def post(self):
        logger.debug("top of  POST /tokens")
        validator = RequestValidator(utils.spec)
        validated = validator.validate(FlaskOpenAPIRequest(request))
        if validated.errors:
            raise errors.ResourceError(msg=f'Invalid POST data: {validated.errors}.')
        validated_body = validated.body
        # this raises an exception if the claims are invalid -
        if hasattr(validated_body, 'claims'):
            # set it to the raw request's claims object which is an arbitrary python dictionary
   = request.json.get('claims')
            token_data = TapisAccessToken.get_derived_values(validated_body)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Got exception trying to compute get_derived_values() for validated body; e: {e}")
            raise errors.AuthenticationError("Unable to create token. Please contact system administrator.")
        access_token = TapisAccessToken(**token_data)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Got exception trying to sign token! Exception: {e}")
            raise errors.AuthenticationError("Unable to sign token. Please contact system administrator.")

        result = {'access_token': access_token.serialize}

        # refresh token --
        if hasattr(validated_body, 'generate_refresh_token') and validated_body.generate_refresh_token:
            if hasattr(validated_body, 'refresh_token_ttl'):
                token_data['refresh_token_ttl'] = validated_body.refresh_token_ttl
            refresh_token = TokensResource.get_refresh_from_access_token_data(token_data, access_token)
            result['refresh_token'] = refresh_token.serialize
        return utils.ok(result=result, msg="Token generation successful.")
Beispiel #2
def check_service_password(tenant_id, username, password):
    # update 3/2020: "password" is now the secret name in the SK for all service passwords, as the user and
    # tenant are now encoded in the path, passed in as specific attributes to the API call.
    secret_name = 'password'
    # when use_allservices_password is True, we check  single password for all services (as a convenience)
    # update 3/2020: use_allservices_password is not slated for removal.
    # if conf.use_allservices_password:
    #     secret_name = 'password'
    #     # secret_name = f'{tenant_id}+allservices+password'
        f"top of check_service_password: tenant_id: {tenant_id}; username: {username}"
    # we only allow use of the "allservices_password" configuration in develop --
    if conf.use_allservices_password and "develop" in conf.primary_site_admin_tenant_base_url:"allowing check of the allservices_password")
        if conf.allservices_password and conf.allservices_password == password:
  "allservices_password was correct; issuing token.")
            return True
                f"allservices_password was incorrect; password passed: {password}; "
                f"actual: {conf.allservices_password}")

        result =
    except tapipy.errors.InvalidInputError as e:
            f"Got InvalidInputError trying to check service password inside SK secretMap. Exception: {e}"
        raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
            'Invalid service account/password combination. Service account may not be registered with SK.'
    except Exception as e:
            f"got exception from call to validateServicePassword; e: {e}; type(e): {type(e)}"
        if type(e) == common_errors.AuthenticationError:
            raise e
            f"Got exception trying to check the service {username}'s password with SK. Exception: {e}"
        raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
            'Tokens API got an error trying to contact SK to validate service secret.'
    if not result.isAuthorized:
            f"got isAuthorized==False from call to validateServicePassword. Full result: {result}"
        raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
            msg='Tokens API got isAuthorized=False from SK.')
Beispiel #3
def check_authz_tenant_update(tenant_id):
    Called from the PUT controller and checks that one of the following are true on tenant update:
      1). the JWT's tenant_id claim matches the tenant_id being updated. OR
      2). the JWT's tenant_id claim is for the admin tenant for the site owning the tenant_id being updated.
    # get the config for the tenant being updated, and in particular, get the owning site.
    logger.debug(f"top of check_authz_tenant_update for: {tenant_id}")
    # first we check if this is the tenants service at the primary site -- they are always allowed to make changes:
    if g.username == 'tenants' and g.tenant_id == 'admin':
            "this is the tenants API; allowing the request and not checking site and tenant details..."
        return True

