Beispiel #1
def cp_als(X, rank, random_state=None, init='randn', **options):
    """Fits CP Decomposition using the Alternating Least Squares (ALS).

    X : (I_1, ..., I_N) array_like
        A real array with ``X.ndim >= 3``.

    rank : integer
        The `rank` sets the number of components to be computed.

    random_state : integer, ``RandomState``, or ``None``, optional (default ``None``)
        If integer, sets the seed of the random number generator;
        If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
        If None, use the RandomState instance used by ``numpy.random``.

    init : str, or KTensor, optional (default ``'randn'``).
        Specifies initial guess for KTensor factor matrices.
        If ``'randn'``, Gaussian random numbers are used to initialize.
        If ``'rand'``, uniform random numbers are used to initialize.
        If KTensor instance, a copy is made to initialize the optimization.

    options : dict, specifying fitting options.

        tol : float, optional (default ``tol=1E-5``)
            Stopping tolerance for reconstruction error.

        max_iter : integer, optional (default ``max_iter = 500``)
            Maximum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        min_iter : integer, optional (default ``min_iter = 1``)
            Minimum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        max_time : integer, optional (default ``max_time = np.inf``)
            Maximum computational time before exiting.

        verbose : bool ``{'True', 'False'}``, optional (default ``verbose=True``)
            Display progress.

    result : FitResult instance
        Object which holds the fitted results. It provides the factor matrices
        in form of a KTensor, ``result.factors``.

    This implemenation uses the Alternating Least Squares Method.

    Kolda, T. G. & Bader, B. W.
    "Tensor Decompositions and Applications."
    SIAM Rev. 51 (2009): 455-500

    Comon, Pierre & Xavier Luciani & Andre De Almeida.
    "Tensor decompositions, alternating least squares and other tales."
    Journal of chemometrics 23 (2009): 393-405.


    import tensortools as tt
    I, J, K, R = 20, 20, 20, 4
    X = tt.randn_tensor(I, J, K, rank=R)
    tt.cp_als(X, rank=R)

    # Check inputs.
    optim_utils._check_cpd_inputs(X, rank)

    # Initialize problem.
    U, normX = optim_utils._get_initial_ktensor(init, X, rank, random_state)
    result = FitResult(U, 'CP_ALS', **options)

    # Main optimization loop.
    while result.still_optimizing:

        # Iterate over each tensor mode.
        for n in range(X.ndim):

            # i) Normalize factors to prevent singularities.

            # ii) Compute the N-1 gram matrices.
            components = [U[j] for j in range(X.ndim) if j != n]
            grams = sci.multiply.reduce([, u) for u in components])

            # iii)  Compute Khatri-Rao product.
            kr = khatri_rao(components)

            # iv) Form normal equations and solve via Cholesky
            # c = linalg.cho_factor(grams, overwrite_a=False)
            # p = unfold(X, n).dot(kr)
            # U[n] = linalg.cho_solve(c, p.T, overwrite_b=False).T
            U[n] = linalg.solve(grams, unfold(X, n).dot(kr).T).T

        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Update the optimization result, checks for convergence.
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Compute objective function
        # grams *= U[-1][-1])
        # obj = np.sqrt(np.sum(grams) - 2*sci.sum(p*U[-1]) + normX**2) / normX
        obj = linalg.norm(U.full() - X) / normX

        # Update result

    # Finalize and return the optimization result.
    return result.finalize()
Beispiel #2
def fit_disengaged_sated(mouse,
    Use an existing TCA decomposition to fit trials from disengaged and sated
    days. Compare ratio of trials disengaged vs engaged using a ramp index.

        log2(mean(disengaged trials)/mean(engaged trials))

    # load full-size TCA results
    mouse = mouse.mouse
    load_kwargs = {
        'mouse': mouse,
        'method': method,
        'cs': cs,
        'warp': warp,
        'word': word,
        'group_by': group_by,
        'nan_thresh': nan_thresh,
        'score_threshold': score_threshold,
        'rank': rank
    ensemble, ids2, clus = load.groupday_tca_model(**load_kwargs)

    # get all days with disengaged or sated trials
    dis_dates = flow.DateSorter.frommeta(mice=[mouse],
    sated_dates = flow.DateSorter.frommeta(mice=[mouse],
    all_dates = []
    day_type = []
    for day in dis_dates:
    for day in sated_dates:

    # preallocate
    fits_vec = []
    ratios_vec = []
    comp_vec = []
    day_vec = []
    day_type_vec = []

    for c, day in enumerate(all_dates):

