Beispiel #1
    def gather_rows(self, needed_row_ids):
        """Gather needed rows from the sparsetensor"""
        sp_trans = tf.sparse_transpose(self.sparse_tensor)
        sp_trans_gather = gather_columns(sp_trans, needed_row_ids)
        support = tf.sparse_transpose(sp_trans_gather)

        return support
    def _call(self, inputs):
        if self.sparse_inputs:
            num_users = inputs[0].dense_shape[0]
            num_items = inputs[1].dense_shape[0]
            users = tf.sparse_to_dense(inputs[0].indices,
                                       inputs[0].dense_shape, inputs[0].values)
            items = tf.sparse_to_dense(inputs[1].indices,
                                       inputs[1].dense_shape, inputs[1].values)
            num_users = inputs[0].shape[0]
            num_items = inputs[1].shape[0]
            users = inputs[0]
            items = inputs[1]

        original_x = tf.concat(
            [users, items], axis=0
        )  # CHECK THIS! need to combine users and items into one single array. becomes 6000 (users+items) x 6000 (input_dim)
        original_x = tf.nn.dropout(original_x, 1 - self.dropout)

        outputs = []
        for i in range(len(self.E_start)):
            # E_start, E_end : E x V
            x = original_x
            # conv1
            Uix = dot(x, self.Ui1[i])
            Ujx = dot(x, self.Uj1[i])
            x2 = dot(self.E_start[i], Ujx, sparse=True)
            x = tf.add(
                Uix, dot(tf.sparse_transpose(self.E_end[i]), x2, sparse=True))
            x = tf.nn.bias_add(x, self.bu1[i])
            x = tf.layers.batch_normalization(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)
        output = tf.concat(axis=1, values=outputs)

        outputs = []
        for i in range(len(self.E_start)):
            x = output
            # conv2
            Uix = dot(x, self.Ui2[i])
            Ujx = dot(x, self.Uj2[i])
            x2 = dot(self.E_start[i], Ujx, sparse=True)
            x = tf.add(
                Uix, dot(tf.sparse_transpose(self.E_end[i]), x2, sparse=True))
            x = tf.nn.bias_add(x, self.bu1[i])
            x = tf.layers.batch_normalization(x)

        output = tf.concat(axis=1, values=outputs)
        output = tf.add(output, tf.matmul(original_x, self.R))
        output = tf.nn.relu(output)

        u = output[:tf.cast(num_users, tf.int32)]
        v = output[tf.cast(num_users, tf.int32):]

        return u, v
Beispiel #3
    def _gmn(self, g1, g2):
        if logging_enabled == True:
            print("- Entered layers::GraphConvolution::_gmn Private Method")

        g1x = g1[0]
        g1_edge_index = self._to_dense(tf.sparse_transpose(g1[3]))
        incidence_mat1 = tf.cast(g1[4], tf.float32)

        g2x = g2[0]
        g2_edge_index = self._to_dense(tf.sparse_transpose(g2[3]))
        incidence_mat2 = tf.cast(g2[4], tf.float32)

        if self.sparse_inputs:
            g1x = self._to_dense(g1x)
            g2x = self._to_dense(g2x)

        # tf.concat([tf.gather(g1_edge_index, tf.constant(0)), tf.gather(g2_edge_index, tf.constant(0))], 1)
        row1 = tf.gather(g1_edge_index, tf.constant(0))

        # tf.concat([tf.gather(g1_edge_index, tf.constant(1)), tf.gather(g2_edge_index, tf.constant(1))], 1)
        col1 = tf.gather(g1_edge_index, tf.constant(1))

        row2 = tf.gather(g2_edge_index, tf.constant(0))
        col2 = tf.gather(g2_edge_index, tf.constant(1))

        h1_i = tf.gather(g1x, row1)
        h1_j = tf.gather(g1x, col1)
        h2_i = tf.gather(g2x, row2)
        h2_j = tf.gather(g2x, col2)

        m1 = tf.concat([h1_i, h1_j], 1)
        m2 = tf.concat([h2_i, h2_j], 1)

        for l in self.f_message:
            m1 = l(m1)
            m2 = l(m2)

        m1_sum = dot(incidence_mat1, m1, sparse=True)
        m2_sum = dot(incidence_mat2, m2, sparse=True)

        u1_sum = self._gmn_f_match(g1x, g2x)
        u2_sum = self._gmn_f_match(g2x, g1x)

        h1_prime = tf.concat([g1x, m1_sum, u1_sum], axis=1)
        h2_prime = tf.concat([g2x, m2_sum, u2_sum], axis=1)

        for l in self.f_node:
            h1_prime = l(h1_prime)
            h2_prime = l(h2_prime)

        return (h1_prime, h2_prime)
    def __init__(self, n, k, A):
        self.initw = tf.cast(tf.random_uniform([n, k], minval=0.0, maxval=1.0),
        self.initz = tf.cast(tf.random_uniform([k, n], minval=0.0, maxval=1.0),
        self.W = tf.Variable(self.initw, dtype=tf.float64)
        self.Z = tf.Variable(self.initz, dtype=tf.float64)
        indices = []
        for i in range(A.nnz):
            indices.append([A.row[i], A.col[i]])
        self.A = tf.SparseTensor(indices=indices,
                                 dense_shape=[n, n])

        self.up_w = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(self.A, tf.transpose(self.Z))
        self.down_w = tf.matmul(
            self.W, tf.matmul(self.Z, self.Z, transpose_b=True)
        ) + tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(
            tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tf.sparse_transpose(self.A), self.W))
        self.down_w_true = tf.maximum(self.down_w, 1e-80)
        self.up_z = tf.transpose(
            tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tf.sparse_transpose(self.A), self.W))
        self.down_z = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(self.W, self.W, transpose_a=True),
                                self.Z) + self.Z
        self.down_z_true = tf.maximum(self.down_z, 1e-80)
        self.new_w = 2.0 * self.W * self.up_w / self.down_w_true
        self.new_z = 2.0 * self.Z * self.up_z / self.down_z_true

