Beispiel #1
    def calc_BHB_prereq(self, tdvp, tdvp2):
        """Calculates prerequisites for the application of the effective Hamiltonian in terms of tangent vectors.
        This is called (indirectly) by the self.excite.. functions.
        tdvp2: EvoMPS_TDVP_Uniform
            Second state (may be the same, or another ground state).
        A lot of stuff.
        l = tdvp.l[0]
        r_ = tdvp2.r[0]
        r__sqrt = tdvp2.r_sqrt[0]
        r__sqrt_i = tdvp2.r_sqrt_i[0]
        A = tdvp.A[0]
        A_ = tdvp2.A[0]
        AA = tdvp.AA[0]
        AA_ = tdvp2.AA[0]
        AAA_ = tdvp2.AAA[0]
        eyed = np.eye(self.q**self.ham_sites)
        eyed = eyed.reshape(tuple([self.q] * self.ham_sites * 2))
        ham_ = self.ham - tdvp.h_expect.real * eyed
        V_ = sp.transpose(tdvp2.Vsh[0], axes=(0, 2, 1)).conj().copy(order='C')
        Vri_ = sp.zeros_like(V_)
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                Vri_[s] = r__sqrt_i.dot_left(V_[s])
        except AttributeError:
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                Vri_[s] = V_[s].dot(r__sqrt_i)

