Beispiel #1
def _show_tag_sets(saved_model_dir):
  """Prints the tag-sets stored in SavedModel directory.

  Prints all the tag-sets for MetaGraphs stored in SavedModel directory.

    saved_model_dir: Directory containing the SavedModel to inspect.
  tag_sets = saved_model_utils.get_saved_model_tag_sets(saved_model_dir)
  print('The given SavedModel contains the following tag-sets:')
  for tag_set in sorted(tag_sets):
    print(', '.join(sorted(tag_set)))
Beispiel #2
def _show_tag_sets(saved_model_dir):
    """Prints the tag-sets stored in SavedModel directory.

  Prints all the tag-sets for MetaGraphs stored in SavedModel directory.

    saved_model_dir: Directory containing the SavedModel to inspect.
    tag_sets = saved_model_utils.get_saved_model_tag_sets(saved_model_dir)
    print('The given SavedModel contains the following tag-sets:')
    for tag_set in sorted(tag_sets):
        print(', '.join(sorted(tag_set)))
    def testGetSavedModelTagSets(self):
        saved_model_dir = os.path.join(test.get_temp_dir(), "test_tags")
        builder = saved_model_builder.SavedModelBuilder(saved_model_dir)
        # Force test to run in graph mode since requires a
        # session to work.
        with ops.Graph().as_default():
            # Graph with a single variable. SavedModel invoked to:
            # - add with weights.
            # - a single tag (from predefined constants).
            with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
                self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 42)

            # Graph that updates the single variable. SavedModel invoked to:
            # - simply add the model (weights are not updated).
            # - a single tag (from predefined constants).
            with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
                self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 43)

            # Graph that updates the single variable. SavedModel is invoked:
            # - to add the model (weights are not updated).
            # - multiple predefined tags.
            with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
                self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 44)
                    [tag_constants.SERVING, tag_constants.GPU])

            # Graph that updates the single variable. SavedModel is invoked:
            # - to add the model (weights are not updated).
            # - multiple predefined tags for serving on TPU.
            with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
                self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 44)
                    [tag_constants.SERVING, tag_constants.TPU])

            # Graph that updates the single variable. SavedModel is invoked:
            # - to add the model (weights are not updated).
            # - multiple custom tags.
            with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
                self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 45)
                builder.add_meta_graph(["foo", "bar"])

            # Save the SavedModel to disk.

        actual_tags = saved_model_utils.get_saved_model_tag_sets(
        expected_tags = [["train"], ["serve"], ["serve", "gpu"],
                         ["serve", "tpu"], ["foo", "bar"]]
        self.assertEqual(expected_tags, actual_tags)
  def testGetSavedModelTagSets(self):
    saved_model_dir = os.path.join(test.get_temp_dir(), "test_tags")
    builder = saved_model_builder.SavedModelBuilder(saved_model_dir)

    # Graph with a single variable. SavedModel invoked to:
    # - add with weights.
    # - a single tag (from predefined constants).
    with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
      self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 42)
      builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables(sess, [tag_constants.TRAINING])

    # Graph that updates the single variable. SavedModel invoked to:
    # - simply add the model (weights are not updated).
    # - a single tag (from predefined constants).
    with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
      self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 43)

    # Graph that updates the single variable. SavedModel is invoked:
    # - to add the model (weights are not updated).
    # - multiple predefined tags.
    with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
      self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 44)
      builder.add_meta_graph([tag_constants.SERVING, tag_constants.GPU])

    # Graph that updates the single variable. SavedModel is invoked:
    # - to add the model (weights are not updated).
    # - multiple predefined tags for serving on TPU.
    with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
      self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 44)
      builder.add_meta_graph([tag_constants.SERVING, tag_constants.TPU])

    # Graph that updates the single variable. SavedModel is invoked:
    # - to add the model (weights are not updated).
    # - multiple custom tags.
    with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
      self._init_and_validate_variable(sess, "v", 45)
      builder.add_meta_graph(["foo", "bar"])

