Beispiel #1
def open_run_get_case_runs(request, run):
    """Prepare for case runs list in a TestRun page

    This is an internal method. Do not call this directly.
    tcrs = run.case_run.select_related('run', 'case')
    tcrs = tcrs.only('run__run_id', 'run__plan', 'case_run_status', 'assignee',
                     'tested_by', 'case_text_version', 'sortkey',
                     'case__summary', 'case__is_automated_proposed',
                     'case__is_automated', 'case__priority',
    # Get the bug count for each case run
    # 5. have to show the number of bugs of each case run
    tcrs = tcrs.annotate(num_bug=Count('case_run_bug', distinct=True))

    # todo: is this last distinct necessary
    tcrs = tcrs.distinct()
    # Continue to search the case runs with conditions
    # 4. case runs preparing for render case runs table
    tcrs = tcrs.filter(**clean_request(request))
    order_by = request.GET.get('order_by')
    if order_by:
        tcrs = tcrs.order_by(order_by)
        tcrs = tcrs.order_by('sortkey', 'pk')
    return tcrs
Beispiel #2
def _open_run_get_executions(request, run):  # pylint: disable=missing-permission-required
    """Prepare for executions list in a TestRun page

    This is an internal method. Do not call this directly.

    executions = run.case_run.select_related('run', 'case').only(
        'run_id', 'status', 'assignee', 'tested_by', 'case_text_version',
        'sortkey', 'case__summary', 'case__is_automated', 'case__priority',

    # Continue to search the executionss with conditions
    # 4. executions preparing for render executions table
    executions = executions.filter(**clean_request(request))
    order_by = request.GET.get('order_by')
    if order_by:
        return executions.order_by(order_by)

    return executions.order_by('sortkey', 'pk')
Beispiel #3
def open_run_get_case_runs(request, run):
    """Prepare for case runs list in a TestRun page

    This is an internal method. Do not call this directly.
    tcrs = run.case_run.select_related('run', 'case', 'case__priority',
    tcrs = tcrs.only('run__run_id', 'run__plan', 'case_run_status', 'assignee',
                     'tested_by', 'case_text_version', 'sortkey',
                     'case__summary', 'case__is_automated_proposed',
                     'case__is_automated', 'case__priority',
    # Continue to search the case runs with conditions
    # 4. case runs preparing for render case runs table
    tcrs = tcrs.filter(**clean_request(request))
    order_by = request.GET.get('order_by')
    if order_by:
        tcrs = tcrs.order_by(order_by)
        tcrs = tcrs.order_by('sortkey', 'pk')
    return tcrs
Beispiel #4
    # Get the test case runs belong to the run
    tcrs = tr.case_run.all()
    # Get the list of testcases belong to the run
    tcs = [tcr.case_id for tcr in tcrs]
    # Count the status
    status_counter = CaseRunStatusCounter(tcrs)

    # Redirect to assign case page when a run does not contain any case run
    if not tcrs.count():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
            reverse('tcms.apps.testruns.views.assign_case', args=[run_id,])

    # Continue to search the case runs with conditions
    tcrs = tcrs.filter(**clean_request(request))
    if request.REQUEST.get('order_by'):
        tcrs = tcrs.order_by(request.REQUEST['order_by'])

    tcrs = tcrs.select_related(
            'run', 'case_run_status', 'build', 'environment',
            'environment__product', 'case__components', 'tested_by',
            'case__priority', 'case__category', 'case__author',
            'case', 'assignee')

    # Get the bug count for each case run
    tcrs = tcrs.extra(select={
        'num_bug': RawSQL.num_case_run_bugs,
    tcrs = tcrs.distinct()
    # Get the test case run bugs summary