Beispiel #1
    def _check_deploy(conf: dict, password: str = None):
        """Check keystore presence, and get password from user's terminal input (not validate password)
        password is an optional parameter for unit tests purposes

        :param conf: command configuration
        :param password: password for unit tests (optional)
        :return: password for keystore file
        # check if keystore exist. if exist, get password from user input
        if not conf['keyStore']:
            if not is_icon_address_valid(conf['from']):
                raise TBearsCommandException(
                    f"You entered invalid 'from' address '{conf['from']}")
            if not password:
                password = getpass.getpass("Input your keystore password: "******"You entered invalid 'to' address '{conf['to']}")

        # check project directory
        check_project(conf.get('project', ""))

        return password
Beispiel #2
    def start(self, conf: dict):
        """ Start tbears service
        Start iconservice, tbears_block_manager, iconrpcserver

        :param conf: start command configuration
        if self.is_service_running():
            raise TBearsCommandException(f"tbears service was started already")

        if self.is_port_available(conf) is False:
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                f"port {conf['port']} already in use. use other port.")

        # write temporary configuration file
        temp_conf = './temp_conf.json'
        with open(temp_conf, mode='w') as file:

        # run iconservice
        self._start_iconservice(conf, temp_conf)

        # start tbears_block_manager

        # start iconrpcserver
        self._start_iconrpcserver(conf, temp_conf)

        # remove temporary configuration file

        # write server configuration

        print(f'Started tbears service successfully')
Beispiel #3
def check_project(project_path: str) -> int:
    if os.path.isdir(project_path):
        # there is no
        if not os.path.exists(f"{project_path}/"):
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                f'There is no in project directory')

        # there is no package.json
        if not os.path.exists(f"{project_path}/package.json"):
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                f'There is no package.json in project directory')

        with open(f"{project_path}/package.json", mode='r') as file:
                package: dict = json.load(file)
            except Exception as e:
                raise TBearsCommandException(
                    f'package.json has wrong format. {e}')

            # wrong package.json file
            if 'version' not in package or 'main_file' not in package or 'main_score' not in package:
                raise TBearsCommandException(f'package.json has wrong format.')

            # there is no main_file
            if not os.path.exists(f"{project_path}/{package['main_file']}.py"):
                raise TBearsCommandException(
                    f"There is no main_file '{project_path}/{package['main_file']}.py'"

    return 0
Beispiel #4
    def block(self, conf):
        """Query block with given parameter(height or hash)

        :param conf: block command configuration
        :return: result of query
        uri, version = uri_parser(conf['uri'])
        icon_service, response = IconService(HTTPProvider(uri, version)), None
        hash, number = conf.get('hash'), conf.get('number')
        if hash is not None and number is not None:
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                "Only one of id and number can be passed.")
        if hash is not None:
            response = icon_service.get_block(hash, True, BLOCK_0_3_VERSION)
        if number is not None:
            response = icon_service.get_block(convert_hex_str_to_int(number),
                                              True, BLOCK_0_3_VERSION)
        if response is None:
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                "You have to specify block height or block hash")

        if "error" in response:
            print(json.dumps(response, indent=4))
            print(f"block info : {json.dumps(response, indent=4)}")

        return response
    def _check_sendtx(conf: dict, password: str = None):
        if conf.get('keyStore', None):
            if not os.path.exists(conf['keyStore']):
                raise TBearsCommandException(f'There is no keystore file {conf["keyStore"]}')
            if not password:
                password = getpass.getpass("Input your keystore password: "******"from"]}')

        return password
    def _check_keystore(password: str):
        if not password:
            password = getpass.getpass("Input your keystore password: "******"Retype your keystore password: "******"Sorry, passwords do not match. Failed to make keystore file")

        if not validate_password(password):
            raise TBearsCommandException("Password must be at least 8 characters long including alphabet, number, "
                                         "and special character.")
        return password
Beispiel #7
    def _check_transfer(conf: dict, password: str = None):
        if not is_icon_address_valid(conf['to']):
            raise TBearsCommandException(f'You entered invalid address')

