def test_cp_vonneumann_entropy_mixed_state(): """Test for cp_vonneumann_entropy on CP tensors. This test checks that the VNE of mixed states is calculated correctly. """ state1 = tl.tensor([[ 0.03004805, 0.42426117, 0.5483771, 0.4784077, 0.25792725, 0.34388784, 0.99927586, 0.96605812 ]]) state1 = state1 / tl.norm(state1) state2 = tl.tensor([[ 0.84250089, 0.43429687, 0.26551928, 0.18262211, 0.55584835, 0.2565509, 0.33197401, 0.97741178 ]]) state2 = state2 / tl.norm(state2) mat_mixed = tl.tensor((, state1) +, state2)) / 2.) actual_vne = 0.5546 mat = parafac(tl.tensor(mat_mixed), rank=2, normalize_factors=True) mat_unnorm = parafac(tl.tensor(mat_mixed), rank=2, normalize_factors=False) tl_vne = cp_vonneumann_entropy(mat) tl_vne_unnorm = cp_vonneumann_entropy(mat_unnorm) tl.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tl_vne, actual_vne, decimal=3) tl.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tl_vne_unnorm, actual_vne, decimal=3) assert_array_almost_equal(tl_vne, actual_vne, decimal=3) assert_array_almost_equal(tl_vne_unnorm, actual_vne, decimal=3)
def tr_to_tensor(factors): """Returns the full tensor whose TR decomposition is given by 'factors' Re-assembles 'factors', which represent a tensor in TR format into the corresponding full tensor Parameters ---------- factors : list of 3D-arrays TR factors (TR-cores) Returns ------- output_tensor : ndarray tensor whose TR decomposition was given by 'factors' """ full_shape = [f.shape[1] for f in factors] full_tensor = tl.reshape(factors[0], (-1, factors[0].shape[2])) for factor in factors[1:-1]: rank_prev, _, rank_next = factor.shape factor = tl.reshape(factor, (rank_prev, -1)) full_tensor =, factor) full_tensor = tl.reshape(full_tensor, (-1, rank_next)) full_tensor = tl.reshape(full_tensor, (factors[-1].shape[2], -1, factors[-1].shape[0])) full_tensor = tl.moveaxis(full_tensor, 0, -1) full_tensor = tl.reshape(full_tensor, (-1, factors[-1].shape[0] * factors[-1].shape[2])) factor = tl.moveaxis(factors[-1], -1, 1) factor = tl.reshape(factor, (-1, full_shape[-1])) full_tensor =, factor) return tl.reshape(full_tensor, full_shape)
def __factor(self, tensor, factors, mode, pseudo_inverse): """Compute a factor optimization for TCA Parameters ---------- tensor : torch.Tensor The tensor of activity of N neurons, T timepoints and K trials of shape N, T, K factors : list List of tensors, each one containing a factor mode : int Index of the factor to optimize pseudo_inverse : torch.Tensor Pseudo inverse matrix of the current factor Returns ------- torch.Tensor Optimized factor """ for i, factor in enumerate(factors): if i != mode: pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse * tl.transpose(factor), factor) factor =, mode), tl.tenalg.khatri_rao(factors, skip_matrix=mode)) factor = tl.transpose( tl.solve(tl.transpose(pseudo_inverse), tl.transpose(factor))) return factor
def __factor_non_negative(self, tensor, factors, mode): """Compute a non-negative factor optimization for TCA Parameters ---------- tensor : torch.Tensor The tensor of activity of N neurons, T timepoints and K trials of shape N, T, K factors : list List of tensors, each one containing a factor mode : int Index of the factor to optimize Returns ------- float Number to which multiply the factor to for optimization """ sub_indices = [i for i in range(self.dimension) if i != mode] for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices): if i: accum = accum *[e]), factors[e]) else: accum =[e]), factors[e]) numerator =, mode), tl.tenalg.khatri_rao(factors, skip_matrix=mode)) numerator = tl.clip(numerator, a_min=self.epsilon, a_max=None) denominator =[mode], accum) denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=self.epsilon, a_max=None) return (numerator / denominator)
def Projectiononstiefelmanifold(Point, Parameter): p=np.array(Parameter.shape,dtype=int)[0] I=tl.tensor(np.identity(p)),Point.T),Parameter),Parameter) #P=Skewmatrix(P),Skewmatrix(,Parameter))) return Result
def test_vonneumann_entropy_mixed_state(): """Test for vonneumann_entropy on 2-dimensional tensors. This test checks that the VNE of mixed states is calculated correctly. """ state1 = tl.tensor([[0.03004805, 0.42426117, 0.5483771 , 0.4784077 , 0.25792725, 0.34388784, 0.99927586, 0.96605812]]) state1 = state1/tl.norm(state1) state2 = tl.tensor([[0.84250089, 0.43429687, 0.26551928, 0.18262211, 0.55584835, 0.2565509 , 0.33197401, 0.97741178]]) state2 = state2/tl.norm(state2) mat_mixed = tl.tensor((, state1) +, state2))/2.) actual_vne = 0.5546 tl_vne = vonneumann_entropy(mat_mixed) assert_array_almost_equal(tl_vne, actual_vne, decimal=3)
