def _log_prob(self, sample, x_hat):
     mask = (sample + 1)/2#Remember that x_hat gives prob of all 1's not given sample's
     log_prob = (
         tfm.log(x_hat + self.epsilon)*tf.cast(mask, tf.float32) + #type: ignore
         tfm.log(1 - x_hat + self.epsilon)*tf.cast(1 - mask, tf.float32))#type: ignore
     log_prob = tfm.reduce_sum(log_prob, [1,2,3])
     return log_prob
Beispiel #2
 def log_ggd(x, p, mu, alpha):
     cp = tf.cast(
         log(p) -
         ((p + 1) / p) * tf.cast(log(2.0), settings.float_type) -
         lgamma(1 / p), settings.float_type)
     res = tf.cast(
         cp - log(alpha) - pow(abs(x - mu), p) / (2 * pow(alpha, p)),
     return res
Beispiel #3
def bce(pred, label):
    # Binary Cross Entropy
    if label == 0:
        pred = pred - config.EPSILON
        loss = math.log(1 - pred)

        pred = pred + config.EPSILON
        loss = math.log(pred)

    return -loss
Beispiel #4
def actor_predictive_clustering_loss(y_true,
    Compute prediction clustering loss between predicted output and true output with probability weights
    from cluster assignments.
    Inputs have shape (batch_size, T, num_classes) for y_pred and (batch_size, num_classes) for y_true
    or (batch_size, num_cluster) for cluster_assignment_probs.

    There are a variety of different settings, all weighted sample-wise by assignment probability:

    - Binary:  Computes Binary Cross Entropy. Class/Event occurence is matched with a dimension.
                y_true with entries in [0,1], and y_pred with value between (0,1)
    - Categorical: Computes Cross Entropy Loss. Class assigned by highest value dimension.
                y_true is a one-hot encoding, and y_pred is a probabilistic vector.
    - Continuous: Computes L2 loss. Similar to the Binary case, but class attributes are continuous.
                y_true and y_pred both with real-value entries.

    Returns: Loss value between sample true y and predicted y based on y_type of shape (batch_size)
    y_true_temp_ = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(y_true, axis=1),

    if y_type == 'binary':
        # Compute Binary Cross Entropy weighted by cluster assignment probabilities.
        sample_loss = multiply(
            tf.reduce_sum(y_true_temp_ * log(y_pred) +
                          (1 - y_true_temp_) * log(y_pred),
                          axis=-1), cluster_assignment_probs)
        batch_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(sample_loss, name=name)

        return batch_loss

    elif y_type == 'categorical':
        # Compute Categorical Cross Entropy weighted by cluster assignment probabilities.
        sample_loss = multiply(
            tf.reduce_sum(y_true_temp_ * log(y_pred), axis=-1),
        batch_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(sample_loss, name=name)

        return batch_loss

    elif y_type == 'continuous':
        # Compute L2 Loss weighted by cluster assigment probabilities.
        sample_loss = multiply(tf.reduce_sum((y_true - y_pred)**2, axis=-1),
        batch_loss = tf.reduce_mean(sample_loss, name=name)

        return batch_loss
Beispiel #5
def PST(I, LPF, Phase_strength, Warp_strength, Threshold_min, Threshold_max):
    #inverting Threshold_min to simplyfy optimization porcess, so we can clip all variable between 0 and 1
    LPF = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(LPF)
    Phase_strength = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(Phase_strength)
    Warp_strength = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(Warp_strength)
    I = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(I)
    Threshold_min = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(Threshold_min)
    Threshold_max = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(Threshold_max)