        Vr_ = sp.zeros_like(V_)            
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                Vr_[s] = r__sqrt.dot_left(V_[s])
        except AttributeError:
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                Vr_[s] = V_[s].dot(r__sqrt)
        Vri_A_ = tm.calc_AA(Vri_, A_)
        if self.ham_sites == 2:
            _C_AhlA = np.empty((self.q, self.q, A.shape[2], A.shape[2]), dtype=tdvp.typ)
            for u in xrange(self.q):
                for s in xrange(self.q):
                    _C_AhlA[u, s] = A[u].conj()[s]))
            C_AhlA = sp.tensordot(ham_, _C_AhlA, ((0, 2), (0, 1)))
            C_AhlA = sp.transpose(C_AhlA, axes=(1, 0, 2, 3)).copy(order='C')
            _C_A_Vrh_ = tm.calc_AA(A_, sp.transpose(Vr_, axes=(0, 2, 1)).conj())
            C_A_Vrh_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, _C_A_Vrh_, ((3, 1), (0, 1)))
            C_A_Vrh_ = sp.transpose(C_A_Vrh_, axes=(1, 0, 2, 3)).copy(order='C')
            C_Vri_A_conj = tm.calc_C_conj_mat_op_AA(ham_, Vri_A_).copy(order='C')
            C_ = tm.calc_C_mat_op_AA(ham_, AA_).copy(order='C')
            C_conj = tm.calc_C_conj_mat_op_AA(ham_, AA_).copy(order='C')
            rhs10 = tm.eps_r_op_2s_AA12_C34(r_, AA_, C_Vri_A_conj)
            return C_, C_conj, V_, Vr_, Vri_, C_Vri_A_conj, C_AhlA, C_A_Vrh_, rhs10
        elif self.ham_sites == 3:
            C_Vri_AA_ = np.empty((self.q, self.q, self.q, Vri_.shape[1], A_.shape[2]), dtype=tdvp.typ)
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                for t in xrange(self.q):
                    for u in xrange(self.q):
                        C_Vri_AA_[s, t, u] = Vri_[s].dot(AA_[t, u])
            C_Vri_AA_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_Vri_AA_, ((3, 4, 5), (0, 1, 2))).copy(order='C')
            C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih = np.empty((self.q, self.q, self.q, self.q, self.q, #FIXME: could be too memory-intensive
                                        A_.shape[1], Vri_.shape[1]), 
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                for t in xrange(self.q):
                    for u in xrange(self.q):
                        for k in xrange(self.q):
                            for j in xrange(self.q):
                                C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih[s, t, u, k, j] = AAA_[s, t, u].dot([k].conj().T)).dot(Vri_[j].conj().T)
            C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih, ((3, 4, 5, 2, 1), (0, 1, 2, 3, 4))).copy(order='C')
            C_AhAhlAA = np.empty((self.q, self.q, self.q, self.q,
                                  A_.shape[2], A.shape[2]), dtype=tdvp.typ)
            for t in xrange(self.q):
                for j in xrange(self.q):
                    for i in xrange(self.q):
                        for s in xrange(self.q):
                            C_AhAhlAA[j, t, i, s] = AA[i, j].conj()[s, t]))
            C_AhAhlAA = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AhAhlAA, ((4, 1, 0, 3), (1, 0, 2, 3))).copy(order='C')
            C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_ = np.empty((self.q, self.q, self.q, self.q,
                                        A_.shape[1], Vri_.shape[1]), dtype=tdvp.typ)
            for t in xrange(self.q):
                for u in xrange(self.q):
                    for k in xrange(self.q):
                        for j in xrange(self.q):
                            C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_[u, t, k, j] = AA_[t, u].dot([k].conj().T)).dot(Vri_[j].conj().T)
            C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_, ((4, 5, 2, 1), (1, 0, 2, 3))).copy(order='C')
            C_AAA_Vrh_ = np.empty((self.q, self.q, self.q, self.q,
                                   A_.shape[1], Vri_.shape[1]), dtype=tdvp.typ)
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                for t in xrange(self.q):
                    for u in xrange(self.q):
                        for k in xrange(self.q):
                            C_AAA_Vrh_[s, t, u, k] = AAA_[s, t, u].dot(Vr_[k].conj().T)
            C_AAA_Vrh_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AAA_Vrh_, ((3, 4, 5, 2), (0, 1, 2, 3))).copy(order='C')
            C_Vri_A_r_Ah_ = np.empty((self.q, self.q, self.q,
                                      A_.shape[2], Vri_.shape[1]), dtype=tdvp.typ)
            for u in xrange(self.q):
                for k in xrange(self.q):
                    for j in xrange(self.q):
                        C_Vri_A_r_Ah_[u, k, j] = Vri_[j].dot(A_[k]).dot([u].conj().T))
            C_Vri_A_r_Ah_ = sp.tensordot(ham_.conj(), C_Vri_A_r_Ah_, ((5, 2, 1), (0, 1, 2))).copy(order='C')
            C_AhlAA = np.empty((self.q, self.q, self.q,
                                      A_.shape[2], A.shape[2]), dtype=tdvp.typ)
            for j in xrange(self.q):
                for i in xrange(self.q):
                    for s in xrange(self.q):
                        C_AhlAA[j, i, s] = A[s].conj()[i, j]))
            C_AhlAA_conj = sp.tensordot(ham_.conj(), C_AhlAA, ((1, 0, 3), (0, 1, 2))).copy(order='C')
            C_AhlAA = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AhlAA, ((4, 3, 0), (0, 1, 2)))
            C_AhlAA = sp.transpose(C_AhlAA, axes=(2, 0, 1, 3, 4)).copy(order='C')
            C_AA_Vrh = np.empty((self.q, self.q, self.q,
                                      A_.shape[2], Vr_.shape[1]), dtype=tdvp.typ)
            for t in xrange(self.q):
                for u in xrange(self.q):
                    for k in xrange(self.q):
                        C_AA_Vrh[k, u, t] = AA_[t, u].dot(Vr_[k].conj().T)
            C_AA_Vrh = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AA_Vrh, ((4, 5, 2), (2, 1, 0))).copy(order='C')
            C_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, AAA_, ((3, 4, 5), (0, 1, 2))).copy(order='C')
            rhs10 = tm.eps_r_op_3s_C123_AAA456(r_, AAA_, C_Vri_AA_)