def dtd(factors_old, X_old, X_new, rank, n_iter=1, mu=1, verbose=False): weights = tl.ones(rank) if verbose: X = tl.tensor(np.concatenate((X_old, X_new))) n_dim = tl.ndim(X_old) U = factors_old.copy() for i in range(n_iter): # temporal mode for A1 V = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank))) for j, factor in enumerate(U): if j != 0: V = V *, factor) mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(X_new, (None, U), 0) A1 = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.transpose(V), tl.transpose(mttkrp))) # non-temporal mode for mode in range(1, n_dim): U1 = U.copy() U1[0] = A1 V = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank))) W = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank))) for j, factor in enumerate(U): factor_old = factors_old[j] if j != mode: W = W *, factor) if j == 0: V = V * (mu *, factor) +, A1)) else: V = V *, factor) mttkrp0 = mu *[mode], W) mttkrp1 = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(X_new, (None, U1), mode) U[mode] = tl.transpose( tl.solve(tl.transpose(V), tl.transpose(mttkrp0 + mttkrp1))) # temporal mode for A0 V = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank))) W = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank))) for j, factor in enumerate(U): factor_old = factors_old[j] if j != 0: V = V *, factor) W = W *, factor) mttkrp =[0], W) U[0] = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.transpose(V), tl.transpose(mttkrp))) if verbose: U1 = U.copy() U1[0] = np.concatenate((U[0], A1)) X_est = construct_tensor(U1) compare_tensors(X, X_est) U[0] = np.concatenate((U[0].copy(), A1)) return KruskalTensor((weights, U))
def test_cp_to_tensor_with_weights(): A = tl.reshape(tl.arange(1,5), (2,2)) B = tl.reshape(tl.arange(5,9), (2,2)) weigths = tl.tensor([2,-1], **tl.context(A)) out = cp_to_tensor((weigths, [A,B])) expected = tl.tensor([[-2,-2], [6, 10]]) # computed by hand assert_array_equal(out, expected) (weigths, factors) = random_cp((5, 5, 5), rank=5, normalise_factors=True, full=False) true_res =[0], tl.diag(weigths)), tl.transpose(tl.tenalg.khatri_rao(factors[1:]))) true_res = tl.fold(true_res, 0, (5, 5, 5)) res = cp_to_tensor((weigths, factors)) assert_array_almost_equal(true_res, res, err_msg='weights incorrectly incorporated in cp_to_tensor')
def mps_to_tensor(factors): """Returns the full tensor whose MPS decomposition is given by 'factors' Re-assembles 'factors', which represent a tensor in MPS/TT format into the corresponding full tensor Parameters ---------- factors: list of 3D-arrays MPS factors (known as core in TT terminology) Returns ------- output_tensor: ndarray tensor whose MPS/TT decomposition was given by 'factors' """ full_shape = [f.shape[1] for f in factors] full_tensor = tl.reshape(factors[0], (full_shape[0], -1)) for factor in factors[1:]: rank_prev, _, rank_next = factor.shape factor = tl.reshape(factor, (rank_prev, -1)) full_tensor =, factor) full_tensor = tl.reshape(full_tensor, (-1, rank_next)) return tl.reshape(full_tensor, full_shape)
def test_svd(): """Test for the SVD functions""" tol = 0.1 tol_orthogonality = 0.01 for name, svd_fun in T.SVD_FUNS.items(): sizes = [(100, 100), (100, 5), (10, 10), (10, 4), (5, 100)] n_eigenvecs = [90, 4, 5, 4, 5] for s, n in zip(sizes, n_eigenvecs): matrix = np.random.random(s) matrix_backend = T.tensor(matrix) fU, fS, fV = svd_fun(matrix_backend, n_eigenvecs=n) U, S, V = svd(matrix) U, S, V = U[:, :n], S[:n], V[:n, :] assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(S), T.abs(fS), decimal=3, err_msg='eigenvals not correct for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format( name, tl.get_backend(), n, s)) # True reconstruction error (based on numpy SVD) true_rec_error = np.sum((matrix -, S.reshape((-1, 1))*V))**2) # Reconstruction error with the backend's SVD rec_error = T.sum((matrix_backend -, T.reshape(fS, (-1, 1))*fV))**2) # Check that the two are similar assert_(true_rec_error - rec_error <= tol, msg='Reconstruction not correct for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format( name, tl.get_backend(), n, s)) # Check for orthogonality when relevant if name != 'symeig_svd': left_orthogonality_error = T.norm(, fU) - T.eye(n)) assert_(left_orthogonality_error <= tol_orthogonality, msg='Left eigenvecs not orthogonal for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format( name, tl.get_backend(), n, s)) right_orthogonality_error = T.norm(, fU) - T.eye(n)) assert_(right_orthogonality_error <= tol_orthogonality, msg='Right eigenvecs not orthogonal for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format( name, tl.get_backend(), n, s)) # Should fail on non-matrices with assert_raises(ValueError): tensor = T.tensor(np.random.random((3, 3, 3))) svd_fun(tensor) # Test for singular matrices (some eigenvals will be zero) # Rank at most 5 matrix = T.tensor(, 5)), np.random.random((5, 20)))) U, S, V = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=n) true_rec_error = tl.sum((matrix -, tl.reshape(S, (-1, 1))*V))**2) assert_(true_rec_error <= tol) # Test if partial_svd returns the same result for the same setting matrix = T.tensor(np.random.random((20, 5))) random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) U1, S1, V1 = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=2, random_state=random_state) U2, S2, V2 = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=2, random_state=0) assert_array_equal(U1, U2) assert_array_equal(S1, S2) assert_array_equal(V1, V2)
