def main(): app = App(framerate=float("inf")) colors = [Color.rgb(r,g,b) for r in (0, 1) for g in (0, 1) for b in (0, 1)] pixels = [PixelData(char="▄", fg=col1, bg=col2) for col1 in colors for col2 in colors] t0 = perf_counter() n_frames = 0 n_updates = 0 update_time = 0 @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): nonlocal n_frames, n_updates, update_time for x in range(app.screen.w): for y in range(app.screen.h): app.screen[x,y].set(choice(pixels)) app.screen.update() n_frames += 1 n_updates += app.screen._update_count update_time += app.screen._update_duration updates_per_ms = n_updates / update_time / 1000 updates_per_ms_real = n_updates / (perf_counter() - t0) / 1000 print("Updates per ms (updating): {:.2f}".format(updates_per_ms)) print("Updates per ms (real time): {:.2f}".format(updates_per_ms_real)) print("Average update time ms: {:.2f}".format(update_time / n_frames * 1000)) print("Average potential FPS: {:.2f}".format(n_frames / update_time))
def main(): app = App(mouse=True, framerate=120) buf = Buffer(0, 0) dirty = True dragging = False drag_start = None mouse_pos = None def do_box(buffer): if drag_start is None or mouse_pos is None: return x, y, w, h = corners_to_box(*drag_start, *mouse_pos) # draw_box(buffer, x, y, w, h, chars=BOX_CHARS_DOUBLE, fg=Color.hsl(perf_counter(), 1.0, 0.5)) draw_frame(buffer, x, y, w, h, chars=FRAME_CHARS_DOUBLE, fg=Color.hsl(perf_counter(), 1.0, 0.5)) @app.on("start") @app.on("resize") def on_resize(): buf.resize(app.screen.w, app.screen.h) for x in range(buf.w): for y in range(buf.h): col = Color.rgb(0, 0, 0) if (x + y) % 2 else Color.rgb( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) buf.put_char(" ", x, y, bg=col) @app.on("mouse") def on_mouse(mouse): nonlocal dirty, dragging, drag_start, mouse_pos if mouse.left: if mouse.down: dragging = True drag_start = (mouse.x, mouse.y) if mouse.up: do_box(buf) dragging = False dirty = True mouse_pos = (mouse.x, mouse.y) else: dragging = False @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): app.screen.clear() app.screen.blit(buf) if dragging: do_box(app.screen) app.screen.update()
def main(): app = App(mouse=True, framerate=60) app.mouse_x = 0 app.mouse_y = 0 app.mouse_px = 0 app.mouse_py = 0 app.particles = [] @app.on("mouse") def on_mouse(m): app.mouse_x = m.x app.mouse_y = m.y * 2 @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): w = app.screen.w h = app.screen.h colormap = [Color.rgb(0,0,0) for x in range(w) for y in range(h * 2)] dx = app.mouse_x - app.mouse_px dy = app.mouse_y - app.mouse_py l = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) d = math.atan2(dy, dx) j = min(25, int(l)) * 6 for i in range(j): f = i / j ll = l* random.uniform(0.25, 0.5) dd = d + random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25) vx = ll * math.cos(dd) vy = ll * math.sin(dd) app.particles.append(Particle(app.mouse_px + dx * f, app.mouse_py + dy * f, vx, vy)) app.screen.clear() for i, p in enumerate(app.particles): col = Color.hsl(i/len(app.particles), 1.0, 0.5) steps = math.hypot(p.vx, p.vy) for step in range(int(steps + 1)): f = step / steps px = int(p.x - p.vx * f) py = int(p.y - p.vy * f) if px >= 0 and py >= 0 and px < w and py < h * 2: colormap[py * w + px] += RED p.update() if p.x < 0 or p.y < 0 or p.x >= w or p.y >= h * 2: app.particles.remove(p) draw_colormap_2x(app.screen, colormap, 0, 0, w=w, h=h * 2) app.screen.update() app.mouse_px = app.mouse_x app.mouse_py = app.mouse_y
def main(): app = App(mouse=True) x = 0 y = 0 left = False middle = False right = False scroll_total = 0 @app.on("mouse") def mouse(mouse: Mouse): nonlocal x, y, left, middle, right, scroll_total if mouse.scrollup: scroll_total += 1 elif mouse.scrolldown: scroll_total -= 1 if mouse.down: if mouse.left: left = True if mouse.middle: middle = True if mouse.right: right = True elif mouse.up: if mouse.left: left = False if mouse.middle: middle = False if mouse.right: right = False x = mouse.x y = mouse.y @app.on("frame") def frame(): app.screen.clear() app.screen.print( "".join("#" if b else "_" for b in [left, middle, right]), 1, 1) app.screen.print("LMR", 1, 2) app.screen.print(f"scroll: {scroll_total}", 7, 2) app.screen.show_cursor = True app.screen.cursor_pos = (x, y) app.screen.update()
def main(): app = App() run_count = 0 @app.on("start") def start(): nonlocal run_count run_count += 1 app.screen.print("Run {}".format(run_count), 0, 0) app.screen.print("Press any key to restart...", 0, 1) app.screen.update() @app.on("key") def key(k): app.stop()
def main(): app = App() @app.on("frame") # run this function every frame def on_frame(): app.screen.clear() # remove everything from the screen text = "Hello world, from termpixels!" for i, c in enumerate(text): f = i / len(text) color = Color.hsl(f + time(), 1, 0.5) # create a color from a hue value x = app.screen.w // 2 - len( text) // 2 # horizontally center the text offset = sin(time() * 3 + f * 5) * 2 # some arbitrary math y = round(app.screen.h / 2 + offset) # vertical center with an offset app.screen.print(c, x + i, y, fg=color) # draw the text to the screen buffer app.screen.update() # commit the changes to the screen # block here until the app exits (press Escape!)
