def sample_mlp_vae_family_cfg(seed):
    """Samples a task config for a MLP VAE model on image datasets.

  These configs are nested python structures that provide enough information
  to create an instance of the problem.

    seed: int Random seed to generate task from.

    A nested dictionary containing a configuration.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    cfg = {}
    enc_n_layers = rng.choice([1, 2, 3, 4])
    cfg["enc_hidden_units"] = [
        utils.sample_log_int(rng, 32, 128) for _ in range(enc_n_layers)

    dec_n_layers = rng.choice([1, 2, 3])
    cfg["dec_hidden_units"] = [
        utils.sample_log_int(rng, 32, 128) for _ in range(dec_n_layers)

    cfg["activation"] = utils.sample_activation(rng)
    cfg["w_init"] = utils.sample_initializer(rng)
    cfg["dataset"] = utils.sample_image_dataset(rng)
    return cfg
def sample_mlp_ae_family_cfg(seed):
    """Sample a task config for a mlp autoencoder on image data.

  These configs are nested python structures that provide enough information
  to create an instance of the problem.

    seed: int Random seed to generate task from.

    A nested dictionary containing a configuration.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    cfg = {}
    n_layers = rng.choice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
    cfg["hidden_units"] = [
        utils.sample_log_int(rng, 32, 128) for _ in range(n_layers)

    cfg["activation"] = utils.sample_activation(rng)
    cfg["w_init"] = utils.sample_initializer(rng)

    cfg["dataset"] = utils.sample_image_dataset(rng)
    # Give relu double weight as this is what is often used in practice.
    cfg["output_type"] = rng.choice(
        ["tanh", "tanh", "sigmoid", "sigmoid", "linear_center", "linear"])

    # Give l2 double weight as this is often used
    cfg["loss_type"] = rng.choice(["l2", "l2", "l1"])

    cfg["reduction_type"] = rng.choice(["reduce_mean", "reduce_sum"])

    return cfg
Beispiel #3
def sample_mlp_family_cfg(seed):
  """Sample a task config for a MLP model on image datasets.

  These configs are nested python structures that provide enough information
  to create an instance of the problem.

    seed: int Random seed to generate task from.

    A nested dictionary containing a configuration.
  # random offset seed to ensure different task families sample different
  # configs.
  rng = np.random.RandomState(seed + 99123491)
  cfg = collections.OrderedDict()
  n_layers = rng.choice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
  cfg["layer_sizes"] = [
      utils.sample_log_int(rng, 16, 128) for _ in range(n_layers)
  cfg["activation"] = utils.sample_activation(rng)
  cfg["w_init"] = utils.sample_initializer(rng)
  cfg["dataset"] = utils.sample_image_dataset(rng)
  cfg["center_data"] = bool(rng.choice([True, False]))
  return cfg
Beispiel #4
def sample_maf_family_cfg(seed):
    """Sample a task config for a MAF model on image datasets.

  These configs are nested python structures that provide enough information
  to create an instance of the problem.

    seed: int Random seed to generate task from.

    A nested dictionary containing a configuration.
    # random offset to seed to prevent clashing with other problems.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed + 6123348)
    cfg = {}

    cfg["activation"] = utils.sample_activation(rng)
    cfg["w_init"] = utils.sample_initializer(rng)
    cfg["dataset"] = utils.sample_image_dataset(rng)

    n_layers = int(rng.choice([1, 2]))
    cfg["hidden_units"] = [
        utils.sample_log_int(rng, 16, 128) for _ in range(n_layers)
    cfg["num_bijectors"] = int(rng.choice([1, 2, 3, 4]))
    return cfg
Beispiel #5
def sample_nvp_family_cfg(seed):
    """Sample a task config for a NVP model on image datasets.

  These configs are nested python structures that provide enough information
  to create an instance of the problem.

    seed: int Random seed to generate task from.