def tt_matrix_to_tensor(tt_matrix): """Returns the full tensor whose TT-Matrix decomposition is given by 'factors' Re-assembles 'factors', which represent a tensor in TT-Matrix format into the corresponding full tensor Parameters ---------- factors: list of 4D-arrays TT-Matrix factors (known as core) of shape (rank_k, left_dim_k, right_dim_k, rank_{k+1}) Returns ------- output_tensor: ndarray tensor whose TT-Matrix decomposition was given by 'factors' """ # Each core is of shape (rank_left, size_in, size_out, rank_right) rank, in_shape, out_shape, rank_right = zip(*(tl.shape(f) for f in tt_matrix)) rank += (rank_right[-1], ) ndim = len(in_shape) # Intertwine the dims # full_shape = in_shape[0], out_shape[0], in_shape[1], ... full_shape = sum(zip(*(in_shape, out_shape)), ()) order = list(range(0, ndim*2, 2)) + list(range(1, ndim*2, 2)) for i, factor in enumerate(tt_matrix): if not i: # factor = factor.squeeze(0) res = tl.reshape(factor, (factor.shape[1], -1)) else: res =, (-1, rank[i])), tl.reshape(factor, (rank[i], -1))) res = tl.reshape(res, full_shape) return tl.transpose(res, order)
def tt_to_tensor(factors): """Returns the full tensor whose TT decomposition is given by 'factors' Re-assembles 'factors', which represent a tensor in TT/Matrix-Product-State format into the corresponding full tensor Parameters ---------- factors : list of 3D-arrays TT factors (TT-cores) Returns ------- output_tensor : ndarray tensor whose TT/MPS decomposition was given by 'factors' """ full_shape = [f.shape[1] for f in factors] full_tensor = tl.reshape(factors[0], (full_shape[0], -1)) for factor in factors[1:]: rank_prev, _, rank_next = factor.shape factor = tl.reshape(factor, (rank_prev, -1)) full_tensor =, factor) full_tensor = tl.reshape(full_tensor, (-1, rank_next)) return tl.reshape(full_tensor, full_shape)
def test_tt_factorized_linear(): x = tlr.random_tt((2, 7), rank=[1, 7, 1]) weights = tlr.random_tt_matrix((2, 7, 2, 7), rank=[1, 10, 1]) out = tt_factorized_linear(x, weights).to_tensor() out = tl.reshape(out, (-1, 1)) manual_out =, tl.reshape(x.to_tensor(), (-1, 1))) assert_array_almost_equal(out, manual_out, decimal=4)
def test_vonneumann_entropy_pure_state(): """Test for vonneumann_entropy on 2-dimensional tensors. This test checks that pure states have a VNE of zero. """ state = tl.randn((8, 1)) state = state / tl.norm(state) mat_pure =, tl.transpose(state)) tl_vne = vonneumann_entropy(mat_pure) assert_array_almost_equal(tl_vne, 0, decimal=3)
def als(tensor,rank,factors=None,it_max=100,tol=1e-7,list_factors=False,error_fast=True,time_rec=False): """ ALS methode of CP decomposition Parameters ---------- tensor : tensor rank : int factors : list of matrices, optional an initial factor matrices. The default is None. it_max : int, optional maximal number of iteration. The default is 100. tol : float, optional error tolerance. The default is 1e-7. list_factors : boolean, optional If true, then return factor matrices of each iteration. The default is False. error_fast : boolean, optional If true, use err_fast to compute data fitting error, otherwise, use err. The default is True. time_rec : boolean, optional If true, return computation time of each iteration. The default is False. Returns ------- the CP decomposition, number of iteration and termination criterion. list_fac and list_time are optional. """ N=tl.ndim(tensor) # order of tensor norm_tensor=tl.norm(tensor) # norm of tensor if time_rec == True : list_time=[] if list_factors==True : list_fac=[] # list of factor matrices if (factors==None): factors=svd_init_fac(tensor,rank) weights=None it=0 if list_factors==True : list_fac.append(copy.deepcopy(factors)) error=[err(tensor,weights,factors)/norm_tensor] while (error[len(error)-1]>tol and it<it_max): if time_rec == True : tic=time.time() for n in range(N): V=np.ones((rank,rank)) for i in range(len(factors)): if i != n : V=V*[i]),factors[i]) W=tl.cp_tensor.unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None,factors), n) factors[n]= tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.transpose(V),tl.transpose(W))) if list_factors==True : list_fac.append(copy.deepcopy(factors)) it=it+1 if (error_fast==False) : error.append(err(tensor,weights,factors)/norm_tensor) else : error.append(err_fast(norm_tensor,factors[N-1],V,W)/norm_tensor) if time_rec == True : toc=time.time() list_time.append(toc-tic) # weights,factors=tl.cp_tensor.cp_normalize((None,factors)) if list_factors==True and time_rec==True: return(weights,factors,it,error,list_fac,list_time) if time_rec==True : return(weights,factors,it,error,list_time) if list_factors==True : return(weights,factors,it,error,list_fac) return(weights,factors,it,error)