        # load single day tensor with dis trials
        X, meta, ids = load.singleday_tensor(mouse,

        # only include matched cells, no empties
        good_ids = ids[np.isin(ids, ids2)]
        X_indexer = np.isin(ids, good_ids)
        X = X[X_indexer, :, :]

        # only keep indices that exist in the single day tensor
        A_indexer = np.isin(ids2, good_ids)
        A = ensemble.results[rank][0].factors[0][A_indexer, :]
        B = ensemble.results[rank][0].factors[1]
        C = ensemble.results[rank][0].factors[2]

        # make sure X is in the order of the sorted TCA results
        X_sorter = [
            np.where(ids[X_indexer] == s)[0][0] for s in ids2[A_indexer]
        X = X[X_sorter, :, :]

        # create a mask for TCA
        # (not actually used here since there are no empties)
        mask = np.ones(np.shape(X)) == 1

        # Check inputs.
        optim_utils._check_cpd_inputs(X, rank)

        # Initialize problem.
        U, _ = optim_utils._get_initial_ktensor(init,
        result = FitResult(U,

        # Store problem dimensions.
        normX = linalg.norm(X[mask].ravel())

        # fit a single iteration of HALS for the trial dimension
        for i in range(1):

            # First, HALS update. Fit only trials (dim = 2)
            n = 2

            # add in known dimensions to Ktensor
            U[0] = np.ascontiguousarray(A)
            U[1] = np.ascontiguousarray(B)

            # Select all components, but U_n
            components = [U[j] for j in range(X.ndim) if j != n]

            # i) compute the N-1 gram matrices
            grams = sci.multiply.reduce([ for arr in components])

            # ii)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
            kr = khatri_rao(components)
            p = unfold(X, n).dot(kr)

            # iii) Update component U_n
            _hals_update(U[n], grams, p)

            # Then, update masked elements.
            pred = U.full()
            X[~mask] = pred[~mask]

            # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            # Update the optimization result, checks for convergence.
            # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            # Compute objective function
            # grams *= U[X.ndim - 1][X.ndim - 1])
            # obj = np.sqrt( (sci.sum(grams) - 2 * sci.sum(U[X.ndim - 1] * p)
            # +normX**2)) / normX
            resid = X - pred
            result.update(linalg.norm(resid.ravel()) / normX)

        # calculate ramp index for each component
        test = deepcopy(U[2])
        # dis_ri = []
        # dis_rat = []
        #     test[test == 0] = np.nan
        if day_type[c] == 'disengaged':
            notdise = ~meta['tag'].isin(['disengaged']).values
            dise = meta['tag'].isin(['disengaged']).values
        elif day_type[c] == 'sated':
            notdise = ~meta['hunger'].isin(['sated']).values
            dise = meta['hunger'].isin(['sated']).values
        for i in range(rank):
            ri = np.log2(
                np.nanmean(test[dise, i]) / np.nanmean(test[notdise, i]))
            # ratio = np.nanmean(test[dise, i])/np.nanmean(test[:, i])
            # dis_ri.append(ri)
            # dis_rat.append(ratio)
            comp_vec.append(i + 1)

        # save ramp indices for each day
        # fits_vec.append(dis_ri)
        # ratios_vec.append(dis_rat)

    # make dataframe of data
    # create your index out of relevant variables
    index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[mouse] * len(fits_vec)],

    data = {
        'rank': [rank] * len(fits_vec),
        'date': day_vec,
        'component': comp_vec,
        'day_type': day_type_vec,
        'dis_index': fits_vec

    dfdis = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index)

    return dfdis
Beispiel #3
def ncp_bcd(X, rank, random_state=None, init='rand', skip_modes=[], **options):
    Fits nonnegative CP Decomposition using the Block Coordinate Descent (BCD)

    X : (I_1, ..., I_N) array_like
        A real array with nonnegative entries and ``X.ndim >= 3``.

    rank : integer
        The `rank` sets the number of components to be computed.

    random_state : integer, RandomState instance or None, optional (default ``None``)
        If integer, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
        If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
        If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random.

    init : str, or KTensor, optional (default ``'rand'``).
        Specifies initial guess for KTensor factor matrices.
        If ``'randn'``, Gaussian random numbers are used to initialize.
        If ``'rand'``, uniform random numbers are used to initialize.
        If KTensor instance, a copy is made to initialize the optimization.

    skip_modes : iterable, optional (default ``[]``).
        Specifies modes of the tensor that are not fit. This can be
        used to fix certain factor matrices that have been previously

    options : dict, specifying fitting options.

        tol : float, optional (default ``tol=1E-5``)
            Stopping tolerance for reconstruction error.

        max_iter : integer, optional (default ``max_iter = 500``)
            Maximum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        min_iter : integer, optional (default ``min_iter = 1``)
            Minimum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        max_time : integer, optional (default ``max_time = np.inf``)
            Maximum computational time before exiting.

        verbose : bool ``{'True', 'False'}``, optional (default ``verbose=True``)
            Display progress.

    result : FitResult instance
        Object which holds the fitted results. It provides the factor matrices
        in form of a KTensor, ``result.factors``.