        # value must be a integer value
        if conf['value'] != float(int(conf['value'])):
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                f'You entered invalid value {conf["value"]}')

        if conf.get('keyStore', None):
            if not password:
                password = getpass.getpass("input your keystore password: ")

        return password
    def _check_transfer(conf: dict, password: str = None):
        if not is_icon_address_valid(conf['to']):
            raise TBearsCommandException(f'You entered invalid address')

        if conf['to'] == keystore_test1['address']:
            uri: str = conf['uri']
            index = uri.find('')
            if index == -1 or uri[index + len('')] != ':':
                raise TBearsCommandException(f'Do not transfer to "test1" account')

        if conf.get('keyStore', None):
            if not password:
                password = getpass.getpass("Input your keystore password: ")

        return password
Beispiel #9
    def clear(_conf: dict):
        """Clear all SCORE deployed on tbears service

        :param _conf: clear command configuration
        # referenced data's path is /tmp/.tbears.env (temporary config data)
        score_dir_info = CommandServer.get_server_conf()

        if score_dir_info is None:
            raise TBearsDeleteTreeException("Already clean.")

        if CommandServer.is_service_running():
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                f'You must stop tbears service to clear SCORE')

        # delete whole score data
            if os.path.exists(score_dir_info['scoreRootPath']):
            if os.path.exists(score_dir_info['stateDbRootPath']):
        except (PermissionError, NotADirectoryError) as e:
            raise TBearsDeleteTreeException(f"Can't delete SCORE files. {e}")

        # delete temporary config data (path: /tmp/.tbears.env)

        print(f"Cleared SCORE deployed on tbears successfully")
Beispiel #10
 def _check_keystore(password: str):
     if not password:
         password = getpass.getpass("input your keystore password: "******"Password must be at least 8 characters long including alphabet, number, "
             "and special character.")
     return password
Beispiel #11
    def run(self, args):
        if not hasattr(self, args.command):
            raise TBearsCommandException(f"Invalid command {args.command}")

        # load configurations
        conf = self.get_icon_conf(args.command, args=vars(args))

        # run command
        return getattr(self, args.command)(conf)
Beispiel #12
    def run(self, args):
        if not hasattr(self, args.command):
            raise TBearsCommandException(f"Invalid command {args.command}")

        user_input = vars(args)
        conf = self.get_icon_conf(args.command, args=user_input)

        # run command
        return getattr(self, args.command)(conf)
    def run(self, args):
        if not hasattr(self, args.command):
            raise TBearsCommandException(f"Invalid command {args.command}")

        user_input = vars(args)
        conf = self.get_icon_conf(args.command, args=user_input)"Run '{args.command}' command with config: {conf}", TBEARS_CLI_TAG)

        # run command
        return getattr(self, args.command)(conf)
Beispiel #14
    def sync_mainnet(self, _conf: dict):
        """ Sync revision and governance SCORE with the mainnet

        :param conf:
        :return: None
        if self.get_server_conf() is not None or self.is_service_running():
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                f'You must stop T-Bears service and clear SCORE to run sync_mainnet command'

        # copy mainnet DB
        dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        path = os.path.join(dir_path, f"../data/mainnet.tar.gz")['tar', 'xzvf', path],

            f'Synchronized successfully revision and governance SCORE with the mainnet'
Beispiel #15
def check_project(project_path: str) -> int:
    if os.path.isdir(project_path):
        # there is no
        if not os.path.exists(f"{project_path}/"):
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                f'There is no in project directory')

        # there is no package.json
        if not os.path.exists(f"{project_path}/package.json"):
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                f'There is no package.json in project directory')

        with open(f"{project_path}/package.json", mode='r') as file:
                package: dict = json.load(file)
            except Exception as e:
                raise TBearsCommandException(
                    f'package.json has wrong format. {e}')

            # wrong package.json file
            if 'version' not in package or 'main_score' not in package:
                raise TBearsCommandException(f'package.json has wrong format.')