def test_cp_to_tensor(): """Test for cp_to_tensor.""" U1 = np.reshape(np.arange(1, 10), (3, 3)) U2 = np.reshape(np.arange(10, 22), (4, 3)) U3 = np.reshape(np.arange(22, 28), (2, 3)) U4 = np.reshape(np.arange(28, 34), (2, 3)) U = [tl.tensor(t) for t in [U1, U2, U3, U4]] true_res = tl.tensor([[[[ 46754., 51524.], [ 52748., 58130.]], [[ 59084., 65114.], [ 66662., 73466.]], [[ 71414., 78704.], [ 80576., 88802.]], [[ 83744., 92294.], [ 94490., 104138.]]], [[[ 113165., 124784.], [ 127790., 140912.]], [[ 143522., 158264.], [ 162080., 178730.]], [[ 173879., 191744.], [ 196370., 216548.]], [[ 204236., 225224.], [ 230660., 254366.]]], [[[ 179576., 198044.], [ 202832., 223694.]], [[ 227960., 251414.], [ 257498., 283994.]], [[ 276344., 304784.], [ 312164., 344294.]], [[ 324728., 358154.], [ 366830., 404594.]]]]) res = cp_to_tensor((tl.ones(3), U)) assert_array_equal(res, true_res, err_msg='Khatri-rao incorrectly transformed into full tensor.') columns = 4 rows = [3, 4, 2] matrices = [tl.tensor(np.arange(k * columns).reshape((k, columns))) for k in rows] tensor = cp_to_tensor((tl.ones(columns), matrices)) for i in range(len(rows)): unfolded = unfold(tensor, mode=i) U_i = matrices.pop(i) reconstructed =, tl.transpose(khatri_rao(matrices))) assert_array_almost_equal(reconstructed, unfolded) matrices.insert(i, U_i)
def test_tt_vonneumann_entropy_pure_state(): """Test for tt_vonneumann_entropy TT tensors. This test checks that pure states have a VNE of zero. """ state = tl.randn((8, 1)) state = state/tl.norm(state) mat_pure = tl.reshape(, tl.transpose(state)), (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)) mat_pure = matrix_product_state(mat_pure, rank=(1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1)) tl_vne = tt_vonneumann_entropy(mat_pure) assert_array_almost_equal(tl_vne, 0, decimal=3)
def test_cp_vonneumann_entropy_pure_state(): """Test for cp_vonneumann_entropy on 2-dimensional CP tensors. This test checks that pure states have a VNE of zero. """ state = tl.randn((8, 1)) state = state / tl.norm(state) mat_pure =, tl.transpose(state)) mat = parafac(mat_pure, rank=1, normalize_factors=True) tl_vne = cp_vonneumann_entropy(mat) assert_array_almost_equal(tl_vne, 0, decimal=3)
def test_tr_to_tensor(): # Create ground truth TR factors factors = [tl.randn((2, 4, 3)), tl.randn((3, 5, 2)), tl.randn((2, 6, 2))] # Create tensor tensor = tl.zeros((4, 5, 6)) for i in range(4): for j in range(5): for k in range(6): product =[0][:, i, :], factors[1][:, j, :]), factors[2][:, k, :]) # TODO: add trace to backend instead of this tensor = tl.index_update( tensor, tl.index[i, j, k], tl.sum(product * tl.eye(product.shape[0]))) # Check that TR factors re-assemble to the original tensor assert_array_almost_equal(tensor, tr_to_tensor(factors))
def contract(tensor1, modes1, tensor2, modes2): """Tensor contraction between two tensors on specified modes Parameters ---------- tensor1 : tl.tensor modes1 : int list or int modes on which to contract tensor1 tensor2 : tl.tensor modes2 : int list or int modes on which to contract tensor2 Returns ------- contraction : tensor1 contracted with tensor2 on the specified modes """ if isinstance(modes1, int): modes1 = [modes1] if isinstance(modes2, int): modes2 = [modes2] modes1 = list(modes1) modes2 = list(modes2) if len(modes1) != len(modes2): raise ValueError( 'Can only contract two tensors along the same number of modes' '(len(modes1) == len(modes2))' 'However, got {} modes for tensor 1 and {} mode for tensor 2' '(modes1={}, and modes2={})'.format(len(modes1), len(modes2), modes1, modes2)) contraction_dims = [tl.shape(tensor1)[i] for i in modes1] if contraction_dims != [tl.shape(tensor2)[i] for i in modes2]: raise ValueError( 'Trying to contract tensors over modes of different sizes' '(contracting modes of sizes {} and {}'.format( contraction_dims, [tl.shape(tensor2)[i] for i in modes2])) shared_dim = int( modes1_free = [i for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor1)) if i not in modes1] free_shape1 = [tl.shape(tensor1)[i] for i in modes1_free] tensor1 = tl.reshape(tl.transpose(tensor1, modes1_free + modes1), (int(, shared_dim)) modes2_free = [i for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor2)) if i not in modes2] free_shape2 = [tl.shape(tensor2)[i] for i in modes2_free] tensor2 = tl.reshape(tl.transpose(tensor2, modes2 + modes2_free), (shared_dim, int( res =, tensor2) return tl.reshape(res, tuple(free_shape1 + free_shape2))
def get_orthogonality_loss(self): if self.rank_tucker == -1: return 0 loss = 0 for fact in self.order1_tens[1]: loss += torch.sum( (, fact) - torch.eye(fact.shape[1]).cuda())**2) if self.order >= 2: for fact in self.order2_tens[1]: loss += torch.sum((, fact) - torch.eye(fact.shape[1]).cuda())**2) if self.order == 3: for fact in self.order3_tens[1]: loss += torch.sum((, fact) - torch.eye(fact.shape[1]).cuda())**2) return loss