    This implemenation is using the Block Coordinate Descent Method.

    Xu, Yangyang, and Wotao Yin. "A block coordinate descent method for
    regularized multiconvex optimization with applications to
    negative tensor factorization and completion."
    SIAM Journal on imaging sciences 6.3 (2013): 1758-1789.



    # Check inputs.
    optim_utils._check_cpd_inputs(X, rank)

    # Store norm of X for computing objective function.
    N = X.ndim

    # Initialize problem.
    U, normX = optim_utils._get_initial_ktensor(init, X, rank, random_state)
    result = FitResult(U, 'NCP_BCD', **options)

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Block coordinate descent
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Um = U.copy()  # Extrapolations of compoenents
    extraw = 1  # Used for extrapolation weight update
    weights_U = np.ones(N)  # Extrapolation weights
    L = np.ones(N)  # Lipschitz constants
    obj_bcd = 0.5 * normX**2  # Initial objective value

    # Main optimization loop.
    while result.still_optimizing:
        obj_bcd_old = obj_bcd  # Old objective value
        U_old = U.copy()
        extraw_old = extraw

        for n in range(N):

            # Skip modes that are specified as fixed.
            if n in skip_modes:

            # Select all components, but U_n
            components = [U[j] for j in range(N) if j != n]

            # i) compute the N-1 gram matrices
            grams = sci.multiply.reduce([ for arr in components])

            # Update gradient Lipschnitz constant
            L0 = L  # Lipschitz constants
            L[n] = linalg.norm(grams, 2)

            # ii)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
            kr = khatri_rao(components)
            p = unfold(X, n).dot(kr)

            # Compute Gradient.
            grad = Um[n].dot(grams) - p

            # Enforce nonnegativity (project onto nonnegative orthant).
            U[n] = sci.maximum(0.0, Um[n] - grad / L[n])

        # Compute objective function and update optimization result.
        # grams *= U[X.ndim - 1][X.ndim - 1])
        # obj = np.sqrt(sci.sum(grams) - 2 * sci.sum(U[X.ndim - 1] * p) + normX**2) / normX
        obj = linalg.norm(X - U.full()) / normX

        # Correction and extrapolation.
        grams *= U[N - 1][N - 1])
        obj_bcd = 0.5 * (sci.sum(grams) - 2 * sci.sum(U[N - 1] * p) + normX**2)

        extraw = (1 + sci.sqrt(1 + 4 * extraw_old**2)) / 2.0

        if obj_bcd >= obj_bcd_old:
            # restore previous A to make the objective nonincreasing
            Um = sci.copy(U_old)

            # apply extrapolation
            w = (extraw_old - 1.0) / extraw  # Extrapolation weight
            for n in range(N):
                weights_U[n] = min(w, 1.0 * sci.sqrt(
                    L0[n] / L[n]))  # choose smaller weights for convergence
                Um[n] = U[n] + weights_U[n] * (U[n] - U_old[n]
                                               )  # extrapolation

    # Finalize and return the optimization result.
    return result.finalize()
Beispiel #4
def ncp_hals(X, rank, random_state=None, init='rand', **options):
    Fits nonnegtaive CP Decomposition using the Hierarcial Alternating Least
    Squares (HALS) Method.

    X : (I_1, ..., I_N) array_like
        A real array with nonnegative entries and ``X.ndim >= 3``.

    rank : integer
        The `rank` sets the number of components to be computed.

    random_state : integer, RandomState instance or None, optional (default ``None``)
        If integer, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
        If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
        If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random.

    init : str, or KTensor, optional (default ``'rand'``).
        Specifies initial guess for KTensor factor matrices.
        If ``'randn'``, Gaussian random numbers are used to initialize.
        If ``'rand'``, uniform random numbers are used to initialize.
        If KTensor instance, a copy is made to initialize the optimization.

    options : dict, specifying fitting options.

        tol : float, optional (default ``tol=1E-5``)
            Stopping tolerance for reconstruction error.

        max_iter : integer, optional (default ``max_iter = 500``)
            Maximum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        min_iter : integer, optional (default ``min_iter = 1``)
            Minimum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        max_time : integer, optional (default ``max_time = np.inf``)
            Maximum computational time before exiting.

        verbose : bool ``{'True', 'False'}``, optional (default ``verbose=True``)
            Display progress.

    result : FitResult instance
        Object which holds the fitted results. It provides the factor matrices
        in form of a KTensor, ``result.factors``.

