def test_list_no_containers(self):
        # List request to empty account

        # To test listing no containers, create new user other than
        # the base user of this instance.

        resp, container_list = \

        # When sending a request to an account which has not received a PUT
        # container request, the response does not contain 'accept-ranges'
        # header. This is a special case, therefore the existence of response
        # headers is checked without custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('content-length', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-timestamp', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-account-bytes-used', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-account-container-count', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-account-object-count', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)

        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())

        self.assertEqual(len(container_list), 0)
Beispiel #2
    def test_list_no_containers(self):
        # List request to empty account

        # To test listing no containers, create new user other than
        # the base user of this instance.

        resp, container_list = \

        # When sending a request to an account which has not received a PUT
        # container request, the response does not contain 'accept-ranges'
        # header. This is a special case, therefore the existence of response
        # headers is checked without custom matcher.
        # As the expected response is 204 No Content, Content-Length presence
        # is not checked here intentionally. According to RFC 7230 a server
        # MUST NOT send the header in such responses. Thus, clients should not
        # depend on this header. However, the standard does not require them
        # to validate the server's behavior. We leverage that to not refuse
        # any implementation violating it like Swift [1] or some versions of
        # Ceph RadosGW [2].
        # [1]
        # [2]
        self.assertIn('x-timestamp', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-account-bytes-used', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-account-container-count', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-account-object-count', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)

        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())

        self.assertEqual(len(container_list), 0)
    def test_web_listing(self):
        headers = {'web-listings': 'true'}


        # test GET on http://account_url/container_name
        # we should retrieve a listing of objects
        resp, body = self.custom_account_client.request(
            "GET", self.container_name)
        # The target of the request is not any Swift resource. Therefore, the
        # existence of response header is checked without a custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('content-length', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)
        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())

        self.assertIn(self.object_name, body)

        # clean up before exiting
            self.container_name, {'web-listings': ""})

        _, body = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
        self.assertNotIn('x-container-meta-web-listings', body)
    def test_get_object_if_different(self):
        # Make a conditional request for an object using the If-None-Match
        # header, it should get downloaded only if the local file is different,
        # otherwise the response code should be 304 Not Modified
        object_name, data = self.create_object(self.container_name)
        # local copy is identical, no download
        md5 = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
        headers = {'If-None-Match': md5}
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.container_name, object_name)
        resp, _ = self.object_client.get(url, headers=headers)
        self.assertEqual(resp['status'], '304')

        # When the file is not downloaded from Swift server, response does
        # not contain 'X-Timestamp' header. This is the special case, therefore
        # the existence of response headers is checked without custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('date', resp)
        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())

        # local copy is different, download
        local_data = "something different"
        md5 = hashlib.md5(local_data.encode()).hexdigest()
        headers = {'If-None-Match': md5}
        resp, body = self.object_client.get(url, headers=headers)
        self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'GET')
Beispiel #5
    def test_delete_large_object(self):
        # delete static large object using multipart manifest
        object_name = self._create_large_object()

        params_del = {'multipart-manifest': 'delete'}
        resp, body = self.object_client.delete_object(

        # When deleting SLO using multipart manifest, the response contains
        # not 'content-length' but 'transfer-encoding' header. This is the
        # special case, therefore the existence of response headers is checked
        # outside of custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('transfer-encoding', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)

        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())

        resp, body = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
        self.assertEqual(int(resp['x-container-object-count']), 0)
    def test_bulk_delete_by_POST(self):
        # Test bulk operation of deleting multiple files
        filepath, container_name, object_name = self._create_archive()

        data = '%s/%s\n%s' % (container_name, object_name, container_name)
        params = {'bulk-delete': ''}

        resp, body = self.account_client.create_account_metadata(
            {}, data=data, params=params)

        # When deleting multiple files using the bulk operation, the response
        # does not contain 'content-length' header. This is the special case,
        # therefore the existence of response headers is checked without
        # custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('transfer-encoding', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)

        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())

        # Check if uploaded contents are completely deleted
    def test_list_no_containers(self):
        # List request to empty account

        # To test listing no containers, create new user other than
        # the base user of this instance.

        os_test_user = clients.Manager(

        # Retrieve the id of an operator role of object storage
        test_role_id = None
        swift_role = CONF.object_storage.operator_role
            _, roles = self.os_admin.identity_client.list_roles()
            test_role_id = next(r['id'] for r in roles if r['name']
                                == swift_role)
        except StopIteration:
            msg = "%s role found" % swift_role
            raise exceptions.NotFound(msg)

