Beispiel #1
def _create_new_tf_function(func_graph):
  """Converts func_graph to a TF_Function and adds it to the current graph.

    func_graph: function.FuncGraph

    The name of the new TF_Function.
  func = function._EagerDefinedFunction(, func_graph, func_graph.inputs, func_graph.outputs, {})
def create_new_tf_function(func_graph):
    """Converts func_graph to a TF_Function and adds it to the current graph.

    func_graph: FuncGraph

    The name of the new TF_Function.
    func = function._EagerDefinedFunction(  # pylint: disable=protected-access, func_graph, func_graph.inputs, func_graph.outputs, {})
Beispiel #3
  def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
    """Calls the graph function."""
    if self._created_variables:
      # In this case we have created variables on the first call, so we run the
      # defunned version which is guaranteed to never create variables.
      return self._stateless_fn(*args, **kwds)  # pylint: disable=not-callable
    elif self._stateful_fn is not None:
      # In this case we have not created variables on the first call. So we can
      # run the first trace but we should fail if variables are created.
      results = self._stateful_fn(*args, **kwds)
      if self._created_variables:
        raise ValueError("Creating variables on a non-first call to a function"
                         " decorated with tf.function.")
      return results

    # This is the first call of __call__, so we have to initialize.
    self._initialize(args, kwds)
    if self._lifted_all_initializers and self._lifted_placeholders:
      with ops.init_scope():
        handles, placeholders = zip(*self._lifted_placeholders)
        if context.executing_eagerly():
          lifted_fn = function_lib._EagerDefinedFunction(  # pylint: disable=protected-access
              "initializer" + str(ops.uid()),
              placeholders, [], {})
          with tape.stop_recording():
  , list(handles))
      return self._stateless_fn(*args, **kwds)
    canon_args, canon_kwds = self._canonicalize_function_inputs(args, kwds)

    if not self._created_variables:
      # If we did not create any variables the trace we have is good enough.
      return self._concrete_stateful_fn._filtered_call(canon_args, canon_kwds)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

    def fn_with_cond(*inner_args, **inner_kwds):
      """Conditionally runs initialization if it's needed."""
      condition = True
      for wr in self._created_variables:
        variable = wr()
        if variable is None:
          raise ValueError(
              "A tf.Variable created inside your tf.function has been"
              " garbage-collected. Your code needs to keep Python references"
              " to variables created inside `tf.function`s.\n"
              "A common way to raise this error is to create and return a"
              " variable only referenced inside your function:\n"
              "def f():\n"
              "  v = tf.Variable(1.0)\n"
              "  return v\n"
              "v = f()  # Crashes with this error message!\n"
              "The reason this crashes is that @tf.function annotated"
              " function returns a **`tf.Tensor`** with the **value** of the"
              " variable when the function is called rather than the"
              " variable instance itself. As such there is no code holding a"
              " reference to the `v` created inside the function and Python"
              " garbage collects it.\n"
              "The simplest way to fix this issue is to create variables"
              " outside the function and capture them:\n"
              "v = tf.Variable(1.0)\n"
              "def f():\n"
              "  return v\n"
              "f()  # <tf.Tensor: ... numpy=1.>\n"
              "f()  # <tf.Tensor: ... numpy=2.>")
        condition = math_ops.logical_and(
            condition, resource_variable_ops.var_is_initialized_op(
      # We want to call stateless_fn if possible because it avoids recomputing
      # potentially expensive initializers.
      return control_flow_ops.cond(
          lambda: self._stateless_fn(*inner_args, **inner_kwds),
          functools.partial(self._concrete_stateful_fn._filtered_call,  # pylint: disable=protected-access
                            inner_args, inner_kwds))

    return function_lib.defun(fn_with_cond)(*canon_args, **canon_kwds)