    This implemenation is using the Hierarcial Alternating Least Squares Method.

    Cichocki, Andrzej, and P. H. A. N. Anh-Huy. "Fast local algorithms for
    large scale nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations."
    IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and
    computer sciences 92.3: 708-721, 2009.



    # Check inputs.
    optim_utils._check_cpd_inputs(X, rank)

    # Initialize problem.
    U, normX = optim_utils._get_initial_ktensor(init, X, rank, random_state)
    result = FitResult(U, 'NCP_HALS', **options)

    # Store problem dimensions.
    normX = linalg.norm(X)

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Iterate the HALS algorithm until convergence or maxiter is reached
    # i)   compute the N gram matrices and multiply
    # ii)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
    # iii) Update component U_1, U_2, ... U_N
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    while result.still_optimizing:

        violation = 0.0

        for n in range(X.ndim):

            # Select all components, but U_n
            components = [U[j] for j in range(X.ndim) if j != n]

            # i) compute the N-1 gram matrices
            grams = sci.multiply.reduce([ for arr in components])

            # ii)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
            kr = khatri_rao(components)
            p = unfold(X, n).dot(kr)

            # iii) Update component U_n
            violation += _hals_update(U[n], grams, p)

        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Update the optimization result, checks for convergence.
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Compute objective function
        # grams *= U[X.ndim - 1][X.ndim - 1])
        # obj = np.sqrt( (sci.sum(grams) - 2 * sci.sum(U[X.ndim - 1] * p) + normX**2)) / normX
        result.update(linalg.norm(X - U.full()) / normX)

    # end optimization loop, return result.
    return result.finalize()
Beispiel #5
def model_forecast(
        'method': '{}-Divergence'.format(u'\u03B2'),
        'tol': 1e-5,
        'min_iter': 1,
        'max_iter': 500,
        'verbose': True
    Use a trained NN-LDS model to forecast future states and observations.

        X : np.ndarray, tensor_like with shape: [I_1, I_2, ..., I_N]
            Tensor containing dimensionality of the system output.
            Each Tensor fiber, I, is considered a mode of the system.
            Example modes are channels, time, trials, spectral frequency, etc.

        model : FitModel object
            Model that was created using the init_model function. The `model`
            must explicitly contain an LDS component.

        exog_input: np.ndarray, shape: [t, p]
            If LDS_dict is used, then exog_input specifies the
            p-dimensional input signal, or control input, over time t.
            Must match the length of the observed axis.

        forecast_steps: int
            Number of samples ahead to forecast using each time sample in X
            as a starting-point.

        fit_dict: dict, specifying fitting options.

            tol: float, Stopping tolerance for reconstruction error.

            max_iter: int, Max number of iterations to perform before exiting.

            min_iter: int, Min number of iterations to perform before exiting.

            verbose : bool, Display progress.

    Xp : list[np.ndarray], listtensor_like with shape: [I_1, I_2, ..., I_N]
        Skeletal Tensor containing dimensionality of the system output.
            Each Tensor fiber, I, is considered a mode of the system.
            Example modes are channels, time, trials, spectral frequency, etc.

    # Check model
    if 'NTF' not in model.model_param:
        raise Exception('Model does not have a observation component.')
    if 'LDS' not in model.model_param:
        raise Exception('Model does not have a dynamical system component.')

    # Check input matrix
    optim_utils._check_cpd_inputs(X, model.model_param['rank'])
    forecast_steps = (exog_input.shape[0] -
    if forecast_steps < 0:
        raise Exception('Length of exogeneous input must be geq than ' +
                        'length of data tensor in order to filter/forecast.')

    if exog_input.shape[1] != model.model_param['LDS']['AB'].B.shape[-1]:
        raise Exception('Shape of input signal does not match shape of ' +
                        'control-input matrix.')

