Beispiel #1
    def run_test (self):
        # Mine some coins

        # Get some addresses from the two nodes
        addr1 = [self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() for i in range(3)]
        addr2 = [self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() for i in range(3)]
        addrs = addr1 + addr2

        # Send 1 + 0.5 coin to each address
        [self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 1.0) for addr in addrs]
        [self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 0.5) for addr in addrs]


        # For each node, send 0.2 coins back to 0;
        # - node[1] should pick one 0.5 UTXO and leave the rest
        # - node[2] should pick one (1.0 + 0.5) UTXO group corresponding to a
        #   given address, and leave the rest
        txid1 = self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 0.2)
        tx1 = self.nodes[1].getrawtransaction(txid1, True)
        # txid1 should have 1 input and 2 outputs
        assert_equal(1, len(tx1["vin"]))
        assert_equal(2, len(tx1["vout"]))
        # one output should be 0.2, the other should be ~0.3
        v = [vout["value"] for vout in tx1["vout"]]
        assert_approx(v[0], 0.2)
        assert_approx(v[1], 0.3, 0.0001)

        txid2 = self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 0.2)
        tx2 = self.nodes[2].getrawtransaction(txid2, True)
        # txid2 should have 2 inputs and 2 outputs
        assert_equal(2, len(tx2["vin"]))
        assert_equal(2, len(tx2["vout"]))
        # one output should be 0.2, the other should be ~1.3
        v = [vout["value"] for vout in tx2["vout"]]
        assert_approx(v[0], 0.2)
        assert_approx(v[1], 1.3, 0.0001)

        # Empty out node2's wallet
        self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(address=self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), amount=self.nodes[2].getbalance(), subtractfeefromamount=True)

        # Fill node2's wallet with 10000 outputs corresponding to the same
        # scriptPubKey
        for i in range(5):
            raw_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction([{"txid":"0"*64, "vout":0}], [{addr2[0]: 0.05}])
            tx = FromHex(CTransaction(), raw_tx)
   = []
            tx.vout = [tx.vout[0]] * 2000
            funded_tx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(ToHex(tx))
            signed_tx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithwallet(funded_tx['hex'])


        # Check that we can create a transaction that only requires ~100 of our
        # utxos, without pulling in all outputs and creating a transaction that
        # is way too big.
        assert self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(address=addr2[0], amount=5)
Beispiel #2
    def mine_block(self,
        bt = node.getblocktemplate()
        height = bt['height']
        tip_hash = bt['previousblockhash']

        tip_block = node.getblock(tip_hash)

        coinbasevalue = bt['coinbasevalue']
        if miner_address is None:
            miner_address = node.getnewaddress()
        if mn_payee is None:
            if isinstance(bt['masternode'], list):
                mn_payee = bt['masternode'][0]['payee']
                mn_payee = bt['masternode']['payee']
        # we can't take the masternode payee amount from the template here as we might have additional fees in vtx

        # calculate fees that the block template included (we'll have to remove it from the coinbase as we won't
        # include the template's transactions
        bt_fees = 0
        for tx in bt['transactions']:
            bt_fees += tx['fee']

        new_fees = 0
        for tx in vtx:
            in_value = 0
            out_value = 0
            for txin in
                txout = node.gettxout("%064x" % txin.prevout.hash,
                                      txin.prevout.n, False)
                in_value += int(txout['value'] * COIN)
            for txout in tx.vout:
                out_value += txout.nValue
            new_fees += in_value - out_value

        # fix fees
        coinbasevalue -= bt_fees
        coinbasevalue += new_fees

        if mn_amount is None:
            mn_amount = get_masternode_payment(height, coinbasevalue)
        miner_amount = coinbasevalue - mn_amount

        outputs = {miner_address: str(Decimal(miner_amount) / COIN)}
        if mn_amount > 0:
            outputs[mn_payee] = str(Decimal(mn_amount) / COIN)

        coinbase = FromHex(CTransaction(),
                           node.createrawtransaction([], outputs)) = create_coinbase(height).vin