        self.epsilon = tf.placeholder(tf.float64)
        self.New_w = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=self.W.shape)
        self.New_z = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=self.Z.shape)
        self.update_w = tf.assign(
            self.W, self.epsilon * self.W + (1 - self.epsilon) * self.New_w)
        self.update_z = tf.assign(
            self.Z, self.epsilon * self.Z + (1 - self.epsilon) * self.New_z)
        self.filter_w = tf.assign(
            tf.where(self.W > 1e-80, self.W,
                     tf.zeros(self.W.shape, self.W.dtype)))
        self.filter_z = tf.assign(
            tf.where(self.Z > 1e-80, self.Z,
                     tf.zeros(self.Z.shape, self.Z.dtype)))

        self.sess = tf.Session()
        self.pre = np.array(0 for _ in range(n))
Beispiel #5
def gconv(x, theta, Ks, c_in, c_out):
    Spectral-based graph convolution function.
    :param x: tensor, [batch_size, n_route, c_in].
    :param theta: tensor, [Ks*c_in, c_out], trainable kernel parameters.
    :param Ks: int, kernel size of graph convolution.
    :param c_in: int, size of input channel.
    :param c_out: int, size of output channel.
    :return: tensor, [batch_size, n_route, c_out].
    # graph kernel: tensor, [n_route, Ks*n_route]
    kernel_indices = tf.get_collection('graph_kernel_indices')[0]
    kernel_value = tf.get_collection('graph_kernel_value')[0]
    kernel_shape = tf.get_collection('graph_kernel_shape')[0]
    kernel = tf.SparseTensor(indices=kernel_indices, values=kernel_value, dense_shape=kernel_shape)
    n = tf.shape(kernel)[0]

    kernel = tf.sparse_transpose(kernel)

    # x -> [batch_size, c_in, n_route] -> [batch_size*c_in, n_route]
    x_tmp = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1]), [-1, n])
    # x_mul = x_tmp * ker -> [batch_size*c_in, Ks*n_route] -> [batch_size, c_in, Ks, n_route]
    x_tmp = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(kernel, tf.transpose(x_tmp))
    x_mul = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(x_tmp), [-1, c_in, Ks, n])
    # x_mul = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(x_tmp, kernel), [-1, c_in, Ks, n])
    # x_ker -> [batch_size, n_route, c_in, K_s] -> [batch_size*n_route, c_in*Ks]
    x_ker = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(x_mul, [0, 3, 1, 2]), [-1, c_in * Ks])
    # x_gconv -> [batch_size*n_route, c_out] -> [batch_size, n_route, c_out]
    x_gconv = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(x_ker, theta), [-1, n, c_out])
    return x_gconv
Beispiel #6
def apply_neurosat(cfg, params, args):
    n_vars, n_lits, n_clauses = args.n_vars, 2 * args.n_vars, args.n_clauses

    CL = tf.sparse_reorder(tf.SparseTensor(indices=tf.cast(args.CL_idxs, tf.int64),
                                           dense_shape=[tf.cast(n_clauses, tf.int64), tf.cast(n_lits, tf.int64)]))

    L  = tf.ones(shape=[2 * n_vars, cfg['d']], dtype=tf.float32) * params.L_init_scale
    C  = tf.ones(shape=[n_clauses, cfg['d']], dtype=tf.float32) * params.C_init_scale

    LC = tf.sparse_transpose(CL)

    def flip(lits): return tf.concat([lits[n_vars:, :], lits[0:n_vars, :]], axis=0)

    for t in range(cfg['n_rounds']):
        C_old, L_old = C, L

        LC_msgs = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(CL, L, adjoint_a=False) * params.LC_scale
        C       = params.C_updates[t].forward(tf.concat([C, LC_msgs], axis=-1))
        C       = tf.check_numerics(C, message="C after update")
        C       = tfutil.normalize(C, axis=cfg['norm_axis'], eps=cfg['norm_eps'])
        C       = tf.check_numerics(C, message="C after norm")
        if cfg['res_layers']: C = C + C_old

        CL_msgs = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(LC, C, adjoint_a=False) * params.CL_scale
        L       = params.L_updates[t].forward(tf.concat([L, CL_msgs, flip(L)], axis=-1))
        L       = tf.check_numerics(L, message="L after update")
        L       = tfutil.normalize(L, axis=cfg['norm_axis'], eps=cfg['norm_eps'])
        L       = tf.check_numerics(L, message="L after norm")
        if cfg['res_layers']: L = L + L_old

    V         = tf.concat([L[0:n_vars, :], L[n_vars:, :]], axis=1)
    V_scores  = params.V_score.forward(V) # (n_vars, 1)

    return NeuroSATGuesses(pi_core_var_logits=tf.squeeze(V_scores))
Beispiel #7
    def kernel(self, inputs):
        # the default order of the image is z-dominant(z,y,x)
        # for projection another two images are created.
        img = inputs[self.KEYS.TENSOR.IMAGE].data

        effmap = inputs[self.KEYS.TENSOR.EFFICIENCY_MAP].data

        sinos = inputs[self.KEYS.TENSOR.SINOGRAM].data
        matrixs = inputs[self.KEYS.TENSOR.SYSTEM_MATRIX].data
        tran_matrixs = tf.sparse_transpose(matrixs)
        The following codes need rewrite
        proj = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(matrixs,img)
        con = tf.ones(proj.shape)/100000000
        proj = proj+con
        temp_proj = sinos/proj         
        temp_bp = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tran_matrixs,temp_proj)
        result = img / effmap * temp_bp
        #result = img * temp_bp
        #result = result / tf.reduce_sum(result) * tf.reduce_sum(sinos)
        #result = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tran_matrixs,sinos)
        return Tensor(result, None, self.graph_info.update(name=None))
Beispiel #8
def sparse_matmul(args, sparse_matrix, scope=None, use_sparse_mul=True):
    if not isinstance(args, list):
        args = [args]

