Beispiel #1
def sync_trigger_partial_sync_callback(req, service):
    svc = Service.FromID(service)
    if req.method == "POST":
        # if whe're using decathlon services, force resync
        # Get users ids list, depending of services
        response = svc.ExternalIDsForPartialSyncTrigger(req)

        _sync = Sync()
        # Get users _id list from external ID
        users_to_sync = _sync.getUsersIDFromExternalId(response, service)

        if not users_to_sync:
            return HttpResponse(status=401)
            for user in users_to_sync:

                # For each users, if we can sync now
                if "LastSynchronization" in user and user["LastSynchronization"] is not None and datetime.utcnow() - \
                        user["LastSynchronization"] < _sync.MinimumSyncInterval:
                    return HttpResponse(status=403)
                exhaustive = None
                if "LastSynchronization" in user and user["LastSynchronization"] is not None and datetime.utcnow() - \
                        user["LastSynchronization"] > _sync.MaximumIntervalBeforeExhaustiveSync:
                    exhaustive = True
                # Force immadiate sync
                _sync.ScheduleImmediateSync(user, exhaustive)

        return HttpResponse(status=204)

    elif req.method == "GET":
        return svc.PartialSyncTriggerGET(req)
        return HttpResponse(status=400)
Beispiel #2
def account_setconfig(req):
    if not req.user:
        return HttpResponse(status=403)
    data = json.loads(req.body.decode("utf-8"))
    if data["sync_skip_before"] and len(data["sync_skip_before"]):
        data["sync_skip_before"] = dateutil.parser.parse(
    User.SetConfiguration(req.user, data)

    _sync = Sync()
    _sync.SetNextSyncIsExhaustive(req.user, True)
    return HttpResponse()
Beispiel #3
def sync_clear_errorgroup(req, service, group):
    _sync = Sync()
    if not req.user:
        return HttpResponse(status=401)

    rec = User.GetConnectionRecord(req.user, service)
    if not rec:
        return HttpResponse(status=404)

    # Prevent this becoming a vehicle for rapid synchronization
    to_clear_count = 0
    for x in rec.SyncErrors:
        if "UserException" in x and "ClearGroup" in x["UserException"] and x[
                "UserException"]["ClearGroup"] == group:
            to_clear_count += 1

    _sync = Sync()
    if to_clear_count > 0:
            {"_id": rec._id},
            {"$pull": {
                "SyncErrors": {
                    "UserException_ClearGroup": group
            {"_id": req.user["_id"]},
            {'$inc': {
                "BlockingSyncErrorCount": -to_clear_count
        )  # In the interests of data integrity, update the summary counts immediately as opposed to waiting for a sync to complete.
            req.user, True
        )  # And schedule them for an immediate full resynchronization, so the now-unblocked services can be brought up to speed.            return HttpResponse()
        return HttpResponse()

    return HttpResponse(status=404)
Beispiel #4
def sync_schedule_immediate(req):
    _sync = Sync()
    if not req.user:
        return HttpResponse(status=401)
    if "LastSynchronization" in req.user and req.user[
            "LastSynchronization"] is not None and datetime.utcnow(
            ) - req.user["LastSynchronization"] < _sync.MinimumSyncInterval:
        return HttpResponse(status=403)
    exhaustive = None
    if "LastSynchronization" in req.user and req.user[
            "LastSynchronization"] is not None and datetime.utcnow() - req.user[
                "LastSynchronization"] > _sync.MaximumIntervalBeforeExhaustiveSync:
        exhaustive = True
    _sync.ScheduleImmediateSync(req.user, exhaustive)
    return HttpResponse()
Beispiel #5
def config(req):
    in_diagnostics = "diagnostics" in req.path
    _sync = Sync()
    return {
        "config": {
            "minimumSyncInterval": _sync.MinimumSyncInterval.seconds,
            "siteVer": SITE_VER,
            "pp": {
                "url": PP_WEBSCR,
                "buttonId": PP_BUTTON_ID
            "connection_services": CONNECTION_SERVICES,
            "soft_launch": SOFT_LAUNCH_SERVICES,
            "disabled_services": DISABLED_SERVICES,
            "withdrawn_services": WITHDRAWN_SERVICES,
            "in_diagnostics": in_diagnostics
        "hidden_infotips": req.COOKIES.get("infotip_hide", None)
Beispiel #6
 def _assocPaymentLikeObject(user,
     # Since I seem to have taken this duck-typing quite far
     # First, deassociate payment ids from other accounts that may be using them
     if "_id" in payment_like_object and not skip_deassoc:
             {"$pull": {
                 collection: {
                     "_id": payment_like_object["_id"]
     # Then, attach to us
     db.users.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(user["_id"])},
                         {"$addToSet": {
                             collection: payment_like_object
     if schedule_now:
         _sync = Sync()
Beispiel #7
heartbeat_rec_id = heartbeat_rec["_id"]


