def testKerasModelHealthyPredictAndFitCalls(self):
    """Test a simple healthy keras model runs fine under the callback."""
    with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():
      model = models.Sequential()

          loss="mse", optimizer=optimizer_v2.gradient_descent.SGD(1e-3))

      batch_size = 16
      xs = array_ops.zeros([batch_size, 5])
      ys = array_ops.ones([batch_size, 1])

      outputs = model.predict(xs)
      self.assertEqual(outputs.shape, (batch_size, 1))

      epochs = 100
      history =, ys, epochs=epochs, verbose=0)
      self.assertEqual(len(history.history["loss"]), epochs)
  def testCustomGradietWithNaNWithTfFunction(self):
    """Test that callback catches NaN in a gradient function during backprop."""
    with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():
      def func_with_bad_grad(x):
        output = math_ops.sin(x)
        def grad(dy):
          # `dy` will come in as 1.0. Taking log of -1.0 leads to NaN.
          return math_ops.log(-dy)
        return output, grad

      x = constant_op.constant(-2.0, dtype=dtypes.float16)
      def f(x):
        return func_with_bad_grad(x)

      message = self._assertRaisesInvalidArgumentErrorAndGetMessage(
          lambda: gradient_checker_v2.compute_gradient(f, [x]))

    # Check the content of the error message.
    self.assertTrue("graph op.*\"Log\"", message))
    self.assertTrue("dtype.*float16", message))
    self.assertIn("shape: ()\n", message)
    self.assertTrue("Input tensor.*Tensor.*Neg:0", message))
    self.assertIn("-> |   return math_ops.log(-dy)", message)
  def testOverflowInTfFunction(self):
    """Test catching Infinity caused by overflow in a tf.function with while."""
    with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():

      def accumulation_function(counter, lim, accum):
        while math_ops.less(counter, lim):
          accum.assign(accum * 2.0)

      counter = variables.Variable(0, dtype=dtypes.int32)
      # Repeated `* 2.0` overflows a float32 tensor in 128 steps. So the
      # 1000-step limit is sufficient.
      lim = constant_op.constant(1000, dtype=dtypes.int32)
      accum = variables.Variable(1.0)
      message = self._assertRaisesInvalidArgumentErrorAndGetMessage(
          lambda: accumulation_function(counter, lim, accum))

      self.assertAllClose(counter.numpy(), 128)
      # Check the content of the error message.
      # The overflow to +Infinity happens during the `* 2.0` operation.
      self.assertTrue("graph op.*\"Mul\"", message))
      self.assertTrue("dtype.*float32", message))
      self.assertIn("shape: ()\n", message)
      # Check that the correct input op is printed.
      self.assertIn("Input tensors (2):", message)
      # Check that the correct input ops are printed.
      self.assertTrue("0:.*Tensor.*ReadVariableOp:0", message))
      self.assertTrue("1:.*Tensor.*mul/y:0", message))
      # Check that the correct line for op creation is printed.
      self.assertTrue("Stack trace of op's creation", message))
      self.assertIn("accum.assign(accum * 2.0)", message)
 def testCatchEagerOpFloat32Inf(self):
   """Test catching Infinity in eager op execution: float32."""
   with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():
     x = constant_op.constant([2.0, 3.0])
     y = constant_op.constant([1.0, 0.0])
     message = self._assertRaisesInvalidArgumentErrorAndGetMessage(
         lambda: x / y)
   # Check the content of the error message.
   self.assertTrue("eagerly-executing op.*\"RealDiv\"", message))
   self.assertTrue("dtype.*float32", message))
   self.assertIn("shape: (2,)\n", message)
   self.assertIn("# of +Inf elements: 1\n", message)
   self.assertIn("0: %s" % x, message)
   self.assertIn("1: %s" % y, message)
 def testCatchEagerOpFloat16NaN(self):
   """Test catching Infinity in eager op execution: float16."""
   with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():
     def log1p(x):
       y = 1.0 + x
       return math_ops.log(y)
     x = constant_op.constant([[-1.0]], dtype=dtypes.float16)
     message = self._assertRaisesInvalidArgumentErrorAndGetMessage(
         lambda: log1p(x))
   # Check the content of the error message.
   self.assertTrue("eagerly-executing op.*\"Log\"", message))
   self.assertTrue("dtype.*float16", message))
   self.assertIn("shape: (1, 1)\n", message)
   self.assertIn("# of -Inf elements: 1\n", message)
   self.assertTrue("Input tensor.*0\.", message))
  def testInfInCustomKerasLayerWithoutTfFuntionPredictCall(self):
    """Test catching Infinity in a custom layer, w/o tf.function."""

    with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():
      class DivByXLayer(layers.Layer):

        # Not using the tf.function decorator here.
        def call(self, x):
          """The computation performed by the for-test custom layer.

          Generates Infinity by intention.

            x: Input tensor of scalar shape.