    # Now the computation.

    if len(args) == 1:
        # res = math_ops.matmul(args[0], sparse_matrix,b_is_sparse=True)
        input = args[0]
        input = tf.concat(
    output_shape = tf.shape(input)
    input = tf.reshape(input, tf.concat([[-1], [output_shape[-1]]], axis=0))
    input = tf.transpose(input, perm=[1, 0])

    with tf.variable_scope(scope or "Linear"):
        if use_sparse_mul:
            sparse_matrix = tf.sparse_transpose(sparse_matrix, perm=[1, 0])
            res = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(sparse_matrix, input)
            res = tf.transpose(res, perm=[1, 0])

    res = tf.reshape(res, tf.concat([output_shape[:-1], [-1]], axis=0))
    return res
Beispiel #9
    def get_init_grad(self, name, num_topics, num_words, num_docs, alpha):
        U = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
                           shape=[num_words, num_topics],
                           name="U-%s" % (name))
        V = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
                           shape=[num_topics, num_docs],
                           name="V-%s" % (name))
        D = tf.sparse_reorder(self.D)

        VVT = tf.matmul(V, V, transpose_b=True)
        UTU = tf.matmul(U, U, transpose_a=True)
        DVT = self.D_mul_U(D, tf.transpose(V), num_topics)
        eye = tf.eye(num_topics, dtype=tf.float32)
        u_grads = [
            # 2.0 * tf.matmul(UV - D, V, transpose_b=True),
            2.0 * (tf.matmul(U, VVT) - DVT),
            4.0 * alpha * tf.matmul(U, UTU - eye)

        UTD = tf.transpose(self.D_mul_U(tf.sparse_transpose(D), U, num_topics))
        v_grads = [2.0 * (tf.matmul(UTU, V) - UTD)]

        u_grads = tf.reduce_sum(tf.stack(u_grads, axis=0), axis=0)
        v_grads = tf.reduce_sum(tf.stack(v_grads, axis=0), axis=0)

        # loss = tf.reduce_sum([
        #     tf.reduce_sum(tf.norm(D - UV, ord=2)),
        #     tf.reduce_sum(tf.norm(tf.matmul(U, U, transpose_a=True) - eye, ord=2))
        # ])
        UV = tf.matmul(U, V[:, 0:100])
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(self.Ds - UV, ord=2))
        return u_grads, v_grads, loss, [U, V]
Beispiel #10
    def _decode_conv(self, inputs, name='decode_conv'):
        X, A, last_append_mask, mol_ids_rep, rep_ids_rep, hc = inputs
        with tf.name_scope(name):
            # process A
            _to_sparse = lambda _i: tf.SparseTensor(
                indices=tf.cast(_i, dtype=tf.int64),
                    ops.get_len(X, out_type=tf.int64),
                    ops.get_len(X, out_type=tf.int64)
                values=tf.ones_like(_i[:, 0], dtype=tf.float32))
            _symmetric = lambda _s: tf.sparse_add(_s, tf.sparse_transpose(_s))
            A_sparse = [_symmetric(_to_sparse(_A_i)) for _A_i in A]

            # embedding
            X = self.embedding_node(X) + self.embedding_mask(last_append_mask)

            # preparing c
            batch_size, iw_size = tf.reduce_max(
                mol_ids_rep) + 1, tf.reduce_max(rep_ids_rep) + 1
            hc_expand = tf.tile(hc[:, tf.newaxis, :], tf.stack([1, iw_size,
            indices = tf.stack([mol_ids_rep, rep_ids_rep], axis=1)

            # convolution
            X_out = [X]

            for conv in self.decoder_conv:
                X_out_i = conv(X_out[-1], A_sparse, hc_expand, indices)
            X_out = tf.concat(X_out[1:], axis=1)
            X_out = self.decoder_skip(X_out)
        return X_out
Beispiel #11
 def add_embedding_matrix(self):
     self.user_item_embedding = tf.SparseTensor(
         self.dataSet.train_list[:, 0:2],
         values=self.dataSet.train_list[:, 2].astype(np.float64),
         dense_shape=[self.nrow, self.ncol])
     self.item_user_embedding = tf.sparse_transpose(
Beispiel #12
 def getData(self, train=None, test=None, ignore=False):
     super(SVDPP, self).getData(train, test, ignore)
     self.globalBias = self.trainData[2].mean()
     N = tf.SparseTensor(self.trainData[:, :2],
                         values=[1] * self.trRow,
                         dense_shape=[self.users, self.items])
     self.N = tf.sparse_transpose(N)
Beispiel #13
 def fn_T(x):
     T = tf.SparseTensor(indices=x[1],
                         dense_shape=[self.max_len, self.max_len])
     T = tf.sparse_reorder(T)
     T_ = tf.sparse_transpose(T)
     return tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(T_, x[0])
def get_sim(x):
  if isinstance(x, tf.SparseTensor):
    x_T = tf.sparse_transpose(x, perm=[0, 2, 1])
    return batch_matmul(x, x_T)
    x_T = tf.transpose(x, perm=[0, 2, 1])
    return batch_matmul(x, x_T)
Beispiel #15
    def _decode_conv(self, inputs, name='decode_conv'):
        X, A, last_append_mask = inputs
        with tf.name_scope(name):
            # process A
            _to_sparse = lambda _i: tf.SparseTensor(
                indices=tf.cast(_i, dtype=tf.int64),
                    ops.get_len(X, out_type=tf.int64),
                    ops.get_len(X, out_type=tf.int64)
                values=tf.ones_like(_i[:, 0], dtype=tf.float32))
            _symmetric = lambda _s: tf.sparse_add(_s, tf.sparse_transpose(_s))
            A_sparse = [_symmetric(_to_sparse(_A_i)) for _A_i in A]

