def _log_cdf(self, x):
        # The CDF is (p**x * (1 - p)**(1 - x) + p - 1) / (2 * p - 1).
        # We do this computation in logit space to be more numerically stable.
        # p**x * (1- p)**(1 - x) becomes
        # 1 / (1 + exp(-logits))**x *
        # exp(-logits * (1 - x)) / (1 + exp(-logits)) ** (1 - x) =
        # exp(-logits * (1 - x)) / (1 + exp(-logits))
        # p - 1 becomes -exp(-logits) / (1 + exp(-logits))
        # Thus the whole numerator is
        # (exp(-logits * (1 - x)) - exp(-logits)) / (1 + exp(-logits))
        # The denominator is (1 - exp(-logits)) / (1 + exp(-logits))
        # Putting it all together, this gives:
        # (exp(-logits * (1 - x)) - exp(-logits)) / (1 - exp(-logits)) =
        # (exp(logits * x) - 1) / (exp(logits) - 1)
        logits = self._logits_parameter_no_checks()

        # For logits < 0, we can directly use the expression.
        safe_logits = tf.where(logits < 0., logits, -1.)
        result_negative_logits = (
            tfp_math.log1mexp(tf.math.multiply_no_nan(safe_logits, x)) -
        # For logits > 0, to avoid infs with large arguments we rewrite the
        # expression. Let z = log(exp(logits) - 1)
        # log_cdf = log((exp(logits * x) - 1) / (exp(logits) - 1))
        #         = log(exp(logits * x) - 1) - log(exp(logits) - 1)
        #         = log(exp(logits * x) - 1) - log(exp(z))
        #         = log(exp(logits * x - z) - exp(-z))
        # Because logits > 0, logits * x - z > -z, so we can pull it out to get
        #         = log(exp(logits * x - z) * (1 - exp(-logits * x)))
        #         = logits * x - z + tf.math.log(1 - exp(-logits * x))
        dtype = dtype_util.as_numpy_dtype(x.dtype)
        eps = np.finfo(dtype).eps
        # log(exp(logits) - 1)
        safe_logits = tf.where(logits > 0., logits, 1.)
        z = tf.where(safe_logits > -np.log(eps), safe_logits,
        result_positive_logits = tf.math.multiply_no_nan(
            safe_logits, x) - z + tfp_math.log1mexp(
                -tf.math.multiply_no_nan(safe_logits, x))

        result = tf.where(
            logits < 0., result_negative_logits,
            tf.where(logits > 0., result_positive_logits, tf.math.log(x)))

        # Finally, handle the case where `logits` and `p` are on the boundary,
        # as the above expressions can result in ratio of `infs` in that case as
        # well.
        result = tf.where(tf.math.equal(logits, np.inf), dtype(-np.inf),
        result = tf.where(
            (tf.math.equal(logits, -np.inf) & tf.math.not_equal(x, 0.)) |
            (tf.math.equal(logits, np.inf) & tf.math.equal(x, 1.)),
            tf.zeros_like(logits), result)

        result = tf.where(x < 0., dtype(-np.inf),
                          tf.where(x > 1., tf.zeros_like(x), result))

        return result
  def _quantile(self, p, logits=None):
    if logits is None:
      logits = self._logits_parameter_no_checks()
    logp = tf.math.log(p)
    # The expression for the quantile function is:
    # log(1 + (e^s - 1) * p) / s, where s is `logits`. When s is large,
    # the e^s sub-term becomes increasingly ill-conditioned.  However,
    # since the numerator tends to s, we can reformulate the s > 0 case
    # as a offset from 1, which is more accurate.  Coincidentally,
    # this eliminates a ratio of infinities problem when `s == +inf`.

    safe_negative_logits = tf.where(logits < 0., logits, -1.)
    safe_positive_logits = tf.where(logits > 0., logits, 1.)
    result = tf.where(
        logits > 0.,
        1. + tfp_math.log_add_exp(
            logp + tfp_math.log1mexp(safe_positive_logits),
            tf.math.negative(safe_positive_logits)) / safe_positive_logits,
            tf.math.expm1(safe_negative_logits) * p) / safe_negative_logits)

    # When logits is zero, we can simplify
    # log(1 + (e^s - 1) * p) / s ~= log(1 + s * p) / s ~= s * p / s = p
    # Specifically, when logits is zero, the naive computation produces a NaN.
    result = tf.where(tf.math.equal(logits, 0.), p, result)

