Beispiel #1
def test_export_run():
    '''Test the NCBImetaExport application for run completion'''
    # Use the test database
    test_db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),"test.sqlite")
    test_output_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    # If the test_db doesn't alread exist, run the test cmd from test_ncbimeta
    if not os.path.exists(test_db): test_ncbimeta.test_ncbimeta_run()
    test_cmd = ("ncbimeta/ --database " + test_db +
                " --outputdir " + test_output_dir)

    # test NCBImetaExport through a subprocess
    returned_value =, shell=True)
    # If it returns a non-zero value, it failed
    assert returned_value == 0
def test_annotatereplace_run():
    '''Test the NCBImetaAnnotateReplace application for run completion'''
    # Use the test database
    test_db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),"test.sqlite")
    test_annotfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),'test_annot.txt')
    # If the test_db doesn't alread exist, run the test cmd from test_ncbimeta
    if not os.path.exists(test_db): test_ncbimeta.test_ncbimeta_run()
    test_table = 'BioSample'
    test_cmd = ("ncbimeta/ --database " + test_db +
                " --table  " + test_table +
                " --annotfile " + test_annotfile)
    # test NCBImetaAnnotateReplace through a subprocess
    returned_value =, shell=True)
    # If it returns a non-zero value, it failed
    assert returned_value == 0
Beispiel #3
def test_join_run():
    '''Test the NCBImetaJoin application for run completion'''
    # Use the test database
    test_db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    # If the test_db doesn't alread exist, run the test cmd from test_ncbimeta
    if not os.path.exists(test_db): test_ncbimeta.test_ncbimeta_run()
    test_anchor_table = 'BioSample'
    test_final_table = 'Master'
    test_accessory_table = "\'BioProject Assembly SRA Nucleotide\'"
    test_unique_field = "\'BioSampleAccession BioSampleAccessionSecondary BioSampleBioProjectAccession\'"
    test_cmd = ("ncbimeta/ --database " + test_db +
                " --final " + test_final_table + " --anchor " +
                test_anchor_table + " --accessory " + test_accessory_table +
                " --unique " + test_unique_field)

    # test NCBImetaJoin through a subprocess
    returned_value =, shell=True)
    # If it returns a non-zero value, it failed
    assert returned_value == 0
Beispiel #4
def test_multi_match():
    ''' The ability to properly concatenate multiple matches'''
    # Use the test database
    test_db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    # If the test_db doesn't alread exist, run the test cmd from test_ncbimeta
    if not os.path.exists(test_db): test_ncbimeta.test_ncbimeta_run()
    test_anchor_table = 'BioProject'
    test_final_table = 'BioProjectNucleotide'
    test_accessory_table = "Nucleotide"
    test_unique_field = "BioProjectAccession"
    test_cmd = ("ncbimeta/ --database " + test_db +
                " --final " + test_final_table + " --anchor " +
                test_anchor_table + " --accessory " + test_accessory_table +
                " --unique " + test_unique_field)

    # test NCBImetaJoin through a subprocess
    returned_value =, shell=True)
    # If it returns a non-zero value, it failed
    assert returned_value == 0  #def test_join_ErrorDBNotExists():