Beispiel #1
class ClientContext(object):

    def __init__(self):
        """Create a client and grab essential information from the server."""
        self.connected = False
        self.ismaster = {}
        self.w = None
        self.nodes = set()
        self.replica_set_name = None
        self.rs_client = None
        self.cmd_line = None
        self.version = Version(-1)  # Needs to be comparable with Version
        self.auth_enabled = False
        self.test_commands_enabled = False
        self.is_mongos = False
        self.is_rs = False
        self.has_ipv6 = False

            client = pymongo.MongoClient(host, port,
            client.admin.command('ismaster')  # Can we connect?

            # If so, then reset client to defaults.
            self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(host, port)

        except pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure:
            self.client = None
            self.connected = True
            self.ismaster = self.client.admin.command('ismaster')
            self.w = len(self.ismaster.get("hosts", [])) or 1
            self.nodes = set([(host, port)])
            self.replica_set_name = self.ismaster.get('setName', '')
            self.rs_client = None
            self.version = Version.from_client(self.client)
            if self.replica_set_name:
                self.is_rs = True
                self.rs_client = pymongo.MongoClient(
                    pair, replicaSet=self.replica_set_name)

                nodes = [partition_node(node)
                         for node in self.ismaster.get('hosts', [])]
                              for node in self.ismaster.get('passives', [])])
                              for node in self.ismaster.get('arbiters', [])])
                self.nodes = set(nodes)

            self.rs_or_standalone_client = self.rs_client or self.client

                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')
            except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
                msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
                if e.code == 13 or 'unauthorized' in msg or 'login' in msg:
                    # Unauthorized.
                    self.auth_enabled = True
                self.auth_enabled = self._server_started_with_auth()

            if self.auth_enabled:
                # See if db_user already exists.
                self.user_provided = self._check_user_provided()
                if not self.user_provided:
                    roles = {}
                    if self.version.at_least(2, 5, 3, -1):
                        roles = {'roles': ['root']}
                    self.client.admin.add_user(db_user, db_pwd, **roles)
                    self.client.admin.authenticate(db_user, db_pwd)

                if self.rs_client:
                    self.rs_client.admin.authenticate(db_user, db_pwd)

                # May not have this if OperationFailure was raised earlier.
                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')

            if 'enableTestCommands=1' in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                self.test_commands_enabled = True
            elif 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
                params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', [])
                if 'enableTestCommands=1' in params:
                    self.test_commands_enabled = True

            self.is_mongos = (self.ismaster.get('msg') == 'isdbgrid')
            self.has_ipv6 = self._server_started_with_ipv6()

    def _check_user_provided(self):
            self.client.admin.authenticate(db_user, db_pwd)
            return True
        except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
            msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
            if e.code == 18 or 'auth fails' in msg:
                # Auth failed.
                return False

    def _server_started_with_auth(self):
        # MongoDB >= 2.0
        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            parsed = self.cmd_line['parsed']
            # MongoDB >= 2.6
            if 'security' in parsed:
                security = parsed['security']
                # >= rc3
                if 'authorization' in security:
                    return security['authorization'] == 'enabled'
                # < rc3
                return (security.get('auth', False) or
            return parsed.get('auth', False) or bool(parsed.get('keyFile'))
        # Legacy
        argv = self.cmd_line['argv']
        return '--auth' in argv or '--keyFile' in argv

    def _server_started_with_ipv6(self):
        if not socket.has_ipv6:
            return False

        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            if not self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('net', {}).get('ipv6'):
                return False
            if '--ipv6' not in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                return False

        # The server was started with --ipv6. Is there an IPv6 route to it?
            for info in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port):
                if info[0] == socket.AF_INET6:
                    return True
        except socket.error:

        return False

    def _require(self, condition, msg, func=None):
        def make_wrapper(f):
            def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
                # Always raise SkipTest if we can't connect to MongoDB
                if not self.connected:
                    raise SkipTest("Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % pair)
                if condition:
                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
                raise SkipTest(msg)
            return wrap

        if func is None:
            def decorate(f):
                return make_wrapper(f)
            return decorate
        return make_wrapper(func)

    def require_connection(self, func):
        """Run a test only if we can connect to MongoDB."""
        return self._require(self.connected,
                             "Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % pair,

    def require_version_min(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at least ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(self.version >= other_version,
                             "Server version must be at least %s"
                             % str(other_version))

    def require_version_max(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at most ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(self.version <= other_version,
                             "Server version must be at most %s"
                             % str(other_version))

    def require_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running with auth enabled."""
        return self.check_auth_with_sharding(
                          "Authentication is not enabled on the server",

    def require_no_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running without auth enabled."""
        return self._require(not self.auth_enabled,
                             "Authentication must not be enabled on the server",

    def require_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(self.is_rs,
                             "Not connected to a replica set",

    def require_no_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test if the client is *not* connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(
            not self.is_rs,
            "Connected to a replica set, not a standalone mongod",

    def require_ipv6(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect to a server via IPv6."""
        return self._require(self.has_ipv6,
                             "No IPv6",

    def require_no_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is not connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(not self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongod, not a mongos",

    def require_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongos",

    def check_auth_with_sharding(self, func):
        """Skip a test when connected to mongos < 2.0 and running with auth."""
        condition = not (self.auth_enabled and
                         self.is_mongos and self.version < (2,))
        return self._require(condition,
                             "Auth with sharding requires MongoDB >= 2.0.0",

    def require_test_commands(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server has test commands enabled."""
        return self._require(self.test_commands_enabled,
                             "Test commands must be enabled",
class ClientContext(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """Create a client and grab essential information from the server."""
        self.connected = False
        self.ismaster = {}
        self.w = None
        self.nodes = set()
        self.replica_set_name = None
        self.rs_client = None
        self.cmd_line = None
        self.version = Version(-1)  # Needs to be comparable with Version
        self.auth_enabled = False
        self.test_commands_enabled = False
        self.is_mongos = False
        self.is_rs = False
        self.has_ipv6 = False

            client = pymongo.MongoClient(host,
            client.admin.command('ismaster')  # Can we connect?