        # We can't really use this one as it would result in invalid merkle roots for masternode lists
        if len(bt['coinbase_payload']) != 0:
            cbtx = FromHex(CCbTx(version=1), bt['coinbase_payload'])
            if use_mnmerkleroot_from_tip:
                if 'cbTx' in tip_block:
                    cbtx.merkleRootMNList = int(
                        tip_block['cbTx']['merkleRootMNList'], 16)
                    cbtx.merkleRootMNList = 0
            coinbase.nVersion = 3
            coinbase.nType = 5  # CbTx
            coinbase.vExtraPayload = cbtx.serialize()


        block = create_block(int(tip_hash, 16), coinbase)
        block.vtx += vtx

        # Add quorum commitments from template
        for tx in bt['transactions']:
            tx2 = FromHex(CTransaction(), tx['data'])
            if tx2.nType == 6:

        block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
        result = node.submitblock(ToHex(block))
        if expected_error is not None and result != expected_error:
            raise AssertionError(
                'mining the block should have failed with error %s, but submitblock returned %s'
                % (expected_error, result))
        elif expected_error is None and result is not None:
            raise AssertionError('submitblock returned %s' % (result))
Beispiel #3
    def mine_block(self, node, vtx=[], miner_address=None, mn_payee=None, mn_amount=None, use_mnmerkleroot_from_tip=False, expected_error=None):
        bt = node.getblocktemplate()
        height = bt['height']
        tip_hash = bt['previousblockhash']

        tip_block = node.getblock(tip_hash)

        coinbasevalue = bt['coinbasevalue']
        if miner_address is None:
            miner_address = node.getnewaddress()
        if mn_payee is None:
            if isinstance(bt['masternode'], list):
                mn_payee = bt['masternode'][0]['payee']
                mn_payee = bt['masternode']['payee']
        # we can't take the masternode payee amount from the template here as we might have additional fees in vtx

        # calculate fees that the block template included (we'll have to remove it from the coinbase as we won't
        # include the template's transactions
        bt_fees = 0
        for tx in bt['transactions']:
            bt_fees += tx['fee']

        new_fees = 0
        for tx in vtx:
            in_value = 0
            out_value = 0
            for txin in
                txout = node.gettxout("%064x" % txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n, False)
                in_value += int(txout['value'] * COIN)
            for txout in tx.vout:
                out_value += txout.nValue
            new_fees += in_value - out_value

        # fix fees
        coinbasevalue -= bt_fees
        coinbasevalue += new_fees

        if mn_amount is None:
            mn_amount = get_masternode_payment(height, coinbasevalue)
        miner_amount = coinbasevalue - mn_amount

        outputs = {miner_address: str(Decimal(miner_amount) / COIN)}
        if mn_amount > 0:
            outputs[mn_payee] = str(Decimal(mn_amount) / COIN)

        coinbase = FromHex(CTransaction(), node.createrawtransaction([], outputs)) = create_coinbase(height).vin

        # We can't really use this one as it would result in invalid merkle roots for masternode lists
        if len(bt['coinbase_payload']) != 0:
            cbtx = FromHex(CCbTx(version=1), bt['coinbase_payload'])
            if use_mnmerkleroot_from_tip:
                if 'cbTx' in tip_block:
                    cbtx.merkleRootMNList = int(tip_block['cbTx']['merkleRootMNList'], 16)
                    cbtx.merkleRootMNList = 0
            coinbase.nVersion = 3
            coinbase.nType = 5 # CbTx
            coinbase.vExtraPayload = cbtx.serialize()


        block = create_block(int(tip_hash, 16), coinbase)
        block.vtx += vtx

        # Add quorum commitments from template
        for tx in bt['transactions']:
            tx2 = FromHex(CTransaction(), tx['data'])
            if tx2.nType == 6:

        block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
        result = node.submitblock(ToHex(block))
        if expected_error is not None and result != expected_error:
            raise AssertionError('mining the block should have failed with error %s, but submitblock returned %s' % (expected_error, result))
        elif expected_error is None and result is not None:
            raise AssertionError('submitblock returned %s' % (result))