Beispiel #1
def logistic_regression(features):
    coeffs = ed.Normal(loc=tf.zeros(features.shape[1]),
    intercept = ed.Normal(loc=0., scale=1., name='intercept')
    outcomes = ed.Bernoulli(logits=tf.tensordot(features, coeffs, [[1], [0]]) +
    return outcomes
Beispiel #2
def vae(k, d0, dx, N):
    z = ed.Normal(loc=tf.ones(k), scale=1., sample_shape=N, name="z")

    decoder = inf.layers.Sequential([
        tf.keras.layers.Dense(d0, activation=tf.nn.relu, name="h0"),
        tf.keras.layers.Dense(dx, name="h1")
    x = ed.Normal(loc=decoder(z, d0, dx), scale=1., name="x")
    return z, x
Beispiel #3
 def schools_model(num_schools, treatment_stddevs):
     avg_effect = ed.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=10.0, name="avg_effect")  # `mu`
     avg_stddev = ed.Normal(loc=5.0, scale=1.0, name="avg_stddev")  # `log(tau)`
     school_effects_standard = ed.Normal(
         loc=tf.zeros(num_schools), scale=tf.ones(num_schools), name="school_effects_standard"
     )  # `eta`
     school_effects = avg_effect + tf.exp(avg_stddev) * school_effects_standard  # `theta`
     treatment_effects = ed.Normal(
         loc=school_effects, scale=treatment_stddevs, name="treatment_effects"
     )  # `y`
     return treatment_effects
Beispiel #4
def probabilistic_pca(data_dim, latent_dim, num_datapoints,
                      stddv_datapoints):  # (unmodeled) data
    w = ed.Normal(loc=tf.zeros([data_dim, latent_dim]),
                  scale=2.0 * tf.ones([data_dim, latent_dim]),
                  name="w")  # parameter
    z = ed.Normal(loc=tf.zeros([latent_dim, num_datapoints]),
                  scale=tf.ones([latent_dim, num_datapoints]),
                  name="z")  # parameter
    x = ed.Normal(loc=tf.matmul(w, z),
                  scale=stddv_datapoints * tf.ones([data_dim, num_datapoints]),
                  name="x")  # (modeled) data
    return x, (w, z)
Beispiel #5
def tfp_schools_model(num_schools, treatment_stddevs):
    """Non-centered eight schools model for tfp."""
    import tensorflow_probability.python.edward2 as ed
    import tensorflow as tf

    avg_effect = ed.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=10.0, name="avg_effect")  # `mu`
    avg_stddev = ed.Normal(loc=5.0, scale=1.0, name="avg_stddev")  # `log(tau)`
    school_effects_standard = ed.Normal(
        loc=tf.zeros(num_schools), scale=tf.ones(num_schools), name="school_effects_standard"
    )  # `eta`
    school_effects = avg_effect + tf.exp(avg_stddev) * school_effects_standard  # `theta`
    treatment_effects = ed.Normal(
        loc=school_effects, scale=treatment_stddevs, name="treatment_effects"
    )  # `y`
    return treatment_effects
Beispiel #6
def test_dependencies(dependencies1, dependencies2):
    # register and check dependencies between group of dependent vars
    for dependent_vars in (dependencies1, dependencies2):
        last = ed.Normal(0, 1, name=dependent_vars[0])
        for i in range(1, len(dependent_vars)):
            parentname = dependent_vars[i - 1]
            name = dependent_vars[i]
            x = ed.Normal(last, 1, name=name)
            g = tf_graph.get_graph(set([parentname, name]))
            assert parentname in g.predecessors(name)
            last = x
    # all variables registered. Now check independencies between independent groups
    g = tf_graph.get_graph(set(dependencies1 + dependencies2))
    for v1 in dependencies1:
        for v2 in dependencies2:
            assert v1 not in g.predecessors(v2)
            assert v2 not in g.predecessors(v1)
Beispiel #7
def tfp_schools_model(num_schools, treatment_stddevs):
    """Non-centered eight schools model for tfp."""
    import tensorflow_probability.python.edward2 as ed
    import tensorflow as tf

    if int(tf.__version__[0]) > 1:
        import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf  # pylint: disable=import-error


    avg_effect = ed.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=10.0, name="avg_effect")  # `mu`
    avg_stddev = ed.Normal(loc=5.0, scale=1.0, name="avg_stddev")  # `log(tau)`
    school_effects_standard = ed.Normal(
        loc=tf.zeros(num_schools), scale=tf.ones(num_schools), name="school_effects_standard"
    )  # `eta`
    school_effects = avg_effect + tf.exp(avg_stddev) * school_effects_standard  # `theta`
    treatment_effects = ed.Normal(
        loc=school_effects, scale=treatment_stddevs, name="treatment_effects"
    )  # `y`
    return treatment_effects
Beispiel #8
def qmodel(k, d0, x):
    encoder = tf.keras.Sequential([
        tf.keras.layers.Dense(d0, activation=tf.nn.relu, name="h0"),
        tf.keras.layers.Dense(2 * k, name="h1")
    output = encoder(x)
    qz_loc = output[:, :k]
    qz_scale = tf.nn.softplus(output[:, k:]) + scale_epsilon
    qz = ed.Normal(loc=qz_loc, scale=qz_scale, name="qz")
    return qz
Beispiel #9
    def model(X, sample_bias=False, bias_sample_range=None):
        """Defines a Bayesian Neural Network for regression