    # Update model fit parameters

    # Reset the status of the model

    # Set pointers to commonly used objects
    mp = model.model_param
    dAB = mp['LDS']['AB']
    ax_t = mp['LDS']['axis']
    Xn = unfold(X, ax_t)

    # Initialize temporal state coefficients
    assert model.model_param['NTF']['init'] in ['rand', 'randn']
    if model.model_param['NTF']['init'] == 'randn':
        H = np.random.randn(X.shape[ax_t], model.model_param['rank'])
        H = np.random.rand(X.shape[ax_t], model.model_param['rank'])

    # Create a new model tensor with the temporal state mode replaced
    W = KTensor([mp['NTF']['W'][j] if j != ax_t else H for j in range(X.ndim)])
    mp['NTF']['W'] = W

    # Use observation model to estimate the current temporal state mode
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Iterate algorithm until convergence or maxiter is reached
    # i)   compute the N gram matrices and multiply
    # ii)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
    # iii) Update component U_1, U_2, ... U_N
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    if forecast_steps > 0:
        Ufilter = exog_input[:-forecast_steps]

    while model.still_optimizing:

        # Select all components, but U_n
        # i)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
        kr = khatri_rao([W[j] for j in range(X.ndim) if j != ax_t])

        # ii) Compute unfolded prediction of X
        p = W[ax_t].dot(kr.T)

        # iii) Compute gradient for the observation model
        neg, pos = calc_div_grad(Xn, p, kr, mp['NTF']['beta'])

        # iv) Compute gradient for the dynamical model

        WL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_state_to_lagged(W[ax_t].T)
        UL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_exog_to_lagged(Ufilter.T)

        lag_diff = mp['LDS']['AB'].lag_state - mp['LDS']['AB'].lag_exog
        if lag_diff > 0:
            UL = UL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]
        elif lag_diff < 0:
            WL = WL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]

        neg1, pos1 = calc_time_grad(mp['LDS']['AB'].A, WL, mp['LDS']['AB'].B,
                                    UL, mp['LDS']['beta'])
        neg1 = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_state_to_unlagged(neg1)
        pos1 = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_state_to_unlagged(pos1)

        neg += neg1.T
        pos += pos1.T


        # vi) Update the observational component weights
        W[ax_t] *= (neg / pos)**mm_gamma_func(mp['NTF']['beta'])

        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Update the optimization model, checks for convergence.
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Compute objective function

        # Cost of the observation model
        cost_obs = calc_cost(X, W.full(), mp['NTF']['beta'])

        # Update the model

    # end optimization loop.
    # Current temporal state mode is inferred, coefficients have been updated

    # Use LDS and current temporal state mode to forecast future state mode

    Wn = list(W[ax_t])
    Un = list(exog_input)
    for p in range(forecast_steps):
        W_ix = range(len(Wn) - 1, len(Wn) - 1 - dAB.lag_state, -1)
        U_ix = range(len(Wn) - 1, len(Wn) - 1 - dAB.lag_exog, -1)

        AX = np.array([
            dAB.A[ii, :, :].dot(Wn[ij].reshape(-1, 1))
            for ii, ij in enumerate(W_ix)
        ])[:, :, 0].sum(axis=0)
        BU = np.array([
            dAB.B[ii, :, :].dot(Un[ij].reshape(-1, 1))
            for ii, ij in enumerate(U_ix)
        ])[:, :, 0].sum(axis=0)

        Wn.append(AX + BU)
    Wn = np.array(Wn)
    Wn = Wn[-forecast_steps:, :]

    # Re-mix forecasted state mode coefs through NTF
    XP = KTensor([W[j] if j != ax_t else Wn for j in range(X.ndim)])

    return XP
Beispiel #6
def model_update(
        'method': '{}-Divergence'.format(u'\u03B2'),
        'tol': 1e-5,
        'min_iter': 1,
        'max_iter': 500,
        'LDS_iter': 0,
        'verbose': True
    Update the model parameters by optimizing Beta-Divergence Cost Functions
    using Multiplicative Updates (MU) method.

        X : np.ndarray, tensor_like with shape: [I_1, I_2, ..., I_N]
            Tensor containing dimensionality of the system output.
            Each Tensor fiber, I, is considered a mode of the system.
            Example modes are channels, time, trials, spectral frequency, etc.

        model : FitModel object
            Model that was created using the init_model function.

        exog_input: np.ndarray, shape: [t, p]
            If LDS_dict is used, then exogeneous input specifies the
            p-dimensional input signal, or control input, over time t.

        fixed_axes: None, int, or list[int]
            Modes of the model to keep constant during the update.
            Typically used to test the model on new data by keeping
            "basis modes" fixed and updating "activation" coefficients.

            If list[int], fix modes corresponding to axes in X for each int.
                An empty list implies that all modes get updated.

        fit_dict: dict, specifying fitting options.

            tol: float, Stopping tolerance for reconstruction error.

            max_iter: int, Max number of iterations to perform before exiting.

            min_iter: int, Min number of iterations to perform before exiting.

            verbose : bool, Display progress.

    model : FitModel instance
        Object which holds the fitted model. It provides the factor matrices
        in form of a KTensor, ``model.factors``.

