def list_slice(list, start=0, to=None):
  start = util.numify(start)
  if start < 0:
    start = len(list) + start
  if to is None or to < 0:
    return list[start:]
    to = util.numify(to)
    return list[start:to + 1]
def list_defined(list, index=None):
  if index is None:
    return 1
      return int(list[util.numify(index)] is not None)
    except IndexError:
      return 0
 def sqrt(self, x):
     root = math.sqrt(numify(x))
     trunc = long(root)
     # Try to return an integer, if possible:
     if root == trunc:
         return trunc
         return root
def truncate_filter_factory(context, length=32, char="..."):
  length = numify(length)
  char = str(char)
  def truncate_filter(text=""):
    text = str(text)
    if len(text) <= length:
      return text
      return text[:length - len(char)] + char
  return truncate_filter
def list_splice(seq, start=0, length=None, *replace):
  start = util.numify(start)
  if start < 0:
    start = len(seq) + start
  if length is not None:
    stop = start + length
    stop = len(seq)
  if len(replace) == 1 and util.is_seq(replace[0]):
    replace = replace[0]
  s = slice(start, stop)
  removed = seq[s]
  seq[s] = replace
  return removed
 def srand(self, x):
     return Random.seed(numify(x))
 def asin(self, x):
     return math.asin(numify(x))
 def grad2rad(self, x):
     return math.radians(numify(x) * 0.9)
def list_item(list, item=0):
    return list[util.numify(item)]
  except IndexError:
    return None
 def coth(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.tanh(numify(x))
 def rad2deg(self, x):
     return math.degrees(numify(x))
 def acos(self, x):
     return math.acos(numify(x))
 def cosh(self, x):
     return math.cosh(numify(x))
 def cot(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.tan(numify(x))
 def asin(self, x):
     return math.asin(numify(x))
 def sec(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.cos(numify(x))
 def csc(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.sin(numify(x))
 def truly_random(self, x):
     if TrulyRandomFunction is None:
         raise Error("No truly_random dispatch function has been defined")
     return TrulyRandomFunction(numify(x))
 def atan(self, x):
     return math.atan(numify(x))
 def atan(self, x):
     return math.atan(numify(x))
 def acot(self, x):
     return math.pi / 2.0 - math.atan(numify(x))
 def asec(self, x):
     return math.acos(1.0 / numify(x))
 def csch(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.sinh(numify(x))
 def acot(self, x):
     return math.pi / 2.0 - math.atan(numify(x))
 def acsch(self, x):
     x = numify(x)
     if x < 0:
         return math.log((1.0 - math.sqrt(1.0 + x * x)) / x)
         return math.log((1.0 + math.sqrt(1.0 + x * x)) / x)
 def sinh(self, x):
     return math.sinh(numify(x))
 def deg2rad(self, x):
     return math.radians(numify(x))
 def cosh(self, x):
     return math.cosh(numify(x))
 def log(self, x):
     return math.log(numify(x))
 def tanh(self, x):
     return math.tanh(numify(x))
 def hex(self, x):
     return int(str(numify(x)), 16)
 def csch(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.sinh(numify(x))
 def cot(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.tan(numify(x))
 def sech(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.cosh(numify(x))
 def acos(self, x):
     return math.acos(numify(x))
 def coth(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.tanh(numify(x))
 def asec(self, x):
     return math.acos(1.0 / numify(x))
 def asinh(self, x):
     x = numify(x)
     return math.log(x + math.sqrt(x * x + 1))
 def sinh(self, x):
     return math.sinh(numify(x))
 def acsch(self, x):
     x = numify(x)
     if x < 0:
         return math.log((1.0 - math.sqrt(1.0 + x * x)) / x)
         return math.log((1.0 + math.sqrt(1.0 + x * x)) / x)
 def tanh(self, x):
     return math.tanh(numify(x))
 def acoth(self, x):
     x = numify(x)
     return math.log((1.0 + x) / (1.0 - x)) / 2.0
 def sech(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.cosh(numify(x))
 def rad2deg(self, x):
     return math.degrees(numify(x))
 def asinh(self, x):
     x = numify(x)
     return math.log(x + math.sqrt(x * x + 1))
 def rad2grad(self, x):
     return math.degrees(numify(x)) * 10.0 / 9.0
 def acoth(self, x):
     x = numify(x)
     return math.log((1.0 + x) / (1.0 - x)) / 2.0
 def deg2rad(self, x):
     return math.radians(numify(x))
 def rad2grad(self, x):
     return math.degrees(numify(x)) * 10.0 / 9.0
 def deg2grad(self, x):
     return numify(x) * 10.0 / 9.0
 def deg2grad(self, x):
     return numify(x) * 10.0 / 9.0
 def grad2rad(self, x):
     return math.radians(numify(x) * 0.9)
 def grad2deg(self, x):
     return numify(x) * 0.9
 def exp(self, x):
     return math.exp(numify(x))
 def repeat_filter(text=""):
   return str(text) * numify(count)
 def csc(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.sin(numify(x))
 def int(self, x):
     return int(numify(x))
 def sec(self, x):
     return 1.0 / math.cos(numify(x))
 def atan2(self, x, y):
     return math.atan2(numify(x), numify(y))
 def rand(self, x):
     return Random.uniform(0, numify(x))