def svd_thresholding(matrix, threshold): """Singular value thresholding operator Parameters ---------- matrix : ndarray threshold : float Returns ------- ndarray matrix on which the operator has been applied See also -------- procrustes : procrustes operator """ U, s, V = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=min(matrix.shape)) return, tl.reshape(soft_thresholding(s, threshold), (-1, 1)) * V)
def test_unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(): """Test for unfolding_dot_khatri_rao Check against other version check sparse safe """ shape = (10, 10, 10, 4) rank = 5 tensor = tl.tensor(np.random.random(shape)) weights, factors = random_cp(shape=shape, rank=rank, full=False, normalise_factors=True) for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)): # Version forming explicitely the khatri-rao product unfolded = unfold(tensor, mode) kr_factors = khatri_rao(factors, weights=weights, skip_matrix=mode) true_res =, kr_factors) # Efficient sparse-safe version res = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (weights, factors), mode) assert_array_almost_equal(true_res, res, decimal=3)
def procrustes(matrix): """Procrustes operator Parameters ---------- matrix : ndarray Returns ------- ndarray matrix on which the Procrustes operator has been applied has the same shape as the original tensor See also -------- svd_thresholding : SVD-thresholding operator """ U, _, V = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=min(matrix.shape)) return, V)
def parafac(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, tol=1e-8, random_state=None, verbose=False, return_errors=False, mode_three_val=[[0.5, 0.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.5, 0.5]]): """CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS) Computes a rank-`rank` decomposition of `tensor` [1]_ such that, ``tensor = [| factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |]``. Parameters ---------- tensor : ndarray rank : int Number of components. n_iter_max : int Maximum number of iteration tol : float, optional (Default: 1e-6) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the reconstruction error is less than `tol`. random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState} verbose : int, optional Level of verbosity return_errors : bool, optional Activate return of iteration errors Returns ------- factors : ndarray list List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape (tensor.shape[i], rank) errors : list A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms. References ---------- .. [1] tl.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications", SIAM REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009. """ factors = initialize_factors(tensor, rank, random_state=random_state) rec_errors = [] norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2) # Mode-3 values that control the country factors are set using the # mode_three_val argument. fixed_ja = mode_three_val[0] fixed_ko = mode_three_val[1] for iteration in range(n_iter_max): for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)): pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)), **tl.context(tensor)) factors[2][0] = fixed_ja # set mode-3 values factors[2][1] = fixed_ko # set mode-3 values for i, factor in enumerate(factors): if i != mode: pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse * tl.transpose(factor), factor) factor =, mode), khatri_rao(factors, skip_matrix=mode)) factor = tl.transpose( tl.solve(tl.transpose(pseudo_inverse), tl.transpose(factor))) factors[mode] = factor if tol: rec_error = tl.norm(tensor - kruskal_to_tensor(factors), 2) / norm_tensor rec_errors.append(rec_error) if iteration > 1: if verbose: print('reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.format( rec_errors[-1], rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1])) if tol and abs(rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]) < tol: if verbose: print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration)) break if return_errors: return factors, rec_errors else: return factors
def non_negative_parafac(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, init='svd', svd='numpy_svd', tol=10e-7, random_state=None, verbose=0, normalize_factors=False, return_errors=False, mask=None, orthogonalise=False, cvg_criterion='abs_rec_error', fixed_modes=[]): """ Non-negative CP decomposition Uses multiplicative updates, see [2]_ This is the same as parafac(non_negative=True). Parameters ---------- tensor : ndarray rank : int number of components n_iter_max : int maximum number of iteration init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd' function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS tol : float, optional tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState} verbose : int, optional level of verbosity fixed_modes : list, default is [] A list of modes for which the initial value is not modified. The last mode cannot be fixed due to error computation. Returns ------- factors : ndarray list list of positive factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)`` References ---------- .. [2] Amnon Shashua and Tamir Hazan, "Non-negative tensor factorization with applications to statistics and computer vision", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), pp 792-799, ICML, 2005 """ epsilon = 10e-12 rank = validate_cp_rank(tl.shape(tensor), rank=rank) if mask is not None and init == "svd": message = "Masking occurs after initialization. Therefore, random initialization is recommended." warnings.warn(message, Warning) if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int): orthogonalise = n_iter_max weights, factors = initialize_cp(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd, random_state=random_state, non_negative=True, normalize_factors=normalize_factors) rec_errors = [] norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2) if tl.ndim(tensor) - 1 in fixed_modes: warnings.warn( 'You asked for fixing the last mode, which is not supported while tol is fixed.\n The last mode will not be fixed. Consider using tl.moveaxis()' ) fixed_modes.remove(tl.ndim(tensor) - 1) modes_list = [ mode for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)) if mode not in fixed_modes ] for iteration in range(n_iter_max): if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise: for i, f in enumerate(factors): if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank: factors[i] = tl.abs(tl.qr(f)[0]) if verbose > 1: print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1) for mode in modes_list: if verbose > 1: print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor)) accum = 1 # khatri_rao(factors) # simplifies to multiplications sub_indices = [i for i in range(len(factors)) if i != mode] for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices): if i: accum *=[e]), factors[e]) else: accum =[e]), factors[e]) if mask is not None: tensor = tensor * mask + tl.cp_to_tensor( (None, factors), mask=1 - mask) mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode) numerator = tl.clip(mttkrp, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None) denominator =[mode], accum) denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None) factor = factors[mode] * numerator / denominator factors[mode] = factor if normalize_factors: weights, factors = cp_normalize((weights, factors)) if tol: # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec> factors_norm = cp_norm((weights, factors)) # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the # inner product <tensor, factorization> iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp * factor, axis=0) * weights) rec_error = tl.sqrt( tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 - 2 * iprod)) / norm_tensor rec_errors.append(rec_error) if iteration >= 1: rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1] if verbose: print( "iteration {}, reconstraction error: {}, decrease = {}" .format(iteration, rec_error, rec_error_decrease)) if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error': stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error': stop_flag = rec_error_decrease < tol else: raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion") if stop_flag: if verbose: print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format( iteration)) break else: if verbose: print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1])) cp_tensor = CPTensor((weights, factors)) if return_errors: return cp_tensor, rec_errors else: return cp_tensor
# Parameters of the plot, deduced from the data n_rows = len(patterns) n_columns = len(ranks) + 1 # Plot the three images fig = plt.figure() for i, pattern in enumerate(patterns): print('fitting pattern n.{}'.format(i)) # Generate the original image weight_img = gen_image(region=pattern, image_height=image_height, image_width=image_width) weight_img = tl.tensor(weight_img) # Generate the labels y =, skip_begin=1), tensor_to_vec(weight_img)) # Plot the original weights ax = fig.add_subplot(n_rows, n_columns, i*n_columns + 1) ax.imshow(tl.to_numpy(weight_img),, interpolation='nearest') ax.set_axis_off() if i == 0: ax.set_title('Original\nweights') for j, rank in enumerate(ranks): print('fitting for rank = {}'.format(rank)) # Create a tensor Regressor estimator estimator = TuckerRegressor(weight_ranks=[rank, rank], tol=10e-7, n_iter_max=100, reg_W=1, verbose=0) # Fit the estimator to the data
def non_negative_tucker(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=10, init='svd', tol=10e-5, random_state=None, verbose=False, return_errors=False, normalize_factors=False): """Non-negative Tucker decomposition Iterative multiplicative update, see [2]_ Parameters ---------- tensor : ``ndarray`` rank : None, int or int list size of the core tensor, ``(len(ranks) == tensor.ndim)`` if int, the same rank is used for all modes n_iter_max : int maximum number of iteration init : {'svd', 'random'} random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState} verbose : int , optional level of verbosity ranks : None or int list size of the core tensor normalize_factors : if True, aggregates the core which will contain the norms of the factors. Returns ------- core : ndarray positive core of the Tucker decomposition has shape `ranks` factors : ndarray list list of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)`` References ---------- .. [2] Yong-Deok Kim and Seungjin Choi, "Non-negative tucker decomposition", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition s(CVPR), pp 1-8, 2007 """ rank = validate_tucker_rank(tl.shape(tensor), rank=rank) epsilon = 10e-12 # Initialisation if init == 'svd': core, factors = tucker(tensor, rank) nn_factors = [tl.abs(f) for f in factors] nn_core = tl.abs(core) else: rng = tl.check_random_state(random_state) core = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample(rank) + 0.01, **tl.context(tensor)) # Check this factors = [ tl.tensor(rng.random_sample(s), **tl.context(tensor)) for s in zip(tl.shape(tensor), rank) ] nn_factors = [tl.abs(f) for f in factors] nn_core = tl.abs(core) norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2) rec_errors = [] for iteration in range(n_iter_max): for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)): B = tucker_to_tensor((nn_core, nn_factors), skip_factor=mode) B = tl.transpose(unfold(B, mode)) numerator =, mode), B) numerator = tl.clip(numerator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None) denominator =[mode],, B)) denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None) nn_factors[mode] *= numerator / denominator numerator = tucker_to_tensor((tensor, nn_factors), transpose_factors=True) numerator = tl.clip(numerator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None) for i, f in enumerate(nn_factors): if i: denominator = mode_dot(denominator,, f), i) else: denominator = mode_dot(nn_core,, f), i) denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None) nn_core *= numerator / denominator rec_error = tl.norm(tensor - tucker_to_tensor( (nn_core, nn_factors)), 2) / norm_tensor rec_errors.append(rec_error) if iteration > 1 and verbose: print('reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.format( rec_errors[-1], rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1])) if iteration > 1 and abs(rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]) < tol: if verbose: print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration)) break if normalize_factors: nn_core, nn_factors = tucker_normalize((nn_core, nn_factors)) tensor = TuckerTensor((nn_core, nn_factors)) if return_errors: return tensor, rec_errors else: return tensor
def test_randomized_range_finder(): size = (7, 5) A = T.randn(size) Q = T.randomized_range_finder(A, n_dims=min(size)) assert_array_almost_equal(A,, tl.transpose(T.conj(Q))), A))
def non_negative_tucker_hals(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, init="svd", svd='numpy_svd', tol=1e-8, sparsity_coefficients=None, core_sparsity_coefficient=None, fixed_modes=None, random_state=None, verbose=False, normalize_factors=False, return_errors=False, exact=False, algorithm='fista'): """ Non-negative Tucker decomposition Uses HALS to update each factor columnwise and uses fista or active set algorithm to update the core, see [1]_ Parameters ---------- tensor : ndarray rank : None, int or int list size of the core tensor, ``(len(ranks) == tensor.ndim)`` if int, the same rank is used for all modes n_iter_max : int maximum number of iteration init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd' function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS tol : float, optional tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance Default: 1e-8 sparsity_coefficients : array of float (as much as the number of modes) The sparsity coefficients are used for each factor If set to None, the algorithm is computed without sparsity Default: None core_sparsity_coefficient : array of float. This coefficient imposes sparsity on core when it is updated with fista. Default: None fixed_modes : array of integers (between 0 and the number of modes) Has to be set not to update a factor, 0 and 1 for U and V respectively Default: None verbose : boolean Indicates whether the algorithm prints the successive reconstruction errors or not Default: False normalize_factors : if True, aggregates the core which will contain the norms of the factors. return_errors : boolean Indicates whether the algorithm should return all reconstruction errors and computation time of each iteration or not Default: False exact : If it is True, the HALS nnls subroutines give results with high