def shear_y(image, level, fill_value):
    """Equivalent of PIL Shearing in Y dimension."""
    # Shear parallel to y axis is a projective transform
    # with a matrix form of:
    # [1  0
    #  level  1].
    image = tfi.transform(wrap(image), [1., 0., 0., level, 1., 0., 0., 0.])
    return unwrap(image, fill_value)
Beispiel #2
def shear_y(image: TensorLike, level: float, replace: int) -> TensorLike:
    """Perform shear operation on an image (y-axis)
        image: A 3D image Tensor.
        level: A float denoting shear element along x-axis
        replace: A one or three value 1D tensor to fill empty pixels.
        Transformed image along X or Y axis, with space outside image
        filled with replace.
    # Shear parallel to y axis is a projective transform
    # with a matrix form of:
    # [1  0
    #  level  1].
    image = transform(wrap(image), [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, level, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    return unwrap(image, replace)
Beispiel #3
def translate_xy(image: TensorLike, translate_to: TensorLike,
                 replace: int) -> TensorLike:
    """Translates image in X or Y dimension.
        image: A 3D image Tensor.
        translate_to: A 1D tensor to translate [x, y]
        replace: A one or three value 1D tensor to fill empty pixels.
        Translated image along X or Y axis, with space outside image
        filled with replace.
        ValueError: if axis is neither 0 nor 1."""
    image = wrap(image)
    trans = tf.convert_to_tensor(translate_to)
    image = translate(image, [trans.numpy()[0], 0])
    image = translate(image, [0, trans.numpy()[1]])
    return unwrap(image, replace)
def rotate(image, degrees, fill_value, interpolation='BILINEAR'):
    """Rotates the image by degrees either clockwise or counterclockwise.

        image: An image Tensor of type uint8.
        degrees: Float, a scalar angle in degrees to rotate all images by. If degrees is positive the image
            will be rotated clockwise otherwise it will be rotated counterclockwise.
        fill_value: A one or three value 1D tensor to fill empty pixels caused by the rotate operation.
        interpolation: Interpolation method
        The rotated version of image.
    # Convert from degrees to radians.
    degrees_to_radians = math.pi / 180.0
    radians = degrees * degrees_to_radians

    # In practice, we should randomize the rotation degrees by flipping
    # it negatively half the time, but that's done on 'degrees' outside
    # of the function.
    image = tfi.rotate(wrap(image), radians, interpolation=interpolation)
    return unwrap(image, fill_value)
def translate_y(image, pixels, fill_value):
    """Equivalent of PIL Translate in Y dimension."""
    image = tfi.translate(wrap(image), [0, -pixels])
    return unwrap(image, fill_value)