            #NOTE: These C's are good as C12 or C34, but only because h is Hermitian!
            #TODO: Make this consistent with the updated 2-site case above.
            return V_, Vr_, Vri_, Vri_A_, C_, C_Vri_AA_, C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih, C_AhAhlAA, C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_, C_AAA_Vrh_, C_Vri_A_r_Ah_, C_AhlAA, C_AhlAA_conj, C_AA_Vrh, rhs10,
Beispiel #2
    def calc_BHB_prereq(self, tdvp, tdvp2):
        """Calculates prerequisites for the application of the effective Hamiltonian in terms of tangent vectors.
        This is called (indirectly) by the self.excite.. functions.
        tdvp2: EvoMPS_TDVP_Uniform
            Second state (may be the same, or another ground state).
        A lot of stuff.
        l = tdvp.l[0]
        r_ = tdvp2.r[0]
        r__sqrt = tdvp2.r_sqrt[0]
        r__sqrt_i = tdvp2.r_sqrt_i[0]
        A = tdvp.A[0]
        A_ = tdvp2.A[0]
        AA = tdvp.AA[0]
        AA_ = tdvp2.AA[0]
        AAA_ = tdvp2.AAA[0]

        eyed = np.eye(self.q**self.ham_sites)
        eyed = eyed.reshape(tuple([self.q] * self.ham_sites * 2))
        ham_ = self.ham - tdvp.h_expect.real * eyed

        V_ = sp.transpose(tdvp2.Vsh[0], axes=(0, 2, 1)).conj().copy(order='C')

        Vri_ = sp.zeros_like(V_)
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                Vri_[s] = r__sqrt_i.dot_left(V_[s])
        except AttributeError:
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                Vri_[s] = V_[s].dot(r__sqrt_i)

        Vr_ = sp.zeros_like(V_)
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                Vr_[s] = r__sqrt.dot_left(V_[s])
        except AttributeError:
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                Vr_[s] = V_[s].dot(r__sqrt)

        Vri_A_ = tm.calc_AA(Vri_, A_)

        if self.ham_sites == 2:
            _C_AhlA = np.empty((self.q, self.q, A.shape[2], A.shape[2]),
            for u in xrange(self.q):
                for s in xrange(self.q):
                    _C_AhlA[u, s] = A[u].conj()[s]))
            C_AhlA = sp.tensordot(ham_, _C_AhlA, ((0, 2), (0, 1)))
            C_AhlA = sp.transpose(C_AhlA, axes=(1, 0, 2, 3)).copy(order='C')

            _C_A_Vrh_ = tm.calc_AA(A_,
                                   sp.transpose(Vr_, axes=(0, 2, 1)).conj())
            C_A_Vrh_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, _C_A_Vrh_, ((3, 1), (0, 1)))
            C_A_Vrh_ = sp.transpose(C_A_Vrh_,
                                    axes=(1, 0, 2, 3)).copy(order='C')

            C_Vri_A_conj = tm.calc_C_conj_mat_op_AA(ham_,

            C_ = tm.calc_C_mat_op_AA(ham_, AA_).copy(order='C')
            C_conj = tm.calc_C_conj_mat_op_AA(ham_, AA_).copy(order='C')

            rhs10 = tm.eps_r_op_2s_AA12_C34(r_, AA_, C_Vri_A_conj)

            return C_, C_conj, V_, Vr_, Vri_, C_Vri_A_conj, C_AhlA, C_A_Vrh_, rhs10
        elif self.ham_sites == 3:
            C_Vri_AA_ = np.empty(
                (self.q, self.q, self.q, Vri_.shape[1], A_.shape[2]),
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                for t in xrange(self.q):
                    for u in xrange(self.q):
                        C_Vri_AA_[s, t, u] = Vri_[s].dot(AA_[t, u])
            C_Vri_AA_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_Vri_AA_,
                                     ((3, 4, 5), (0, 1, 2))).copy(order='C')

            C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih = np.empty(
                    self.q,  #FIXME: could be too memory-intensive
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                for t in xrange(self.q):
                    for u in xrange(self.q):
                        for k in xrange(self.q):
                            for j in xrange(self.q):
                                C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih[s, t, u, k,
                                                j] = AAA_[s, t, u].dot(
            C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih,
                                           ((3, 4, 5, 2, 1),
                                            (0, 1, 2, 3, 4))).copy(order='C')

            C_AhAhlAA = np.empty(
                (self.q, self.q, self.q, self.q, A_.shape[2], A.shape[2]),
            for t in xrange(self.q):
                for j in xrange(self.q):
                    for i in xrange(self.q):
                        for s in xrange(self.q):
                            C_AhAhlAA[j, t, i,
                                      s] = AA[i,
                                              j].conj()[s, t]))
            C_AhAhlAA = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AhAhlAA,
                                     ((4, 1, 0, 3),
                                      (1, 0, 2, 3))).copy(order='C')