    request_tenant = t.tenant_cache.get_tenant_config(tenant_id=tenant_id)
    site_id_for_request = request_tenant.site_id
        f"request_tenant: {request_tenant}; site_id_for_request: {site_id_for_request}"
    # if the tenant_id of the access token matched the tenant_id the request is trying to update, the request is
    # authorized
    if g.tenant_id == tenant_id:
            f"token's tenant {g.tenant_id} matched. request authorized.")
        return True
    # the second check is only for service tokens; if token was a user token, the request is not authorized:
    if not g.account_type == 'service':
            f"the request was for a different tenant {tenant_id} than the token's tenant_id ({g.tenant_id}) and"
            f"the token was not s service token. the request is not authorized."
        raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
            msg=f'Invalid tenant_id ({tenant_id}) provided. The token provided '
            f'belongs to the {g.tenant_id} tenant but the request is trying to'
            f'update the {tenant_id} tenant. Only service accounts can update'
            f'other tenants.')
    # if the token tenant_id did not match the tenant_id in the request, the only way the request will be authorized is
    # if the token tenant_id is for the admin tenant of the owning site
    # to check this, get the site associated with the token:
    token_tenant = t.tenant_cache.get_tenant_config(tenant_id=g.tenant_id)
    site_id_for_token = token_tenant.site_id
    logger.debug(f"site_id_for_token: {site_id_for_token}")
    if site_id_for_request == site_id_for_token:
            f"token's site {site_id_for_token} matched tenant's site. request authorized."
        return True
        f"token site {site_id_for_token} did NOT match tenant's site ({site_id_for_request})"
    raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
        msg=f'Invalid tenant_id ({tenant_id}) provided. This tenant belongs to'
        f'site {site_id_for_request} but the Tapis token passed in the'
        f'X-Tapis-Token header is for site {site_id_for_token}. Services'
        f'can only update tenants at their site.')
Beispiel #4
def get_basic_auth_parts():
    Checks if the request contains the necessary headers for basic authentication, and if so, returns a dictionary
    containing the tenant_id, username, and password. Otherwise, returns None.
    NOTE: This method DOES NOT actually validate the password. That is the role of the caller.
    :return: (dict or None) - Either a python dictionary with the following keys:
        * tenant_id: The tenant_id to use to check this basic auth.
        * username: the "username" field of the Basic Auth header (decoded).
        * password: the "password" field of the Basic Auth header (decoded).
    logger.debug("top of get_basic_auth_parts")
    if 'Authorization' in request.headers:
            "request contained a basic auth header... building parts.")
        auth = request.authorization
            return {'username': auth.username, 'password': auth.password}
        except Exception as e:
                f"Got exception trying to retrieve the username and password from the headers. e: {e}"
            raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
                'Unable to parse HTTP Basic Authorization header.')
    return None
Beispiel #5
def check_authz_private_keypair(tenant_id):
    Makes the following set of additional authorization checks:
      1). the tenant_id must be owned by the site where this Tokens API is running.
    and one of the following are true:
      2). the token's tenant_id claim matches the tenant_id being updated. OR
      3). the token's tenant_id claim is for the admin tenant for the site owning the tenant_id being updated.
    # first check if the tenant_id is a tenant that this Tokens API handles
    logger.debug(f"top of check_authz_private_keypair for: {tenant_id}")
    # note that the tenant_id here could be for a tenant in status DRAFT or INACTIVE and therefore will not
    # be in the tenant cache. we have to go directly to the tenants API for to get the description for this tenant.
    request_tenant = t.tenants.get_tenant(tenant_id=tenant_id)
    site_id_for_request = request_tenant.site_id
        f"request_tenant: {request_tenant}; site_id_for_request: {site_id_for_request}"
    if not conf.service_site_id == site_id_for_request:
            f"the request was for a site {site_id_for_request} that does not match the site for this Tokens"
            f"API ({conf.service_site_id}. the request is not authorized.")
        raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
            f'Invalid tenant_id ({tenant_id}) provided. This tenant belongs to'
            f'site {site_id_for_request} but this Tokens API serves site'
    # if the tenant_id of the access token matched the tenant_id the request is trying to update, the request is
    # authorized
    if g.tenant_id == tenant_id:
            f"token's tenant {g.tenant_id} matched. request authorized.")
        return True
    # the rest of the checks are only for service tokens; if token was a user token, the request is not authorized:
    if not g.account_type == 'service':
            f"the request was for a different tenant {tenant_id} than the token's tenant_id ({g.tenant_id}) and"
            f"the token was not s service token. the request is not authorized."
        raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
            msg=f'Invalid tenant_id ({tenant_id}) provided. The token provided '
            f'belongs to the {g.tenant_id} tenant but the request is trying to'
            f'update the {tenant_id} tenant. Only service accounts can update'
            f'other tenants.')
    # if the token tenant_id did not match the tenant_id in the request, the only way the request will be authorized is
    # if the token tenant_id is for the admin tenant of the owning site (which is the site of this Tokens API).
    # to check this, get the site associated with the token:
    token_tenant = tenants.get_tenant_config(tenant_id=g.tenant_id)
    site_id_for_token = token_tenant.site_id
    logger.debug(f"site_id_for_token: {site_id_for_token}")
    if site_id_for_request == site_id_for_token:
            f"token's site {site_id_for_token} matched tenant's site. request authorized."
        return True
        f"token site {site_id_for_token} did NOT match tenant's site ({site_id_for_request})"
    raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
        msg=f'Invalid tenant_id ({tenant_id}) provided. This tenant belongs to'
        f'site {site_id_for_request} but the Tapis token passed in the'
        f'X-Tapis-Token header is for site {site_id_for_token}. Services'
        f'can only update tenants at their site.')
Beispiel #6
def authn_and_authz():
    Entry point for checking authentication and authorization
    # first check whether the request is even a valid
    if hasattr(request, 'url_rule'):
        logger.debug("request.url_rule: {}".format(request.url_rule))
        if hasattr(request.url_rule, 'rule'):
            logger.debug("url_rule.rule: {}".format(request.url_rule.rule))
  "url_rule has no rule.")
            raise common_errors.BaseTapisError(
                "Invalid request: the API endpoint does not exist or the provided HTTP method is not allowed.",
    else:"Request has no url_rule")
        raise common_errors.BaseTapisError(
            "Invalid request: the API endpoint does not exist or the provided HTTP method is not allowed.",
    # if we are using the SK, we require basic auth on generating tokens (access or refresh).
    if conf.use_sk:
        # if a request sets both a basic auth header AND an x-tapis-token header, we should immeditely
        # throw an error:
        if 'Authorization' in request.headers and 'X-Tapis-Token' in request.headers:
            raise common_errors.BaseTapisError(
                "Invalid request: both X-Tapis-Token and HTTP Basic Auth headers set; please set only one."
        # first check if this is a request to update the token signing keys
        if 'tokens/keys' in request.url_rule.rule:
            # check for a Tapis token
                "request to update token signing keys, looking for a tapis token.."
            # updating the token signing keys requires a special role, stored in SK. note that we are using the
            # tenant_id associated with the access token (g.tenant_id) in the check here, because the token could be
            # a user token or it could be a service token. in either case, the user must have the tenant updater role.
            # later, we also check that the tenant_id in the payload either matches g.tenant_id or that it is the
            # admin tenant for the site owning the tenant in the payload. (see check_authz_private_keypair() below)
                users =,
            except Exception as e:
                msg = f'Got an error calling the SK. Exception: {e}'
                raise common_errors.PermissionsError(
                    f'Could not verify permissions with the Security Kernel; additional info: {e}'
                f"got users: {users}; checking if {g.username} is in role {ROLE}."
            if g.username not in users.names:
                    f"user {g.username} was not in role {ROLE}. raising permissions error."
                raise common_errors.PermissionsError(
                    msg='Not authorized to modify the tenant gining keys.')
            return True