if isinstance(settings.HTTP_SOURCE_ADDR, list):
    settings.HTTP_SOURCE_ADDR = settings.HTTP_SOURCE_ADDR[
        settings.WORKER_INDEX % len(settings.HTTP_SOURCE_ADDR)]
    patch_requests_source_address((settings.HTTP_SOURCE_ADDR, 0))

# We defer including the main body of the application till here so the settings aren't captured before we've set them up.
# The better way would be to defer initializing services until they're requested, but it's 10:30 and this will work just as well.
from tapiriik.sync import Sync



Sync = Sync()

worker_message("shutting down cleanly")
db.sync_workers.delete_one({"_id": heartbeat_rec_id})
worker_message("shut down")"-----[ ENDING SYNC_WORKER ]-----")
Beispiel #8
    def ConnectService(user, serviceRecord):
        from import Service, UserExceptionType
        existingUser = db.users.find_one({
            "_id": {
                '$ne': ObjectId(user["_id"])
        if "ConnectedServices" not in user:
            user["ConnectedServices"] = []
        delta = False
        if existingUser is not None:
            # merge merge merge

            # Don't let the user end up with two services of the same type, ever
            # It's not fully supported, plus it's caused all sorts of trauma in the past.
            # Note that this will discard the new serviceRecord connection if an existing one exists on the other account
            # ...which isn't the end of the world, compared to screwing around asking the user which they wanted to keep.
            for to_merge_service in existingUser["ConnectedServices"]:
                if len([
                        x for x in user["ConnectedServices"]
                        if x["Service"] == to_merge_service["Service"]
                ]) == 0:

            # There's got to be some 1-liner to do this merge
            if "Payments" in existingUser:
                if "Payments" not in user:
                    user["Payments"] = []
                user["Payments"] += existingUser["Payments"]
            if "Promos" in existingUser:
                if "Promos" not in user:
                    user["Promos"] = []
                user["Promos"] += existingUser["Promos"]
            if "ExternalPayments" in existingUser:
                if "ExternalPayments" not in user:
                    user["ExternalPayments"] = []
                user["ExternalPayments"] += existingUser["ExternalPayments"]
            if "FlowExceptions" in existingUser:
                if "FlowExceptions" not in user:
                    user["FlowExceptions"] = []
                user["FlowExceptions"] += existingUser["FlowExceptions"]
            user["Email"] = user["Email"] if "Email" in user and user[
                "Email"] is not None else (
                    existingUser["Email"] if "Email" in existingUser else None)
            user["NonblockingSyncErrorCount"] = (
                if "NonblockingSyncErrorCount" in user
                and user["NonblockingSyncErrorCount"] is not None else 0
            ) + (existingUser["NonblockingSyncErrorCount"]
                 if "NonblockingSyncErrorCount" in existingUser and
                 existingUser["NonblockingSyncErrorCount"] is not None else 0)
            user["BlockingSyncErrorCount"] = (
                user["BlockingSyncErrorCount"] if "BlockingSyncErrorCount"
                in user and user["BlockingSyncErrorCount"] is not None else 0
            ) + (existingUser["BlockingSyncErrorCount"]
                 if "BlockingSyncErrorCount" in existingUser
                 and existingUser["BlockingSyncErrorCount"] is not None else 0)
            user["SyncExclusionCount"] = (
                user["SyncExclusionCount"] if "SyncExclusionCount" in user
                and user["SyncExclusionCount"] is not None else 0) + (
                    if "SyncExclusionCount" in existingUser
                    and existingUser["SyncExclusionCount"] is not None else 0)
                "Created"] = user["Created"] if user["Created"] < existingUser[
                    "Created"] else existingUser["Created"]
            if "AncestorAccounts" not in user:
                user["AncestorAccounts"] = []
            user["AncestorAccounts"] += existingUser["AncestorAccounts"] if "AncestorAccounts" in existingUser else []
            user["AncestorAccounts"] += [existingUser["_id"]]
            user["Timezone"] = user["Timezone"] if "Timezone" in user and user[
                "Timezone"] else (existingUser["Timezone"]
                                  if "Timezone" in existingUser else None)
            user["CreationIP"] = user[
                "CreationIP"] if "CreationIP" in user and user[
                    "CreationIP"] else (existingUser["CreationIP"] if
                                        "CreationIP" in existingUser else None)
            existing_config = existingUser[
                "Config"] if "Config" in existingUser else {}
            existing_config.update(user["Config"] if "Config" in user else {})
            user["Config"] = existing_config
            delta = True
            db.users.delete_one({"_id": existingUser["_id"]})
            if serviceRecord._id not in [
                    x["ID"] for x in user["ConnectedServices"]
                # we might be connecting a second account for the same service
                for duplicateConn in [
                        x for x in user["ConnectedServices"]
                        if x["Service"] == serviceRecord.Service.ID
                    dupeRecord = User.GetConnectionRecord(
                        user, serviceRecord.Service.ID
                    )  # this'll just pick the first connection of type, but we repeat the right # of times anyways
                    # We used to call DisconnectService() here, but the results of that call were getting overwritten, which was unfortunate.
                    user["ConnectedServices"] = [
                        x for x in user["ConnectedServices"]
                        if x["Service"] != serviceRecord.Service.ID