    Threshold_min = -Threshold_min
    L = 0.5
    x = tf.linspace(-L, L, I.shape[0])
    y = tf.linspace(-L, L, I.shape[1])
    [X1, Y1] = (tf.meshgrid(x, y))
    X = tf.transpose(X1)
    Y = tf.transpose(Y1)
    [THETA, RHO] = cart2pol(X, Y)
    # Apply localization kernel to the original image to reduce noise
    Image_orig_f = sig.fft2d(tf.dtypes.cast(I, tf.complex64))

    tmp6 = (LPF**2.0) / tfm.log(2.0)
    tmp5 = tfm.sqrt(tmp6)
    tmp4 = (tfm.divide(RHO, tmp5))
    tmp3 = -tfm.pow(tmp4, 2)
    tmp2 = tfm.exp(tmp3)
    expo = fftshift(tmp2)
    Image_orig_filtered = tfm.real(
        sig.ifft2d((tfm.multiply(tf.dtypes.cast(Image_orig_f, tf.complex64),
                                 tf.dtypes.cast(expo, tf.complex64)))))
    # Constructing the PST Kernel
    tp1 = tfm.multiply(RHO, Warp_strength)
    PST_Kernel_1 = tfm.multiply(
        tp1, tfm.atan(tfm.multiply(RHO, Warp_strength))
    ) - 0.5 * tfm.log(1.0 + tfm.pow(tf.multiply(RHO, Warp_strength), 2.0))
    PST_Kernel = PST_Kernel_1 / tfm.reduce_max(PST_Kernel_1) * Phase_strength
    # Apply the PST Kernel
    temp = tfm.multiply(
                tfm.multiply(tf.dtypes.complex(0.0, -1.0),
        sig.fft2d(tf.dtypes.cast(Image_orig_filtered, tf.dtypes.complex64)))
    Image_orig_filtered_PST = sig.ifft2d(temp)

    # Calculate phase of the transformed image
    PHI_features = tfm.angle(Image_orig_filtered_PST)

    out = PHI_features
    out = (out / tfm.reduce_max(out)) * 3

    return out
Beispiel #6
def loss(pmodel, pposition, pnext_position, prandom_position, last, result, to_move, training):
    y_position = pmodel(pposition, training=training)
    y_next_position = pmodel(pnext_position, training=training)
    y_random_position = pmodel(prandom_position, training=training)
    last = tf.cast(last, dtype=bool)

    y_next_position = tf.where(tf.reshape(last, [32,1]),
                               tf.reshape(result, [32,1]),
                               tf.reshape(y_next_position, [32, 1]))

    return -(tf.reduce_mean(log(sigmoid(tf.cast(tf.reshape(tf.math.pow(-1, to_move), [32, 1]), dtype=tf.float32) * (y_random_position - y_next_position)))
                            + kappa * log(sigmoid(- y_position + y_next_position))
                            + kappa * log(sigmoid(y_position - y_next_position))))
def adaptive_wing_loss(labels, output):
    alpha = 2.1
    omega = 14
    epsilon = 1
    theta = 0.5
    with tf.name_scope('adaptive_wing_loss'):
        x = output - labels
        theta_over_epsilon_tensor = tf.fill(tf.shape(labels), theta/epsilon)
        A = omega*(1/(1+pow(theta_over_epsilon_tensor, alpha-labels)))*(alpha-labels)*pow(theta_over_epsilon_tensor, alpha-labels-1)*(1/epsilon)
        C = theta*A-omega*log(1+pow(theta_over_epsilon_tensor, alpha-labels))
        absolute_x = abs(x)
        losses = tf.where(greater(theta, absolute_x), omega*log(1+pow(absolute_x/epsilon, alpha-labels)), A*absolute_x-C)
        loss = reduce_mean(reduce_sum(losses, axis=[1, 2]), axis=0)
        return loss
def demo_gmm_log_pdf(z):
    norm1 = tfd.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(
        loc=demo_gmm_mu1, covariance_matrix=demo_gmm_sigma1)
    norm2 = tfd.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(
        loc=demo_gmm_mu2, covariance_matrix=demo_gmm_sigma2)

    return math.log(0.5 * norm1.prob(z) + 0.5 * norm2.prob(z))
Beispiel #9
    def call(self, x):
        """Calculates the probability of sample x
            x (int32): Value of input lattice

