def prepare(self):
     self.real_obj = self.obj
     self.real_pieces = self.pieces
     fname = self.getstyle("mimic-filename","wall.obj")
     self.mimic_obj = objpart.get_obj(fname)
     if self.hiding:
         self.obj = self.mimic_obj
         self.pieces = self.mimic_obj.pieces()
from tdgl import part, objpart, viewpoint, panel, animator
from tdgl.vec import Vec

import collision, levelfile

# vertical and horizontal spacing of hexagons
Vspace = 3**0.5
Vhalf = Vspace / 2

hexcorners = [ (v.x, v.y) for v in collision.H_CORNER ]
def hex_to_world_coords(col,row):
    x,y,_ = collision.h_centre(col,row)
    return x,y


def cellcolour(cellcode):
    c = cellcode[:1]