Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self,
        """Creates a queue that dequeues elements in a first-in first-out order.

    A `PaddingFIFOQueue` has bounded capacity; supports multiple concurrent
    producers and consumers; and provides exactly-once delivery.

    A `PaddingFIFOQueue` holds a list of up to `capacity` elements. Each
    element is a fixed-length tuple of tensors whose dtypes are
    described by `dtypes`, and whose shapes are described by the `shapes`

    The `shapes` argument must be specified; each component of a queue
    element must have the respective shape.  Shapes of fixed
    rank but variable size are allowed by setting any shape dimension to None.
    In this case, the inputs' shape may vary along the given dimension, and
    `dequeue_many` will pad the given dimension with zeros up to the maximum
    shape of all elements in the given batch.

      capacity: An integer. The upper bound on the number of elements
        that may be stored in this queue.
      dtypes:  A list of `DType` objects. The length of `dtypes` must equal
        the number of tensors in each queue element.
      shapes: A list of `TensorShape` objects, with the same length as
        `dtypes`.  Any dimension in the `TensorShape` containing value
        `None` is dynamic and allows values to be enqueued with
         variable size in that dimension.
      shared_name: (Optional.) If non-empty, this queue will be shared under
        the given name across multiple sessions.
      name: Optional name for the queue operation.

      ValueError: If shapes is not a list of shapes, or the lengths of dtypes
        and shapes do not match.
        dtypes = _as_type_list(dtypes)
        shapes = _as_shape_list(shapes, dtypes, unknown_dim_allowed=True)
        if len(dtypes) != len(shapes):
            raise ValueError("Shapes must be provided for all components, "
                             "but received %d dtypes and %d shapes." %
                             (len(dtypes), len(shapes)))

        queue_ref = gen_data_flow_ops._padding_fifo_queue(

        super(PaddingFIFOQueue, self).__init__(dtypes, shapes, queue_ref)
Beispiel #2
  def __init__(self, capacity, dtypes, shapes, names=None, shared_name=None,
    """Creates a queue that dequeues elements in a first-in first-out order.

    A `PaddingFIFOQueue` has bounded capacity; supports multiple concurrent
    producers and consumers; and provides exactly-once delivery.

    A `PaddingFIFOQueue` holds a list of up to `capacity` elements. Each
    element is a fixed-length tuple of tensors whose dtypes are
    described by `dtypes`, and whose shapes are described by the `shapes`

    The `shapes` argument must be specified; each component of a queue
    element must have the respective shape.  Shapes of fixed
    rank but variable size are allowed by setting any shape dimension to None.
    In this case, the inputs' shape may vary along the given dimension, and
    `dequeue_many` will pad the given dimension with zeros up to the maximum
    shape of all elements in the given batch.

      capacity: An integer. The upper bound on the number of elements
        that may be stored in this queue.
      dtypes:  A list of `DType` objects. The length of `dtypes` must equal
        the number of tensors in each queue element.
      shapes: A list of `TensorShape` objects, with the same length as
        `dtypes`.  Any dimension in the `TensorShape` containing value
        `None` is dynamic and allows values to be enqueued with
         variable size in that dimension.
      names: (Optional.) A list of string naming the components in the queue
        with the same length as `dtypes`, or `None`.  If specified the dequeue
        methods return a dictionary with the names as keys.
      shared_name: (Optional.) If non-empty, this queue will be shared under
        the given name across multiple sessions.
      name: Optional name for the queue operation.

      ValueError: If shapes is not a list of shapes, or the lengths of dtypes
        and shapes do not match, or if names is specified and the lengths of
        dtypes and names do not match.
    dtypes = _as_type_list(dtypes)
    shapes = _as_shape_list(shapes, dtypes, unknown_dim_allowed=True)
    names = _as_name_list(names, dtypes)
    if len(dtypes) != len(shapes):
      raise ValueError("Shapes must be provided for all components, "
                       "but received %d dtypes and %d shapes."
                       % (len(dtypes), len(shapes)))

    queue_ref = gen_data_flow_ops._padding_fifo_queue(
        component_types=dtypes, shapes=shapes, capacity=capacity,
        shared_name=shared_name, name=name)

    super(PaddingFIFOQueue, self).__init__(dtypes, shapes, names, queue_ref)