            # If so, then reset client to defaults.
            self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(host, port)

        except pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure:
            self.client = self.rs_or_standalone_client = None
            self.connected = True
            self.ismaster = self.client.admin.command('ismaster')
            self.w = len(self.ismaster.get("hosts", [])) or 1
            self.nodes = set([(host, port)])
            self.replica_set_name = self.ismaster.get('setName', '')
            self.rs_client = None
            self.version = Version.from_client(self.client)
            if self.replica_set_name:
                self.is_rs = True
                self.rs_client = pymongo.MongoClient(
                    pair, replicaSet=self.replica_set_name)

                nodes = [
                    for node in self.ismaster.get('hosts', [])
                    for node in self.ismaster.get('passives', [])
                    for node in self.ismaster.get('arbiters', [])
                self.nodes = set(nodes)

            self.rs_or_standalone_client = self.rs_client or self.client

                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')
            except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
                msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
                if e.code == 13 or 'unauthorized' in msg or 'login' in msg:
                    # Unauthorized.
                    self.auth_enabled = True
                self.auth_enabled = self._server_started_with_auth()

            if self.auth_enabled:
                # See if db_user already exists.
                self.user_provided = self._check_user_provided()
                if not self.user_provided:
                    roles = {}
                    if self.version.at_least(2, 5, 3, -1):
                        roles = {'roles': ['root']}
                    self.client.admin.add_user(db_user, db_pwd, **roles)
                    self.client.admin.authenticate(db_user, db_pwd)

                if self.rs_client:
                    self.rs_client.admin.authenticate(db_user, db_pwd)

                # May not have this if OperationFailure was raised earlier.
                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')

            if 'enableTestCommands=1' in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                self.test_commands_enabled = True
            elif 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
                params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', [])
                if 'enableTestCommands=1' in params:
                    self.test_commands_enabled = True

            self.is_mongos = (self.ismaster.get('msg') == 'isdbgrid')
            self.has_ipv6 = self._server_started_with_ipv6()

    def _check_user_provided(self):
            self.client.admin.authenticate(db_user, db_pwd)
            return True
        except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
            msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
            if e.code == 18 or 'auth fails' in msg:
                # Auth failed.
                return False

    def _server_started_with_auth(self):
        # MongoDB >= 2.0
        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            parsed = self.cmd_line['parsed']
            # MongoDB >= 2.6
            if 'security' in parsed:
                security = parsed['security']
                # >= rc3
                if 'authorization' in security:
                    return security['authorization'] == 'enabled'
                # < rc3
                return (security.get('auth', False)
                        or bool(security.get('keyFile')))
            return parsed.get('auth', False) or bool(parsed.get('keyFile'))
        # Legacy
        argv = self.cmd_line['argv']
        return '--auth' in argv or '--keyFile' in argv

    def _server_started_with_ipv6(self):
        if not socket.has_ipv6:
            return False

        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            if not self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('net', {}).get('ipv6'):
                return False
            if '--ipv6' not in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                return False

        # The server was started with --ipv6. Is there an IPv6 route to it?
            for info in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port):
                if info[0] == socket.AF_INET6:
                    return True
        except socket.error:

        return False

    def _require(self, condition, msg, func=None):
        def make_wrapper(f):
            def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
                # Always raise SkipTest if we can't connect to MongoDB
                if not self.connected:
                    raise SkipTest("Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % pair)
                if condition:
                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
                raise SkipTest(msg)

            return wrap

        if func is None:

            def decorate(f):
                return make_wrapper(f)

            return decorate
        return make_wrapper(func)

    def require_connection(self, func):
        """Run a test only if we can connect to MongoDB."""
        return self._require(self.connected,
                             "Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % pair,

    def require_version_min(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at least ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(
            self.version >= other_version,
            "Server version must be at least %s" % str(other_version))

    def require_version_max(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at most ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(
            self.version <= other_version,
            "Server version must be at most %s" % str(other_version))

    def require_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running with auth enabled."""
        return self.check_auth_with_sharding(
                          "Authentication is not enabled on the server",

    def require_no_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running without auth enabled."""
        return self._require(
            not self.auth_enabled,
            "Authentication must not be enabled on the server",

    def require_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(self.is_rs,
                             "Not connected to a replica set",

    def require_no_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test if the client is *not* connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(
            not self.is_rs,
            "Connected to a replica set, not a standalone mongod",

    def require_ipv6(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect to a server via IPv6."""
        return self._require(self.has_ipv6, "No IPv6", func=func)

    def require_no_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is not connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(not self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongod, not a mongos",

    def require_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongos",

    def check_auth_with_sharding(self, func):
        """Skip a test when connected to mongos < 2.0 and running with auth."""
        condition = not (self.auth_enabled and self.is_mongos
                         and self.version < (2, ))
        return self._require(condition,
                             "Auth with sharding requires MongoDB >= 2.0.0",

    def require_test_commands(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server has test commands enabled."""
        return self._require(self.test_commands_enabled,
                             "Test commands must be enabled",
class ClientContext(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """Create a client and grab essential information from the server."""
        self.connection_attempts = []
        self.connected = False
        self.w = None
        self.nodes = set()
        self.replica_set_name = None
        self.cmd_line = None
        self.server_status = None
        self.version = Version(-1)  # Needs to be comparable with Version
        self.auth_enabled = False
        self.test_commands_enabled = False
        self.server_parameters = None
        self.is_mongos = False
        self.mongoses = []
        self.is_rs = False
        self.has_ipv6 = False
        self.tls = False
        self.ssl_certfile = False
        self.server_is_resolvable = is_server_resolvable()
        self.default_client_options = {}
        self.sessions_enabled = False
        self.client = None
        self.conn_lock = threading.Lock()
        self.is_data_lake = False
        if COMPRESSORS:
            self.default_client_options["compressors"] = COMPRESSORS
            server_api = ServerApi(MONGODB_API_VERSION)
            self.default_client_options["server_api"] = server_api

    def client_options(self):
        """Return the MongoClient options for creating a duplicate client."""
        opts = client_context.default_client_options.copy()
        if client_context.auth_enabled:
            opts['username'] = db_user
            opts['password'] = db_pwd
        if self.replica_set_name:
            opts['replicaSet'] = self.replica_set_name
        return opts

    def ismaster(self):
        return self.client.admin.command('isMaster')

    def _connect(self, host, port, **kwargs):
        # Jython takes a long time to connect.
        if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
            timeout_ms = 10000
            timeout_ms = 5000
        client = pymongo.MongoClient(host,
                client.admin.command('isMaster')  # Can we connect?
            except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as exc:
                # SERVER-32063
                    'connected client %r, but isMaster failed: %s' %
                    (client, exc))
                    'successfully connected client %r' % (client, ))
            # If connected, then return client with default timeout
            return pymongo.MongoClient(host, port, **kwargs)
        except pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure as exc:
            self.connection_attempts.append('failed to connect client %r: %s' %
                                            (client, exc))
            return None