            # embedding
            X = self.embedding_node(X) + self.embedding_mask(last_append_mask)

            # convolution
            X_out = [X]
            for conv in self.decoder_conv:
                X_out_i = conv(X_out[-1], A_sparse)
            X_out = tf.concat(X_out[1:], axis=1)
            X_out = self.decoder_skip(X_out)
        return X_out
    def _call(self, inputs):
        if self.sparse_inputs:
            num_users = inputs[0].dense_shape[0]
            num_items = inputs[1].dense_shape[0]
            users = tf.sparse_to_dense(inputs[0].indices,
                                       inputs[0].dense_shape, inputs[0].values)
            items = tf.sparse_to_dense(inputs[1].indices,
                                       inputs[1].dense_shape, inputs[1].values)
            num_users = inputs[0].shape[0]
            num_items = inputs[1].shape[0]
            users = inputs[0]
            items = inputs[1]

        original_x = tf.concat(
            [users, items], axis=0
        )  # CHECK THIS! need to combine users and items into one single array. becomes 6000 (users+items) x 6000 (input_dim)
        original_x = tf.nn.dropout(original_x, 1 - self.dropout)

        outputs = []
        for i in range(len(self.E_start)):
            # DROPOUT FOR EDGES
            if self.dropout_edges:
                self.E_start[i] = dropout_sparse(self.E_start[i],
                                                 1 - self.dropout,
                self.E_end[i] = dropout_sparse(self.E_end[i], 1 - self.dropout,

            # E_start, E_end : E x V
            x = original_x
            # conv1
            Vix = dot(x, self.Vi1[i])  # Vij[i] is 6000x100
            Vjx = dot(x, self.Vj1[i])
            x1 = tf.add(dot(self.E_end[i], Vix, sparse=True),
                        dot(self.E_start[i], Vjx, sparse=True))
            x1 = tf.nn.bias_add(x1, self.bv1[i])
            x1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(x1)
            Uix = dot(x, self.Ui1[i])
            Ujx = dot(x, self.Uj1[i])
            x2 = dot(self.E_start[i], Ujx, sparse=True)
            x = tf.add(
                    tf.multiply(x1, x2),
            x = tf.nn.bias_add(x, self.bu1[i])
            x = tf.layers.batch_normalization(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

        output = tf.concat(axis=1, values=outputs)
        output = tf.add(output, tf.matmul(original_x, self.R))
        output = tf.nn.relu(output)

        u = output[:tf.cast(num_users, tf.int32)]
        v = output[tf.cast(num_users, tf.int32):]

        return u, v
Beispiel #17
    def _attn_r_n_m_h(self):
        h, r, n = self.heads, self.relations, self._nodes

        attn_h_n_rm = self._attn_h_n_rm
        attn_h_n_r_m = tf.sparse_reshape(attn_h_n_rm, [h, n, r, n])
        attn_r_n_m_h = tf.sparse_transpose(attn_h_n_r_m, [2, 1, 3, 0])

        return attn_r_n_m_h
Beispiel #18
def make_sparse_graph_pooling_layer(V, A, P, name=None):
    with tf.variable_scope(name, default_name='Graph-Pooling') as scope:
        #Generate shape array for BN
        #oldVShapeNonTensor = V.get_shape()
        #Generate shape tensor for vertex pooling function I know hacky af
        oldVShape = tf.shape(V, out_type=tf.int64)
        newVShape = tf.stack([oldVShape[0], P.dense_shape[3], oldVShape[2]])
        Ptranspose = tf.sparse_transpose(P, perm=[0, 1, 3, 2])
        #Areordered = tf.sparse_transpose(A, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])

        Vout = _graphcnn_avg_vertex_pool_sparse_module.sparse_average_vertex_pool(
            V, Ptranspose.indices, Ptranspose.values, newVShape)
        #Change indices to pooled mapping
        Pcols = P.indices[:, 3]
        newRowidx = tf.gather(Pcols, A.indices[:, 1])
        newColidx = tf.gather(Pcols, A.indices[:, 3])
        newIndices = tf.stack(
            (A.indices[:, 0], newRowidx, A.indices[:, 2], newColidx), axis=1)
        newShape = tf.stack((A.dense_shape[0], P.dense_shape[3],
                             A.dense_shape[2], P.dense_shape[3]),
        Adupe = tf.sparse_reorder(
            tf.SparseTensor(newIndices, A.values, newShape))

        #Segment sum to merge duplicate indices
        #Worried about this casting, but matmul doesn't support int64 for some dumb reason
        linearized = tf.cast(
                tf.cast(Adupe.indices, tf.float64),
                tf.cast([[newShape[1] * newShape[2] * newShape[3]],
                         [newShape[2] * newShape[3]], [newShape[3]], [1]],
                        tf.float64)), tf.int64)

        y, idx = tf.unique(tf.squeeze(linearized))