type=float, nargs="?", default=SPEED_MAX, help="Maximum rain speed") parser.add_argument("--length-min", "-l", type=float, nargs="?", default=LENGTH_MIN, help="Minimum raindrop length") parser.add_argument("--length-max", "-L", type=float, nargs="?", default=LENGTH_MAX, help="Maximum raindrop length") parser.add_argument("--hue", "-H", type=float, nargs="?", default=HUE, help="Color hue (0 to 360)") ns = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) a._framerate = ns.fps SPEED_MIN = ns.speed_min SPEED_MAX = ns.speed_max LENGTH_MIN = ns.length_min LENGTH_MAX = ns.length_max HUE = ns.hue
def main(): app = App(framerate=20) ui_height = 3 game_buffer = Buffer(0,0) score = 0 hiscore = load_hiscore() mode = None worm = None food_x = 0 food_y = 0 control_x = 0 control_y = 0 def move_food(): nonlocal food_x, food_y w = game_buffer.w // 2 h = game_buffer.h positions = [(x,y) for x in range(w) for y in range(h) if not worm.intersecting(x, y)] food_x, food_y = choice(positions) @app.on("start") def start(): nonlocal score, mode, worm score = 0 worm = Worm(randint(0, app.screen.w - 1), randint(0, app.screen.h - 1)) mode = MODE_GAME @app.on("start") @app.on("resize") def resize(): game_buffer.resize(app.screen.w, app.screen.h - ui_height) move_food() @app.on("key") def key(k): nonlocal control_x, control_y if mode == MODE_GAME: if k == K_UP: control_y = -1 if k == K_DOWN: control_y = 1 if k == K_LEFT: control_x = -1 if k == K_RIGHT: control_x = 1 elif mode == MODE_GAMEOVER: if k == "\n": app.emit("start") def frame_game(): nonlocal control_x, control_y nonlocal score, hiscore nonlocal mode # handle input if control_x != 0 and not worm.intersecting(worm.x + control_x, worm.y): worm.vx = control_x worm.vy = 0 control_x = 0 if control_y != 0 and not worm.intersecting(worm.x, worm.y + control_y): worm.vy = control_y worm.vx = 0 control_y = 0 if worm.intersecting(food_x, food_y): score += 1 worm.length += 1 hiscore = max(hiscore, score) save_hiscore(hiscore) move_food() game_buffer.clear() game_buffer.print("░░", food_x * 2, food_y) try: worm.update(game_buffer) except GameOver: mode = MODE_GAMEOVER multiply_buffer(game_buffer, 0.4) return # draw app.screen.clear() app.screen.print("~TermWorm~", 0, 0) app.screen.print("Score: {}".format(score), 0, 1, fg=Color.rgb(.7,.7,.7)) app.screen.print(" Hi: {}".format(hiscore), fg=Color.rgb(.7,.7,0)) draw_box(app.screen, 0, 2, app.screen.w, 1, chars=BOX_CHARS_DOUBLE) app.screen.blit(game_buffer, 0, ui_height) app.screen.update() def frame_gameover(): dark = Color.rgb(0.2,0.2,0.2) app.screen.clear() app.screen.blit(game_buffer, 0, ui_height) print_hcenter(app.screen, "Game over!", y=3, fg=Color.rgb(1,1,0), bg=dark) print_hcenter(app.screen, "Press enter to restart", y=4, fg=Color.rgb(0.75,0.75,0.75), bg=dark) print_hcenter(app.screen, "Press escape to exit", y=5, fg=Color.rgb(0.75,0.75,0.75), bg=dark) app.screen.update() @app.on("frame") def frame(): if mode == "game": frame_game() elif mode == "gameover": frame_gameover() else: raise Exception("Invalid mode: {}".format(mode)) @app.on("after_stop") def after_stop(): print("Thanks for playing TermWorm!")