    def _init_client(self):
        self.client = self._connect(host, port)

        if self.client is not None:
            # Return early when connected to dataLake as mongohoused does not
            # support the getCmdLineOpts command and is tested without TLS.
            build_info = self.client.admin.command('buildInfo')
            if 'dataLake' in build_info:
                self.is_data_lake = True
                self.auth_enabled = True
                self.client = self._connect(host,
                self.connected = True

        if HAVE_SSL and not self.client:
            # Is MongoDB configured for SSL?
            self.client = self._connect(host, port, **TLS_OPTIONS)
            if self.client:
                self.tls = True
                self.ssl_certfile = True

        if self.client:
            self.connected = True

                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')
            except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
                msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
                if e.code == 13 or 'unauthorized' in msg or 'login' in msg:
                    # Unauthorized.
                    self.auth_enabled = True
                self.auth_enabled = self._server_started_with_auth()

            if self.auth_enabled:
                # See if db_user already exists.
                if not self._check_user_provided():
                    _create_user(self.client.admin, db_user, db_pwd)

                self.client = self._connect(host,

                # May not have this if OperationFailure was raised earlier.
                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')

            self.server_status = self.client.admin.command('serverStatus')
            if self.storage_engine == "mmapv1":
                # MMAPv1 does not support retryWrites=True.
                self.default_client_options['retryWrites'] = False

            ismaster = self.ismaster
            self.sessions_enabled = 'logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes' in ismaster

            if 'setName' in ismaster:
                self.replica_set_name = str(ismaster['setName'])
                self.is_rs = True
                if self.auth_enabled:
                    # It doesn't matter which member we use as the seed here.
                    self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(
                    self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(

                # Get the authoritative ismaster result from the primary.
                ismaster = self.ismaster
                nodes = [
                    for node in ismaster.get('hosts', [])
                    for node in ismaster.get('passives', [])
                    for node in ismaster.get('arbiters', [])
                self.nodes = set(nodes)
                self.nodes = set([(host, port)])
            self.w = len(ismaster.get("hosts", [])) or 1
            self.version = Version.from_client(self.client)
            self.server_parameters = self.client.admin.command(
                'getParameter', '*')

            if 'enableTestCommands=1' in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                self.test_commands_enabled = True
            elif 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
                params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', [])
                if 'enableTestCommands=1' in params:
                    self.test_commands_enabled = True
                    params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', {})
                    if params.get('enableTestCommands') == '1':
                        self.test_commands_enabled = True

            self.is_mongos = (self.ismaster.get('msg') == 'isdbgrid')
            self.has_ipv6 = self._server_started_with_ipv6()
            if self.is_mongos:
                # Check for another mongos on the next port.
                address = self.client.address
                next_address = address[0], address[1] + 1
                mongos_client = self._connect(*next_address,
                if mongos_client:
                    ismaster = mongos_client.admin.command('ismaster')
                    if ismaster.get('msg') == 'isdbgrid':

    def init(self):
        with self.conn_lock:
            if not self.client and not self.connection_attempts:

    def connection_attempt_info(self):
        return '\n'.join(self.connection_attempts)

    def host(self):
        if self.is_rs:
            primary = self.client.primary
            return str(primary[0]) if primary is not None else host
        return host

    def port(self):
        if self.is_rs:
            primary = self.client.primary
            return primary[1] if primary is not None else port
        return port

    def pair(self):
        return "%s:%d" % (, self.port)

    def has_secondaries(self):
        if not self.client:
            return False
        return bool(len(self.client.secondaries))

    def storage_engine(self):
            return self.server_status.get("storageEngine", {}).get("name")
        except AttributeError:
            # Raised if self.server_status is None.
            return None

    def _check_user_provided(self):
        """Return True if db_user/db_password is already an admin user."""
        client = pymongo.MongoClient(host,

            return db_user in _all_users(client.admin)
        except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
            msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
            if e.code == 18 or 'auth fails' in msg:
                # Auth failed.
                return False

    def _server_started_with_auth(self):
        # MongoDB >= 2.0
        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            parsed = self.cmd_line['parsed']
            # MongoDB >= 2.6
            if 'security' in parsed:
                security = parsed['security']
                # >= rc3
                if 'authorization' in security:
                    return security['authorization'] == 'enabled'
                # < rc3
                return (security.get('auth', False)
                        or bool(security.get('keyFile')))
            return parsed.get('auth', False) or bool(parsed.get('keyFile'))
        # Legacy
        argv = self.cmd_line['argv']
        return '--auth' in argv or '--keyFile' in argv

    def _server_started_with_ipv6(self):
        if not socket.has_ipv6:
            return False

        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            if not self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('net', {}).get('ipv6'):
                return False
            if '--ipv6' not in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                return False

        # The server was started with --ipv6. Is there an IPv6 route to it?
            for info in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port):
                if info[0] == socket.AF_INET6:
                    return True
        except socket.error:

        return False

    def _require(self, condition, msg, func=None):
        def make_wrapper(f):
            def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
                # Always raise SkipTest if we can't connect to MongoDB
                if not self.connected:
                    raise SkipTest("Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" %
                                   (self.pair, ))
                if condition():
                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
                raise SkipTest(msg)

            return wrap

        if func is None:

            def decorate(f):
                return make_wrapper(f)

            return decorate
        return make_wrapper(func)

    def create_user(self, dbname, user, pwd=None, roles=None, **kwargs):
        kwargs['writeConcern'] = {'w': self.w}
        return _create_user(self.client[dbname], user, pwd, roles, **kwargs)

    def drop_user(self, dbname, user):
                                    writeConcern={'w': self.w})

    def require_connection(self, func):
        """Run a test only if we can connect to MongoDB."""
        return self._require(
            lambda: True,  # _require checks if we're connected
            "Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % (self.pair, ),

    def require_no_mmap(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is not using the MMAPv1 storage
        engine. Only works for standalone and replica sets; tests are
        run regardless of storage engine on sharded clusters. """
        def is_not_mmap():
            if self.is_mongos:
                return True
            return self.storage_engine != 'mmapv1'

        return self._require(is_not_mmap,
                             "Storage engine must not be MMAPv1",

    def require_version_min(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at least ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(
            lambda: self.version >= other_version,
            "Server version must be at least %s" % str(other_version))

    def require_version_max(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at most ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(
            lambda: self.version <= other_version,
            "Server version must be at most %s" % str(other_version))

    def require_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running with auth enabled."""
        return self.check_auth_with_sharding(
            self._require(lambda: self.auth_enabled,
                          "Authentication is not enabled on the server",