    A nested dictionary containing a configuration.
    # Random offset on seed to ensure different randomness for task.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed + 123919936)
    cfg = {}

    # TODO(lmetz) consider also forwarding per layer activation and per layer
    # w_init.
    cfg["activation"] = utils.sample_activation(rng)
    cfg["w_init"] = utils.sample_initializer(rng)
    cfg["dataset"] = utils.sample_image_dataset(rng)

    n_layers = int(rng.choice([1, 2]))
    cfg["hidden_units"] = [
        utils.sample_log_int(rng, 16, 128) for _ in range(n_layers)
    cfg["num_bijectors"] = int(rng.choice([1, 2, 3, 4]))
    return cfg
Beispiel #6
def sample_conv_fc_family_cfg(seed):
    """Sample a task config for a conv net with a fully connected layer on top.

  These configs are nested python structures that provide enough information
  to create an instance of the problem.

    seed: int Random seed to generate task from.

    A nested dictionary containing a configuration.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    cfg = {}
    layer_choices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    max_layer = np.max(layer_choices)
    n_layers = rng.choice(layer_choices)
    # pattern for how strides are chosen. Either all 2s, repeated 1,2
    # or repeated 2,1.
    stride_pattern = rng.choice(["all_two", "one_two", "two_one"])
    if stride_pattern == "all_two":
        cfg["strides"] = ([2] * max_layer)[0:n_layers]
    elif stride_pattern == "one_two":
        cfg["strides"] = ([1, 2] * max_layer)[0:n_layers]
    elif stride_pattern == "two_one":
        cfg["strides"] = ([2, 1] * max_layer)[0:n_layers]
    cfg["strides"] = list(zip(cfg["strides"], cfg["strides"]))
    cfg["hidden_units"] = [
        utils.sample_log_int(rng, 8, 64) for _ in range(n_layers)

    cfg["activation"] = utils.sample_activation(rng)
    cfg["w_init"] = utils.sample_initializer(rng)
    cfg["padding"] = [
        str(rng.choice([snt.SAME, snt.VALID])) for _ in range(n_layers)

    n_fc_layers = rng.choice([0, 1, 2, 3])
    cfg["fc_hidden_units"] = [
        utils.sample_log_int(rng, 32, 128) for _ in range(n_fc_layers)

    cfg["use_bias"] = bool(rng.choice([True, False]))
    cfg["dataset"] = utils.sample_image_dataset(rng)
    cfg["center_data"] = bool(rng.choice([True, False]))
    return cfg
    def test_sample_get_activation(self):
        rng = np.random.RandomState(123)
        sampled_acts = []
        num = 4000
        for _ in range(num):
            aname = utils.sample_activation(rng)
            # smoke test to ensure graph builds
            out = utils.get_activation(aname)(tf.constant(1.0))
            self.assertIsInstance(out, tf.Tensor)

        uniques, counts = np.unique(sampled_acts, return_counts=True)
        counts_map = {str(u): c for u, c in zip(uniques, counts)}
        # 16 is the total sum of unnormalized probs
        amount_per_n = num / float(16)
        self.assertNear(counts_map["relu"], amount_per_n * 6, 40)
        self.assertNear(counts_map["tanh"], amount_per_n * 3, 40)
        self.assertNear(counts_map["swish"], amount_per_n, 40)
Beispiel #8
def _sample_fully_connected(rng):
    """Sample a fully connected problem."""
    n_layer = rng.choice([2, 3, 4, 5])
    fixed = utils.sample_bool(rng, 0.5)
    cfg = {
        "n_features": utils.sample_log_int(rng, 1, 16),
        "n_classes": 2,
        "activation": utils.sample_activation(rng),
        "bs": utils.sample_log_int(rng, 1, 200),
        "n_samples": utils.sample_log_int(rng, 1, 30),
    if fixed:
        cfg["hidden_sizes"] = [utils.sample_log_int(rng, 4, 32)] * n_layer
        cfg["hidden_sizes"] = [
            utils.sample_log_int(rng, 4, 32) for _ in range(n_layer)

    return cfg