                delta = True

        _sync = Sync()
        db.users.update_one({"_id": user["_id"]}, {'$set': user})
        if delta or (
                hasattr(serviceRecord, "SyncErrors")
                and len(serviceRecord.SyncErrors) > 0
        ):  # also schedule an immediate sync if there is an outstanding error (i.e. user reconnected)
                {"_id": serviceRecord._id}, {
                    "$pull": {
                        "SyncErrors": {
            )  # Pull all auth-related errors from the service so they don't continue to see them while the sync completes.
                {"_id": serviceRecord._id}, {
                    "$pull": {
                        "SyncErrors": {
            )  # Pull all auth-related errors from the service so they don't continue to see them while the sync completes.
                user, True
            )  # exhaustive, so it'll pick up activities from newly added services / ones lost during an error
            if hasattr(serviceRecord,
                       "SyncErrors") and len(serviceRecord.SyncErrors) > 0:
Beispiel #9
def diag_user(req, user):
        userRec = db.users.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(user)})
        userRec = None
    if not userRec:
        searchOpts = [{"Payments.Txn": user}, {"Payments.Email": user}]
            searchOpts.append({"AncestorAccounts": ObjectId(user)})
            searchOpts.append({"ConnectedServices.ID": ObjectId(user)})
            pass  # Invalid format for ObjectId
        userRec = db.users.find_one({"$or": searchOpts})
        if not userRec:
            searchOpts = [{"ExternalID": user}]
                searchOpts.append({"ExternalID": int(user)})
                pass  # Not an int
            svcRec = db.connections.find_one({"$or": searchOpts})
            if svcRec:
                userRec = db.users.find_one(
                    {"ConnectedServices.ID": svcRec["_id"]})
        if userRec:
            return redirect("diagnostics_user", user=userRec["_id"])
    if not userRec:
        return render(req, "diag/error_user_not_found.html")
    delta = True  # Easier to set this to false in the one no-change case.
    if "sync" in req.POST:
        _sync = Sync()
        _sync.ScheduleImmediateSync(userRec, req.POST["sync"] == "Full")
    elif "unlock" in req.POST:
        db.users.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(user)},
                            {"$unset": {
                                "SynchronizationWorker": None
    elif "lock" in req.POST:
        db.users.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(user)},
                            {"$set": {
                                "SynchronizationWorker": 1
    elif "requeue" in req.POST:
        db.users.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(user)},
                            {"$unset": {
                                "QueuedAt": None
    elif "hostrestrict" in req.POST:
        host = req.POST["host"]
        if host:
                {"_id": ObjectId(user)},
                {"$set": {
                    "SynchronizationHostRestriction": host
                {"_id": ObjectId(user)},
                {"$unset": {
                    "SynchronizationHostRestriction": None
    elif "substitute" in req.POST:
        req.session["substituteUserid"] = user
        return redirect("dashboard")
    elif "svc_setauth" in req.POST and len(req.POST["authdetails"]):
            {"_id": ObjectId(req.POST["id"])},
            {"$set": {
                "Authorization": json.loads(req.POST["authdetails"])
    elif "svc_setconfig" in req.POST and len(req.POST["config"]):
            {"_id": ObjectId(req.POST["id"])},
            {"$set": {
                "Config": json.loads(req.POST["config"])
    elif "svc_unlink" in req.POST:
        from import Service
        from tapiriik.auth import User
        svcRec = Service.GetServiceRecordByID(req.POST["id"])
    elif "svc_marksync" in req.POST:
            {"_id": ObjectId(req.POST["id"])},
            {"$addToSet": {
                "SynchronizedActivities": req.POST["uid"]
    elif "svc_clearexc" in req.POST:
        db.connections.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(req.POST["id"])},
                                  {"$unset": {
                                      "ExcludedActivities": 1
    elif "svc_clearacts" in req.POST:
        db.connections.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(req.POST["id"])},
                                  {"$unset": {
                                      "SynchronizedActivities": 1
        _sync = Sync()
        _sync.SetNextSyncIsExhaustive(userRec, True)
    elif "svc_toggle_poll_sub" in req.POST:
        from import Service
        svcRec = Service.GetServiceRecordByID(req.POST["id"])
            not svcRec.PartialSyncTriggerSubscribed)
    elif "svc_toggle_poll_trigger" in req.POST:
        from import Service
        svcRec = Service.GetServiceRecordByID(req.POST["id"])
            {"_id": ObjectId(req.POST["id"])},
            {"$set": {
                "TriggerPartialSync": not svcRec.TriggerPartialSync
    elif "svc_tryagain" in req.POST:
        from import Service
        svcRec = Service.GetServiceRecordByID(req.POST["id"])
            {"_id": ObjectId(req.POST["id"])},
            {"$pull": {
                "SyncErrors": {
                    "Scope": "activity"
        act_recs = db.activity_records.find_one({"UserID": ObjectId(user)})
        for act in act_recs["Activities"]:
            if "FailureCounts" in act and svcRec.Service.ID in act[
                del act["FailureCounts"][svcRec.Service.ID]
        delta = False

    if delta:
        return redirect("diagnostics_user", user=user)
    return render(req, "diag/user.html", {"diag_user": userRec})
Beispiel #10
class User:

    ConfigurationDefaults = {
        "suppress_auto_sync": False,
        "sync_upload_delay": 0,
        "sync_skip_before": None,
        "historical_sync": False
    Sync = Sync()
    def Get(id):
        return db.users.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)})

    def GetByConnection(svcRec):
        return db.users.find_one({"ConnectedServices.ID": svcRec._id})

    def Ensure(req):
        from ipware.ip import get_real_ip
        if req.user == None:
            req.user = User.Create(creationIP=get_real_ip(req))
            User.Login(req.user, req)
        return req.user

    def Login(user, req):
        req.session["userid"] = str(user["_id"])
        req.user = user

