Beispiel #1
def Acc(y_t, y_p):
    """Computes accuracy for each label
    Argument: ground truth label Y (2D reshaped), prediction (2D reshaped)
    Returns: array of accuracy for each label"""

    a = BinaryAccuracy() #handles the fact that y_p is not given as a binary vector
    Acc_per_label = []

    for i in range(8):
        a.update_state(y_t[:,i], y_p[:,i] )
        acc = a.result().numpy()
    return Acc_per_label
Beispiel #2
def print_bin_predictions_match(y_test, yhat, binary=True):
    accuracy = BinaryAccuracy() if binary else SparseCategoricalAccuracy()
    for i in range(y_test.shape[0]):
        ix = colored(str(f'{i:02d} |'), 'grey')
        sep = colored('|', 'grey')
        y = int(y_test[i][0])
        pred = f"{yhat[i][0]:.02f}" if binary else f"{np.argmax(yhat[i])}"
        accuracy.update_state(y, yhat[i])
        true_pred = accuracy.result().numpy() == 1.0
        color = "green" if true_pred else "red"
        pred = colored(pred, color)
        if i % 9 == 0:
            print(f"\n{ix} ", end='')
        print(f"{y} {sep} {pred} {sep} ", end="")
    print(colored("\n", "white"))