    def require_no_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running without auth enabled."""
        return self._require(
            lambda: not self.auth_enabled,
            "Authentication must not be enabled on the server",

    def require_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.is_rs,
                             "Not connected to a replica set",

    def require_secondaries_count(self, count):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set that has
        `count` secondaries.
        def sec_count():
            return 0 if not self.client else len(self.client.secondaries)

        return self._require(lambda: sec_count() >= count,
                             "Not enough secondaries available")

    def require_no_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test if the client is *not* connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(
            lambda: not self.is_rs,
            "Connected to a replica set, not a standalone mongod",

    def require_ipv6(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect to a server via IPv6."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.has_ipv6, "No IPv6", func=func)

    def require_no_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is not connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(lambda: not self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongod, not a mongos",

    def require_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongos",

    def require_multiple_mongoses(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a sharded cluster
        that has 2 mongos nodes."""
        return self._require(lambda: len(self.mongoses) > 1,
                             "Must have multiple mongoses available",

    def require_standalone(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a standalone."""
        return self._require(lambda: not (self.is_mongos or self.is_rs),
                             "Must be connected to a standalone",

    def require_no_standalone(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is not connected to a standalone."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.is_mongos or self.is_rs,
                             "Must be connected to a replica set or mongos",

    def check_auth_with_sharding(self, func):
        """Skip a test when connected to mongos < 2.0 and running with auth."""
        condition = lambda: not (self.auth_enabled and self.is_mongos and self.
                                 version < (2, ))
        return self._require(condition,
                             "Auth with sharding requires MongoDB >= 2.0.0",

    def is_topology_type(self, topologies):
        if 'single' in topologies and not (self.is_mongos or self.is_rs):
            return True
        if 'replicaset' in topologies and self.is_rs:
            return True
        if 'sharded' in topologies and self.is_mongos:
            return True
        if 'sharded-replicaset' in topologies and self.is_mongos:
            shards = list(client_context.client.config.shards.find())
            for shard in shards:
                # For a 3-member RS-backed sharded cluster, shard['host']
                # will be 'replicaName/ip1:port1,ip2:port2,ip3:port3'
                # Otherwise it will be 'ip1:port1'
                host_spec = shard['host']
                if not len(host_spec.split('/')) > 1:
                    return False
            return True
        return False

    def require_cluster_type(self, topologies=[]):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a cluster that
        conforms to one of the specified topologies. Acceptable topologies
        are 'single', 'replicaset', and 'sharded'."""
        def _is_valid_topology():
            return self.is_topology_type(topologies)

        return self._require(_is_valid_topology,
                             "Cluster type not in %s" % (topologies))

    def require_test_commands(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server has test commands enabled."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.test_commands_enabled,
                             "Test commands must be enabled",

    def require_failCommand_fail_point(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server supports the failCommand fail
        return self._require(lambda: self.supports_failCommand_fail_point,
                             "failCommand fail point must be supported",

    def require_failCommand_appName(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server supports the failCommand appName."""
        # SERVER-47195
        return self._require(lambda:
                             (self.test_commands_enabled and self.version >=
                              (4, 4, -1)),
                             "failCommand appName must be supported",

    def require_tls(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect over TLS."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.tls,
                             "Must be able to connect via TLS",

    def require_no_tls(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect over TLS."""
        return self._require(lambda: not self.tls,
                             "Must be able to connect without TLS",

    def require_ssl_certfile(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect with ssl_certfile."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.ssl_certfile,
                             "Must be able to connect with ssl_certfile",

    def require_server_resolvable(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the hostname 'server' is resolvable."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.server_is_resolvable,
                             "No hosts entry for 'server'. Cannot validate "
                             "hostname in the certificate",

    def require_sessions(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the deployment supports sessions."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.sessions_enabled,
                             "Sessions not supported",

    def supports_retryable_writes(self):
        if self.storage_engine == 'mmapv1':
            return False
        if not self.sessions_enabled:
            return False
        if self.version.at_least(3, 6):
            return self.is_mongos or self.is_rs
        return False

    def require_retryable_writes(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the deployment supports retryable writes."""
        return self._require(self.supports_retryable_writes,
                             "This server does not support retryable writes",

    def supports_transactions(self):
        if self.storage_engine == 'mmapv1':
            return False

        if self.version.at_least(4, 1, 8):
            return self.is_mongos or self.is_rs

        if self.version.at_least(4, 0):
            return self.is_rs

        return False

    def require_transactions(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the deployment might support transactions.

        *Might* because this does not test the storage engine or FCV.
        return self._require(self.supports_transactions,
                             "Transactions are not supported",

    def require_no_api_version(self, func):
        """Skip this test when testing with requireApiVersion."""
        return self._require(lambda: not MONGODB_API_VERSION,
                             "This test does not work with requireApiVersion",

    def mongos_seeds(self):
        return ','.join('%s:%s' % address for address in self.mongoses)

    def supports_failCommand_fail_point(self):
        """Does the server support the failCommand fail point?"""
        if self.is_mongos:
            return (self.version.at_least(4, 1, 5)
                    and self.test_commands_enabled)
            return (self.version.at_least(4, 0) and self.test_commands_enabled)

    def requires_hint_with_min_max_queries(self):
        """Does the server require a hint with min/max queries."""
        # Changed in SERVER-39567.
        return self.version.at_least(4, 1, 10)
class ClientContext(object):

    def __init__(self):
        """Create a client and grab essential information from the server."""
        self.connection_attempts = []
        self.connected = False
        self.ismaster = {}
        self.w = None
        self.nodes = set()
        self.replica_set_name = None
        self.cmd_line = None
        self.server_status = None
        self.version = Version(-1)  # Needs to be comparable with Version
        self.auth_enabled = False
        self.test_commands_enabled = False
        self.is_mongos = False
        self.mongoses = []
        self.is_rs = False
        self.has_ipv6 = False
        self.ssl = False
        self.ssl_cert_none = False
        self.ssl_certfile = False
        self.server_is_resolvable = is_server_resolvable()
        self.default_client_options = {}
        self.sessions_enabled = False
        self.client = None
        self.conn_lock = threading.Lock()

        if COMPRESSORS:
            self.default_client_options["compressors"] = COMPRESSORS