        # Retrieve the test_user id
        _, users = self.os_admin.identity_client.get_users()
        test_user_id = next(usr['id'] for usr in users if usr['name']

        # Retrieve the test_tenant id
        _, tenants = self.os_admin.identity_client.list_tenants()
        test_tenant_id = next(tnt['id'] for tnt in tenants if tnt['name']

        # Assign the newly created user the appropriate operator role

        resp, container_list = \
        self.assertIn(int(resp['status']), test.HTTP_SUCCESS)

        # When sending a request to an account which has not received a PUT
        # container request, the response does not contain 'accept-ranges'
        # header. This is a special case, therefore the existence of response
        # headers is checked without custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('content-length', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-timestamp', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-account-bytes-used', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-account-container-count', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-account-object-count', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)

        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())

        self.assertEqual(len(container_list), 0)
    def test_extract_archive(self):
        # Test bulk operation of file upload with an archived file
        filepath, container_name, object_name = self._create_archive()
        resp, _ = self._upload_archive(filepath)


        # When uploading an archived file with the bulk operation, the response
        # does not contain 'content-length' header. This is the special case,
        # therefore the existence of response headers is checked without
        # custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('transfer-encoding', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)

        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())

        param = {'format': 'json'}
        resp, body = self.account_client.list_account_containers(param)

        self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')

        self.assertIn(container_name, [b['name'] for b in body])

        param = {'format': 'json'}
        resp, contents_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
            container_name, param)

        self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')

        self.assertIn(object_name, [c['name'] for c in contents_list])
Beispiel #9
    def assertHeaders(self, resp, target, method):
        """Check the existence and the format of response headers"""

            custom_matchers.ExistsAllResponseHeaders(target, method,
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
Beispiel #10
    def test_get_healthcheck(self):

        resp, _ = self.account_client.get("healthcheck", {})

        # The target of the request is not any Swift resource. Therefore, the
        # existence of response header is checked without a custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('content-length', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)
        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
Beispiel #11
    def test_get_healthcheck(self):
        url = self.account_client._get_base_version_url() + "healthcheck"
        resp, body = self.account_client.raw_request(url, "GET")
        self.account_client._error_checker(resp, body)

        # The target of the request is not any Swift resource. Therefore, the
        # existence of response header is checked without a custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('content-length', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)
        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
Beispiel #12
    def test_get_crossdomain_policy(self):
        resp, body = self.account_client.get("crossdomain.xml", {})

            body.startswith(self.xml_start) and body.endswith(self.xml_end))

        # The target of the request is not any Swift resource. Therefore, the
        # existence of response header is checked without a custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('content-length', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)
        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
Beispiel #13
    def test_get_crossdomain_policy(self):
        url = self.account_client._get_base_version_url() + "crossdomain.xml"
        resp, body = self.account_client.raw_request(url, "GET")
        self.account_client._error_checker(resp, body)
        body = body.decode()

        self.assertTrue(body.startswith(self.xml_start) and

        # The target of the request is not any Swift resource. Therefore, the
        # existence of response header is checked without a custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('content-length', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)
        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
Beispiel #14
    def test_bulk_delete(self):
        # Test bulk operation of deleting multiple files
        filepath, container_name, object_name = self._create_archive()

        params = {'extract-archive': 'tar'}
        with open(filepath) as fh:
            mydata =
            resp, body = self.account_client.create_account(data=mydata,

        data = '%s/%s\n%s' % (container_name, object_name, container_name)
        params = {'bulk-delete': ''}
        resp, body = self.account_client.delete_account(data=data,

        self.assertIn(int(resp['status']), test.HTTP_SUCCESS)

        # When deleting multiple files using the bulk operation, the response
        # does not contain 'content-length' header. This is the special case,
        # therefore the existence of response headers is checked without
        # custom matcher.
        self.assertIn('transfer-encoding', resp)
        self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
        self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
        self.assertIn('date', resp)

        # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())

        # Check if a container is deleted
        param = {'format': 'txt'}
        resp, body = self.account_client.list_account_containers(param)

        self.assertIn(int(resp['status']), test.HTTP_SUCCESS)
        self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')

        self.assertNotIn(container_name, body)
    def test_list_extensions(self):
        resp, extensions = self.account_client.list_extensions()

        self.assertIn(int(resp['status']), test.HTTP_SUCCESS)
        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
Beispiel #16
    def test_list_extensions(self):
        resp, extensions = self.account_client.list_extensions()

        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
Beispiel #17
    def test_list_extensions(self):
        resp = self.capabilities_client.list_capabilities()

        self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())