            C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_ = np.empty(
                (self.q, self.q, self.q, self.q, A_.shape[1], Vri_.shape[1]),
            for t in xrange(self.q):
                for u in xrange(self.q):
                    for k in xrange(self.q):
                        for j in xrange(self.q):
                            C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_[u, t, k, j] = AA_[t, u].dot(
            C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_,
                                           ((4, 5, 2, 1),
                                            (1, 0, 2, 3))).copy(order='C')

            C_AAA_Vrh_ = np.empty(
                (self.q, self.q, self.q, self.q, A_.shape[1], Vri_.shape[1]),
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                for t in xrange(self.q):
                    for u in xrange(self.q):
                        for k in xrange(self.q):
                            C_AAA_Vrh_[s, t, u,
                                       k] = AAA_[s, t, u].dot(Vr_[k].conj().T)
            C_AAA_Vrh_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AAA_Vrh_,
                                      ((3, 4, 5, 2),
                                       (0, 1, 2, 3))).copy(order='C')

            C_Vri_A_r_Ah_ = np.empty(
                (self.q, self.q, self.q, A_.shape[2], Vri_.shape[1]),
            for u in xrange(self.q):
                for k in xrange(self.q):
                    for j in xrange(self.q):
                        C_Vri_A_r_Ah_[u, k, j] = Vri_[j].dot(A_[k]).dot(
            C_Vri_A_r_Ah_ = sp.tensordot(ham_.conj(), C_Vri_A_r_Ah_,
                                         ((5, 2, 1),
                                          (0, 1, 2))).copy(order='C')

            C_AhlAA = np.empty(
                (self.q, self.q, self.q, A_.shape[2], A.shape[2]),
            for j in xrange(self.q):
                for i in xrange(self.q):
                    for s in xrange(self.q):
                        C_AhlAA[j, i, s] = A[s].conj()[i, j]))
            C_AhlAA_conj = sp.tensordot(ham_.conj(), C_AhlAA,
                                        ((1, 0, 3), (0, 1, 2))).copy(order='C')
            C_AhlAA = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AhlAA, ((4, 3, 0), (0, 1, 2)))
            C_AhlAA = sp.transpose(C_AhlAA,
                                   axes=(2, 0, 1, 3, 4)).copy(order='C')

            C_AA_Vrh = np.empty(
                (self.q, self.q, self.q, A_.shape[2], Vr_.shape[1]),
            for t in xrange(self.q):
                for u in xrange(self.q):
                    for k in xrange(self.q):
                        C_AA_Vrh[k, u, t] = AA_[t, u].dot(Vr_[k].conj().T)
            C_AA_Vrh = sp.tensordot(ham_, C_AA_Vrh,
                                    ((4, 5, 2), (2, 1, 0))).copy(order='C')

            C_ = sp.tensordot(ham_, AAA_,
                              ((3, 4, 5), (0, 1, 2))).copy(order='C')

            rhs10 = tm.eps_r_op_3s_C123_AAA456(r_, AAA_, C_Vri_AA_)

            #NOTE: These C's are good as C12 or C34, but only because h is Hermitian!
            #TODO: Make this consistent with the updated 2-site case above.

