Beispiel #1
import calendar

from tawhiri import solver, models, kml
from tawhiri.dataset import Dataset as WindDataset
from ruaumoko import Dataset as ElevationDataset

lat0 = 52.5563
lng0 = 360 - 3.1970
alt0 = 0.0
t0 = calendar.timegm(datetime(2014, 2, 19, 15).timetuple())
tE = calendar.timegm(datetime(2014, 2, 20, 6, 1).timetuple())

wind = WindDataset.open_latest()
stages = models.float_profile(2.0, 10000, tE, wind)

rise, float = solver.solve(t0, lat0, lng0, alt0, stages)

assert rise[-1] == float[0]

with open("test_prediction_data.js", "w") as f:
    f.write("var data = ")
    json.dump([(lat, lon) for _, lat, lon, _ in rise + float], f, indent=4)

markers = [
    {'name': 'launch', 'description': 'TODO', 'point': rise[0]},
    {'name': 'reached float', 'description': 'TODO', 'point': float[0]}

kml.kml([rise, float], markers, 'test_prediction.kml')
Beispiel #2
from tawhiri import solver, models, kml
from tawhiri.dataset import Dataset as WindDataset
from ruaumoko import Dataset as ElevationDataset

lat0 = 52.5563
lng0 = 360 - 3.1970
alt0 = 0.0
t0 = calendar.timegm(datetime(2014, 2, 19, 15).timetuple())

wind = WindDataset.open_latest()
elevation = ElevationDataset()

stages = models.standard_profile(5.0, 30000, 5.0, wind, elevation)
rise, fall = solver.solve(t0, lat0, lng0, alt0, stages)

assert rise[-1] == fall[0]

with open("test_prediction_data.js", "w") as f:
    f.write("var data = ")
    json.dump([(lat, lon) for _, lat, lon, _ in rise + fall], f, indent=4)

markers = [
    {'name': 'launch', 'description': 'TODO', 'point': rise[0]},
    {'name': 'landing', 'description': 'TODO', 'point': fall[-1]},
    {'name': 'burst', 'description': 'TODO', 'point': fall[0]}

kml.kml([rise, fall], markers, 'test_prediction.kml')
Beispiel #3
t0 = calendar.timegm(datetime(2014, 2, 19, 15).timetuple())

wind = WindDataset.open_latest()
elevation = ElevationDataset()

stages = models.standard_profile(5.0, 30000, 5.0, wind, elevation)
rise, fall = solver.solve(t0, lat0, lng0, alt0, stages)

assert rise[-1] == fall[0]

with open("test_prediction_data.js", "w") as f:
    f.write("var data = ")
    json.dump([(lat, lon) for _, lat, lon, _ in rise + fall], f, indent=4)

markers = [{
    'name': 'launch',
    'description': 'TODO',
    'point': rise[0]
}, {
    'name': 'landing',
    'description': 'TODO',
    'point': fall[-1]
}, {
    'name': 'burst',
    'description': 'TODO',
    'point': fall[0]

kml.kml([rise, fall], markers, 'test_prediction.kml')
Beispiel #4
lat0 = 52.5563
lng0 = 360 - 3.1970
alt0 = 0.0
t0 = calendar.timegm(datetime(2014, 2, 19, 15).timetuple())
tE = calendar.timegm(datetime(2014, 2, 20, 6, 1).timetuple())

wind = WindDataset.open_latest()
stages = models.float_profile(2.0, 10000, tE, wind)

rise, float = solver.solve(t0, lat0, lng0, alt0, stages)

assert rise[-1] == float[0]

with open("test_prediction_data.js", "w") as f:
    f.write("var data = ")
    json.dump([(lat, lon) for _, lat, lon, _ in rise + float], f, indent=4)

markers = [{
    'name': 'launch',
    'description': 'TODO',
    'point': rise[0]
}, {
    'name': 'reached float',
    'description': 'TODO',
    'point': float[0]

kml.kml([rise, float], markers, 'test_prediction.kml')