        # otherwise, this is a request to create a token (either with a service account/password (POST) or with a
        # refresh token (PUT).
        if request.method == 'POST':  # note: PUT (i.e. refresh) does NOT require additional auth
            # check for basic auth header:
            parts = get_basic_auth_parts()
            if parts:
                # note that we cannot call the authentication() function in this case because there is not a token header.
                # still, we need to resolve the tenant_id for the request

                # check that request POST data contains tenant_id and username and that the username matches that
                # in the HTTP Basic Auth header; otherwise, service could impersonate other services/tenants.
                    tenant_id = request.get_json().get('token_tenant_id')
                    username = request.get_json().get('token_username')
                except Exception as e:
                        f"Got exception trying to parse JSON from request; e: {e}; type(e):{type(e)}"
                    raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
                        'Unable to parse message payload; is it JSON?')
                if not username == parts['username']:
                    raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
                        'Invalid POST data -- username does not match auth header.'
                if not tenant_id:
                    raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
                        'Invalid POST data -- tenant_id missing from POST data.'
                # do basic auth with SK and tapis client.
                logger.debug("got parts, checking service password..")
                check_service_password(tenant_id, parts['username'],
                return True
                # check for a Tapis token -- this call should put username and tenant on the g object
                logger.debug("did not get parts, checking for tapis token..")
                # now, check with SK that service is authorized for the action. Token generation is controlled by a
                # specific role corresponding to the tenant that the caller is trying to create the token in.
                    tenant_id = request.get_json().get('token_tenant_id')
                except Exception as e:
                        f"Got exception trying to parse JSON from Tapis token request; e: {e}; type(e):{type(e)}"
                    raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
                        'Unable to parse message payload; is it JSON?')
                # the role_name includes the tenant that the caller is trying to create the token in.
                role_name = f'{tenant_id}_token_generator'
                    # the role itself lives in the admin tenant for the site where tokens lives. the caller (which
                    # should be a service account),
                        admin_tenant = g.tenant_id
                    except Exception as e:
                        msg = f"got exception trying to check the service token's tenant_id; exception: {e}."
                        raise common_errors.AuthenticationError(
                            "Unable to validate the tenant_id on the provided JWT."
                        f"calling SK to check for role: {role_name} in tenant: {admin_tenant}..."
                    users =,
                except Exception as e:
                    msg = f'Got an error calling the SK to get users with role {role_name}. Exception: {e}'
                    raise common_errors.PermissionsError(
                        f'Could not verify permissions with the Security Kernel; additional info: {e}'
                if g.username not in users.names:
                        f"user {g.username} was not in role {role_name} in tenant {admin_tenant}. "
                        f"DENYING request and raising permissions error.")
                    raise common_errors.PermissionsError(
                        f'Not authorized to generate tokens in tenant {tenant_id}.'
                    f"user {g.username} WAS fond in role {role_name} in tenant {admin_tenant}. APPROVING request."
                return True