            return V_, Vr_, Vri_, Vri_A_, C_, C_Vri_AA_, C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih, C_AhAhlAA, C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_, C_AAA_Vrh_, C_Vri_A_r_Ah_, C_AhlAA, C_AhlAA_conj, C_AA_Vrh, rhs10,
Beispiel #3
    def calc_BHB(self, x, p, tdvp, tdvp2, prereq,
                    M_prev=None, y_pi_prev=None, pinv_solver=None):
        if pinv_solver is None:
            pinv_solver = las.gmres
        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            V_, Vr_, Vri_, Vri_A_, C_, C_Vri_AA_, C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih, \
                    C_AhAhlAA, C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_, C_AAA_Vrh_, C_Vri_A_r_Ah_, \
                    C_AhlAA, C_AhlAA_conj, C_AA_Vrh, rhs10 = prereq
            C_, C_conj, V_, Vr_, Vri_, C_Vri_A_conj, C_AhlA, C_A_Vrh_, rhs10 = prereq
        A = tdvp.A[0]
        A_ = tdvp2.A[0]
        AA = tdvp.AA[0]
        l = tdvp.l[0]
        r_ = tdvp2.r[0]
        l_sqrt = tdvp.l_sqrt[0]
        l_sqrt_i = tdvp.l_sqrt_i[0]
        r__sqrt = tdvp2.r_sqrt[0]
        r__sqrt_i = tdvp2.r_sqrt_i[0]
        K__r = tdvp2.K[0]
        K_l = tdvp.K_left[0]
        pseudo = tdvp2 is tdvp
        B = tdvp2.get_B_from_x(x, tdvp2.Vsh[0], l_sqrt_i, r__sqrt_i)
        #Skip zeros due to rank-deficiency
        if la.norm(B) == 0:
            return sp.zeros_like(x), M_prev, y_pi_prev
        if self.sanity_checks:
            tst = tm.eps_r_noop(r_, B, A_)
            if not la.norm(tst) > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity check failed: Gauge-fixing violation! " 
                            + str(la.norm(tst)))

        if self.sanity_checks:
            B2 = np.zeros_like(B)
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                B2[s] =[s]))
            if la.norm(B - B2) / la.norm(B) > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! Bad Vri!")
        BA_ = tm.calc_AA(B, A_)
        AB = tm.calc_AA(A, B)
        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            BAA_ = tm.calc_AAA_AA(BA_, A_)
            ABA_ = tm.calc_AAA_AA(AB, A_)
            AAB = tm.calc_AAA_AA(AA, B)