            A scalar tensor.
          one_over_x = 1.0 / x
          return one_over_x

      model = models.Sequential()

      # TODO(b/140245224): Currently the model must be compiled prior to
      # predict() being called(). Or keras will fall back to V1 behavior.
      # Remove this after the bug is fixed.
      model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer="sgd")

      xs = array_ops.ones([1, 5])
      # Calling the model with non-zero inputs should be fine.
      self.assertAllClose(model.predict(xs), [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]])

      xs = array_ops.zeros([1, 5])
      message = self._assertRaisesInvalidArgumentErrorAndGetMessage(
          lambda: model.predict(xs))

    # Check the content of the error message.
    self.assertTrue("graph op.*\"RealDiv\"", message))
    self.assertTrue("dtype.*float32", message))
    self.assertTrue("shape: \(.*, 5\)", message))
    # Check that the correct input op is printed.
    self.assertIn("Input tensors (2):", message)
    # Check that the correct line for op creation is printed.
    self.assertTrue("Stack trace of op's creation", message))
    self.assertIn("one_over_x = 1.0 / x", message)
  def testKerasModelUnhealthyPredictAndFitCallsWithLargeLearningRate(self):
    """Test keras model training crashes with Infinity is caught by callback."""
    with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():
      model = models.Sequential()
      # Use weight initializers for deterministic behavior during test.

      lr = 1e3    # Intentionally huge learning rate.
      model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer=optimizer_v2.gradient_descent.SGD(lr))

      batch_size = 16
      xs = array_ops.zeros([batch_size, 5])
      ys = array_ops.ones([batch_size, 1])

      outputs = model.predict(xs)
      self.assertEqual(outputs.shape, (batch_size, 1))

      epochs = 100
      message = self._assertRaisesInvalidArgumentErrorAndGetMessage(
          lambda:, ys, epochs=epochs, verbose=0))

      # Check the content of the error message.
      # Let's not hardcode the op name for future-proof.
      self.assertTrue("graph op.*\".*\"", message))
      self.assertTrue("dtype:.*float32", message))
      self.assertTrue("shape:.*\(.*\)", message))
      # Check that the correct input op is printed.
      self.assertTrue("Input tensor.*", message))
      # Check that the correct line for op creation is printed.
      self.assertTrue("Stack trace of op's creation", message))
      self.assertIn("lambda:, ys,", message)
  def testCatchInfinityInDatasetMapFunction(self):
    """Test that callback catches NaN in a tf.dataset map function."""
    with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():

      def generate_nan(x):
        """Intetionally generates NaNs by taking log of negative number."""
        casted_x = math_ops.cast(x, dtypes.float32)
        return math_ops.log([[-1.0, 1.0], [3.0, 5.0]]) + casted_x

      dataset = dataset_ops.Dataset.range(10).map(generate_nan)
      iterator = dataset_ops.make_one_shot_iterator(dataset)

      message = self._assertRaisesInvalidArgumentErrorAndGetMessage(

    # Check the content of the error message.
    self.assertTrue("graph op.*\"Log\"", message))
    self.assertTrue("dtype.*float32", message))
    self.assertIn("shape: (2, 2)\n", message)
    self.assertTrue("Input tensor.*Tensor.*Log/x:0", message))
        "-> |   return math_ops.log([[-1.0, 1.0], [3.0, 5.0]]) + casted_x",
 def testCatchFunctionOpInfFloat64(self):
   """Test catching infinites generated in a FuncGraph."""
   with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():
     def divide_sum_with_diff(x, y):
       w1 = x + y
       w2 = x - y
       u = w1 / w2
       return u * 2.0
     x = constant_op.constant(2.0, dtype=dtypes.float64)
     y = constant_op.constant(2.0, dtype=dtypes.float64)
     message = self._assertRaisesInvalidArgumentErrorAndGetMessage(
         lambda: divide_sum_with_diff(x, y))
   # Check the content of the error message.
   self.assertTrue("graph op.*\"RealDiv\"", message))
   self.assertTrue("dtype.*float64", message))
   self.assertIn("shape: ()\n", message)
   self.assertIn("Input tensors (2):", message)
   # Check that the correct input ops are printed.
   self.assertTrue("0:.*Tensor.*add:0", message))
   self.assertTrue("1:.*Tensor.*sub:0", message))
   # Check that the correct line for op creation is printed.
   self.assertTrue("Stack trace of op's creation", message))
   self.assertIn("u = w1 / w2", message)
 def my_conditional(x):
   with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():
     if math_ops.less(math_ops.reduce_sum(x), 0.0):
       return math_ops.log(x)
       return math_ops.log(-x)
 def testNoCatchEagerOpExecution(self):
   """Test running multiple steps of eager execution without Inf/NaN."""
   with check_numerics_callback.check_numerics():
     x = constant_op.constant([2.0, 3.0])
     y = constant_op.constant([1.0, 0.0])
     self.assertAllClose((x + y) * (x - y), [3.0, 9.0])