    Févotte, Cédric, and Jérôme Idier. "Algorithms for nonnegative matrix
    factorization with the β-divergence."
    Neural computation 23.9 (2011): 2421-2456.

    # Check input matrix
    optim_utils._check_cpd_inputs(X, model.model_param['rank'])
    if X.shape != model.model_param['NTF']['W'].shape:
        raise Exception('Shape of input X does not match shape expected by ' +
                        'initialized model.')
    if mask is not None:
        if mask.shape != X.shape:
            raise Exception(
                'Size of mask array does not match size of data tensor.')
        mask = np.ones_like(X)

    if exog_input is not None:
        if exog_input.shape[0] != X.shape[model.model_param['LDS']['axis']]:
            raise Exception(
                'Length of exogeneous input does not match length of ' +
                'data tensor.')

        if exog_input.shape[1] != model.model_param['LDS']['AB'].B.shape[-1]:
            raise Exception('Shape of input signal does not match shape of ' +
                            'control-input matrix.')

    # Check fixed axes
    if type(fixed_axes) is not list:
        raise Exception('Fixed axes must be list of axis indices')
    if not all([
            True if (int(a) == a) and (a >= 0) and (a < X.ndim) else False
            for a in fixed_axes
        raise Exception('Fixed axes not integers or exceed dimensions of X.')
    fixed_axes = [int(a) for a in fixed_axes]

    # Update model fit parameters

    # Reset the status of the model

    # Set pointers to commonly used objects
    mp = model.model_param
    W = mp['NTF']['W']
    X_unfold = [unfold(X, n) for n in range(X.ndim)]
    M_unfold = [unfold(mask, n) for n in range(mask.ndim)]

    # Set flags for conditional operations
    flag_lds = True if mp['LDS'] is not None else False
    flag_reg = True if mp['REG'] is not None else False

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Iterate algorithm until convergence or maxiter is reached
    # i)   compute the N gram matrices and multiply
    # ii)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
    # iii) Update component U_1, U_2, ... U_N
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    while model.still_optimizing:

        for n in range(X.ndim):

            # If n corresponds to one of the fixed axes then don't update
            if n in fixed_axes:

            # Select all components, but U_n

            # i)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
            kr = khatri_rao([W[j] for j in range(W.ndim) if j != n])

            # ii) Compute unfolded prediction of X
            p = W[n].dot(kr.T)

            # iii) Compute gradient for the observation model
            Xn = X_unfold[n]
            Mn = M_unfold[n]
            neg, pos = calc_div_grad(Xn * Mn, p * Mn, kr, mp['NTF']['beta'])

            # iv) Add a regularizer
            if (flag_reg):
                if n == mp['REG']['axis']:
                    pos += (mp['REG']['alpha'] *
                            (2 * (1 - mp['REG']['l1_ratio']) * W[n] +

            # v) Compute gradient for the dynamical model
            if (flag_lds):
                if n == mp['LDS']['axis']:

                    Mlag = Mn.all(axis=-1).reshape(-1, 1)

                    # Update H
                    WL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_state_to_lagged(W[n].T)
                    UL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_exog_to_lagged(exog_input.T)

                    MWL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_state_to_lagged(
                        np.repeat(Mlag, mp['LDS']['AB'].rank_state, axis=1).T)
                    MUL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_exog_to_lagged(
                        np.repeat(Mlag, mp['LDS']['AB'].rank_exog, axis=1).T)

                    lag_diff = mp['LDS']['AB'].lag_state - mp['LDS'][
                    if lag_diff > 0:
                        UL = UL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]
                        MUL = MUL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]
                    elif lag_diff < 0:
                        WL = WL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]
                        MWL = MWL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]

                    neg1, pos1 = calc_time_grad(mp['LDS']['AB'].A, WL * MWL,
                                                mp['LDS']['AB'].B, UL * MUL,
                    neg1 = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_state_to_unlagged(neg1)
                    pos1 = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_state_to_unlagged(pos1)

                    neg += neg1.T
                    pos += pos1.T


            # vi) Update the observational component weights
            W[n] *= (neg / pos)**mm_gamma_func(mp['NTF']['beta'])
            W[n][~np.isfinite(W[n])] = 0

            # vii) Update the dynamical state weights
            if (flag_lds):
                if ((n == mp['LDS']['axis']) & (model.status['iterations'] >=

                    Mlag = Mn.all(axis=-1).reshape(-1, 1)

                    # Update A/B
                    WL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_state_to_lagged(W[n].T)
                    UL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_exog_to_lagged(exog_input.T)

