Beispiel #1
def get_options_from_kwargs(name, *inputs, **kwargs):
    # now the options can be a tuple (if training) or it will be just options
    # (only forward)
    options = None
    if "options" in kwargs and kwargs["options"] is not None:
        options = kwargs["options"]
        assert "type" in kwargs, "layer type not specified: forward/backward"
        if isinstance(options, list) and len(options) == 2:
            options = options[0] if kwargs["type"] == "forward" else options[1]
        elif "training" in kwargs and kwargs["training"] and kwargs["type"] == "backward":
            logger.warning('Same mapping options will be used to run backward layer, please pass backward mapping options for better performance.')
    elif "cache" in kwargs and kwargs["cache"]:
        options = get_options_from_cache_file(name, *inputs, **kwargs)
    elif "options_cache" in kwargs and kwargs["options_cache"]:
        options_cache = kwargs["options_cache"]
        assert kwargs["type"] is not None, "layer type not specified: forward/backward"
        options = options_cache[kwargs["type"]]"Tuned kernel options found, using those options")

    if options is None:
        options =CudaMappingOptions("naive")
        logger.warning("No mapping options passed, 'naive' type mapping options will be used and will likely have bad performance. See help(your_layer.__call__) for setting mapping options.")
    if not isinstance(options,CudaMappingOptions):
        options =CudaMappingOptions(options)
    return options
def get_options_from_kwargs_and_tuner_cache(name, cache_file, options_cache,
                                            *inputs, **kwargs):
    options = None
    if "options" in kwargs and kwargs["options"] is not None:
        options = kwargs["options"]
        assert "type" in kwargs, "tuning layer type not specified: forward/backward"
        # if we pass separate options for forward/backward, we use them otherwise
        # use the same options
        if isinstance(options, list) and len(options) == 2:
            options = options[0] if kwargs["type"] == "forward" else options[1]
    elif cache_file and isinstance(kwargs["cache"], str):
        options = get_options_from_cache_file(name, *inputs, **kwargs)
    elif options_cache and kwargs["type"] in options_cache and options_cache[
            kwargs["type"]] is not None:
        options = options_cache[kwargs["type"]]
            "Kernel was previously tuned, seeding the current tuning with those mapping options"

    if options is None:
        options = CudaMappingOptions("naive")
            "Using 'naive' type mapping options for autotuning. See help(your_layer.autotune) for how to set mapping options."
    if not isinstance(options, CudaMappingOptions):
        options = CudaMappingOptions(options)
    return options
Beispiel #3
 def tune_and_store(self, tc_name, inputs, mapping_options, cache_file=""):
     options = mapping_options
     if not isinstance(options,CudaMappingOptions):
         options =CudaMappingOptions(options)
         best_options = self.autotuner.tune(tc_name, inputs, options, cache_file)
         return best_options
     except Exception as e:
         logger.error('Raised exception: {}'.format(e))
         return options
 def test_autotuner_start_options_and_run_kernel(self):
     lang = MATMUL_LANG
     matmul = tc.define(lang, name="matmul")
     mat1, mat2 = torch.randn(100, 400).cuda(), torch.randn(400, 500).cuda()
     options = CudaMappingOptions("mlp")
     best_options = matmul.autotune(mat1,
     out = matmul(mat1, mat2, options=best_options)
Beispiel #5
 def test_manual_options(self):
     lang = MATMUL_LANG
     matmul = tc.define(lang, name="matmul")
     mat1, mat2 = torch.randn(3, 4).cuda(), torch.randn(4, 5).cuda()
     options = CudaMappingOptions("naive")
     out = matmul(mat1, mat2, options=options)
Beispiel #6
 def test_options(self):
     print('\nCreating mapping_options')
     options = CudaMappingOptions("naive")
     options.mapToBlocks([256, 8])
     options.mapToThreads([4, 16, 4])
     options.tile([2, 8, 64, 128])
     print('Mapping options created successfully')