Beispiel #1
def test_neg_precondition_compilation_on_problem2():
    problem = generate_strips_blocksworld_problem()
    lang = problem.language
    b1, clear, on, ontable, handempty, holding = lang.get(
        'b1', 'clear', 'on', 'ontable', 'handempty', 'holding')

    # Change the goal to include some negated preconditions, this should trigger
    # the rewriting of some action effects
    problem.goal = ~ontable(b1) & ~handempty()
    compiled = compile_negated_preconditions_away(problem)

    # Check that indeed new effects have been added of the appropriate type and appropriate predicate
    assert str(compiled.get_action(
        'unstack').effects[-1]) == '(T -> ADD(_not_handempty()))'
    assert str(compiled.get_action(
        'stack').effects[-1]) == '(T -> DEL(_not_handempty()))'

    # Check the goal has been correctly rewritten
    assert str(compiled.goal) == '(_not_ontable(b1) and _not_handempty())'

    # Check the initial state has been correctly updated
    init = compiled.init
    nhe, nont = lang.get('_not_handempty', '_not_ontable')
    assert init[nont(b1)] or init[ontable(b1)]
    assert init[neg(nhe())] or init[neg(handempty())]
Beispiel #2
def test_neg_precondition_compilation_on_formulas():
    problem = generate_strips_blocksworld_problem()
    lang = problem.language
    clear, on, ontable, handempty, holding = lang.get('clear', 'on', 'ontable',
                                                      'handempty', 'holding')
    x = lang.variable('x', 'object')
    y = lang.variable('y', 'object')

    negpreds = dict()

    comp = compile_away_formula_negated_literals(clear(x) & (x != y), negpreds)
    assert comp == clear(x) & (x != y) and not negpreds  # No change was made

    comp = compile_away_formula_negated_literals(neg(x == y), negpreds)
    assert comp == neg(x == y) and not negpreds  # No change was made

    comp = compile_away_formula_negated_literals(
        clear(x) & ontable(x), negpreds)
    assert comp == clear(x) & ontable(x) and not negpreds  # No change was made

    comp = compile_away_formula_negated_literals(
        clear(x) & ~ontable(x), negpreds)
    assert str(comp) == '(clear(x) and _not_ontable(x))'

    # Compile again to check that predicate is not declared twice, which would raise an error
    comp = compile_away_formula_negated_literals(
        clear(x) & ~ontable(x), negpreds)
    assert str(comp) == '(clear(x) and _not_ontable(x))'
Beispiel #3
def create_small_bw_task():
    lang = generate_small_fstrips_bw_language()
    init = tarski.model.create(lang)

    b1, b2, b3, b4, clear, loc, table = lang.get('b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4',
                                                 'clear', 'loc', 'table')
    block, place = lang.get('block', 'place')

    init.set(loc, b1, b2)  # loc(b1) := b2
    init.set(loc, b2, b3)  # loc(b2) := b3
    init.set(loc, b3, table)  # loc(b3) := table
    init.set(loc, b4, table)  # loc(b4) := table

    init.add(clear, b1)  # clear(b1)
    init.add(clear, b4)  # clear(b4)
    init.add(clear, table)  # clear(table)

    src = lang.variable('src', block)
    dest = lang.variable('dest', place)

    x = lang.variable('x', block)
    y = lang.variable('y', block)
    clear_constraint = forall(
        x, equiv(neg(clear(x)), land(x != table, exists(y,
                                                        loc(y) == x))))
    G = land(loc(b1) == b2, loc(b2) == b3, loc(b3) == b4, loc(b4) == table)

    problem = fs.Problem("tower4", "blocksworld")
    problem.language = lang
    problem.init = init
    problem.goal = G
    problem.constraints += [clear_constraint]
    problem.action('move', [src, dest], land(clear(src), clear(dest)),
                   [fs.FunctionalEffect(loc(src), dest)])
    return problem
Beispiel #4
def test_variables_classification():
    tw = tarskiworld.create_small_world()
    x = tw.variable('x', tw.Object)
    y = tw.variable('y', tw.Object)
    s = neg(land(tw.Cube(x), exists(y, land(tw.Tet(x), tw.LeftOf(x, y)))))
    free = free_variables(s)
    assert len(free) == 1 and symref(free[0]) == symref(x)
    assert len(all_variables(s)) == 2
Beispiel #5
def test_ground_actions_on_negated_preconditions():
    problem = create_sample_problem()

