def exportAsCombine(self, outputpath):  # parameter outputpath must be a full path of a zip file you wish to create
        # Temporary failsafe - Should be revised once libphrasedml adopts returning of model name
        reModel = r"""(\w*) = model ('|")(.*)('|")"""
        # rePlot = r"""plot ('|")(.*)('|") (.*)"""
        lines = self.phrasedmlStr.splitlines()
        for i, s in enumerate(lines):
            reSearchModel = re.split(reModel, s)
            # reSearchPlot = re.split(rePlot, s)
            if len(reSearchModel) > 1:
                modelsource = str(reSearchModel[3])
                modelname = os.path.basename(modelsource)
                if ".xml" or ".sbml" not in modelsource:
                    modelname = modelname + ".xml"
                s = s.replace(modelsource, modelname)
                lines[i] = s

            # if len(reSearchPlot) > 1:
            #    plottitle = str(reSearchPlot[2])

        revphrasedml = "\n".join(lines)

        phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(modelname, te.antimonyTosbml(self.antimonyStr))

        combine.export(outputpath, self.antimonyStr, modelname, revphrasedml)

    def createpython(self):  # Create and return Python script given antimony and phrasedml strings
        rePath = r"(\w*).load\('(.*)'\)"
        reLoad = r"(\w*) = roadrunner.RoadRunner\(\)"
        reModel = r"""(\w*) = model ('|")(.*)('|")"""
        phrasedmllines = self.phrasedmlStr.splitlines()
        for i, s in enumerate(phrasedmllines):
            reSearchModel = re.split(reModel, s)
            if len(reSearchModel) > 1:
                modelsource = str(reSearchModel[3])
                modelname = os.path.basename(modelsource)
                modelname = str(modelname).replace(".xml", "")

        phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(modelsource, te.antimonyTosbml(self.antimonyStr))
        sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(self.phrasedmlStr)
        if sedmlstr == None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())


        fd1, sedmlfilepath = tempfile.mkstemp()
        os.write(fd1, sedmlstr)

        pysedml = te.SedmlToRr.sedml_to_python(sedmlfilepath)
        if self.modelispath == False:
            lines = pysedml.splitlines()
            for i, s in enumerate(lines):
                reSearchPath = re.split(rePath, s)
                if len(reSearchPath) > 1:
                    del lines[i]
            for i, s in enumerate(lines):
                reSearchLoad = re.split(reLoad, s)
                if len(reSearchLoad) > 1:
                    s = s.replace("roadrunner.RoadRunner()", "te.loada(" + str(modelname) + ")")
                    lines[i] = s

            if not "import tellurium" in pysedml:
                if "import roadrunner" in pysedml:
                    for i, s in enumerate(lines):
                        if "import roadrunner" in s:
                            del lines[i]
                            lines.insert(i, "import tellurium as te")

        pysedml = "\n".join(lines)

        # List of replacements
        pysedml = pysedml.replace('"compartment"', '"compartment_"')
        pysedml = pysedml.replace("'compartment'", "'compartment_'")

        outputstr = str(modelname) + " = '''" + self.antimonyStr + "'''\n\n" + pysedml


        return outputstr
 def getSbmlString(self):
     return te.antimonyTosbml(self.antimonyStr)