        y = tm.eps_l_noop(l, B, A)
#        if pseudo:
#            y = y - m.adot(r_, y) * l #should just = y due to gauge-fixing
        M = pinv_1mE(y, [A_], [A], l, r_, p=-p, left=True, pseudo=pseudo, 
                     out=M_prev, tol=self.pinv_tol, solver=pinv_solver,
                     use_CUDA=self.pinv_CUDA, CUDA_use_batch=self.pinv_CUDA_batch,
                     sanity_checks=self.sanity_checks, sc_data='M')
        #print m.adot(r, M)
        if self.sanity_checks:
            y2 = M - sp.exp(+1.j * p) * tm.eps_l_noop(M, A_, A)
            norm = la.norm(y.ravel())
            if norm == 0:
                norm = 1
            tst = la.norm(y - y2) / norm
            if tst > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! Bad M. Off by: %g", tst)
#        if pseudo:
#            M = M - l * m.adot(r_, M)
        Mh = M.conj().T.copy(order='C')
        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            tmp = BAA_ + sp.exp(+1.j * p) * ABA_ + sp.exp(+2.j * p) * AAB
            res =, tmp, C_Vri_AA_)) #1 1D, #3, #3c
            tmp = BA_ + sp.exp(+1.j * p) * AB
            res =, tmp, C_Vri_A_conj)) #1, #3 OK
        res += sp.exp(-1.j * p) * #10
        exp = sp.exp
        subres = sp.zeros_like(res)
        eye = m.eyemat(C_.shape[2], dtype=tdvp.typ)
        eye2 = m.eyemat(A.shape[2], dtype=tdvp.typ)
        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            subres += exp(-2.j * p) * tm.eps_l_noop(Mh, A, C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih) #12
            subres += exp(-3.j * p) * tm.eps_l_op_2s_AA12_C34(Mh, AA, C_AAA_Vrh_) #12b
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                #subres += exp(-2.j * p) * A[s].conj()[s])) #12
                subres += tm.eps_r_noop(B[s], C_AhAhlAA[s, :], Vr_) #2b
                subres += exp(-1.j * p) * tm.eps_l_noop([s]), A, C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_[s, :]) #4
                subres += A[s].conj(), AB, C_Vri_A_r_Ah_[s, :, :]))) #2 -ive of that it should be....
                subres += exp(-1.j * p) * tm.eps_l_op_2s_AA12_C34(eye2, C_AhlAA_conj[s, :, :], BA_).dot(Vr_[s].conj().T) #4b
                subres += exp(-2.j * p) * tm.eps_l_op_2s_AA12_C34([s]), AA, C_AA_Vrh[s, :, :]) #4c
                subres += exp(+1.j * p) * tm.eps_r_op_2s_AA12_C34(r_.dot_left(B[s]), C_AhlAA[s, :, :], Vri_A_) #3b
                #for t in xrange(self.q):
                    #subres += (C_AhAhlAA[t, s].dot(B[s]).dot(Vr_[t].conj().T)) #2b
                    #subres += (exp(-1.j * p) * A[s].conj()[t])).dot(C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_[s, t])) #4
                    #subres += (exp(-3.j * p) * AA[t, s].conj()[t, s])) #12b
                    #for u in xrange(self.q):
                        #subres += A[s].conj()[t, u]).dot(C_A_r_Ah_Vrih[s, t, u])) #2 -ive of that it should be....
                        #subres += (exp(+1.j * p) * C_AhlAA[t, s, s].dot(B[u]).dot([u].conj().T)).dot(Vri_[t].conj().T)) #3b
                        #subres += (exp(-1.j * p) * C_AhAhlA[s, t, u].dot(BA_[t, u]).dot(Vr_[s].conj().T)) #4b
                        #subres += (exp(-2.j * p) * AA[t, s].conj()[u])).dot(C_AA_Vrh[t, s, u])) #4c
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                #subres += C_AhlA[s, t].dot(B[s]).dot(Vr_[t].conj().T) #2 OK
                subres += tm.eps_r_noop(B[s], C_AhlA[s, :], Vr_) #2
                #+ exp(-1.j * p) * A[t].conj()[s])).dot(C_A_Vrh_[t, s]) #4 OK with 3
                subres += exp(-1.j * p) * tm.eps_l_noop([s]), A, C_A_Vrh_[s, :]) #4
                #+ exp(-2.j * p) * A[s].conj()[s, t])).dot(Vr_[t].conj().T)) #12
                subres += exp(-2.j * p) * A[s].conj(), C_[s, :], Vr_)) #12
        res +=
        res +=, B, Vri_)) #5
        res +=, B, V_))) #6
        res += sp.exp(-1.j * p) *, A_, Vri_))) #8
        y1 = sp.exp(+1.j * p) * tm.eps_r_noop(K__r, B, A_) #7
        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            tmp = sp.exp(+1.j * p) * BAA_ + sp.exp(+2.j * p) * ABA_ + sp.exp(+3.j * p) * AAB #9, #11, #11b
            y = y1 + tm.eps_r_op_3s_C123_AAA456(r_, tmp, C_)
        elif self.ham_sites == 2:
            tmp = sp.exp(+1.j * p) * BA_ + sp.exp(+2.j * p) * AB #9, #11
            y = y1 + tm.eps_r_op_2s_AA12_C34(r_, tmp, C_conj)
        if pseudo:
            y = y - m.adot(l, y) * r_
        y_pi = pinv_1mE(y, [A], [A_], l, r_, p=p, left=False, 
                        pseudo=pseudo, out=y_pi_prev, tol=self.pinv_tol, 
                        solver=pinv_solver, use_CUDA=self.pinv_CUDA,
                        sanity_checks=self.sanity_checks, sc_data='y_pi')
        #print m.adot(l, y_pi)
        if self.sanity_checks:
            z = y_pi - sp.exp(+1.j * p) * tm.eps_r_noop(y_pi, A, A_)
            tst = la.norm((y - z).ravel()) / la.norm(y.ravel())
            if tst > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! Bad x_pi. Off by: %g", tst)
        res +=, A, Vri_))
        if self.sanity_checks:
            expval = m.adot(x, res) / m.adot(x, x)
            #print "expval = " + str(expval)
            if expval < -self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! H is not pos. semi-definite (%s)", expval)
            if abs(expval.imag) > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! H is not Hermitian (%s)", expval)
        return res, M, y_pi   
Beispiel #4
    def calc_BHB(self,
        if pinv_solver is None:
            pinv_solver = las.gmres