            # check the validity of main_module
            main_module: str = package.get('main_module')
            if not isinstance(main_module, str):
                    # this will be deprecated soon
                    main_module: str = package['main_file']
                except KeyError:
                    raise TBearsCommandException(
                        f'package.json should have main_module field.')

            if main_module.startswith('.') or main_module.find('/') != -1:
                raise TBearsCommandException(
                    f'Invalid main_module field: {main_module}')

            main_file = main_module.replace('.', '/') + '.py'
            if not os.path.exists(f"{project_path}/{main_file}"):
                raise TBearsCommandException(
                    f"There is no '{project_path}/{main_file}'")

    return 0
Beispiel #16
    def _check_deploy(conf: dict, password: str = None):
        """Check keystore presence, and get password from user's terminal input(not validate password)
        the reason why receive password as parameter is for unit tests

        :param conf: command configuration
        :param password: password for unit tests(optional)
        :return: password for keystore file
        if not os.path.isdir(conf['project']):
            raise TBearsCommandException(
                f'There is no project directory.({conf["project"]})')

        if conf['contentType'] == 'zip':
            if conf.get('keyStore', None) is None:
                raise TBearsCommandException(
                    f'If you want to deploy SCORE to ICON node, set --key-store option or '
                    f'write "keyStore" value in configuration file.')
            uri: str = conf.get('uri', "")
            if uri and uri.find('') == -1:
                raise TBearsCommandException(
                    f"TBears does not support deploying tbears SCORE to remote"

        # check if keystore exist. if exist, get password from user input
        if not conf['keyStore']:
            if not is_icon_address_valid(conf['from']):
                raise TBearsCommandException(
                    f"You entered invalid 'from' address '{conf['from']}")
            if not password:
                password = getpass.getpass("input your keystore password: "******"You entered invalid 'to' address '{conf['to']}")

        return password
Beispiel #17
 def _check_init(conf: dict):
     if conf['project'] == conf['score_class']:
         raise TBearsCommandException(
             f'<project> and <score_class> must be different.')
Beispiel #18
    def deploy(self, conf: dict) -> dict:
        """Deploy SCORE on the server.

        :param conf: deploy command configuration
        if conf['contentType'] == 'tbears' and not CommandServer.is_service_running(
            raise TBearsCommandException(f'Start tbears service first')

        # check keystore, and get password from user's terminal input
        password = conf.get('password', None)
        password = self._check_deploy(conf, password)

        step_limit = conf.get('stepLimit', "0x1234000")

        if conf['mode'] == 'install':
            score_address = f'cx{"0"*40}'
            score_address = conf['to']

        if conf['contentType'] == 'zip':
            content_type = "application/zip"
            # make zip and convert to hexadecimal string data(start with 0x) and return
            content = IconJsonrpc.gen_deploy_data_content(conf['project'])
            content_type = "application/tbears"
            content = os.path.abspath(conf['project'])

        # make IconJsonrpc instance which is used for making request(with signature)
        if conf['keyStore']:
            deploy = IconJsonrpc.from_key_store(keystore=conf['keyStore'],
            deploy = IconJsonrpc.from_string(from_=conf['from'])

        # make JSON-RPC 2.0 request standard format
        request = deploy.sendTransaction(to=score_address,
                                                 'scoreParams', {}),

        # send request to rpcserver
        icon_client = IconClient(conf['uri'])
        response = icon_client.send(request)

        if 'error' in response:
            print('Got an error response')
            print(json.dumps(response, indent=4))
            print('Send deploy request successfully.')
            tx_hash = response['result']
                f'If you want to check SCORE deployed successfully, execute txresult command'
            print(f"transaction hash: {tx_hash}")

        return response