Beispiel #1
    def format_struct(self, tag):
        self.m_prototype_uid += 1
        template = string.Template("INSERT INTO Types (id, type, name, description, help) VALUES ('%d', 'struct', '${name}', '${desc}', '${help}');\n" % self.m_prototype_uid);

        html = template_html.template_html_t(self.m_engine, self.m_indexer)
        # Make sure to inline images in the SQL template
        # Cross references don't currently work in the SQL template so we'll disable them for now
        html.m_wikiword_path_prefix = False
        help = html.format_struct(tag)
        obj = tag.contents

        struct = {}
        struct["name"] = obj.get_name()
        struct["desc"] = self.format_textblock(obj.description)
        struct["help"] = self.sqlize(help)
        sql = template.substitute(struct)

        # Add the structure fields
            for field in obj.fields:
                name = field.get_name()
                desc = self.format_textblock(field.get_description())
                sql += string.Template("INSERT INTO Params (belongs_to, name, type, description) VALUES ('${belongs_to}', '${name}', '', '${desc}');\n").substitute(
                        {"belongs_to" : self.m_prototype_uid,
                         "name" : name,
                         "desc" : desc})

        return sql
Beispiel #2
    def format_prototype(self, tag):

        self.m_prototype_uid += 1
        template = string.Template("INSERT INTO Types (id, type, name, description, help) VALUES ('%d', 'method', '${name}', '${desc}', '${help}');\n" % self.m_prototype_uid);
        html = template_html.template_html_t(self.m_engine, self.m_indexer)
        # Make sure to inline images in the SQL template
        # Cross references don't currently work in the SQL template so we'll disable them for now
        html.m_show_code_headers["prototype"] = True
        html.m_wikiword_path_prefix = False
        help = html.format_prototype(tag)
        prototype = tag.contents
        #print prototype

        function = {}
        function["name"] = prototype.get_name()
        function["desc"] = ''
        function["help"] = self.sqlize(help)
        function["desc"] = self.format_textblock(prototype.get_description())
        sql = template.substitute(function)

            params = prototype.get_params()
            for p in params:

                #print p
                param = {}
                param["type"] = p.get_type()
                param["name"] = p.get_name()
                    param["desc"] = self.format_textblock(p.get_description(textblock=True))
                    param['desc'] = ''

                sql += string.Template("INSERT INTO Params (belongs_to, name, type, description) VALUES ('%d', '${name}', '${type}', '${desc}');\n" % self.m_prototype_uid).substitute(param);

                #for val in param["param_desc"]:
                #    if(len(val) == 2):
                #        html_tmp += '<b>%s</b> = %s<br/>' % (val[0], self.format_text(val[1]))
                #    else:
                #        html_tmp += self.format_text(val)

                #param["param_desc"] = html_tmp

                #    param["type"] = '''<td style="vertical-align:text-top;border: 0px;">%s</td>''' % param["param_type"]
                #    param["type"] = ''

                #output += param_template.substitute(param)
        return sql
    def __init__(self, engine, indexer):
        template_text_t.__init__(self, engine, indexer)

        # Instantiante the HTML template so that we can
        # format advanced objects like structures in a pass-thru
        # fashion
        self.html_template = template_html.template_html_t(engine, indexer)
        self.m_contents = ''
Beispiel #4
    def format_enum(self, tag):
        self.m_prototype_uid += 1
        template = string.Template("INSERT INTO Types (id, type, name, description, help) VALUES ('%d', 'enum', '${name}', '${desc}', '${help}');\n" % self.m_prototype_uid);

        html = template_html.template_html_t(self.m_engine, self.m_indexer)
        # Make sure to inline images in the SQL template
        # Cross references don't currently work in the SQL template so we'll disable them for now
        html.m_wikiword_path_prefix = False
        help = html.format_enum(tag)

        #print "HELP [%s]" % help
        obj = tag.contents

        enum = {}
        enum["name"] =
        enum["desc"] = ''
        enum["help"] = self.sqlize(help)
        enum["desc"] = self.format_textblock(obj.description)
        sql = template.substitute(enum)
        # Add the enum values
        i = 0
        for row in obj.values:
            cols = row["cols"]

            enum = cols[0]["text"]

            #print "i = %d, VAL = %s" % (i, cols[1]["text"])
            #val  = int(cols[1]["text"], 16)
            desc = self.format_text(cols[2]["text"])
            sql += string.Template("INSERT INTO Params (belongs_to, name, type, description) VALUES ('${belongs_to}', '${name}', '', '${desc}');\n").substitute(
                    {"belongs_to" : self.m_prototype_uid,
                     "name" : enum,
                     "desc" : desc})

        return sql