    # Save the SavedModel to disk.

    actual_tags = saved_model_utils.get_saved_model_tag_sets(saved_model_dir)
    expected_tags = [["train"], ["serve"], ["serve", "gpu"], ["serve", "tpu"],
                     ["foo", "bar"]]
    self.assertEqual(expected_tags, actual_tags)
Beispiel #5
def verify_outputs(args, onnx_model):
    tag_sets = saved_model_utils.get_saved_model_tag_sets(args.saved_model)
    for tag_set in tag_sets:
        tag_set = ','.join(tag_set)
        meta_graph_def = saved_model_utils.get_meta_graph_def(
            args.saved_model, tag_set)
        signature_def_map = meta_graph_def.signature_def
        for signature_def_key in signature_def_map.keys():
            outputs_tensor_info = signature_def_map[signature_def_key].outputs
            for output_key, output_tensor in outputs_tensor_info.items():
                rename_output(onnx_model, output_key, output_tensor)

    print("Inputs in model: {}".format(", ".join([
        "'{}'".format( for o in onnx_model.graph.input
        if not has_initializer(onnx_model,
    print("Outputs in model: {}".format(", ".join(
        ["'{}'".format( for o in onnx_model.graph.output])))
def _show_all(saved_model_dir):
  """Prints tag-set, SignatureDef and Inputs/Outputs information in SavedModel.

  Prints all tag-set, SignatureDef and Inputs/Outputs information stored in
  SavedModel directory.

    saved_model_dir: Directory containing the SavedModel to inspect.
  tag_sets = saved_model_utils.get_saved_model_tag_sets(saved_model_dir)
  for tag_set in sorted(tag_sets):
    print("\nMetaGraphDef with tag-set: '%s' "
          "contains the following SignatureDefs:" % ', '.join(tag_set))

    tag_set = ','.join(tag_set)
    signature_def_map = get_signature_def_map(saved_model_dir, tag_set)
    for signature_def_key in sorted(signature_def_map.keys()):
      print('\nsignature_def[\'' + signature_def_key + '\']:')
      _show_inputs_outputs(saved_model_dir, tag_set, signature_def_key,
Beispiel #7
def run_main(unused_args):

  input_model_dir = FLAGS.input_saved_model_dir
  output_model_dir = FLAGS.output_saved_model_dir
  sig_key = FLAGS.signature_key
  inp_tags = FLAGS.saved_model_tags
  if FLAGS.saved_model_tags == "":
    tag_set = []
    tag_set = [tag for tag in inp_tags.split(",")]
    avail_tags = saved_model_utils.get_saved_model_tag_sets(input_model_dir)
    found = False
    for tag in tag_set:
      if [tag] in avail_tags:
        found = True
        found = False
    if not found:
      print ("Supplied tags", tag_set, "is not in available tag set,\
                    please use one or more of these", avail_tags, "Using --saved_model_tags")

  sig_def = saved_model_utils.get_meta_graph_def(input_model_dir, inp_tags)
  pretrained_model = load.load(input_model_dir, tag_set)
  if sig_key not in list(pretrained_model.signatures.keys()):
    print (sig_key, "is not in ", list(pretrained_model.signatures.keys()),
            "provide one of those using --signature_key")

  infer = pretrained_model.signatures[sig_key]
  frozen_func = convert_to_constants.convert_variables_to_constants_v2(infer,lower_control_flow=True)

  frozen_func.graph.structured_outputs = nest.pack_sequence_as(
  souts = frozen_func.graph.structured_outputs
  inputs = frozen_func.inputs
  input_nodes = [(":"))[0] for tensor in inputs]
  output_nodes = [(souts[name].name.split(":"))[0] for name in souts]

  gdef = frozen_func.graph.as_graph_def()
  opt_graph = optimize_for_inference_lib.optimize_for_inference(gdef, input_nodes, output_nodes,
           [tensor.dtype.as_datatype_enum for tensor in inputs] )

  with session.Session() as sess:
    graph = importer.import_graph_def(opt_graph,name="")

    signature_inputs = {(":"))[0]: model_utils.build_tensor_info(tensor)
                        for tensor in inputs}
    signature_outputs = {name: model_utils.build_tensor_info(souts[name])
                         for name in souts}
    signature_def = signature_def_utils.build_signature_def(
        signature_inputs, signature_outputs,
    signature_def_map = {
            signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: signature_def
    builder = saved_model_builder.SavedModelBuilder(output_model_dir)
    builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables(sess, tags=[tag_constants.SERVING],