        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            V_, Vr_, Vri_, Vri_A_, C_, C_Vri_AA_, C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih, \
                    C_AhAhlAA, C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_, C_AAA_Vrh_, C_Vri_A_r_Ah_, \
                    C_AhlAA, C_AhlAA_conj, C_AA_Vrh, rhs10 = prereq
            C_, C_conj, V_, Vr_, Vri_, C_Vri_A_conj, C_AhlA, C_A_Vrh_, rhs10 = prereq

        A = tdvp.A[0]
        A_ = tdvp2.A[0]
        AA = tdvp.AA[0]

        l = tdvp.l[0]
        r_ = tdvp2.r[0]

        l_sqrt = tdvp.l_sqrt[0]
        l_sqrt_i = tdvp.l_sqrt_i[0]

        r__sqrt = tdvp2.r_sqrt[0]
        r__sqrt_i = tdvp2.r_sqrt_i[0]

        K__r = tdvp2.K[0]
        K_l = tdvp.K_left[0]

        pseudo = tdvp2 is tdvp

        B = tdvp2.get_B_from_x(x, tdvp2.Vsh[0], l_sqrt_i, r__sqrt_i)

        #Skip zeros due to rank-deficiency
        if la.norm(B) == 0:
            return sp.zeros_like(x), M_prev, y_pi_prev

        if self.sanity_checks:
            tst = tm.eps_r_noop(r_, B, A_)
            if not la.norm(tst) > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity check failed: Gauge-fixing violation! " +

        if self.sanity_checks:
            B2 = np.zeros_like(B)
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                B2[s] =[s]))
            if la.norm(B - B2) / la.norm(B) > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! Bad Vri!")

        BA_ = tm.calc_AA(B, A_)
        AB = tm.calc_AA(A, B)
        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            BAA_ = tm.calc_AAA_AA(BA_, A_)
            ABA_ = tm.calc_AAA_AA(AB, A_)
            AAB = tm.calc_AAA_AA(AA, B)

        y = tm.eps_l_noop(l, B, A)

        #        if pseudo:
        #            y = y - m.adot(r_, y) * l #should just = y due to gauge-fixing
        M = pinv_1mE(y, [A_], [A],

        #print m.adot(r, M)
        if self.sanity_checks:
            y2 = M - sp.exp(+1.j * p) * tm.eps_l_noop(M, A_, A)
            norm = la.norm(y.ravel())
            if norm == 0:
                norm = 1
            tst = la.norm(y - y2) / norm
            if tst > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! Bad M. Off by: %g", tst)

#        if pseudo:
#            M = M - l * m.adot(r_, M)
        Mh = M.conj().T.copy(order='C')

        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            tmp = BAA_ + sp.exp(+1.j * p) * ABA_ + sp.exp(+2.j * p) * AAB
            res =
                r_, tmp, C_Vri_AA_))  #1 1D, #3, #3c
            tmp = BA_ + sp.exp(+1.j * p) * AB
            res =, tmp,
                                                     C_Vri_A_conj))  #1, #3 OK