        # Use the positions of the unique values as the segment ids to
        # get the unique values
        values = tf.segment_sum(Adupe.values, idx)
        delinearized = tf.stack(
            (y // (newShape[1] * newShape[2] * newShape[3]), y //
             (newShape[2] * newShape[3]) % newShape[1],
             y // newShape[3] % newShape[2], y % newShape[3]),
        Aout = tf.SparseTensor(delinearized, values, newShape)
        return Vout, Aout
Beispiel #19
 def _sparse_tensordot_reshape(a, axes, flipped=False):
     """Helper method to perform transpose and reshape for contraction op."""
     if a.get_shape().is_fully_defined() and isinstance(
             axes, (list, tuple)):
         shape_a = a.get_shape().as_list()
         axes = [i if i >= 0 else i + len(shape_a) for i in axes]
         free = [i for i in range(len(shape_a)) if i not in axes]
         free_dims = [shape_a[i] for i in free]
         prod_free = int([shape_a[i] for i in free]))
         prod_axes = int([shape_a[i] for i in axes]))
         perm = list(axes) + free if flipped else free + list(axes)
         new_shape = [prod_axes, prod_free
                      ] if flipped else [prod_free, prod_axes]
         reshaped_a = tf.sparse_reshape(tf.sparse_transpose(a, perm),
         return reshaped_a, free_dims, free_dims
         if a.get_shape().ndims is not None and isinstance(
                 axes, (list, tuple)):
             shape_a = a.get_shape().as_list()
             axes = [i if i >= 0 else i + len(shape_a) for i in axes]
             free = [i for i in range(len(shape_a)) if i not in axes]
             free_dims_static = [shape_a[i] for i in free]
             free_dims_static = None
         shape_a = tf.shape(a)
         rank_a = tf.rank(a)
         axes = tf.convert_to_tensor(axes, dtype=tf.int32, name="axes")
         axes = tf.cast(axes >= 0, tf.int32) * axes + tf.cast(
             axes < 0, tf.int32) * (axes + rank_a)
         free, _ = tf.setdiff1d(tf.range(rank_a), axes)
         free_dims = tf.gather(shape_a, free)
         axes_dims = tf.gather(shape_a, axes)
         prod_free_dims = tf.reduce_prod(free_dims)
         prod_axes_dims = tf.reduce_prod(axes_dims)
         perm = tf.concat([axes_dims, free_dims], 0)
         if flipped:
             perm = tf.concat([axes, free], 0)
             new_shape = tf.stack([prod_axes_dims, prod_free_dims])
             perm = tf.concat([free, axes], 0)
             new_shape = tf.stack([prod_free_dims, prod_axes_dims])
         reshaped_a = tf.sparse_reshape(tf.sparse_transpose(a, perm),
         return reshaped_a, free_dims, free_dims_static
Beispiel #20
def moveaxis(a, axis_src, axis_dst):
    """Move an axis of a tensor to new position, similar to np.moveaxis

    Other axes remain in the original order


      a (Tensor): the tensor whose axes should be reordered

      axis_src (int, Seq[int]): Original positions of the axes to
    move. These must be unique.

      axis_dst (int, Seq[int]): Destination position for each of the
      origianl axes. These must also be unique.


    >>> a = np.zeros((3, 4, 5))
    >>> moveaxis(a, 0, -1).get_shape().as_list()
    [4, 5, 3]
    >>> moveaxis(a, -1, 0).get_shape().as_list()
    [5, 3, 4]
    >>> moveaxis(a, [0, 1], [-1, -2]).get_shape().as_list()
    [5, 4, 3]
    >>> moveaxis(a, [0, 1, 2], [-1, -2, -3]).get_shape().as_list()
    [5, 4, 3]
    >>> moveaxis(a, [0, 1], [-1, -2, -3])
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: ...
    >>> sa = scipy.sparse.random(3, 4)
    >>> moveaxis(sa, [0, 1], [-1, -2]).get_shape().as_list()
    [4, 3]
    a = tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor(a)
    #    a = _tf_utils.as_tensor_or_sparse_tensor(a)
    ndims = a.get_shape().ndims
    # src = _utils.validate_axis(
    #     axis_src, ndims, 'axis_src', accept_none=False,
    #     scalar_to_seq=True)
    # dst = _utils.validate_axis(
    #     axis_dst, ndims, 'axis_dst', accept_none=False,
    #     scalar_to_seq=True)
    src = _utils.validate_axis2(axis_src, ndims)
    dst = _utils.validate_axis2(axis_dst, ndims)

    if len(src) != len(dst):
        raise ValueError('`axis_src` and `axis_dst` arguments must have the '
                         'same number of elements')
    order = [i for i in range(ndims) if i not in src]
    for dst_1, src_1 in sorted(zip(dst, src)):
        order.insert(dst_1, src_1)
    if isinstance(a, tf.Tensor):
        res = tf.transpose(a, order)
        res = tf.sparse_transpose(a, order)
    return res
Beispiel #21
 def map_func2(i):
     adj_mat = tf.SparseTensor(
         adj_ind[lbl, i], adj_data[lbl, i], [
             tf.cast(max_nodes, tf.int64),
             tf.cast(max_nodes, tf.int64)
     adj_mat = tf.sparse_transpose(adj_mat)
     return tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(
         adj_mat, inp_gin[i])
Beispiel #22
    def calc_gradient(X, W, Y):
        pred = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(X, W)
        error = tf.sigmoid(tf.mul(Y, pred))
        error_m1 = error - 1

        error_Y = tf.mul(Y, error_m1)
        X_T = tf.sparse_transpose(X)

        gradient = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(X_T, error_Y)
        return tf.reduce_sum(gradient, 1)
Beispiel #23
    def calc_gradient(X, W, Y):
        pred = tf.mul(tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(X, W), -1.0)
        error = tf.sigmoid(tf.mul(Y, pred))
        error_m1 = error - 1

        error_Y = tf.mul(Y, error_m1)
        X_T = tf.sparse_transpose(X)

        gradient = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(X_T, error_Y)
        return tf.reshape(gradient, [num_features, 1])
Beispiel #24
def swapaxes(a, axis1, axis2):
    """Interchange two axes of a Tensor


      a: input Tensor

      axis1: int, first axis

      axis2: int, second axis


    A tensor with axes swapped


    >>> import tensorflow as tf
    >>> import awesomeml.utils as aml_utils
    >>> sess = tf.Session()
    >>> a = np.random.random((2,3,4,5))
    >>> b = np.swapaxes(a, axis1=1, axis2=2)
    >>> b2 =, axis1=1, axis2=2))
    >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(b, b2)