    # We negate all atoms in the precondition, which makes all 8^3 combinations of objects be a valid grounding,
    # since all precondition atoms are ignored
    pick_prec = problem.actions['pick'].precondition
    pick_prec.subformulas = tuple(neg(f) for f in pick_prec.subformulas)
    actions = compute_action_groundings(problem)
    assert len(actions['pick']) == 512
Beispiel #6
def test_simplifier():
    problem = generate_fstrips_counters_problem(ncounters=3)
    lang = problem.language
    value, max_int, counter, val_t, c1 = lang.get('value', 'max_int',
                                                  'counter', 'val', 'c1')
    x = lang.variable('x', counter)
    two, three, six = [lang.constant(c, val_t) for c in (2, 3, 6)]

    s = Simplify(problem, problem.init)
    assert symref(s.simplify_expression(x)) == symref(x)
    assert symref(s.simplify_expression(value(c1) < max_int())) == symref(
        value(c1) < six)  # max_int evaluates to 6
    assert s.simplify_expression(two < max_int()) is True
    assert s.simplify_expression(two > three) is False

    # conjunction evaluates to false because of first conjunct:
    falseconj = land(two > three, value(c1) < max_int())
    assert s.simplify_expression(falseconj) is False
    assert s.simplify_expression(neg(falseconj)) is True

    # first conjunct gets removed:
    assert str(s.simplify_expression(land(
        two < three,
        value(c1) < max_int()))) == '<(value(c1),6)'

    # first disjunct gets removed because it is false
    assert str(s.simplify_expression(lor(
        two > three,
        value(c1) < max_int()))) == '<(value(c1),6)'

    assert str(s.simplify_expression(forall(
        value(x) < max_int()))) == 'forall x : (<(value(x),6))'
    assert s.simplify_expression(forall(x, two + three <= 6)) is True

    inc = problem.get_action('increment')
    simp = s.simplify_action(inc)
    assert str(simp.precondition) == '<(value(c),6)'
    assert str(simp.effects) == str(inc.effects)

    eff = UniversalEffect(x, [value(x) << three])
    assert str(
        s.simplify_effect(eff)) == '(T -> forall (x) : ((T -> value(x) := 3)))'

    simp = s.simplify()
    assert str(simp.get_action('increment').precondition) == '<(value(c),6)'

    # Make sure there is no mention to the compiled away "max_int" symbol in the language
    assert not simp.language.has_function("max_int")

    # Make sure there is no mention to the compiled away "max_int" symbol in the initial state
    exts = list(simp.init.list_all_extensions().keys())
    assert ('max_int', 'val') not in exts
Beispiel #7
def test_simplification_of_negation():
    problem = tarski.benchmarks.blocksworld.generate_strips_blocksworld_problem(
    lang = problem.language
    b1, clear, on, ontable, handempty, holding = lang.get(
        'b1', 'clear', 'on', 'ontable', 'handempty', 'holding')

    s = Simplify(problem, problem.init)
    cb1 = clear(b1)
    assert str(s.simplify_expression(land(cb1, neg(bot)))) == 'clear(b1)'
    assert str(s.simplify_expression(cb1)) == 'clear(b1)'  # No evaluation made
    assert str(s.simplify_expression(neg(
        neg(cb1)))) == 'clear(b1)'  # Double negation gets removed

    assert s.simplify_expression(land(neg(bot), neg(bot))) is True
    assert s.simplify_expression(lor(neg(top), neg(bot))) is True
    assert s.simplify_expression(lor(neg(top), neg(top))) is False

    act = problem.get_action('unstack')
    simp = s.simplify_action(act)
    assert simp
Beispiel #8
def create_simple_problem():
    lang = create_simple_untyped_language()
    problem = fs.create_fstrips_problem(lang,
    p, q, a = lang.get("p", "q", "a")

    init = tarski.model.create(lang)
    problem.init = init
    init.add(p, a)  # p(a)
    init.add(q, a)  # q(a)

    problem.goal = neg(p(a))

    x = lang.variable("x", lang.Object)
    problem.action("negate", [x],
    return problem
Beispiel #9
def test_detect_free_variables():
    tw = tarskiworld.create_small_world()
    x = tw.variable('x', tw.Object)
    y = tw.variable('y', tw.Object)
    s = neg(land(tw.Cube(x), exists(y, land(tw.Tet(x), tw.LeftOf(x, y)))))
    assert len(free_variables(s)) == 1