        def SplDense(x):
            """We are using this "layer" instead of regular keras Dense
            layer to facilitate use of common kernel and bias"""
            return tfk.activations.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x, self.kernel)
                                        + self.bias)

        x = self.flatten(x)
        x0 = tf.gather (x, tf.range(self.D-1), axis=1)
        mask = tf.broadcast_to (self.mask, [x.shape[0]]+self.mask.shape)
        x1 = tf.broadcast_to (tf.expand_dims(x0,1),
        x1 = mask*x1
        #For each data inside batch, x1 contains a concat of all
        #dependencies of each element inside
        h = SplDense(x1)
        y = self.output_layer(h)
        x2 = tf.gather (x, tf.range(1,self.D),axis=1)
        p = -tfm.log(0.5*(1-x2) + (x2*y))
        return tf.reduce_mean (p, axis=1)
Beispiel #10
 def inference(self, features, outputs, is_train):
     """Inference for targeting ybar"""
     if not is_train:
         return super().inference(features, outputs, is_train)
     sens_attr = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(features['sensitive'], -1),
     out_int = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(outputs, -1), dtype=tf.int32)
     # likelihood for y=1
     lik1 = tf.squeeze(tf.nn.sigmoid(self._logits(features)), axis=-1)
     # likelihood for y=0
     lik0 = 1 - lik1
     lik = tf.stack((lik0, lik1), axis=-1)
     debias = self._debiasing_parameters()
     # `debias` has the shape (y, s, y'). we stack output and sensitive to (batch_size, 2)
     # then we use the last 2 values of that as indices for `debias`
     # shape of debias_per_example: (batch_size, output_dim, 2)
     debias_per_example = tft.gather_nd(
         debias, tf.stack((out_int, sens_attr), axis=-1))
     weighted_lik = debias_per_example * lik
     log_cond_prob = tfm.log(tf.reduce_sum(weighted_lik, axis=-1))
     regr_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(log_cond_prob)
     l2_loss = self._l2_loss()
     return ({
         'loss': regr_loss + l2_loss,
         'regr_loss': regr_loss,
         'l2_loss': l2_loss
     }, self._trainable_variables())
Beispiel #11
    def call(self, ensemble_logits, logits):
        ensemble_logits are the outputs from our ensemble (batch x ensembles x classes)
        logits are the predicted outputs from our model (batch x classes)

        if self.temp is None:
            self.temp = self.init_temp

        # Convert values to appropiate type
        logits = tf.cast(logits, dtype=tf.float64)
        ensemble_logits = tf.cast(ensemble_logits, dtype=tf.float64)

        # Calculate probabilities by softmax over classes, adjusted for temperature
        ensemble_probs = softmax(ensemble_logits / self.temp, axis=2)
        PN_probs = softmax(logits / self.temp, axis=1)

        # Calculate mean teacher prediction
        ensemble_probs_mean = reduce_sum(ensemble_probs, axis=1)

        # Calculate cost (entropy)
        cost = reduce_mean(-ensemble_probs_mean *

        return cost
 def _build_loo_loss(self, weights, means, chol_covars, inducing_inputs,
                     kernel_chol, features, train_outputs):
     """Construct leave out one loss
         weights: (num_components,)
         means: shape: (num_components, num_latent, num_inducing)
         chold_covars: shape: (num_components, num_latent, num_inducing[, num_inducing])
         inducing_inputs: (num_latent, num_inducing, input_dim)
         kernel_chol: (num_latent, num_inducing, num_inducing)
         train_inputs: (batch_size, input_dim)
         train_outputs: (batch_size, num_latent)
         LOO loss
     kern_prods, kern_sums = self._build_interim_vals(
         kernel_chol, inducing_inputs, features['input'])
     loss = 0
     latent_samples = self._build_samples(kern_prods, kern_sums, means,
     # output of log_cond_prob: (num_components, num_samples, batch_size, num_latent)
     # shape of loss_by_component: (num_components, batch_size, num_latent)
     loss_by_component = tf.reduce_mean(
         input_tensor=1.0 /
         (tf.exp(self.lik.log_cond_prob(train_outputs, latent_samples)) +
     loss = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=weights[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis] *
     return tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tfm.log(loss))
Beispiel #13
def one_hot(target_action, action_prob, reward):
    action_dim = action_prob.shape[0]
    action_onehot = tf.one_hot(target_action, action_dim)
    action_mask = tf.cast(action_onehot, tf.bool)
    picked_prob = tf.boolean_mask(action_prob, action_mask)
    action_loss = tf.reduce_sum(-math.log(picked_prob) * reward)
    return action_loss
Beispiel #14
def scce(cell, label):
    # Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy
    pred = cell[int(label) + 1]
    pred += config.EPSILON
    loss = math.log(pred)