    >>> import sparse
    >>> a = np.random.random((3,4))
    >>> b = np.swapaxes(a, axis1=0, axis2=1)
    >>> b2 = swapaxes(sparse.as_coo(a), axis1=0, axis2=1)
    >>> isinstance(b2, tf.SparseTensor)
    >>> b2 =
    >>> b2 = aml_utils.as_numpy_array(b2)
    >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(b, b2)
    print("USING SWAP AX")
    a = tf.convert_tensor_or_sparse_tensor(a)
    ndim = a.get_shape().ndims
    if ndim is None:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError('can not swapaxes for tensors with unknown shape')
    axis1 = ndim + axis1 if axis1 < 0 else axis1
    axis2 = ndim + axis2 if axis2 < 0 else axis2

    if axis1 == axis2:
        return a

    perm = list(range(ndim))
    perm[axis1] = axis2
    perm[axis2] = axis1
    if isinstance(a, tf.Tensor):
        return tf.transpose(a, perm)
        return tf.sparse_transpose(a, perm)
    def get_datapoint_iter(file_idx=[], batch_size=s_batch):
        fileNames = map(lambda s: "/home/ubuntu/criteo-tfr-tiny/tfrecords" + s,
        # We first define a filename queue comprising 5 files.
        filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(fileNames,

        # TFRecordReader creates an operator in the graph that reads data from queue
        reader = tf.TFRecordReader()

        # Include a read operator with the filenae queue to use. The output is a string
        # Tensor called serialized_example
        _, serialized_example =

        # The string tensors is essentially a Protobuf serialized string. With the
        # following fields: label, index, value. We provide the protobuf fields we are
        # interested in to parse the data. Note, feature here is a dict of tensors
        features = tf.parse_single_example(
                'label': tf.FixedLenFeature([1], dtype=tf.int64),
                'index': tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.int64),
                'value': tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.float32),

        label = features['label']
        index = features['index']
        value = features['value']

        # combine the two sparseTensors into one that will be used in gradient calcaulation
        index_shaped = tf.reshape(index.values, [-1, 1])
        value_shaped = tf.reshape(value.values, [-1])
        combined_values = tf.sparse_transpose(

        label_flt = tf.cast(label, tf.float32)
        # min_after_dequeue defines how big a buffer we will randomly sample
        #   from -- bigger means better shuffling but slower start up and more
        #   memory used.
        # capacity must be larger than min_after_dequeue and the amount larger
        #   determines the maximum we will prefetch.  Recommendation:
        #   min_after_dequeue + (num_threads + a small safety margin) * batch_size
        min_after_dequeue = 10
        capacity = min_after_dequeue + 3 * batch_size
        value_batch, label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch(
            [combined_values, label_flt],

        return value_batch, label_batch
def compute_coarse_matrix(model, n, A_stencil, A_matrices,grid_size,bb=True):
    if bb == True:
        P_stencil = model(A_stencil, True)
        P_stencil = model(A_stencil, phase="Test")
    P_matrix = tf.to_double(compute_p2_sparse(P_stencil, P_stencil.shape.as_list()[0], grid_size))
    P_matrix_t = tf.sparse_transpose(P_matrix, [0,2, 1])
    A_matrices = tf.squeeze(A_matrices)
    temp = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(P_matrix_t)
    q = tf.matmul(temp, tf.to_double(A_matrices))
    A_c = tf.transpose(tf.matmul(temp,tf.transpose(q,[0,2,1])),[0,2,1])
    return A_c, compute_stencil(tf.squeeze(A_c),(grid_size//2)),P_matrix,P_matrix_t
Beispiel #27
    def kernel(self, inputs):
        KT = self.KEYS.TENSOR

        image = inputs[KT.IMAGE]
        efficiency_map = inputs[KT.EFFICIENCY_MAP]
        projection_data = inputs[KT.PROJECTION_DATA]
        psf_xy = inputs[KT.PSF_XY]
        psf_z = inputs[KT.PSF_Z]

        # here start the extra psf process,
        # the varabiles create below are tensorflow-like type.
        # TODO: rewrite by encapsulating in doufo and dxlearn.
        import tensorflow as tf
        grid =
        print("the type of image grid is ",grid)
        image_vectorized = tf.reshape(, [grid[0]*grid[1], grid[2]])
        print('psf xy shape:',
        print('psf z shape:',
        print('image_vectorized shape:', image_vectorized.shape)
        # image_mul_psf_z = image_vectorized
        image_mul_psf_z = [email protected](
        image_psf_processed = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(
  , image_mul_psf_z)
        # image_psf_processed = image_mul_psf_z
        image_psf_processed = tf.reshape(
            image_psf_processed, shape=tf.shape(
        image_psf = Image(image_psf_processed,, image.size)
        # ####################

        # original ReconStep
        proj = self.projection(image_psf, projection_data)
        back_proj = self.backprojection(proj, image_psf)
        # from dxl.learn.tensor import transpose

