def test_invalidSymlink(self):
		'''Test that invalid symlinks get cleaned up'''
		thisTempFolder = tempFolderManager()
		# invalid link
		os.symlink('thisFileShouldNotExist', os.path.join(thisTempFolder.getPath(), 'validLink'))
Beispiel #2
    def test_invalidSymlink(self):
        '''Test that invalid symlinks get cleaned up'''

        thisTempFolder = tempFolderManager()

        # invalid link
                   os.path.join(thisTempFolder.getPath(), 'validLink'))

Beispiel #3
    def test_getPath(self):

        managedItem = tempFolderManager()

            managedItem.getPath() is not None,
            'On a simple tempFolderManager item getPath is returning None')
            'The simple tempFolderManager items reply to getPath did not start with the default folder, but rather was: '
            + managedItem.getPath())
	def test_validSymlink(self):
		'''Test that valid symlinks get cleared up'''
		thisTempFolder = tempFolderManager()
		# create a file to link to
		open(os.path.join(thisTempFolder.getPath(), 'testFile'), 'w').close()
		# valid link
		os.symlink('testFile', os.path.join(thisTempFolder.getPath(), 'validLink'))
Beispiel #5
    def test_validSymlink(self):
        '''Test that valid symlinks get cleared up'''

        thisTempFolder = tempFolderManager()

        # create a file to link to
        open(os.path.join(thisTempFolder.getPath(), 'testFile'), 'w').close()

        # valid link
                   os.path.join(thisTempFolder.getPath(), 'validLink'))

	def test_withStatementFunction(self):
		'''Test the use of items with the "with" statement'''
		location = None
		with tempFolderManager() as thisTempFolder:
			self.assertTrue(isinstance(thisTempFolder, tempFolderManager), 'While using a with statement a tempFolderManager item was not created correctly')
			location = thisTempFolder.getPath()
			self.assertTrue(location is not None, 'When using a with statement getPath method returned None')
			self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(location), 'When using a with statement getPath method returned a path that was not an existing directory')
			self.assertTrue(tempFolderManager.getManagedPathForPath(location) is not None, 'When using a with statement getPath returned a path that was not in a managed item')
			# create some contents to make it interesting
		# outside the with statement the item should have auto-cleaned iteself
		self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(location), 'After exiting a with statement the item was not properly cleaned up')
		# repeat the same exercise with a preset location
		location = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/tmp')
		with tempFolderManager(location) as thisTempFolder:
			self.assertTrue(isinstance(thisTempFolder, tempFolderManager), 'While using a with statement and a preset location a tempFolderManager item was not created correctly')
			returnedLocation = thisTempFolder.getPath()
			self.assertTrue(returnedLocation is not None, 'When using a with statement and a preset location getPath method returned None')
			self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(returnedLocation, location), 'When using a with statement and a preset location getPath did not return the expected location: "%s" vs. "%s"' % (location, returnedLocation))
			self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(location), 'When using a with statement and a preset location getPath method returned a path that was not an existing directory')
			self.assertTrue(tempFolderManager.getManagedPathForPath(location) is not None, 'When using a with statement and a preset location getPath returned a path that was not in a managed item')
			# create some contents to make it interesting
		# outside the with statement the item should have auto-cleaned iteself
		self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(location), 'After exiting a with statement the item was not properly cleaned up')
Beispiel #7
    def test_withStatementFunction(self):
        '''Test the use of items with the "with" statement'''

        location = None
        with tempFolderManager() as thisTempFolder:

                isinstance(thisTempFolder, tempFolderManager),
                'While using a with statement a tempFolderManager item was not created correctly'

            location = thisTempFolder.getPath()
                location is not None,
                'When using a with statement getPath method returned None')
                'When using a with statement getPath method returned a path that was not an existing directory'
                tempFolderManager.getManagedPathForPath(location) is not None,
                'When using a with statement getPath returned a path that was not in a managed item'

            # create some contents to make it interesting

        # outside the with statement the item should have auto-cleaned iteself
            'After exiting a with statement the item was not properly cleaned up'

        # repeat the same exercise with a preset location
        location = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/tmp')
        with tempFolderManager(location) as thisTempFolder:

                isinstance(thisTempFolder, tempFolderManager),
                'While using a with statement and a preset location a tempFolderManager item was not created correctly'

            returnedLocation = thisTempFolder.getPath()
                returnedLocation is not None,
                'When using a with statement and a preset location getPath method returned None'
                os.path.samefile(returnedLocation, location),
                'When using a with statement and a preset location getPath did not return the expected location: "%s" vs. "%s"'
                % (location, returnedLocation))
                'When using a with statement and a preset location getPath method returned a path that was not an existing directory'
                tempFolderManager.getManagedPathForPath(location) is not None,
                'When using a with statement and a preset location getPath returned a path that was not in a managed item'

            # create some contents to make it interesting

        # outside the with statement the item should have auto-cleaned iteself
            'After exiting a with statement the item was not properly cleaned up'
	def test_getPath(self):
		managedItem = tempFolderManager()
		self.assertTrue(managedItem.getPath() is not None, 'On a simple tempFolderManager item getPath is returning None')
		self.assertTrue(managedItem.getPath().startswith(tempFolderManager.getDefaultFolder()), 'The simple tempFolderManager items reply to getPath did not start with the default folder, but rather was: ' + managedItem.getPath())