    return -loss
def figure_eight_log_pdf(z):
    comp1 = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=figure_eight_mu1,
    comp2 = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=figure_eight_mu2,

    return math.log((1 - figure_eight_pi) * comp1.prob(z) +
                    figure_eight_pi * comp2.prob(z))
def energy_4_log_pdf(z):
    z2 = z[:, 1]
    x1 = -0.5 * ((z2 - w1(z)) / 0.4)**2
    x2 = -0.5 * ((z2 - w1(z) + w3(z)) / 0.35)**2
    a = math.maximum(x1, x2)
    exp1 = math.exp(x1 - a)
    exp2 = math.exp(x2 - a)
    return a + math.log(exp1 + exp2)
Beispiel #17
def g_loss(d_scores_fake):
        `d_scores_fake` is the output of the discrimonator model applied to a batch of fake data

        NOTE: we always define objectives as if we were minimizing them (remember that maximize = negate and minimize)
    if TASK == 1:
        return tm.reduce_mean(tm.log(1 - d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 2:
        return -tm.reduce_mean(tm.log(d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 3 or TASK == 4:
        # tries to maximize score such that is becomes positive
        # (similar to the discriminator score)
        return -tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_fake)
    elif TASK == 5:
        # INN does not generator
        return None
def circle_log_pdf(z):
    z1, z2 = z[:, 0], z[:, 1]
    norm = (z1**2 + z2**2)**0.5
    exp1 = math.exp(-0.2 * ((z1 - 2) / 0.8)**2)
    exp2 = math.exp(-0.2 * ((z1 + 2) / 0.8)**2)
    u = 0.5 * ((norm - 4) / 0.4)**2 - math.log(exp1 + exp2)

    return -u
Beispiel #19
def predictive_clustering_loss(y_true,
    """Compute prediction clustering loss between predicted output and true output.
     Inputs have shape (batch_size, T, num_classes) for y_pred and (batch_size, num_classes) for y_true.
    There are a variety of different settings:

    - Binary:  Computes Binary Cross Entropy. Class/Event occurence is matched with a dimension.
                y_true with entries in [0,1], and y_pred with value between (0,1)
    - Categorical: Computes Cross Entropy Loss. Class assigned by highest value dimension.
                y_true is a one-hot encoding, and y_pred is a probabilistic vector.
    - Continuous: Computes L2 loss. Similar to the Binary case, but class attributes are continuous.
                y_true and y_pred both with real-value entries.

    Returns: Loss value between sample true y and predicted y based on y_type of shape (batch_size)
    y_true_temp_ = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(y_true, axis=1),

    if y_type == 'binary':
        # Compute Binary Cross Entropy. y_pred output of sigmoid function to avoid taking log of infty.
        batch_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(
            y_true_temp_ * log(y_pred) + (1 - y_true_temp_) * log(y_pred),

    elif y_type == 'categorical':
        # Compute Categorical Cross Entropy. y_pred output of softmax function to model probability vector.
        batch_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.reduce_sum(y_true_temp_ * log(y_pred), axis=-1), name=name)

    elif y_type == 'continuous':
        # Compute L2 Loss. y_pred not given final output function.
        batch_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum((y_true_temp_ - y_pred)**2,

