    dx = L / (N - 1)  # spatial grid size
    x = np.arange(
        N) * dx  # location corresponding to grid points j=0, ..., N-1

    UL = 2.2
    U_initial = np.sin(np.pi * x) + UL * x

    H1 = np.ones_like(x)
    H2 = np.ones_like(x)
    H4 = -np.sin(x)
    H7 = 1 - x**2

    U_final = HToMatrixFD.H_to_matrix_and_solve(dt,
    U_ss_analytic = UL - (np.cos(x) -
                          np.cos(L)) - (x**2 - L**2) / 2 + (x**4 - L**4) / 12

    assert np.allclose(U_final, U_ss_analytic, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
def test_diffusion_convection_time_polar():
    # test H1, H2, H3, H7 -- diffusion-convection problem in polar coordinates, including time dependence
    #   use a manufactured solution to generate a problem with analytic solution
    L = 1  # size of domain
    N = 300  # number of spatial grid points
    dr = L / (N - 0.5)  # spatial grid size
    r = np.linspace(dr / 2, L,
                    N)  # location corresponding to grid points j=0, ..., N-1

    nL = 0.5
    # initial conditions
    n_initial = nL * np.ones_like(r)
    n = n_initial

    # specify diffusion problem coefficients
    D = 1.3
    c0 = 0.7
    gamma = 0.9
    H1 = r
    H2 = D * r
    H3 = -c0 * r**2
    fH7 = lambda r, t: r/D * gamma * np.exp(-gamma*t) * (1-r**5) + \
                      25 * r**4 * (1 - np.exp(-gamma*t)) + \
                      c0 * (2*r*nL + 1/D * (1 - np.exp(-gamma*t)) * (2*r - 7*r**6))

    # set up time loop
    dt = 1e-2
    tf = 0.1
    tvec = np.arange(0, tf + 1e-10, dt)

    for m in range(1, len(tvec)):
        t = tvec[m]
        H7 = fH7(r, t)
        n = HToMatrixFD.H_to_matrix_and_solve(dt,

    n_final = n
    # compare with analytic and plots
    #n_ss_analytic = nL + 1/D * (1-r**5)
    n_timedep_analytic = nL + 1 / D * (1 - np.exp(-gamma * t)) * (1 - r**5)

    tol = 2e-5  # for N=300
    mean_square_timedep_error = np.linalg.norm(n_final -
                                               n_timedep_analytic) / N
    obs = mean_square_timedep_error
    exp = 0
    assert abs(obs - exp) < tol
def test_uncoupled_Hcoeffs_to_matrix():
    """Test Hcoeffs_to_matrix_eqn() method of the UncoupledFieldGroup class."""
    # create the UncoupledFieldGroup
    ufg = fieldgroups.UncoupledFieldGroup('default')

    # create the Hcoeffs, rightBC, psi_mminus1
    (dt, dx, rightBC, psi_mminus1, H1, H2, H7, n_ss_analytic,
     rtol) = one_field_diffusion_setup()
    Hcoeffs = multifield.HCoefficients(H1=H1, H2=H2, H7=H7)

    # discretize into matrix equation
    matrixEqn = ufg.Hcoeffs_to_matrix_eqn(dt, dx, rightBC, psi_mminus1,

    # matrix solve (using the underlying internals, not the object's method)
    n_solution = HToMatrixFD.solve(matrixEqn.A, matrixEqn.B, matrixEqn.C,

    # check
    assert np.allclose(n_solution, n_ss_analytic, rtol=rtol)
        c_EWMA = alpha * c + (1 - alpha) * c_EWMA

    H2Turb = D_EWMA
    H3 = -c_EWMA

    # get H's for all the others (H1, H2, H7).  H's represent terms in the transport equation
    H1 = np.ones_like(x)
    H7 = source(x)
    H2const = 0.00  # could represent some background level of (classical) diffusion
    H2 = H2Turb + H2const

    ## new --- discretize, then compute the residual, then solve the matrix equation for the new profile
    (A, B, C, f) = HToMatrixFD.H_to_matrix(dt,

