Beispiel #1
        def get_status():
            # Query the API for the status of the export.
            status = self._api.get('{}/export/{}/status'.format(self.type, self.uuid)).json()

            # We need to get the list of chunks that we haven't completed yet and are
            # available for download.
            unfinished = [c for c in status['chunks_available'] if c not in self.processed]

            # Add the chunks_unfinished key with the unfinished list as the
            # associated value and then return the status to the caller.
            status['chunks_unfinished'] = unfinished

            # if there are no more chunks to process and the export status is
            # set to finished, then we will break the iteration.
            if (status['status'] == 'FINISHED'
              and len(status['chunks_unfinished']) < 1):
                raise StopIteration()

            if status['status'] == 'ERROR':
                raise TioExportsError(self.type, self.uuid)

            if (status['status'] == 'QUEUED' and self.timeout
              and time.time() > self.timeout):
                raise TioExportsTimeout(self.type, self.uuid)

            return status
Beispiel #2
    def next(self):
        Get the next item in the current page
        if self._is_iterator is None:
            self._is_iterator = True
        elif not self._is_iterator:
            raise TioExportsError(export=self.type,
                                  msg=(f'ExportIterator for {self.uuid} '
                                       'already set to run as a threaded '
                                       'job.  Cannot perform iterable '
        # If we have worked through the current page of records then we should
        # query the next page of records.
        if self.page_count >= len(
            self.page_count = 0

        # Get the relevant record, increment the counters, and return the
        # record.
        item =[self.page_count]
        self.count += 1
        self.page_count += 1
        if self.boxify:
            return Box(item)
        return item
Beispiel #3
    def _get_status(self) -> Dict:
        Get the current status of the export, and then calculate where the
        iterator is within the export job and return the status to the caller
        status = self._api.exports.status(self.type, self.uuid)
        self._log.debug('%s export %s is currenty %s',

        # If the export has errored and the _term_on_error flag is set, then
        # we will raise an export error.
        if status.status == 'ERROR' and self._term_on_error:
            raise TioExportsError(self.type, self.uuid)

        # If the export is still queued and the timeout has been reached, then
        # we will inform the API that we want to cancel the export and then
        # raise a timeout exception.
        if (
            status.status == 'QUEUED'
            and self.timeout is not None
            and time.time() > self.timeout + self.start_time
            raise TioExportsTimeout(self.type, self.uuid)

        # If the _wait_for_complete flag has been set, then we will always
        # return an empty list until the status is 'FINISHED'
        if self._wait_for_complete and status.status != 'FINISHED':
            status.chunks_unfinished = []

        # In all other situations, we will Compute which chunks are currently
        # unprocessed by the iterator and store the list within the
        # "chunks_unfinished" attribute.
            avail = status.get('chunks_available', [])
            unfinished = [c for c in avail if c not in self.processed]
            status.chunks_unfinished = unfinished
        self.chunks = status.chunks_unfinished
        self.status = status.status

        # return the status to the caller.
        return status
Beispiel #4
    def run_threaded(self,
                     func: Any,
                     kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
                     num_threads: int = 2,
                     ) -> List:
        Initiate a multi-threaded export using the provided function and
        keyword arguments.  The following field names are reserved and must be
        accepted either as an optional keyword argument, or as a named param.

            * data (list[dict]): Receiver of the data-chunk.
            * export_uuid (str): Receiver for the export job UUID.
            * export_type (str): Receiver for the export data-type.
            * export_chunk_id (int): Receiver for the export chunk id.

                The function to pass to the thread executor.
                Any additional keyword arguments that are to be passed to the
                function as part of execution.
                How many concurrent threads should be run.  The default is


            A simple example is to simply download the chunks and write them
            to disk.

            >>> def write_chunk(data: List[Dict],
            ...                 export_uuid: str,
            ...                 export_type: str,
            ...                 export_chunk_id: int
            ...                 ):
            ...     fn = f'{export_type}-{export_uuid}-{export_chunk_id}.json'
            ...     with open(fn, 'w') as fobj:
            ...         json.dump(data, fn)
            >>> export = tio.exports.vulns()
            >>> export.run_threaded(write_chunk, num_threads=4)
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = {}
        # if the iterator flag is unset, then we will set it.
        if self._is_iterator is None:
            self._is_iterator = False

        # if the iterator flag was already set to be an iterable, then we will
        # raise an error that we cannot continue.
        elif self._is_iterator:
            raise TioExportsError(export=self.type,
                                  msg=(f'ExportIterator for {self.uuid} '
                                       'already set to run as an iterable '
                                       'job.  Cannot perform threaded '

        # initiate the thread pool and get the show on the road.
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor:
            jobs = []
            # we will want to make sure to stay in this loop until the job is
            # finished and all of the chunks have been processed.
            while not (len(self._get_chunks()) < 1
                       and self.status in ['FINISHED']
                # loop over the number of chunks that are available, pulling
                # each chunk id out of the chunk list, constructing the kwargs
                # with the necessary elements, and loading that job into the
                # executor.  When all of the chunks have been added to the
                # pool, then call the _get_chunks method again to wait for more
                # chunks to become available.
                num_chunks = range(len(self.chunks))
                for _ in num_chunks:
                    chunk_id = self.chunks.pop(0)
                    kwargs['data'] = self._api.exports.download_chunk(
                        self.type, self.uuid, chunk_id)
                    kwargs['export_uuid'] = self.uuid
                    kwargs['export_type'] = self.type
                    kwargs['export_chunk_id'] = chunk_id
                        (f'{self.type} export {self.uuid} chunk {chunk_id} '
                         'has been downloaded and the data has been handed '
                         'off to the specified function'
                    jobs.append(executor.submit(func, **kwargs))
        return jobs