        raise Exception(
            """y_type not well-defined. Only possible values are {'binary', 'categorical',
    return batch_loss
Beispiel #20
def PSNR(y_true, y_pred):
    @param y_true: target value
    @param y_pred: predicted value
    max_pixel = 0.5
    y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, -0.5, 0.5)
    return 10.0 * log((max_pixel ** 2) / (K.mean(K.square(y_pred - y_true))))
def energy_1_log_pdf(z):
    z1, z2 = z[:, 0], z[:, 1]
    norm = (z1**2 + z2**2)**0.5
    exp1 = math.exp(-0.5 * ((z1 - 2) / 0.6)**2)
    exp2 = math.exp(-0.5 * ((z1 + 2) / 0.6)**2)
    u = 0.5 * ((norm - 2) / 0.4)**2 - math.log(exp1 + exp2)

    return -u
Beispiel #22
def logit(x, nan_replace=0):
    # print(x>1)
    # if reduce_any(x>1):
    #     return np.inf * ones(x.shape, dtype='float64')
    x = tfm.log(x / (1 - x))

    x = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(x), nan_replace * tf.ones([], x.dtype), x)

    return x
def eight_schools_log_pdf(z, centered=EIGHT_SCHOOL_CENTERED):
    prior_mu = tfd.Normal(loc=0, scale=5)
    prior_tau = tfd.HalfCauchy(loc=0, scale=5)

    mu, log_tau = z[:, -2], z[:, -1]
    # Adapt size of mu an tau.
    mu = tf.transpose(eight_schools_replicate * mu)
    log_tau = tf.transpose(eight_schools_replicate * log_tau)

    if centered:
        # shapes, thetas=(8,N), mu=(N,), tau=(N,)
        thetas = z[:, 0:eight_schools_K]

        likelihood = tfd.Normal(loc=thetas,
        prior_theta = tfd.Normal(loc=mu, scale=math.exp(log_tau))
        log_det_jac = math.log(math.exp(
            log_tau))  # kept log(exp()) for mathematical understanding.

        return likelihood.log_prob(
            eight_schools_y[0:eight_schools_K]) + prior_theta.log_prob(
                thetas) + prior_mu.log_prob(mu) + prior_tau.log_prob(
                    math.exp(log_tau)) + log_det_jac

        # shapes, thetas=(8,N), mu=(N,), tau=(N,)
        thetas_tilde = z[:, 0:eight_schools_K]

        zeros = tf.zeros(mu.shape)
        ones = tf.ones(log_tau.shape)

        thetas = mu + thetas_tilde * math.exp(log_tau)

        likelihood = tfd.Normal(loc=thetas,
        prior_theta = tfd.Normal(loc=zeros, scale=ones)
        log_det_jac = math.log(math.exp(
            log_tau))  # kept log(exp()) for mathematical understanding.

        return likelihood.log_prob(
            eight_schools_y[0:eight_schools_K]) + prior_theta.log_prob(
                thetas_tilde) + prior_mu.log_prob(mu) + prior_tau.log_prob(
                    math.exp(log_tau)) + log_det_jac
Beispiel #24
 def log_prob(self, sample, beta):
     x_hat =, beta)
     log_prob = self._log_prob(sample, x_hat)
     if self.z2:
         sample_inv = -sample
         x_hat_inv =, beta)
         log_prob_inv = self._log_prob(sample_inv, x_hat_inv)
         log_prob = tfm.reduce_logsumexp(tf.stack([log_prob, log_prob_inv]),
         log_prob -= tfm.log(2.)
     return tf.cast(log_prob, tf.float32)
Beispiel #25
def d_loss(d_scores_fake, d_scores_real):
        `d_scores_fake` is the output of the discrimonator model applied to a batch of fake data
        `d_scores_real` is the output of the discrimonator model applied to a batch of real data