    def _connect(self, host, port, **kwargs):
        # Jython takes a long time to connect.
        if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
            timeout_ms = 10000
            timeout_ms = 5000
        if COMPRESSORS:
            kwargs["compressors"] = COMPRESSORS
        client = pymongo.MongoClient(
            host, port, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=timeout_ms, **kwargs)
                client.admin.command('isMaster')  # Can we connect?
            except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as exc:
                # SERVER-32063
                    'connected client %r, but isMaster failed: %s' % (
                        client, exc))
                    'successfully connected client %r' % (client,))
            # If connected, then return client with default timeout
            return pymongo.MongoClient(host, port, **kwargs)
        except pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure as exc:
                'failed to connect client %r: %s' % (client, exc))
            return None

    def _init_client(self):
        self.client = self._connect(host, port)
        if HAVE_SSL and not self.client:
            # Is MongoDB configured for SSL?
            self.client = self._connect(host, port, **_SSL_OPTIONS)
            if self.client:
                self.ssl = True
                self.ssl_certfile = True
                if _SSL_OPTIONS.get('ssl_cert_reqs') == ssl.CERT_NONE:
                    self.ssl_cert_none = True

        if self.client:
            self.connected = True

                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')
            except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
                msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
                if e.code == 13 or 'unauthorized' in msg or 'login' in msg:
                    # Unauthorized.
                    self.auth_enabled = True
                self.auth_enabled = self._server_started_with_auth()

            if self.auth_enabled:
                # See if db_user already exists.
                if not self._check_user_provided():
                    _create_user(self.client.admin, db_user, db_pwd)

                self.client = self._connect(
                    host, port, username=db_user, password=db_pwd,

                # May not have this if OperationFailure was raised earlier.
                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')

            self.server_status = self.client.admin.command('serverStatus')
            self.ismaster = ismaster = self.client.admin.command('isMaster')
            self.sessions_enabled = 'logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes' in ismaster

            if 'setName' in ismaster:
                self.replica_set_name = str(ismaster['setName'])
                self.is_rs = True
                if self.auth_enabled:
                    # It doesn't matter which member we use as the seed here.
                    self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(
                    self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(

                # Get the authoritative ismaster result from the primary.
                self.ismaster = self.client.admin.command('ismaster')
                nodes = [partition_node(node.lower())
                         for node in self.ismaster.get('hosts', [])]
                              for node in self.ismaster.get('passives', [])])
                              for node in self.ismaster.get('arbiters', [])])
                self.nodes = set(nodes)
                self.ismaster = ismaster
                self.nodes = set([(host, port)])
            self.w = len(self.ismaster.get("hosts", [])) or 1
            self.version = Version.from_client(self.client)

            if 'enableTestCommands=1' in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                self.test_commands_enabled = True
            elif 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
                params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', [])
                if 'enableTestCommands=1' in params:
                    self.test_commands_enabled = True
                    params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', {})
                    if params.get('enableTestCommands') == '1':
                        self.test_commands_enabled = True

            self.is_mongos = (self.ismaster.get('msg') == 'isdbgrid')
            self.has_ipv6 = self._server_started_with_ipv6()
            if self.is_mongos:
                # Check for another mongos on the next port.
                address = self.client.address
                next_address = address[0], address[1] + 1
                mongos_client = self._connect(*next_address,
                if mongos_client:
                    ismaster = mongos_client.admin.command('ismaster')
                    if ismaster.get('msg') == 'isdbgrid':

    def init(self):
        with self.conn_lock:
            if not self.client and not self.connection_attempts:

    def connection_attempt_info(self):
        return '\n'.join(self.connection_attempts)

    def host(self):
        if self.is_rs:
            primary = self.client.primary
            return str(primary[0]) if primary is not None else host
        return host

    def port(self):
        if self.is_rs:
            primary = self.client.primary
            return primary[1] if primary is not None else port
        return port

    def pair(self):
        return "%s:%d" % (, self.port)

    def has_secondaries(self):
        if not self.client:
            return False
        return bool(len(self.client.secondaries))

    def _check_user_provided(self):
        """Return True if db_user/db_password is already an admin user."""
        client = pymongo.MongoClient(
            host, port,

            return db_user in _all_users(client.admin)
        except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
            msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
            if e.code == 18 or 'auth fails' in msg:
                # Auth failed.
                return False

    def _server_started_with_auth(self):
        # MongoDB >= 2.0
        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            parsed = self.cmd_line['parsed']
            # MongoDB >= 2.6
            if 'security' in parsed:
                security = parsed['security']
                # >= rc3
                if 'authorization' in security:
                    return security['authorization'] == 'enabled'
                # < rc3
                return (security.get('auth', False) or
            return parsed.get('auth', False) or bool(parsed.get('keyFile'))
        # Legacy
        argv = self.cmd_line['argv']
        return '--auth' in argv or '--keyFile' in argv

    def _server_started_with_ipv6(self):
        if not socket.has_ipv6:
            return False

        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            if not self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('net', {}).get('ipv6'):
                return False
            if '--ipv6' not in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                return False

        # The server was started with --ipv6. Is there an IPv6 route to it?
            for info in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port):
                if info[0] == socket.AF_INET6:
                    return True
        except socket.error:

        return False

    def _require(self, condition, msg, func=None):
        def make_wrapper(f):
            def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
                # Always raise SkipTest if we can't connect to MongoDB
                if not self.connected:
                    raise SkipTest(
                        "Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % (self.pair,))
                if condition():
                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
                raise SkipTest(msg)
            return wrap

        if func is None:
            def decorate(f):
                return make_wrapper(f)
            return decorate
        return make_wrapper(func)

    def create_user(self, dbname, user, pwd=None, roles=None, **kwargs):
        kwargs['writeConcern'] = {'w': self.w}
        return _create_user(self.client[dbname], user, pwd, roles, **kwargs)

    def drop_user(self, dbname, user):
            'dropUser', user, writeConcern={'w': self.w})

    def require_connection(self, func):
        """Run a test only if we can connect to MongoDB."""
        return self._require(
            lambda: True,  # _require checks if we're connected
            "Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % (self.pair,),

    def require_no_mmap(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is not using the MMAPv1 storage
        engine. Only works for standalone and replica sets; tests are
        run regardless of storage engine on sharded clusters. """
        def is_not_mmap():
            if self.is_mongos:
                return True
                storage_engine = self.server_status.get(
            except AttributeError:
                # Raised if the storageEngine key does not exist or if
                # self.server_status is None.
                return False
            return storage_engine != 'mmapv1'

        return self._require(
            is_not_mmap, "Storage engine must not be MMAPv1", func=func)

    def require_version_min(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at least ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(lambda: self.version >= other_version,
                             "Server version must be at least %s"
                             % str(other_version))

    def require_version_max(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at most ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(lambda: self.version <= other_version,
                             "Server version must be at most %s"
                             % str(other_version))