        # here start the extra psf process,
        # the varabiles create below are tensorflow-like type.
        # TODO: rewrite by encapsulating in doufo and dxlearn.
        back_proj_vectorized = tf.reshape(, [grid[0]*grid[1], grid[2]])
        # back_proj_mul_psf_z  = back_proj_vectorized
        back_proj_mul_psf_z  =
        back_proj_psf_processed = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(
            tf.sparse_transpose(, back_proj_mul_psf_z)
        # back_proj_psf_processed = back_proj_mul_psf_z
        back_proj_psf = tf.reshape(
            back_proj_psf_processed, shape=tf.shape(

        back_proj = Image(back_proj_psf,, image.size)
        return self.update(image, back_proj, efficiency_map)
def _sparse_pool_trans_op(M,input,source_index,pooled_size):
    #the other path of the sparse pooling
    #pooled_size is different from the sparse_pool_op
    #source_index is the img_index by default
    #only support batch size 1
    input_size = tf.shape(input) #(batch, height, width, depth)
    bv_pooled_sequence = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tf.sparse_transpose(M),tf.reshape(input,[-1,input_size[3]]))
    # use scatter_nd_add
    #bv_pooled = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(pooled_size))
    #return tf.scatter_nd_add(bv_pooled,source_index,bv_pooled_sequence)
    # use scatter_nd, however, the current verison of tf seems not to accumulate duplicate indexes
    bv_pooled = tf.scatter_nd(source_index,bv_pooled_sequence,pooled_size)
    return bv_pooled
Beispiel #29
 def testTranspose(self):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
     shapes = [np.random.randint(1, 10, size=rank) for rank in range(1, 6)]
     for shape in shapes:
       for dtype in [np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64]:
         dn_input = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype)
         rank = tf.rank(dn_input).eval()
         perm = np.random.choice(rank, rank, False)
         sp_input, unused_a_nnz = _sparsify(dn_input)
         sp_trans = tf.sparse_transpose(sp_input, perm=perm)
         dn_trans = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(sp_trans).eval()
         expected_trans = tf.transpose(dn_input, perm=perm).eval()
         self.assertAllEqual(dn_trans, expected_trans)
Beispiel #30
    def _create_bi_interaction_embed(self):
        pi = 3.14159265358979323846
        d1_embedding = tf.concat([self.weights['re_drug1_embed'],self.weights['im_drug1_embed']], axis=1)
        d2_embedding = tf.concat([self.weights['re_drug2_embed'],self.weights['im_drug2_embed']], axis=1)

        relation_embedding = []
        for i in range(self.n_relations):
          weights = tf.reshape(self.weights['alpha'][i],[-1,1,1])
          relation_matrix_temp = self.weights['relation_matrix'] * weights
          relation_matrix_temp = tf.reduce_sum(relation_matrix_temp,axis=0)
        d1_neigh,d2_neigh = [],[]
        for i in range(self.n_relations):
          # print(i)
          r_d2_embedding = d2_embedding @ relation_embedding[i]
          weight_d2_embedding = r_d2_embedding * self.weights['relation_2_att'][i]
          weight_d2_embedding = weight_d2_embedding + d2_embedding
          # weight_d2_embedding = d2_embedding
          relation_1_neigh = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(self.sparse_adj_list[i],weight_d2_embedding)

          r_d1_embedding = d1_embedding @ relation_embedding[i]
          weight_d1_embedding = r_d1_embedding * self.weights['relation_1_att'][i]
          weight_d1_embedding = weight_d1_embedding + d1_embedding
          # weight_d1_embedding =  d1_embedding
          relation_2_neigh = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tf.sparse_transpose(self.sparse_adj_list[i]),weight_d1_embedding)

        d1_neigh = tf.reduce_sum(d1_neigh,0)
        d2_neigh = tf.reduce_sum(d2_neigh,0)
        neigh_embed = tf.concat([d1_neigh, d2_neigh], axis=0)

        ego_embeddings = tf.concat([d1_embedding, d2_embedding], axis=0)
        all_embeddings = []

        # side_embeddings = tf.nn.l2_normalize(neigh_embed, dim=1)
        side_embeddings = neigh_embed

        side_embeddings = tf.concat([ego_embeddings, side_embeddings], 1)
        pre_embeddings = tf.nn.relu(
            tf.matmul(side_embeddings, self.weights['W_mlp_0']) + self.weights['b_mlp_0'])

        pre_embeddings = tf.nn.dropout(pre_embeddings, 1 - self.mess_dropout[0])
        all_embeddings += [pre_embeddings]
        all_embeddings = tf.concat(all_embeddings, 1)
        d1_embeddings, d2_embeddings = tf.split(all_embeddings, [self.n_drug1, self.n_drug2], 0)
        return d1_embeddings, d2_embeddings
Beispiel #31
 def testTranspose(self):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=False):
     shapes = [np.random.randint(1, 10, size=rank) for rank in range(1, 6)]
     for shape in shapes:
       for dtype in [np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64]:
         dn_input = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype)
         rank = tf.rank(dn_input).eval()
         perm = np.random.choice(rank, rank, False)
         sp_input, unused_a_nnz = _sparsify(dn_input)
         sp_trans = tf.sparse_transpose(sp_input, perm=perm)
         dn_trans = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(sp_trans).eval()
         expected_trans = tf.transpose(dn_input, perm=perm).eval()
         self.assertAllEqual(dn_trans, expected_trans)
Beispiel #32
    def decoded(self) -> tf.Tensor:
        if self.beam_width == 1:
            decoded, _ = tf.nn.ctc_greedy_decoder(
                inputs=self.logits, sequence_length=self.encoder.lengths,
            decoded, _ = tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder(
                inputs=self.logits, sequence_length=self.encoder.lengths,

        return tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(
Beispiel #33
    def __init__(self, config, ont, word_model):
        #print("Creating the model graph")
        self.ont = ont
        self.word_model = word_model

        config.concepts_size = len(self.ont.concepts) +1

        self.config = config

        ### Inputs ###
        self.label = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None])
        self.class_weights = tf.Variable(tf.ones([config.concepts_size]), False)

        self.seq = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, config.max_sequence_length, word_model.dim])
        self.seq_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None]) = tf.Variable(, trainable=False)
        self.is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool)

        self.ancestry_sparse_tensor = tf.sparse_reorder(tf.SparseTensor(indices = ont.sparse_ancestrs, values = [1.0]*len(ont.sparse_ancestrs), dense_shape=[config.concepts_size, config.concepts_size]))