    # Finally, handle the case where `logits` and `p` are on the boundary,
    # as the above expressions can result in ratio of `infs` in that case as
    # well.
    return tf.where(
        (tf.math.equal(logits, -np.inf) & tf.math.equal(logp, 0.)) |
        (tf.math.equal(logits, np.inf) & tf.math.is_inf(logp)),
    def _quantile(self, p, probs=None):
        if probs is None:
            probs = self._probs_parameter_no_checks()
        cut_probs = self._cut_probs(probs)
        cut_logits = tf.math.log(cut_probs) - tf.math.log1p(-cut_probs)
        logp = tf.math.log(p)
        # The expression for the quantile function is:
        # log(1 + (e^s - 1) * p) / s, where s is `cut_logits`. When s is large,
        # the e^s sub-term becomes increasingly ill-conditioned.  However,
        # since the numerator tends to s, we can reformulate the s > 0 case
        # as a offset from 1, which is more accurate.  Coincidentally,
        # this eliminates a ratio of infinities problem when `s == +inf`.
        result = tf.where(
            cut_logits > 0.,
            1. + tfp_math.log_add_exp(logp + tfp_math.log1mexp(cut_logits),
                                      -cut_logits) / cut_logits,
            tf.math.log1p(tf.math.expm1(cut_logits) * p) / cut_logits)

        # Finally, handle the case where `cut_logits` and `p` are on the boundary,
        # as the above expressions can result in ratio of `infs` in that case as
        # well.
        result = tf.where(
            (tf.math.equal(cut_probs, 0.) & tf.math.equal(logp, 0.)) |
            (tf.math.equal(cut_probs, 1.) & tf.math.is_inf(logp)),
            tf.ones_like(cut_probs), result)

        return tf.where((probs < self._lims[0]) | (probs > self._lims[1]),
                        result, p)
Beispiel #4
 def _log_cdf(self, x):
     # Going through the survival function is more accurate when conc is near
     # zero, because it amounts to computing the (1 + conc * z)**(-1 / conc)
     # term in log-space with log1p.
     # tfp_math.log1mexp(a) accurately computes log(1 - exp(-|a|)).  The negation
     # and the absolute value are fine here because the log survival function is
     # always non-positive.
     return tfp_math.log1mexp(self._log_survival_function(x))
 def _log_cdf(self, x):
     probs = self._probs_parameter_no_checks()
     if not self.validate_args:
         # Whether or not x is integer-form, the following is well-defined.
         # However, scipy takes the floor, so we do too.
         x = tf.floor(x)
     return tf.where(x < 0.,
                     tfp_math.log1mexp((1. + x) * tf.math.log1p(-probs)))
    def categorical_log_probs(self):
        """Log probabilities for the `K + 1` sequential categories."""

        cutpoints = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.cutpoints)
        loc = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.loc)
        num_cat = self._num_categories()

        # For the StoppingRatioLogistic, we have:
        # P(X = c; X >= c, cutpoints, loc) = sigmoid(cutpoints[c] - loc)
        # Given these conditional probabilities, we would like to retrieve
        # P(X = c; cutpoints, loc).
        # Let F(c) = P(X = c; X >= c, cutpoints, loc) and
        # G(c) = P(X = c; cutpoints, loc)

        # Conditional probabilities. These are log(F(k)) and log(1 - F(k))
        conditional_log_probs = tf.math.log_sigmoid(cutpoints -
                                                    loc[..., tf.newaxis])
        conditional_log_probs_complement = tfp_math.log1mexp(

        # Note that F(0) = G(0).
        # G(1) = P(X = 1; cutpoints, loc) =
        #   P(X = 1; X >= 1, cutpoints, loc) * P(X >= 1) = F(1) * (1 - G(0))
        # G(2) = P(X = 2; cutpoints, loc) =
        #   P(X = 2; X >= 2, cutpoints, loc) * P(X >= 2) = F(2) * (1 - G(0) - G(1))
        # In general, G(k) = F(k) * (1 - \sum_{k-1} G(i))

        # We rewrite this recurrence in terms of F(k)
        # G(1) = F(1) * (1 - G(0)) = F(1) * (1 - F(0))
        # G(2) = F(2) * (1 - G(0) - G(1)) = (1 - F(0) - F(1) * (1 - F(0))
        #      = F(2) * (1 - F(0)) * (1 - F(1))
        # G(k) = F(k) * \prod_{k-1} (1 - F(i))

        # log(F(k)) + log(\prod (1 - F(i)))
        categorical_log_probs = conditional_log_probs + tf.math.cumsum(
            conditional_log_probs_complement[..., :(num_cat - 1)],
        # Finally we need to handle the last category.
        return tf.concat([
            tf.math.reduce_sum(conditional_log_probs_complement[..., :num_cat],
Beispiel #7
 def _log_cdf(self, x):
     return tfp_math.log1mexp(self.concentration0 *
 def _forward(self, x):
     with tf.control_dependencies(self._maybe_assert_valid_x(x)):
         rate = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.rate)
         log1mexpx = tfp_math.log1mexp(-rate * x)
         return tf.math.exp(log1mexpx -
                            tf.math.exp(-rate * x) / self.concentration)
 def _log_cdf(self, x):
     return tfp_math.log1mexp(self._log_survival_function(x))