Beispiel #1
    def test_desc(self, node, address, multisig, typ, utxo):
        """Run sanity checks on a descriptor reported by getaddressinfo."""
        info = self.nodes[node].getaddressinfo(address)
        assert('desc' in info)

        assert_equal(info['desc'], utxo['desc'])

        # Use a ridiculously roundabout way to find the key origin info through
        # the PSBT logic. However, this does test consistency between the PSBT reported
        # fingerprints/paths and the descriptor logic.
        psbt = self.nodes[node].createpsbt(
            [{'txid': utxo['txid'], 'vout':utxo['vout']}], [{address: 0.00010000}])
        psbt = self.nodes[node].walletprocesspsbt(
            psbt, False, "ALL|FORKID", True)
        decode = self.nodes[node].decodepsbt(psbt['psbt'])
        key_descs = {}
        for deriv in decode['inputs'][0]['bip32_derivs']:
            assert_equal(len(deriv['master_fingerprint']), 8)
            assert_equal(deriv['path'][0], 'm')
            key_descs[deriv['pubkey']] = '[' + deriv['master_fingerprint'] + \
                deriv['path'][1:] + ']' + deriv['pubkey']

        # Verify the descriptor checksum against the Python implementation
        # Verify that stripping the checksum and recreating it using Python
        # roundtrips
        assert(info['desc'] == descsum_create(info['desc'][:-9]))
        # Verify that stripping the checksum and feeding it to
        # getdescriptorinfo roundtrips
        assert(info['desc'] == self.nodes[0].getdescriptorinfo(
            info['desc'][-8:], self.nodes[0].getdescriptorinfo(info['desc'][:-9])['checksum'])
        # Verify that keeping the checksum and feeding it to getdescriptorinfo
        # roundtrips
        assert info['desc'] == self.nodes[0].getdescriptorinfo(info['desc'])[

        if not multisig and typ == 'legacy':
            # P2PKH
        elif typ == 'legacy':
            # P2SH-multisig
            assert_equal(info['desc'], descsum_create("sh(multi(2,{},{}))".format(
                key_descs[info['pubkeys'][0]], key_descs[info['pubkeys'][1]])))
            # Unknown type
    def test_desc(self, node, address, multisig, typ, utxo):
        """Run sanity checks on a descriptor reported by getaddressinfo."""
        info = self.nodes[node].getaddressinfo(address)
        assert('desc' in info)
        assert_equal(info['desc'], utxo['desc'])

        # Use a ridiculously roundabout way to find the key origin info through
        # the PSBT logic. However, this does test consistency between the PSBT reported
        # fingerprints/paths and the descriptor logic.
        psbt = self.nodes[node].createpsbt([{'txid':utxo['txid'], 'vout':utxo['vout']}],[{address:0.00010000}])
        psbt = self.nodes[node].walletprocesspsbt(psbt, False, "ALL", True)
        decode = self.nodes[node].decodepsbt(psbt['psbt'])
        key_descs = {}
        for deriv in decode['inputs'][0]['bip32_derivs']:
            assert_equal(len(deriv['master_fingerprint']), 8)
            assert_equal(deriv['path'][0], 'm')
            key_descs[deriv['pubkey']] = '[' + deriv['master_fingerprint'] + deriv['path'][1:] + ']' + deriv['pubkey']

        # Verify the descriptor checksum against the Python implementation
        # Verify that stripping the checksum and recreating it using Python roundtrips
        assert(info['desc'] == descsum_create(info['desc'][:-9]))
        # Verify that stripping the checksum and feeding it to getdescriptorinfo roundtrips
        assert(info['desc'] == self.nodes[0].getdescriptorinfo(info['desc'][:-9])['descriptor'])

        if not multisig and typ == 'legacy':
            # P2PKH
            assert_equal(info['desc'], descsum_create("pkh(%s)" % key_descs[info['pubkey']]))
        elif not multisig and typ == 'p2sh-segwit':
            # P2SH-P2WPKH
            assert_equal(info['desc'], descsum_create("sh(wpkh(%s))" % key_descs[info['pubkey']]))
        elif not multisig and typ == 'bech32':
            # P2WPKH
            assert_equal(info['desc'], descsum_create("wpkh(%s)" % key_descs[info['pubkey']]))
        elif typ == 'legacy':
            # P2SH-multisig
            assert_equal(info['desc'], descsum_create("sh(multi(2,%s,%s))" % (key_descs[info['pubkeys'][0]], key_descs[info['pubkeys'][1]])))
        elif typ == 'p2sh-segwit':
            # P2SH-P2WSH-multisig
            assert_equal(info['desc'], descsum_create("sh(wsh(multi(2,%s,%s)))" % (key_descs[info['embedded']['pubkeys'][0]], key_descs[info['embedded']['pubkeys'][1]])))
        elif typ == 'bech32':
            # P2WSH-multisig
            assert_equal(info['desc'], descsum_create("wsh(multi(2,%s,%s))" % (key_descs[info['pubkeys'][0]], key_descs[info['pubkeys'][1]])))
            # Unknown type