    def require_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running with auth enabled."""
        return self.check_auth_with_sharding(
            self._require(lambda: self.auth_enabled,
                          "Authentication is not enabled on the server",

    def require_no_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running without auth enabled."""
        return self._require(lambda: not self.auth_enabled,
                             "Authentication must not be enabled on the server",

    def require_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.is_rs,
                             "Not connected to a replica set",

    def require_secondaries_count(self, count):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set that has
        `count` secondaries.
        def sec_count():
            return 0 if not self.client else len(self.client.secondaries)
        return self._require(lambda: sec_count() >= count,
                             "Not enough secondaries available")

    def require_no_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test if the client is *not* connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(
            lambda: not self.is_rs,
            "Connected to a replica set, not a standalone mongod",

    def require_ipv6(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect to a server via IPv6."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.has_ipv6,
                             "No IPv6",

    def require_no_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is not connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(lambda: not self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongod, not a mongos",

    def require_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongos",

    def require_multiple_mongoses(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a sharded cluster
        that has 2 mongos nodes."""
        return self._require(lambda: len(self.mongoses) > 1,
                             "Must have multiple mongoses available",

    def require_standalone(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a standalone."""
        return self._require(lambda: not (self.is_mongos or self.is_rs),
                             "Must be connected to a standalone",

    def require_no_standalone(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is not connected to a standalone."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.is_mongos or self.is_rs,
                             "Must be connected to a replica set or mongos",

    def check_auth_with_sharding(self, func):
        """Skip a test when connected to mongos < 2.0 and running with auth."""
        condition = lambda: not (self.auth_enabled and
                         self.is_mongos and self.version < (2,))
        return self._require(condition,
                             "Auth with sharding requires MongoDB >= 2.0.0",

    def is_topology_type(self, topologies):
        if 'single' in topologies and not (self.is_mongos or self.is_rs):
            return True
        if 'replicaset' in topologies and self.is_rs:
            return True
        if 'sharded' in topologies and self.is_mongos:
            return True
        return False

    def require_cluster_type(self, topologies=[]):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a cluster that
        conforms to one of the specified topologies. Acceptable topologies
        are 'single', 'replicaset', and 'sharded'."""
        def _is_valid_topology():
            return self.is_topology_type(topologies)
        return self._require(
            "Cluster type not in %s" % (topologies))

    def require_test_commands(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server has test commands enabled."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.test_commands_enabled,
                             "Test commands must be enabled",

    def require_ssl(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect over SSL."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.ssl,
                             "Must be able to connect via SSL",

    def require_no_ssl(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect over SSL."""
        return self._require(lambda: not self.ssl,
                             "Must be able to connect without SSL",

    def require_ssl_cert_none(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect with ssl.CERT_NONE."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.ssl_cert_none,
                             "Must be able to connect with ssl.CERT_NONE",

    def require_ssl_certfile(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect with ssl_certfile."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.ssl_certfile,
                             "Must be able to connect with ssl_certfile",

    def require_server_resolvable(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the hostname 'server' is resolvable."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.server_is_resolvable,
                             "No hosts entry for 'server'. Cannot validate "
                             "hostname in the certificate",

    def require_sessions(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the deployment supports sessions."""
        return self._require(lambda: self.sessions_enabled,
                             "Sessions not supported",

    def supports_transactions(self):
        if self.version.at_least(4, 1, 8):
            return self.is_mongos or self.is_rs

        if self.version.at_least(4, 0):
            return self.is_rs
        return False

    def require_transactions(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the deployment might support transactions.

        *Might* because this does not test the storage engine or FCV.
        return self._require(self.supports_transactions,
                             "Transactions are not supported",

    def mongos_seeds(self):
        return ','.join('%s:%s' % address for address in self.mongoses)

    def supports_reindex(self):
        """Does the connected server support reindex?"""
        return not (self.version.at_least(4, 1, 0) and self.is_mongos)

    def supports_getpreverror(self):
        """Does the connected server support getpreverror?"""
        return not (self.version.at_least(4, 1, 0) or self.is_mongos)

    def requires_hint_with_min_max_queries(self):
        """Does the server require a hint with min/max queries."""
        # Changed in SERVER-39567.
        return self.version.at_least(4, 1, 10)
class ClientContext(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """Create a client and grab essential information from the server."""
        self.connected = False
        self.ismaster = {}
        self.w = None
        self.nodes = set()
        self.replica_set_name = None
        self.cmd_line = None
        self.version = Version(-1)  # Needs to be comparable with Version
        self.auth_enabled = False
        self.test_commands_enabled = False
        self.is_mongos = False
        self.is_rs = False
        self.has_ipv6 = False
        self.ssl = False
        self.ssl_cert_none = False
        self.ssl_certfile = False
        self.server_is_resolvable = is_server_resolvable()
        self.ssl_client_options = {}
        self.client = _connect(host, port)

        if HAVE_SSL and not self.client:
            # Is MongoDB configured for SSL?
            self.client = _connect(host, port, **_SSL_OPTIONS)
            if self.client:
                self.ssl = True
                self.ssl_client_options = _SSL_OPTIONS
                self.ssl_certfile = True
                if _SSL_OPTIONS.get('ssl_cert_reqs') == ssl.CERT_NONE:
                    self.ssl_cert_none = True

        if self.client:
            self.connected = True
            ismaster = self.client.admin.command('ismaster')
            if 'setName' in ismaster:
                self.replica_set_name = ismaster['setName']
                self.is_rs = True
                # It doesn't matter which member we use as the seed here.
                self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(
                # Get the authoritative ismaster result from the primary.
                self.ismaster = self.client.admin.command('ismaster')
                nodes = [
                    for node in self.ismaster.get('hosts', [])
                    for node in self.ismaster.get('passives', [])
                    for node in self.ismaster.get('arbiters', [])
                self.nodes = set(nodes)
                self.ismaster = ismaster
                self.nodes = set([(host, port)])
            self.w = len(self.ismaster.get("hosts", [])) or 1
            self.version = Version.from_client(self.client)