    def Logout(req):
        del req.session["userid"]
        del req.user

    def Create(creationIP=None):
        uid = db.users.insert({"Created": datetime.utcnow(), "CreationIP": creationIP})  # will mongodb insert an almost empty doc, i.e. _id?
        return db.users.with_options(read_preference=ReadPreference.PRIMARY).find_one({"_id": uid})

    def GetConnectionRecordsByUser(user):
        return [ServiceRecord(x) for x in db.connections.find({"_id": {"$in": [x["ID"] for x in user["ConnectedServices"]]}})]

    def GetConnectionRecord(user, svcId):
        rec = db.connections.find_one({"_id": {"$in": [x["ID"] for x in user["ConnectedServices"] if x["Service"] == svcId]}})
        return ServiceRecord(rec) if rec else None

    def SetEmail(user, email):
        db.users.update({"_id": ObjectId(user["_id"])}, {"$set": {"Email": email}})

    def SetTimezone(user, tz):
        db.users.update({"_id": ObjectId(user["_id"])}, {"$set": {"Timezone": tz}})

    def _assocPaymentLikeObject(user, collection, payment_like_object, schedule_now, skip_deassoc=False):
        # Since I seem to have taken this duck-typing quite far
        # First, deassociate payment ids from other accounts that may be using them
        if "_id" in payment_like_object and not skip_deassoc:
            db.users.update({}, {"$pull": {collection: {"_id": payment_like_object["_id"]}}}, multi=True)
        # Then, attach to us
        db.users.update({"_id": ObjectId(user["_id"])}, {"$addToSet": {collection: payment_like_object}})
        if schedule_now:

    def AssociatePayment(user, payment, schedule_now=True):
        User._assocPaymentLikeObject(user, "Payments", payment, schedule_now)

    def AssociateExternalPayment(user, external_payment, schedule_now=False, skip_deassoc=False):
        User._assocPaymentLikeObject(user, "ExternalPayments", external_payment, schedule_now, skip_deassoc)

    def AssociatePromo(user, promo, schedule_now=True):
        User._assocPaymentLikeObject(user, "Promos", promo, schedule_now)

    def HasActivePayment(user):
        # Payments and Promos share the essential data field - Expiry
        # We don't really care if the payment has yet to take place yet - why would it be in the system then?
        # (Timestamp too, but the fact we rely on it here is only for backwards compatability with some old payment records)
        payment_like_objects = (user["Payments"] if "Payments" in user else []) + (user["Promos"] if "Promos" in user else []) + (user["ExternalPayments"] if "ExternalPayments" in user else [])
        for payment in payment_like_objects:
            if "Expiry" in payment:
                if payment["Expiry"] == None or payment["Expiry"] > datetime.utcnow():
                    return True
                if payment["Timestamp"] > (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=365.25)):
                    return True
        return False

    def PaidUserMongoQuery():
        # Don't need the no-expiry case here, those payments have all expired by now
        return {
            "$or": [
                {"Payments.Expiry": {"$gt": datetime.utcnow()}},
                {"Promos.Expiry": {"$gt": datetime.utcnow()}},
                {"Promos.Expiry": {"$type": 10, "$exists": True}} # === null

    def IsServiceConnected(user, service_id):
        return service_id in [x["Service"] for x in user["ConnectedServices"]]

    def ConnectService(user, serviceRecord):
        from import Service, UserExceptionType
        existingUser = db.users.find_one({"_id": {'$ne': ObjectId(user["_id"])}, "ConnectedServices.ID": ObjectId(serviceRecord._id)})
        if "ConnectedServices" not in user:
            user["ConnectedServices"] = []
        delta = False
        if existingUser is not None:
            # merge merge merge

            # Don't let the user end up with two services of the same type, ever
            # It's not fully supported, plus it's caused all sorts of trauma in the past.
            # Note that this will discard the new serviceRecord connection if an existing one exists on the other account
            # ...which isn't the end of the world, compared to screwing around asking the user which they wanted to keep.
            for to_merge_service in existingUser["ConnectedServices"]:
                if len([x for x in user["ConnectedServices"] if x["Service"] == to_merge_service["Service"]]) == 0:

            # There's got to be some 1-liner to do this merge
            if "Payments" in existingUser:
                if "Payments" not in user:
                    user["Payments"] = []
                user["Payments"] += existingUser["Payments"]
            if "Promos" in existingUser:
                if "Promos" not in user:
                    user["Promos"] = []
                user["Promos"] += existingUser["Promos"]
            if "ExternalPayments" in existingUser:
                if "ExternalPayments" not in user:
                    user["ExternalPayments"] = []
                user["ExternalPayments"] += existingUser["ExternalPayments"]
            if "FlowExceptions" in existingUser:
                if "FlowExceptions" not in user:
                    user["FlowExceptions"] = []
                user["FlowExceptions"] += existingUser["FlowExceptions"]
            user["Email"] = user["Email"] if "Email" in user and user["Email"] is not None else (existingUser["Email"] if "Email" in existingUser else None)
            user["NonblockingSyncErrorCount"] = (user["NonblockingSyncErrorCount"] if "NonblockingSyncErrorCount" in user and user["NonblockingSyncErrorCount"] is not None else 0) + (existingUser["NonblockingSyncErrorCount"] if "NonblockingSyncErrorCount" in existingUser and existingUser["NonblockingSyncErrorCount"] is not None else 0)
            user["BlockingSyncErrorCount"] = (user["BlockingSyncErrorCount"] if "BlockingSyncErrorCount" in user and user["BlockingSyncErrorCount"] is not None else 0) + (existingUser["BlockingSyncErrorCount"] if "BlockingSyncErrorCount" in existingUser and existingUser["BlockingSyncErrorCount"] is not None else 0)
            user["SyncExclusionCount"] = (user["SyncExclusionCount"] if "SyncExclusionCount" in user and user["SyncExclusionCount"] is not None else 0) + (existingUser["SyncExclusionCount"] if "SyncExclusionCount" in existingUser and existingUser["SyncExclusionCount"] is not None else 0)
            user["Created"] = user["Created"] if user["Created"] < existingUser["Created"] else existingUser["Created"]
            if "AncestorAccounts" not in user:
                user["AncestorAccounts"] = []
            user["AncestorAccounts"] += existingUser["AncestorAccounts"] if "AncestorAccounts" in existingUser else []
            user["AncestorAccounts"] += [existingUser["_id"]]
            user["Timezone"] = user["Timezone"] if "Timezone" in user and user["Timezone"] else (existingUser["Timezone"] if "Timezone" in existingUser else None)
            user["CreationIP"] = user["CreationIP"] if "CreationIP" in user and user["CreationIP"] else (existingUser["CreationIP"] if "CreationIP" in existingUser else None)
            existing_config = existingUser["Config"] if "Config" in existingUser else {}
            existing_config.update(user["Config"] if "Config" in user else {})
            user["Config"] = existing_config
            delta = True
            db.users.remove({"_id": existingUser["_id"]})
            if serviceRecord._id not in [x["ID"] for x in user["ConnectedServices"]]:
                # we might be connecting a second account for the same service
                for duplicateConn in [x for x in user["ConnectedServices"] if x["Service"] == serviceRecord.Service.ID]:
                    dupeRecord = User.GetConnectionRecord(user, serviceRecord.Service.ID)  # this'll just pick the first connection of type, but we repeat the right # of times anyways
                    # We used to call DisconnectService() here, but the results of that call were getting overwritten, which was unfortunate.
                    user["ConnectedServices"] = [x for x in user["ConnectedServices"] if x["Service"] != serviceRecord.Service.ID]

                user["ConnectedServices"].append({"Service": serviceRecord.Service.ID, "ID": serviceRecord._id})
                delta = True