        res += sp.exp(-1.j * p) *  #10

        exp = sp.exp
        subres = sp.zeros_like(res)
        eye = m.eyemat(C_.shape[2], dtype=tdvp.typ)
        eye2 = m.eyemat(A.shape[2], dtype=tdvp.typ)
        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            subres += exp(-2.j * p) * tm.eps_l_noop(Mh, A,
                                                    C_AAA_r_Ah_Vrih)  #12
            subres += exp(-3.j * p) * tm.eps_l_op_2s_AA12_C34(
                Mh, AA, C_AAA_Vrh_)  #12b
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                #subres += exp(-2.j * p) * A[s].conj()[s])) #12
                subres += tm.eps_r_noop(B[s], C_AhAhlAA[s, :], Vr_)  #2b
                subres += exp(-1.j * p) * tm.eps_l_noop(
          [s]), A, C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_[s, :])  #4
                subres += A[s].conj()
                        tm.eps_r_op_2s_AA12_C34(eye2, AB, C_Vri_A_r_Ah_[
                            s, :, :])))  #2 -ive of that it should be....
                subres += exp(-1.j * p) * tm.eps_l_op_2s_AA12_C34(
                    eye2, C_AhlAA_conj[s, :, :], BA_).dot(Vr_[s].conj().T)  #4b
                subres += exp(-2.j * p) * tm.eps_l_op_2s_AA12_C34(
          [s]), AA, C_AA_Vrh[s, :, :])  #4c
                subres += exp(+1.j * p) * tm.eps_r_op_2s_AA12_C34(
                    r_.dot_left(B[s]), C_AhlAA[s, :, :], Vri_A_)  #3b
                #for t in xrange(self.q):
                #subres += (C_AhAhlAA[t, s].dot(B[s]).dot(Vr_[t].conj().T)) #2b
                #subres += (exp(-1.j * p) * A[s].conj()[t])).dot(C_AA_r_Ah_Vrih_[s, t])) #4
                #subres += (exp(-3.j * p) * AA[t, s].conj()[t, s])) #12b

                #for u in xrange(self.q):
                #subres += A[s].conj()[t, u]).dot(C_A_r_Ah_Vrih[s, t, u])) #2 -ive of that it should be....
                #subres += (exp(+1.j * p) * C_AhlAA[t, s, s].dot(B[u]).dot([u].conj().T)).dot(Vri_[t].conj().T)) #3b
                #subres += (exp(-1.j * p) * C_AhAhlA[s, t, u].dot(BA_[t, u]).dot(Vr_[s].conj().T)) #4b
                #subres += (exp(-2.j * p) * AA[t, s].conj()[u])).dot(C_AA_Vrh[t, s, u])) #4c
            for s in xrange(self.q):
                #subres += C_AhlA[s, t].dot(B[s]).dot(Vr_[t].conj().T) #2 OK
                subres += tm.eps_r_noop(B[s], C_AhlA[s, :], Vr_)  #2
                #+ exp(-1.j * p) * A[t].conj()[s])).dot(C_A_Vrh_[t, s]) #4 OK with 3
                subres += exp(-1.j * p) * tm.eps_l_noop(
          [s]), A, C_A_Vrh_[s, :])  #4
                #+ exp(-2.j * p) * A[s].conj()[s, t])).dot(Vr_[t].conj().T)) #12
                subres += exp(-2.j * p) * A[s].conj()
                    tm.eps_r_noop(eye, C_[s, :], Vr_))  #12

        res +=

        res +=, B, Vri_))  #5

        res +=, B, V_)))  #6

        res += sp.exp(-1.j * p) *
  , A_, Vri_)))  #8

        y1 = sp.exp(+1.j * p) * tm.eps_r_noop(K__r, B, A_)  #7

        if self.ham_sites == 3:
            tmp = sp.exp(+1.j * p) * BAA_ + sp.exp(+2.j * p) * ABA_ + sp.exp(
                +3.j * p) * AAB  #9, #11, #11b
            y = y1 + tm.eps_r_op_3s_C123_AAA456(r_, tmp, C_)
        elif self.ham_sites == 2:
            tmp = sp.exp(+1.j * p) * BA_ + sp.exp(+2.j * p) * AB  #9, #11
            y = y1 + tm.eps_r_op_2s_AA12_C34(r_, tmp, C_conj)

        if pseudo:
            y = y - m.adot(l, y) * r_
        y_pi = pinv_1mE(y, [A], [A_],
        #print m.adot(l, y_pi)
        if self.sanity_checks:
            z = y_pi - sp.exp(+1.j * p) * tm.eps_r_noop(y_pi, A, A_)
            tst = la.norm((y - z).ravel()) / la.norm(y.ravel())
            if tst > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! Bad x_pi. Off by: %g",

        res +=, A, Vri_))

        if self.sanity_checks:
            expval = m.adot(x, res) / m.adot(x, x)
            #print "expval = " + str(expval)
            if expval < -self.sanity_tol:
                    "Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! H is not pos. semi-definite (%s)",
            if abs(expval.imag) > self.sanity_tol:
                log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_BHB! H is not Hermitian (%s)",

        return res, M, y_pi