                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')
            except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
                msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
                if e.code == 13 or 'unauthorized' in msg or 'login' in msg:
                    # Unauthorized.
                    self.auth_enabled = True
                self.auth_enabled = self._server_started_with_auth()

            if self.auth_enabled:
                # See if db_user already exists.
                self.user_provided = self._check_user_provided()
                if not self.user_provided:
                    roles = {}
                    if self.version.at_least(2, 5, 3, -1):
                        roles = {'roles': ['root']}
                    self.client.admin.add_user(db_user, db_pwd, **roles)

                self.client = _connect(host,

                # May not have this if OperationFailure was raised earlier.
                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')

            if 'enableTestCommands=1' in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                self.test_commands_enabled = True
            elif 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
                params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', [])
                if 'enableTestCommands=1' in params:
                    self.test_commands_enabled = True
                    params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', {})
                    if params.get('enableTestCommands') == '1':
                        self.test_commands_enabled = True

            self.is_mongos = (self.ismaster.get('msg') == 'isdbgrid')
            self.has_ipv6 = self._server_started_with_ipv6()

    def host(self):
        if self.is_rs:
            primary = self.client.primary
            return primary[0] if primary is not None else host
        return host

    def port(self):
        if self.is_rs:
            primary = self.client.primary
            return primary[1] if primary is not None else port
        return port

    def pair(self):
        return "%s:%d" % (, self.port)

    def has_secondaries(self):
        if not self.client:
            return False
        return bool(len(self.client.secondaries))

    def _check_user_provided(self):
        """Return True if db_user/db_password is already an admin user."""
        client = pymongo.MongoClient(host,

            return db_user in _all_users(client.admin)
        except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
            msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
            if e.code == 18 or 'auth fails' in msg:
                # Auth failed.
                return False

    def _server_started_with_auth(self):
        # MongoDB >= 2.0
        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            parsed = self.cmd_line['parsed']
            # MongoDB >= 2.6
            if 'security' in parsed:
                security = parsed['security']
                # >= rc3
                if 'authorization' in security:
                    return security['authorization'] == 'enabled'
                # < rc3
                return (security.get('auth', False)
                        or bool(security.get('keyFile')))
            return parsed.get('auth', False) or bool(parsed.get('keyFile'))
        # Legacy
        argv = self.cmd_line['argv']
        return '--auth' in argv or '--keyFile' in argv

    def _server_started_with_ipv6(self):
        if not socket.has_ipv6:
            return False

        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            if not self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('net', {}).get('ipv6'):
                return False
            if '--ipv6' not in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                return False

        # The server was started with --ipv6. Is there an IPv6 route to it?
            for info in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port):
                if info[0] == socket.AF_INET6:
                    return True
        except socket.error:

        return False

    def _require(self, condition, msg, func=None):
        def make_wrapper(f):
            def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
                # Always raise SkipTest if we can't connect to MongoDB
                if not self.connected:
                    raise SkipTest("Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" %
                                   (self.pair, ))
                if condition:
                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
                raise SkipTest(msg)

            return wrap

        if func is None:

            def decorate(f):
                return make_wrapper(f)

            return decorate
        return make_wrapper(func)

    def require_connection(self, func):
        """Run a test only if we can connect to MongoDB."""
        return self._require(self.connected,
                             "Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % (self.pair, ),

    def require_version_min(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at least ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(
            self.version >= other_version,
            "Server version must be at least %s" % str(other_version))

    def require_version_max(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at most ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(
            self.version <= other_version,
            "Server version must be at most %s" % str(other_version))

    def require_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running with auth enabled."""
        return self.check_auth_with_sharding(
                          "Authentication is not enabled on the server",

    def require_no_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running without auth enabled."""
        return self._require(
            not self.auth_enabled,
            "Authentication must not be enabled on the server",

    def require_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(self.is_rs,
                             "Not connected to a replica set",

    def require_secondaries_count(self, count):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set that has
        `count` secondaries.
        sec_count = 0 if not self.client else len(self.client.secondaries)
        return self._require(
            sec_count >= count,
            "Need %d secondaries, %d available" % (count, sec_count))

    def require_no_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test if the client is *not* connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(
            not self.is_rs,
            "Connected to a replica set, not a standalone mongod",

    def require_ipv6(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect to a server via IPv6."""
        return self._require(self.has_ipv6, "No IPv6", func=func)

    def require_no_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is not connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(not self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongod, not a mongos",

    def require_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongos",

    def check_auth_with_sharding(self, func):
        """Skip a test when connected to mongos < 2.0 and running with auth."""
        condition = not (self.auth_enabled and self.is_mongos
                         and self.version < (2, ))
        return self._require(condition,
                             "Auth with sharding requires MongoDB >= 2.0.0",

    def require_test_commands(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server has test commands enabled."""
        return self._require(self.test_commands_enabled,
                             "Test commands must be enabled",

    def require_ssl(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect over SSL."""
        return self._require(self.ssl,
                             "Must be able to connect via SSL",

    def require_no_ssl(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect over SSL."""
        return self._require(not self.ssl,
                             "Must be able to connect without SSL",

    def require_ssl_cert_none(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect with ssl.CERT_NONE."""
        return self._require(self.ssl_cert_none,
                             "Must be able to connect with ssl.CERT_NONE",

    def require_ssl_certfile(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect with ssl_certfile."""
        return self._require(self.ssl_certfile,
                             "Must be able to connect with ssl_certfile",

    def require_server_resolvable(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the hostname 'server' is resolvable."""
        return self._require(self.server_is_resolvable,
                             "No hosts entry for 'server'. Cannot validate "
                             "hostname in the certificate",
Beispiel #6
class ClientContext(object):

    def __init__(self):
        """Create a client and grab essential information from the server."""
        self.connected = False
        self.ismaster = {}
        self.w = None
        self.nodes = set()
        self.replica_set_name = None
        self.cmd_line = None
        self.version = Version(-1)  # Needs to be comparable with Version
        self.auth_enabled = False
        self.test_commands_enabled = False
        self.is_mongos = False
        self.is_rs = False
        self.has_ipv6 = False
        self.ssl = False
        self.ssl_cert_none = False
        self.ssl_certfile = False
        self.server_is_resolvable = is_server_resolvable()
        self.ssl_client_options = {}
        self.client = _connect(host, port)

        if HAVE_SSL and not self.client:
            # Is MongoDB configured for SSL?
            self.client = _connect(host, port, **_SSL_OPTIONS)
            if self.client:
                self.ssl = True
                self.ssl_client_options = _SSL_OPTIONS
                self.ssl_certfile = True
                if _SSL_OPTIONS.get('ssl_cert_reqs') == ssl.CERT_NONE:
                    self.ssl_cert_none = True

        if self.client:
            self.connected = True
            ismaster = self.client.admin.command('ismaster')
            if 'setName' in ismaster:
                self.replica_set_name = ismaster['setName']
                self.is_rs = True
                # It doesn't matter which member we use as the seed here.
                self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(
                # Get the authoritative ismaster result from the primary.
                self.ismaster = self.client.admin.command('ismaster')
                nodes = [partition_node(node.lower())
                         for node in self.ismaster.get('hosts', [])]
                              for node in self.ismaster.get('passives', [])])
                              for node in self.ismaster.get('arbiters', [])])
                self.nodes = set(nodes)
                self.ismaster = ismaster
                self.nodes = set([(host, port)])
            self.w = len(self.ismaster.get("hosts", [])) or 1
            self.version = Version.from_client(self.client)