        db.users.update({"_id": user["_id"]}, user)
        if delta or (hasattr(serviceRecord, "SyncErrors") and len(serviceRecord.SyncErrors) > 0):  # also schedule an immediate sync if there is an outstanding error (i.e. user reconnected)
            db.connections.update({"_id": serviceRecord._id}, {"$pull": {"SyncErrors": {"UserException.Type": UserExceptionType.Authorization}}}) # Pull all auth-related errors from the service so they don't continue to see them while the sync completes.
            db.connections.update({"_id": serviceRecord._id}, {"$pull": {"SyncErrors": {"UserException.Type": UserExceptionType.RenewPassword}}}) # Pull all auth-related errors from the service so they don't continue to see them while the sync completes.
            Sync.SetNextSyncIsExhaustive(user, True)  # exhaustive, so it'll pick up activities from newly added services / ones lost during an error
            if hasattr(serviceRecord, "SyncErrors") and len(serviceRecord.SyncErrors) > 0:

    def DisconnectService(serviceRecord, preserveUser=False):
        # not that >1 user should have this connection
        activeUsers = list(db.users.find({"ConnectedServices.ID": serviceRecord._id}))
        if len(activeUsers) == 0:
            raise Exception("No users found with service " + serviceRecord._id)
        db.users.update({}, {"$pull": {"ConnectedServices": {"ID": serviceRecord._id}}}, multi=True)
        if not preserveUser:
            for user in activeUsers:
                if len(user["ConnectedServices"]) - 1 == 0:
                    # I guess we're done here?
                    db.activity_records.remove({"UserID": user["_id"]})
                    db.users.remove({"_id": user["_id"]})

    def AuthByService(serviceRecord):
        return db.users.find_one({"ConnectedServices.ID": serviceRecord._id})

    def SetFlowException(user, sourceServiceRecord, targetServiceRecord, flowToTarget=True, flowToSource=True):
        if "FlowExceptions" not in user:
            user["FlowExceptions"] = []

        # flow exceptions are stored in "forward" direction - service-account X will not send activities to service-account Y
        forwardException = {"Target": {"Service": targetServiceRecord.Service.ID, "ExternalID": targetServiceRecord.ExternalID}, "Source": {"Service": sourceServiceRecord.Service.ID, "ExternalID": sourceServiceRecord.ExternalID}}
        backwardsException = {"Target": forwardException["Source"], "Source": forwardException["Target"]}
        if flowToTarget is not None:
            if flowToTarget:
                user["FlowExceptions"][:] = [x for x in user["FlowExceptions"] if x != forwardException]
            elif not flowToTarget and forwardException not in user["FlowExceptions"]:
        if flowToSource is not None:
            if flowToSource:
                user["FlowExceptions"][:] = [x for x in user["FlowExceptions"] if x != backwardsException]
            elif not flowToSource and backwardsException not in user["FlowExceptions"]:
        db.users.update({"_id": user["_id"]}, {"$set": {"FlowExceptions": user["FlowExceptions"]}})

    def GetFlowExceptions(user):
        if "FlowExceptions" not in user:
            return {}
        return user["FlowExceptions"]

    def CheckFlowException(user, sourceServiceRecord, targetServiceRecord):
        ''' returns true if there is a flow exception blocking activities moving from source to destination '''
        forwardException = {"Target": {"Service": targetServiceRecord.Service.ID, "ExternalID": targetServiceRecord.ExternalID}, "Source": {"Service": sourceServiceRecord.Service.ID, "ExternalID": sourceServiceRecord.ExternalID}}
        return "FlowExceptions" in user and forwardException in user["FlowExceptions"]

    # You may recognize that these functions are shamelessly copy-pasted from
    def GetConfiguration(user):
        config = copy.deepcopy(User.ConfigurationDefaults)
        config.update(user["Config"] if "Config" in user else {})
        return config

    def SetConfiguration(user, config, no_save=False, drop_existing=False):
        sparseConfig = {}
        if not drop_existing:
            sparseConfig = copy.deepcopy(User.GetConfiguration(user))

        keys_to_delete = []
        for k, v in sparseConfig.items():
            if (k in User.ConfigurationDefaults and User.ConfigurationDefaults[k] == v):
                keys_to_delete.append(k)  # it's the default, we can not store it
        for k in keys_to_delete:
            del sparseConfig[k]
        user["Config"] = sparseConfig
        if not no_save:
            db.users.update({"_id": user["_id"]}, {"$set": {"Config": sparseConfig}})