            Output weight prior variance is set to: 10/K

            # X: (np.ndarray of NP_DTYPE)  A matrix of input features between (0, 1),
            #     shape (n, d).
            # weight_list: (list of tf.Tensor) A list of hidden weight Tensors,
            #     each element has dtype = TF_DTYPE, and shape is (n_feature, n_node)
            #     (if input weight), (n_node, n_node) if hidden weight,
            #     and (n_node, 1) if output weight
            # bias_list: (list of tf.Tensor) A list of bias term for each layer,
            #     each element has dtype = TF_DTYPE, shape = (,).
            bias_sample_range: (list of int or None) the index of covariate to sample bias for.
                If `None` then sample only the first.

            (tf.Tensor) The output distribution.

        # define architecture
        X = tf.convert_to_tensor(X, dtype=dtype_util.TF_DTYPE)
        n_sample, n_feature = X.shape.as_list()
        layer_size = [n_feature] + [n_node] * n_layer + [1]

        # intialize model building
        weight_list = []
        bias_list = []

        # input layer
        # input = tf.get_variable(initializer=X,
        #                         trainable=False,
        #                         dtype=dtype_util.TF_DTYPE,
        #                         name="input")
        input = X
        net = input

        # for (layer_id, (weights, biases)) in enumerate(zip(weight_list[:-1], bias_list[:-1])):
        #     with tf.variable_scope(scope_list[layer_id].original_name_scope):
        #         net = net_util.Dense(net, weights, biases, activation=activation)

        # hidden layers
        for layer_id in range(len(layer_size) - 1):
            with tf.variable_scope("layer_{}".format(layer_id), reuse=True):
                # configure hidden weight
                weight_shape = (layer_size[layer_id], layer_size[layer_id + 1])
                weight_scale = hidden_weight_sd if layer_id < n_layer else output_weight_sd

                # define random variables
                bias_rv = ed.Normal(loc=0.,
                weight_rv = ed.Normal(loc=0.,
                                      scale=tf.ones(shape=weight_shape) *
                # add to list for easy access
                bias_list += [bias_rv]
                weight_list += [weight_rv]

                # produce output, optionally, store output-layer hidden nodes
                if sample_bias:
                    if layer_id == n_layer:
                        phi = net  # shape (n_sample, n_node)
                net = net_util.Dense(
                    activation=None if layer_id == n_layer else activation)

        # final output layer
        with tf.variable_scope("output"):
            # produce output prediction
            y_mean = net[:,
                         0]  # shape (n, ) (i.e., the number of data samples)
            std_devs = 1.

            # estimate variable importance (i.e. squared gradient norm)
            y_mean_grad = tf.gradients(y_mean, X)[0]
            var_imp = tf.reduce_mean(y_mean_grad**2, axis=0)

            # estimate variable importance bias
            if sample_bias:
                phi_grad = tf.vectorized_map(  # shape (n_node, n_sample, n_feature)
                    lambda phi_k: tf.gradients(phi_k, X)[0], tf.transpose(phi))
                phi_grad2 = tf.vectorized_map(  # shape (n_feature, n_node, n_node)
                    lambda dphi: tf.matmul(dphi, dphi, transpose_b=True),
                    tf.transpose(phi_grad, [2, 0, 1]))

                phi2_inv = tfp.math.pinv(  # shape (n_node, n_node)
                    tf.matmul(phi, phi, transpose_a=True))

                var_imp_mat = tf.tensordot(  # shape (n_feature, n_node, n_node)
                    axes=[2, 0])
                var_imp_bias = tf.vectorized_map(tf.linalg.trace, var_imp_mat)

                # phi_grad = tf.stack(  # shape (n_node, n_sample, n_feature)
                #     [tf.gradients(phi[:, k], X)[0] for k in range(n_node)])
                # phi_inv = tfp.math.pinv(phi)  # shape (n_node, n_sample)
                # var_imp_bias = tf.stack([
                #     tf.reduce_sum(tf.matmul(
                #         phi_grad[:, :, p], phi_inv, transpose_a=True) ** 2)
                #     for p in range(n_feature)])
                var_imp_bias = var_imp_bias / n_sample
                var_imp_bias = None

            y = ed.Normal(loc=y_mean, scale=std_devs, name="y")

        return y, y_mean, var_imp, var_imp_bias, weight_list, bias_list
Beispiel #10
def qmodel(k, d0, x, encoder):
    output = encoder(x, d0, k)
    qz_loc = output[:, :k]
    qz_scale = tf.nn.softplus(output[:, k:]) + scale_epsilon
    qz = ed.Normal(loc=qz_loc, scale=qz_scale, name="qz")
    return qz
Beispiel #11
def vae(k, d0, dx, N, decoder):
    z = ed.Normal(loc=tf.ones(k), scale=1., sample_shape=N, name="z")
    x = ed.Normal(loc=decoder(z, d0, dx), scale=1., name="x")
    return z, x