        ## Phrase embeddings ##

        l2scale = 1.0
        layer1 = tf.layers.conv1d(self.seq, self.config.cl1, 1, activation=tf.nn.elu,\
                bias_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01), use_bias=True)

        layer2 = tf.layers.dense(tf.reduce_max(layer1, [1]), self.config.cl2, activation=tf.nn.relu,\
        #layer2 = tf.layers.dense(tf.reduce_max(layer1, [1]), self.config.cl2,\
                bias_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(0.0,stddev=0.01), use_bias=True)

        layer2 = tf.layers.dense(layer2, self.config.cl2, activation=tf.nn.relu,\
        #layer2 = tf.layers.dense(tf.reduce_max(layer1, [1]), self.config.cl2,\
                bias_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(0.0,stddev=0.01), use_bias=True)

        layer2 = tf.reduce_max(layer1, [1])

        self.seq_embedding = tf.nn.l2_normalize(layer2, axis=1)
        #self.seq_embedding = layer2 

        ## Concept embeddings ##
        self.embeddings = tf.get_variable("embeddings", shape = [self.config.concepts_size, self.config.cl2], initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1))
        #self.embeddings = tf.nn.l2_normalize(self.embeddings, dim=1)
        self.aggregated_embeddings = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(self.ancestry_sparse_tensor, self.embeddings) 
        if config.flat:
            aggregated_w = self.embeddings
            aggregated_w = self.aggregated_embeddings

        last_layer_b = tf.get_variable('last_layer_bias', shape = [self.config.concepts_size], initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.001))

        self.score_layer = tf.matmul(self.seq_embedding, tf.transpose(aggregated_w)) + last_layer_b


        label_one_hot = tf.one_hot(self.label, config.concepts_size)

        #reg_losses = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES)
        #reg_constant = 0.0002
        self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(self.label, self.score_layer)) # + reg_constant*tf.reduce_sum(reg_losses)
        #self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy(tf.one_hot(self.label, config.concepts_size), self.score_layer)) 
        #self.loss =  -tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(label_one_hot*tf.log(0.001+ tf.sigmoid(self.score_layer)) + (1-label_one_hot)*tf.log(0.001+1-tf.sigmoid(self.score_layer))/(config.concepts_size-1), axis=-1))

        self.pred = tf.nn.softmax(self.score_layer)
        #self.pred = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.score_layer)
        self.agg_pred, _ =  tf.nn.top_k(tf.transpose(tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tf.sparse_transpose(self.ancestry_sparse_tensor), tf.transpose(self.pred))), 2)

        self.train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(

        self.sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True))
def sparse_message_pass(node_states,
  """One message-passing step for a GNN with a sparse adjacency matrix.

  Implements equation 2 (the message passing step) in
  [Li et al. 2015](

  N = The number of nodes in each batch.
  H = The size of the hidden states.
  T = The number of edge types.

    node_states: Initial states of each node in the graph. Shape is [N, H].
    adjacency_matrices: Adjacency matrix of directed edges for each edge
      type. Shape is [N, N, T] (sparse tensor).
    num_edge_types: The number of edge types. T.
    hidden_size: The size of the hidden state. H.
    use_bias: Whether to use bias in the hidden layer.
    average_aggregation: How to aggregate the incoming node messages. If
      average_aggregation is true, the messages are averaged. If it is false,
      they are summed.
    name: (optional) The scope within which tf variables should be created.

    The result of one step of Gated Graph Neural Network (GGNN) message passing.
    Shape: [N, H]
  n = tf.shape(node_states)[0]
  t = num_edge_types
  incoming_edges_per_type = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(adjacency_matrices, axis=1)

  # Convert the adjacency matrix into shape [T, N, N] - one [N, N] adjacency
  # matrix for each edge type. Since sparse tensor multiplication only supports
  # two-dimensional tensors, we actually convert the adjacency matrix into a
  # [T * N, N] tensor.
  adjacency_matrices = tf.sparse_transpose(adjacency_matrices, [2, 0, 1])
  adjacency_matrices = tf.sparse_reshape(adjacency_matrices, [t * n, n])

  # Multiply the adjacency matrix by the node states, producing a [T * N, H]
  # tensor. For each (edge type, node) pair, this tensor stores the sum of
  # the hidden states of the node's neighbors over incoming edges of that type.
  messages = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(adjacency_matrices, node_states)

  # Rearrange this tensor to have shape [N, T * H]. The incoming states of each
  # nodes neighbors are summed by edge type and then concatenated together into
  # a single T * H vector.
  messages = tf.reshape(messages, [t, n, hidden_size])
  messages = tf.transpose(messages, [1, 0, 2])
  messages = tf.reshape(messages, [n, t * hidden_size])

  # Run each of those T * H vectors through a linear layer that produces
  # a vector of size H. This process is equivalent to running each H-sized
  # vector through a separate linear layer for each edge type and then adding
  # the results together.
  # Note that, earlier on, we added together all of the states of neighbors
  # that were connected by edges of the same edge type. Since addition and
  # multiplying by a linear layer are commutative, this process was equivalent
  # to running each incoming edge through a linear layer separately and then
  # adding everything at the end.
  with tf.variable_scope(name, default_name="sparse_ggnn"):
    final_node_states = common_layers.dense(
        messages, hidden_size, use_bias=False)

    # Multiply the bias by for each edge type by the number of incoming nodes
    # of that edge type.
    if use_bias:
      bias = tf.get_variable("bias", initializer=tf.zeros([t, hidden_size]))
      final_node_states += tf.matmul(incoming_edges_per_type, bias)

    if average_aggregation:
      incoming_edges = tf.reduce_sum(incoming_edges_per_type, -1, keepdims=True)
      incoming_edges = tf.tile(incoming_edges, [1, hidden_size])
      final_node_states /= incoming_edges + 1e-7

  return final_node_states