                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')
            except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
                msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
                if e.code == 13 or 'unauthorized' in msg or 'login' in msg:
                    # Unauthorized.
                    self.auth_enabled = True
                self.auth_enabled = self._server_started_with_auth()

            if self.auth_enabled:
                # See if db_user already exists.
                self.user_provided = self._check_user_provided()
                if not self.user_provided:
                    roles = {}
                    if self.version.at_least(2, 5, 3, -1):
                        roles = {'roles': ['root']}
                    self.client.admin.add_user(db_user, db_pwd, **roles)
                    self.client.admin.authenticate(db_user, db_pwd)

                # May not have this if OperationFailure was raised earlier.
                self.cmd_line = self.client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')

            if 'enableTestCommands=1' in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                self.test_commands_enabled = True
            elif 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
                params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', [])
                if 'enableTestCommands=1' in params:
                    self.test_commands_enabled = True
                    params = self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('setParameter', {})
                    if params.get('enableTestCommands') == '1':
                        self.test_commands_enabled = True

            self.is_mongos = (self.ismaster.get('msg') == 'isdbgrid')
            self.has_ipv6 = self._server_started_with_ipv6()

    def host(self):
        if self.is_rs:
            primary = self.client.primary
            return primary[0] if primary is not None else host
        return host

    def port(self):
        if self.is_rs:
            primary = self.client.primary
            return primary[1] if primary is not None else port
        return port

    def pair(self):
        return "%s:%d" % (, self.port)

    def has_secondaries(self):
        if not self.client:
            return False
        return bool(len(self.client.secondaries))

    def _check_user_provided(self):
            self.client.admin.authenticate(db_user, db_pwd)
            return True
        except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as e:
            msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '')
            if e.code == 18 or 'auth fails' in msg:
                # Auth failed.
                return False

    def _server_started_with_auth(self):
        # MongoDB >= 2.0
        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            parsed = self.cmd_line['parsed']
            # MongoDB >= 2.6
            if 'security' in parsed:
                security = parsed['security']
                # >= rc3
                if 'authorization' in security:
                    return security['authorization'] == 'enabled'
                # < rc3
                return (security.get('auth', False) or
            return parsed.get('auth', False) or bool(parsed.get('keyFile'))
        # Legacy
        argv = self.cmd_line['argv']
        return '--auth' in argv or '--keyFile' in argv

    def _server_started_with_ipv6(self):
        if not socket.has_ipv6:
            return False

        if 'parsed' in self.cmd_line:
            if not self.cmd_line['parsed'].get('net', {}).get('ipv6'):
                return False
            if '--ipv6' not in self.cmd_line['argv']:
                return False

        # The server was started with --ipv6. Is there an IPv6 route to it?
            for info in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port):
                if info[0] == socket.AF_INET6:
                    return True
        except socket.error:

        return False

    def _require(self, condition, msg, func=None):
        def make_wrapper(f):
            def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
                # Always raise SkipTest if we can't connect to MongoDB
                if not self.connected:
                    raise SkipTest(
                        "Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % (self.pair,))
                if condition:
                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
                raise SkipTest(msg)
            return wrap

        if func is None:
            def decorate(f):
                return make_wrapper(f)
            return decorate
        return make_wrapper(func)

    def require_connection(self, func):
        """Run a test only if we can connect to MongoDB."""
        return self._require(
            "Cannot connect to MongoDB on %s" % (self.pair,),

    def require_version_min(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at least ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(self.version >= other_version,
                             "Server version must be at least %s"
                             % str(other_version))

    def require_version_max(self, *ver):
        """Run a test only if the server version is at most ``version``."""
        other_version = Version(*ver)
        return self._require(self.version <= other_version,
                             "Server version must be at most %s"
                             % str(other_version))

    def require_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running with auth enabled."""
        return self.check_auth_with_sharding(
                          "Authentication is not enabled on the server",

    def require_no_auth(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server is running without auth enabled."""
        return self._require(not self.auth_enabled,
                             "Authentication must not be enabled on the server",

    def require_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(self.is_rs,
                             "Not connected to a replica set",

    def require_secondaries_count(self, count):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a replica set that has
        `count` secondaries.
        sec_count = 0 if not self.client else len(self.client.secondaries)
        return self._require(sec_count >= count,
                             "Need %d secondaries, %d available"
                             % (count, sec_count))

    def require_no_replica_set(self, func):
        """Run a test if the client is *not* connected to a replica set."""
        return self._require(
            not self.is_rs,
            "Connected to a replica set, not a standalone mongod",

    def require_ipv6(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect to a server via IPv6."""
        return self._require(self.has_ipv6,
                             "No IPv6",

    def require_no_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is not connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(not self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongod, not a mongos",

    def require_mongos(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client is connected to a mongos."""
        return self._require(self.is_mongos,
                             "Must be connected to a mongos",

    def check_auth_with_sharding(self, func):
        """Skip a test when connected to mongos < 2.0 and running with auth."""
        condition = not (self.auth_enabled and
                         self.is_mongos and self.version < (2,))
        return self._require(condition,
                             "Auth with sharding requires MongoDB >= 2.0.0",

    def require_test_commands(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the server has test commands enabled."""
        return self._require(self.test_commands_enabled,
                             "Test commands must be enabled",

    def require_ssl(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect over SSL."""
        return self._require(self.ssl,
                             "Must be able to connect via SSL",

    def require_no_ssl(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect over SSL."""
        return self._require(not self.ssl,
                             "Must be able to connect without SSL",

    def require_ssl_cert_none(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect with ssl.CERT_NONE."""
        return self._require(self.ssl_cert_none,
                             "Must be able to connect with ssl.CERT_NONE",

    def require_ssl_certfile(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the client can connect with ssl_certfile."""
        return self._require(self.ssl_certfile,
                             "Must be able to connect with ssl_certfile",

    def require_server_resolvable(self, func):
        """Run a test only if the hostname 'server' is resolvable."""
        return self._require(self.server_is_resolvable,
                             "No hosts entry for 'server'. Cannot validate "
                             "hostname in the certificate",