        NOTE: we always define objectives as if we were minimizing them (remember that maximize = negate and minimize)
    if TASK == 1:
        return -tm.reduce_mean(
            tm.log(d_scores_real) + tm.log(1 - d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 2:
        return -tm.reduce_mean(
            tm.log(d_scores_real) + tm.log(1 - d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 3 or TASK == 4:
        # Maximize Critic score
        # push real samples mean to large positive values,
        # and push fake scores mean to large negative values
        return -(tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_real) - tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 5:
        return -(tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_real) - tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_fake))
def compute_gaussian_log_pdf(z, z_mean, z_log_var):
    """ Compute the log probability density of a Gaussian distribution. Based on Locatello et al. implementation

    :param z: the sampled values
    :param z_mean: the mean of the Gaussian
    :param z_log_var: the log variance of the Gaussian
    :return: the log probability density
    log2pi = tfm.log(2. * tf.constant(pi))
    return -0.5 * (tfm.square(z - z_mean) * tfm.exp(-z_log_var) + z_log_var + log2pi)
Beispiel #27
def _binary_crossentropy(y_true: Tensor,
                         y_pred: Tensor,
                         from_logits: bool = False,
                         label_smoothing: float = 0) -> Tensor:

    :param y_true: shape = (N, X), float32. 一般而言, X=1
    :param y_pred: shape = (N, X), float32
    :return: shape = (N, X), float32"""
    y_pred = tf.clip_by_value(y_pred, 2e-7, 1 - 2e-7)  # 防止inf
    y_true = y_true if (label_smoothing == 0) else (y_true *
                                                    (1 - label_smoothing) +
                                                    label_smoothing / 2)
    if from_logits:
        return tf.reduce_mean(-y_true * tfm.log_sigmoid(y_pred) +
                              -(1 - y_true) * tfm.log_sigmoid(-y_pred),
        return tf.reduce_mean(-y_true * tfm.log(y_pred) +
                              -(1 - y_true) * tfm.log(1 - y_pred),
Beispiel #28
    def _genes(self, fbar, kbar, k_fbar, wbar, w_0bar, σ2_m, Δ):
        m_pred = self.predict_m(kbar, k_fbar, wbar, fbar, w_0bar, Δ)
        sq_diff = tfm.square( - tf.transpose(

        variance = tf.reshape(σ2_m, (-1, 1))
        if self.preprocessing_variance:
            variance = logit(
                variance) +σ2_m_pre  # add PUMA variance
        log_lik = -0.5 * tfm.log(2 * PI * variance) - 0.5 * sq_diff / variance
        log_lik = tf.reduce_sum(log_lik)
        return log_lik
Beispiel #29
    def _build_log_marginal_likelihood(train_outputs, chol, alpha):

        # contract the batch dimension, quad_form (num_latent,)
        quad_form = tf.matmul(train_outputs, alpha, transpose_a=True)
        log_trace = util.log_cholesky_det(chol)
        #   tf.reduce_sum(tfm.log(tf.matrix_diag_part(chol)), -1)
        # log_marginal_likelihood (num_latent,)
        num_train = tf.to_float(tf.shape(chol)[-1])
        log_marginal_likelihood = -0.5 * (quad_form + log_trace +
                                          num_train * tfm.log(np.pi))
        # Sum over num_latent in the end to get a scalar, this corresponds to mutliplying the
        # marginal likelihoods of all the latent functions
        return tf.reduce_sum(log_marginal_likelihood)
Beispiel #30
def cluster_probability_entropy_loss(y_prob, name='clus_entr_L'):
    Compute Entropy loss on Cluster Probability assignments.
    Inputs have shape (batch_size, num_classes), and y_prob is a probabilistic vector.

    :param y_prob: a probabilistic vector
    :return: Entropy loss, defined as - sum pi*log(pi) with minimum obtained by one-hot probability vectors.
    # assert tf.reduce_all(tf.reduce_sum(y_prob, axis = -1) , axis = None)
    batch_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_prob * log(y_prob), axis=-1),

    return batch_loss