    # see fieldgroups.calculate_residual() for additional information on the residual calculation
    resid = A * np.concatenate(
        (profile[1:], np.zeros(1))) + B * profile + C * np.concatenate(
            (np.zeros(1), profile[:-1])) - f
    resid = resid / np.max(np.abs(f))  # normalize the residual
    rmsResid = np.sqrt(np.mean(
        resid**2))  # take an rms characterization of residual
    residualHistory[iterationNumber] = rmsResid

    # solve matrix equation for new profile
    profile = HToMatrixFD.solve(A, B, C, f)
Beispiel #7
def test_lodestro_shestakovproblem():
    # test the LoDestro Method on the analytic shestakov problem

    # setup
    L = 1           # size of domain
    N = 500         # number of spatial grid points
    dx = L / (N-1)  # spatial grid size
    x = np.arange(N)*dx # location corresponding to grid points j=0, ..., N-1
    nL = 1e-2           # right boundary condition
    lmax = 2000     # max number of iterations
    dt = 1e4       # timestep
    thetaParams = {'Dmin': 1e-5,
                   'Dmax': 1e13,
                   'dpdxThreshold': 10}
    lmParams = {'EWMAParamTurbFlux': 0.30,
                'EWMAParamProfile': 0.30,
                'thetaParams': thetaParams}
    FluxModel = shestakov_nonlinear_diffusion.shestakov_analytic_fluxmodel(dx)
    turbhandler = lodestro_method.TurbulenceHandler(dx, x, lmParams, FluxModel)
    # initial condition
    n = 1 - 0.5*x
    tol = 1e-11      # tol for convergence
    t = np.array([0, 1e6])
    # initialize "m minus 1" variables for the first timestep
    n_mminus1 = n
    for m in range(1, len(t)):
        # Implicit time advance: iterate to solve the nonlinear equation!
        dt = t[m] - t[m-1]   # use this if using non-constant timesteps
        converged = False
        l = 1
        while not converged:
            # compute H's from current iterate n
            H1 = np.ones_like(x)
            H7 = shestakov_nonlinear_diffusion.H7contrib_Source(x)
            # this needs to be packaged... give n, get out H2, H3.
            (H2, H3, data) = turbhandler.Hcontrib_turbulent_flux(n)
            # compute matrix system (A, B, C, f)
            (A, B, C, f) = HToMatrixFD.H_to_matrix(dt, dx, nL, n_mminus1, H1, H2=H2, H3=H3, H7=H7)
            # check convergence
            #    convergence check: is || ( M[n^l] n^l - f[n^l] ) / max(abs(f)) || < tol
            #    could add more convergence checks here
            resid = A*np.concatenate((n[1:], np.zeros(1))) + B*n + C*np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), n[:-1])) - f
            resid = resid / np.max(np.abs(f))  # normalize residuals
            rms_error = np.sqrt( 1/len(resid) * np.sum(resid**2))  
            if rms_error < tol:
                converged = True
            # compute new iterate n
            n = HToMatrixFD.solve(A, B, C, f)
            # Check for NaNs or infs
            if np.all(np.isfinite(n)) == False:
                raise RuntimeError('NaN or Inf detected at l=%d.  Exiting...' % (l))
            # about to loop to next iteration l
            l += 1
            if l >= lmax:
                raise RuntimeError('Too many iterations on timestep %d.  Error is %f.' % (m, rms_error))
            # end of while loop for iteration convergence
        # Converged.  Before advancing to next timestep m, save some stuff
        n_mminus1 = n    
    nss_analytic = shestakov_nonlinear_diffusion.GetSteadyStateSolution(x, nL) 
    solution_residual = (n - nss_analytic) / np.max(np.abs(nss_analytic))
    solution_rms_error = np.sqrt( 1/len(n) * np.sum(solution_residual**2))
    obs = solution_rms_error
    exp = 0
    testtol = 1e-3
    assert abs(obs - exp) < testtol