Beispiel #1
def federated_aggregate_keras_metric(metric_type, metric_config,
  """Aggregates variables a keras metric placed at CLIENTS to SERVER.

    metric_type: a type object (type must inherit from
    metric_config: the result of calling `get_config()` on a metric object, used
      with `metric_type.from_config()` to locally construct a new metric object.
    federated_variables: a federated value place on clients that is the value
      returned by `tf.keras.metrics.Metric.variables`.

    The result of calling `result()` on a `tf.keras.metrics.Metric` of type
  `metric_type`, after aggregation all CLIENTS places `variables`.
  member_type = federated_variables.type_signature.member

  def zeros_fn():
    return anonymous_tuple.map_structure(
        lambda v: tf.zeros(v.shape, dtype=v.dtype), member_type)

  zeros = zeros_fn()

  # TODO(b/123995628): as of 2019-02-01 all variables created in a
  # `tf.keras.metrics.Metric` use the argument
  # `aggregation=tf.VariableAggregation.SUM`, hence below only uses `tf.add`.
  # This may change in the future (and the `tf.Variable.aggregation` property
  # will be exposed in a future TF version). Need to handle non-SUM variables.

  @tff.tf_computation(member_type, member_type)
  def accumulate(accumulators, variables):
    return anonymous_tuple.map_structure(tf.add, accumulators, variables)

  @tff.tf_computation(member_type, member_type)
  def merge(a, b):
    return anonymous_tuple.map_structure(tf.add, a, b)

  def report(accumulators):
    """Insert `accumulators` back into the kera metric to obtain result."""
    # NOTE: the following call requires that `metric_type` have a no argument
    # __init__ method, which will restrict the types of metrics that can be
    # used. This is somewhat limiting, but the pattern to use default arguments
    # and export the values in `get_config()` (see
    # `tf.keras.metrics.TopKCategoricalAccuracy`) works well.
    keras_metric = None
      keras_metric = metric_type.from_config(metric_config)
    except TypeError as e:
      # Re-raise the error with a more helpful message, but the previous stack
      # trace.
      raise TypeError(
          'Caught expection trying to call `{t}.from_config()` with '
          'config {c}. Confirm that {t}.__init__() has an argument for '
          'each member of the config.\nException: {e}'.format(
              t=metric_type, c=metric_config, e=e))

    assignments = []
    for v, a in zip(keras_metric.variables, accumulators):
      assignments.append(tf.assign(v, a))
    with tf.control_dependencies(assignments):
      return keras_metric.result()

  return tff.federated_aggregate(federated_variables, zeros, accumulate, merge,
Beispiel #2
def federated_aggregate_keras_metric(
        metrics: Union[tf.keras.metrics.Metric,
                       Sequence[tf.keras.metrics.Metric]], federated_values):
    """Aggregates variables a keras metric placed at CLIENTS to SERVER.

    metrics: a single `tf.keras.metrics.Metric` or a `Sequence` of metrics . The
      order must match the order of variables in `federated_values`.
    federated_values: a single federated value, or a `Sequence` of federated
      values. The values must all have `tff.CLIENTS` placement. If value is a
      `Sequence` type, it must match the order of the sequence in `metrics.

    The result of performing a federated sum on federated_values, then assigning
    the aggregated values into the variables of the corresponding
    `tf.keras.metrics.Metric` and calling `tf.keras.metrics.Metric.result`. The
    resulting structure has `tff.SERVER` placement.
    member_types = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t.type_signature.member,

    def zeros_fn():
        # `member_type` is a (potentially nested) `tff.StructType`, which is an
        # `structure.Struct`.
        return structure.map_structure(
            lambda v: tf.zeros(v.shape, dtype=v.dtype), member_types)

    zeros = zeros_fn()

    @tff.tf_computation(member_types, member_types)
    def accumulate(accumulators, variables):
        return tf.nest.map_structure(tf.add, accumulators, variables)

    @tff.tf_computation(member_types, member_types)
    def merge(a, b):
        return tf.nest.map_structure(tf.add, a, b)

    def report(accumulators):
        """Insert `accumulators` back into the keras metric to obtain result."""
        def finalize_metric(metric: tf.keras.metrics.Metric, values):
            # Note: the following call requires that `type(metric)` have a no argument
            # __init__ method, which will restrict the types of metrics that can be
            # used. This is somewhat limiting, but the pattern to use default
            # arguments and export the values in `get_config()` (see
            # `tf.keras.metrics.TopKCategoricalAccuracy`) works well.
            keras_metric = None
                # This is some trickery to reconstruct a metric object in the current
                # scope, so that the `tf.Variable`s get created when we desire.
                keras_metric = type(metric).from_config(metric.get_config())
            except TypeError as e:
                # Re-raise the error with a more helpful message, but the previous stack
                # trace.
                raise TypeError(
                    'Caught exception trying to call `{t}.from_config()` with '
                    'config {c}. Confirm that {t}.__init__() has an argument for '
                    'each member of the config.\nException: {e}'.format(
                        t=type(metric), c=metric.config(), e=e))

            assignments = []
            for v, a in zip(keras_metric.variables, values):
            with tf.control_dependencies(assignments):
                return keras_metric.result()

        if isinstance(metrics, tf.keras.metrics.Metric):
            # Only a single metric to aggregate.
            return finalize_metric(metrics, accumulators)
            # Otherwise map over all the metrics.
            return collections.OrderedDict([
                (name, finalize_metric(metric, values))
                for metric, (name,
                             values) in zip(metrics, accumulators.items())

    return tff.federated_aggregate(federated_values, zeros, accumulate, merge,