                    MWL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_state_to_lagged(
                        np.repeat(Mlag, mp['LDS']['AB'].rank_state, axis=1).T)
                    MUL = mp['LDS']['AB'].conv_exog_to_lagged(
                        np.repeat(Mlag, mp['LDS']['AB'].rank_exog, axis=1).T)

                    lag_diff = mp['LDS']['AB'].lag_state - mp['LDS'][
                    if lag_diff > 0:
                        UL = UL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]
                        MUL = MUL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]
                    elif lag_diff < 0:
                        WL = WL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]
                        MWL = MWL[:, int(np.abs(lag_diff)):]

                    AX = mp['LDS']['AB'][:, :-1] * MWL[:, :-1])
                    BU = mp['LDS']['AB'][:, :-1] * MUL[:, :-1])

                    # Update A
                    neg, pos = calc_div_grad(WL[:, 1:] * MWL[:, 1:], AX + BU,
                                             (WL[:, :-1] * MWL[:, :-1]).T,

                    mp['LDS']['AB'].A *= \
                            (neg / pos)**mm_gamma_func(mp['LDS']['beta'])
                    mp['LDS']['AB'].A[~np.isfinite(mp['LDS']['AB'].A)] = 0

                    # Update B
                    neg, pos = calc_div_grad(WL[:, 1:] * MWL[:, 1:], AX + BU,
                                             (UL[:, :-1] * MUL[:, :-1]).T,

                    mp['LDS']['AB'].B *= \
                            (neg / pos)**mm_gamma_func(mp['LDS']['beta'])
                    mp['LDS']['AB'].B[~np.isfinite(mp['LDS']['AB'].B)] = 0


        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Update the optimization model, checks for convergence.
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Compute objective function

        # Cost of the observation model
        cost_obs = calc_cost(X[mask], W.full()[mask], mp['NTF']['beta'])

        # Update the model

    # end optimization loop, return model.
    return model.finalize()
Beispiel #7
def ncp_hals(
        X, rank, mask=None, random_state=None, init='rand',
        skip_modes=[], negative_modes=[], **options):
    Fits nonnegtaive CP Decomposition using the Hierarcial Alternating Least
    Squares (HALS) Method.

    X : (I_1, ..., I_N) array_like
        A real array with nonnegative entries and ``X.ndim >= 3``.

    rank : integer
        The `rank` sets the number of components to be computed.

    random_state : integer, RandomState instance or None, optional (default ``None``)
        If integer, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
        If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
        If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random.

    init : str, or KTensor, optional (default ``'rand'``).
        Specifies initial guess for KTensor factor matrices.
        If ``'randn'``, Gaussian random numbers are used to initialize.
        If ``'rand'``, uniform random numbers are used to initialize.
        If KTensor instance, a copy is made to initialize the optimization.

    skip_modes : iterable, optional (default ``[]``).
        Specifies modes of the tensor that are not fit. This can be
        used to fix certain factor matrices that have been previously

    negative_modes : iterable, optional (default ``[]``).
        Specifies modes of the tensor whose factors are not constrained
        to be nonnegative.

    options : dict, specifying fitting options.

        tol : float, optional (default ``tol=1E-5``)
            Stopping tolerance for reconstruction error.

        max_iter : integer, optional (default ``max_iter = 500``)
            Maximum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        min_iter : integer, optional (default ``min_iter = 1``)
            Minimum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        max_time : integer, optional (default ``max_time = np.inf``)
            Maximum computational time before exiting.

        verbose : bool ``{'True', 'False'}``, optional (default ``verbose=True``)
            Display progress.

    result : FitResult instance
        Object which holds the fitted results. It provides the factor matrices
        in form of a KTensor, ``result.factors``.

    This implemenation is using the Hierarcial Alternating Least Squares Method.

    Cichocki, Andrzej, and P. H. A. N. Anh-Huy. "Fast local algorithms for
    large scale nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations."
    IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and
    computer sciences 92.3: 708-721, 2009.