precision but it needs high computational cost. If it is False, the algorithm gives an approximate solution. Default: False algorithm : {'fista', 'active_set'} Non negative least square solution to update the core. Default: 'fista' Returns ------- factors : ndarray list list of positive factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)`` errors: list A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithm. Notes ----- Tucker decomposes a tensor into a core tensor and list of factors: .. math:: \\begin{equation} tensor = [| core; factors[0], ... ,factors[-1] |] \\end{equation} We solve the following problem for each factor: .. math:: \\begin{equation} \\min_{tensor >= 0} ||tensor_[i] - factors[i]\\times core_[i] \\times (\\prod_{i\\neq j}(factors[j]))^T||^2 \\end{equation} If we define two variables such as: .. math:: U = core_[i] \\times (\\prod_{i\\neq j}(factors[j]\\times factors[j]^T)) \\ M = tensor_[i] Gradient of the problem becomes: .. math:: \\begin{equation} \\delta = -U^TM + factors[i] \\times U^TU \\end{equation} In order to calculate UTU and UTM, we define two variables: .. math:: \\begin{equation} core_cross = \prod_{i\\neq j}(core_[i] \\times (\\prod_{i\\neq j}(factors[j]\\times factors[j]^T)) \\ tensor_cross = \prod_{i\\neq j} tensor_[i] \\times factors_[i] \\end{equation} Then UTU and UTM becomes: .. math:: \\begin{equation} UTU = core_cross_[j] \\times core_[j]^T \\ UTM = (tensor_cross_[j] \\times \\times core_[j]^T)^T \\end{equation} References ---------- .. [1] tl.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications", SIAM REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009. """ rank = validate_tucker_rank(tl.shape(tensor), rank=rank) n_modes = tl.ndim(tensor) if sparsity_coefficients is None or not isinstance(sparsity_coefficients, Iterable): sparsity_coefficients = [sparsity_coefficients] * n_modes if fixed_modes is None: fixed_modes = [] # Avoiding errors for fixed_value in fixed_modes: sparsity_coefficients[fixed_value] = None # Generating the mode update sequence modes = [ mode for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)) if mode not in fixed_modes ] nn_core, nn_factors = initialize_tucker(tensor, rank, modes, init=init, svd=svd, random_state=random_state, non_negative=True) # initialisation - declare local variables norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2) rec_errors = [] # Iterate over one step of NTD for iteration in range(n_iter_max): # One pass of least squares on each updated mode for mode in modes: # Computing Hadamard of cross-products pseudo_inverse = nn_factors.copy() for i, factor in enumerate(nn_factors): if i != mode: pseudo_inverse[i] =, factor) # UtU core_cross = multi_mode_dot(nn_core, pseudo_inverse, skip=mode) UtU =, mode), tl.transpose(unfold(nn_core, mode))) # UtM tensor_cross = multi_mode_dot(tensor, nn_factors, skip=mode, transpose=True) MtU =, mode), tl.transpose(unfold(nn_core, mode))) UtM = tl.transpose(MtU) # Call the hals resolution with nnls, optimizing the current mode nn_factor, _, _, _ = hals_nnls( UtM, UtU, tl.transpose(nn_factors[mode]), n_iter_max=100, sparsity_coefficient=sparsity_coefficients[mode], exact=exact) nn_factors[mode] = tl.transpose(nn_factor) # updating core if algorithm == 'fista': pseudo_inverse[-1] =[-1]), nn_factors[-1]) core_estimation = multi_mode_dot(tensor, nn_factors, transpose=True) learning_rate = 1 for MtM in pseudo_inverse: learning_rate *= 1 / (tl.partial_svd(MtM)[1][0]) nn_core = fista( core_estimation, pseudo_inverse, x=nn_core, n_iter_max=n_iter_max, sparsity_coef=core_sparsity_coefficient, lr=learning_rate, ) if algorithm == 'active_set': pseudo_inverse[-1] =[-1]), nn_factors[-1]) core_estimation_vec = tl.base.tensor_to_vec( tl.tenalg.mode_dot(tensor_cross, tl.transpose(nn_factors[modes[-1]]), modes[-1])) pseudo_inverse_kr = tl.tenalg.kronecker(pseudo_inverse) vectorcore = active_set_nnls(core_estimation_vec, pseudo_inverse_kr, x=nn_core, n_iter_max=n_iter_max) nn_core = tl.reshape(vectorcore, tl.shape(nn_core)) # Adding the l1 norm value to the reconstruction error sparsity_error = 0 for index, sparse in enumerate(sparsity_coefficients): if sparse: sparsity_error += 2 * (sparse * tl.norm(nn_factors[index], order=1)) # error computation rec_error = tl.norm(tensor - tucker_to_tensor( (nn_core, nn_factors)), 2) / norm_tensor rec_errors.append(rec_error) if iteration > 1: if verbose: print('reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.format( rec_errors[-1], rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1])) if tol and abs(rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]) < tol: if verbose: print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration)) break if normalize_factors: nn_core, nn_factors = tucker_normalize((nn_core, nn_factors)) tensor = TuckerTensor((nn_core, nn_factors)) if return_errors: return tensor, rec_errors else: return tensor