    # Mask missing elements.
    if mask is not None:
        X = np.copy(X)
        X[~mask] = np.mean(X[mask])

    # Check inputs.
    optim_utils._check_cpd_inputs(X, rank)

    # Initialize problem.
    U, normX = optim_utils._get_initial_ktensor(init, X, rank, random_state)
    result = FitResult(U, 'NCP_HALS', **options)

    # Store problem dimensions.
    normX = np.linalg.norm(X)

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Iterate the HALS algorithm until convergence or maxiter is reached
    # i)   compute the N gram matrices and multiply
    # ii)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
    # iii) Update component U_1, U_2, ... U_N
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    while result.still_optimizing:

        for n in range(X.ndim):

            # Skip modes that are specified as fixed.
            if n in skip_modes:

            # Select all components, but U_n
            components = [U[j] for j in range(X.ndim) if j != n]

            # i) compute the N-1 gram matrices
            grams = sci.multiply.reduce([arr.T @ arr for arr in components])

            # ii)  Compute Khatri-Rao product
            kr = khatri_rao(components)
            Xmkr = unfold(X, n).dot(kr)

            # iii) Update component U_n
            _hals_update(U[n], grams, Xmkr, n not in negative_modes)

            # iv) Update masked elements.
            if mask is not None:
                pred = U.full()
                X[~mask] = pred[~mask]

        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Update the optimization result, checks for convergence.
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        if mask is None:
            grams *= U[-1].T @ U[-1]
            residsq = np.sum(grams) - 2 * np.sum(U[-1] * Xmkr) + (normX ** 2)
            result.update(np.sqrt(residsq) / normX)

            result.update(np.linalg.norm(X - pred) / normX)

    # end optimization loop, return result.
    return result.finalize()
Beispiel #8
def mcp_als(X, rank, mask, random_state=None, init='randn', **options):
    """Fits CP Decomposition with missing data using Alternating Least Squares (ALS).

    X : (I_1, ..., I_N) array_like
        A tensor with ``X.ndim >= 3``.

    rank : integer
        The `rank` sets the number of components to be computed.

    mask : (I_1, ..., I_N) array_like
        A binary tensor with the same shape as ``X``. All entries equal to zero
        correspond to held out or missing data in ``X``. All entries equal to
        one correspond to observed entries in ``X`` and the decomposition is
        fit to these datapoints.

    random_state : integer, ``RandomState``, or ``None``, optional (default ``None``)
        If integer, sets the seed of the random number generator;
        If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
        If None, use the RandomState instance used by ``numpy.random``.

    init : str, or KTensor, optional (default ``'randn'``).
        Specifies initial guess for KTensor factor matrices.
        If ``'randn'``, Gaussian random numbers are used to initialize.
        If ``'rand'``, uniform random numbers are used to initialize.
        If KTensor instance, a copy is made to initialize the optimization.

    options : dict, specifying fitting options.

        tol : float, optional (default ``tol=1E-5``)
            Stopping tolerance for reconstruction error.

        max_iter : integer, optional (default ``max_iter = 500``)
            Maximum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        min_iter : integer, optional (default ``min_iter = 1``)
            Minimum number of iterations to perform before exiting.

        max_time : integer, optional (default ``max_time = np.inf``)
            Maximum computational time before exiting.

        verbose : bool ``{'True', 'False'}``, optional (default ``verbose=True``)
            Display progress.

    result : FitResult instance
        Object which holds the fitted results. It provides the factor matrices
        in form of a KTensor, ``result.factors``.

    Fitting CP decompositions with missing data can be exploited to perform

    Williams, A. H.
    "Solving Least-Squares Regression with Missing Data."

    # Check inputs.
    optim_utils._check_cpd_inputs(X, rank)

    # Initialize problem.
    U, _ = optim_utils._get_initial_ktensor(init,
    result = FitResult(U, 'MCP_ALS', **options)
    normX = np.linalg.norm((X * mask))

    # Main optimization loop.
    while result.still_optimizing:

        # Iterate over each tensor mode.
        for n in range(X.ndim):

            # i) Normalize factors to prevent singularities.

            # ii) Unfold data and mask along the nth mode.
            unf = unfold(X, n)  # i_n x N
            m = unfold(mask, n)  # i_n x N

            # iii) Form Khatri-Rao product of factors matrices.
            components = [U[j] for j in range(X.ndim) if j != n]
            krt = khatri_rao(components).T  # N x r

            # iv) Broadcasted solve of linear systems.
            # Left hand side of equations, R x R x X.shape[n]
            # Right hand side of equations, X.shape[n] x R x 1
            lhs_stack = np.matmul(m[:, None, :] * krt[None, :, :],
                                  krt.T[None, :, :])
            rhs_stack = * m, krt.T)[:, :, None]

            # vi) Update factor.
            U[n] = np.linalg.solve(lhs_stack,
                                   rhs_stack).reshape(X.shape[n], rank)

        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Update the optimization result, checks for convergence.
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Compute objective function
        # grams *= U[-1][-1])
        # obj = np.sqrt(np.sum(grams) - 2*sci.sum(p*U[-1]) + normX**2) / normX
        obj = linalg.norm(mask * (U.full() - X)) / normX

        # Update result

    # Finalize and return the optimization result.
    return result.finalize()