Beispiel #1
def test_pairwise():
    # Test the pairwise option.

    ngal = 1000
    s = 10.
    x1 = np.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    y1 = np.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    w1 = np.random.random(ngal)

    x2 = np.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    y2 = np.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    w2 = np.random.random(ngal)
    k2 = np.random.normal(0,3, (ngal,) )

    w1 = np.ones_like(w1)
    w2 = np.ones_like(w2)

    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x1, y=y1, w=w1)
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x2, y=y2, w=w2, k=k2)

    min_sep = 5.
    max_sep = 50.
    nbins = 10
    bin_size = np.log(max_sep/min_sep) / nbins
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins)
    nk.process_pairwise(cat1, cat2)

    true_npairs = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=int)
    true_weight = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=float)
    true_xi = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=float)

    rsq = (x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2
    r = np.sqrt(rsq)
    logr = np.log(r)

    ww = w1 * w2
    xi = ww * k2

    index = np.floor(np.log(r/min_sep) / bin_size).astype(int)
    mask = (index >= 0) & (index < nbins), index[mask], 1), index[mask], ww[mask]), index[mask], xi[mask])

    true_xi /= true_weight

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(nk.npairs, true_npairs)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.weight, true_weight, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.xi, true_xi, rtol=1.e-4, atol=1.e-8)

    # If cats have names, then the logger will mention them.
    # Also, test running with optional args. = "first" = "second"
    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        nk.logger = cl.logger
        nk.process_pairwise(cat1, cat2, metric='Euclidean', num_threads=2)
    assert "for cats first, second" in cl.output
Beispiel #2
def test_single():
    # Use kappa(r) = kappa0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (1-r^2/2r0^2) around a single lens

    nsource = 100000
    kappa0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (np.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (np.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    k = kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r2/r0**2)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=[0], y=[0], x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, k=k, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    nk.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = nk.meanr
    true_k = kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('true_kappa = ',true_k)
    print('ratio = ',nk.xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ',nk.xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)))
    # Note: there is a zero crossing, so need to include atol as well as rtol
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.xi, true_k, rtol=1.e-2, atol=1.e-4)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/nk_single.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk_single.out'), names=True,
    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kappa'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kappa']/nk.xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['kappa']-nk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], nk.xi, rtol=1.e-3)

    # There is special handling for single-row catalogs when using np.genfromtxt rather
    # than pandas.  So mock it up to make sure we test it.
    if sys.version_info < (3,): return  # mock only available on python 3
    from unittest import mock
    with mock.patch.dict(sys.modules, {'pandas':None}):
        with CaptureLog() as cl:
            treecorr.corr2(config, logger=cl.logger)
        assert "Unable to import pandas" in cl.output
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk_single.out'), names=True,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], nk.xi, rtol=1.e-3)
Beispiel #3
def test_omp():
    """Test setting the number of omp threads.
    import multiprocessing

    # If num_threads <= 0 or None, get num from cpu_count
    cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(0) > 0
    assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(0) <= cpus
    assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(None) > 0
    assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(None) <= cpus

    # If num_threads == 1, it should always set to 1
    assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(1) == 1

    # If num_threads > 1, it could be 1 or up to the input num_threads
    assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(2) >= 1
    assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(2) <= 2
    assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(20) >= 1
    assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(20) <= 20

    # Repeat and check that appropriate messages are emitted
    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        num_threads = treecorr.set_omp_threads(0, logger=cl.logger)
    assert "multiprocessing.cpu_count() = " in cl.output
    assert "Telling OpenMP to use %s threads" % cpus in cl.output

    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        treecorr.set_omp_threads(None, logger=cl.logger)
    assert "multiprocessing.cpu_count() = " in cl.output
    assert "Telling OpenMP to use %s threads" % cpus in cl.output

    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        treecorr.set_omp_threads(1, logger=cl.logger)
    assert "multiprocessing.cpu_count() = " not in cl.output
    assert "Telling OpenMP to use 1 threads" in cl.output
    assert "Using %s threads" % num_threads not in cl.output
    assert "Unable to use multiple threads" not in cl.output

    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        treecorr.set_omp_threads(2, logger=cl.logger)
    assert "multiprocessing.cpu_count() = " not in cl.output
    assert "Telling OpenMP to use 2 threads" in cl.output

    # It's hard to tell what happens in the next step, since we can't control what
    # treecorr._lib.SetOMPThreads does.  It depends on whether OpenMP is enabled and
    # how many cores are available.  So let's mock it up.
    if sys.version_info < (3, ): return  # mock only available on python 3
    from unittest import mock
    with mock.patch('treecorr._lib') as _lib:
        # First mock with OpenMP enables and able to use lots of threads
        _lib.SetOMPThreads = lambda x: x
        assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(20) == 20
        with CaptureLog() as cl:
            treecorr.set_omp_threads(20, logger=cl.logger)
        assert "OpenMP reports that it will use 20 threads" in cl.output
        assert "Using 20 threads" in cl.output

        # Next only 4 threads available
        _lib.SetOMPThreads = lambda x: 4 if x > 4 else x
        assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(20) == 4
        with CaptureLog() as cl:
            treecorr.set_omp_threads(20, logger=cl.logger)
        assert "OpenMP reports that it will use 4 threads" in cl.output
        assert "Using 4 threads" in cl.output

        assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(2) == 2
        with CaptureLog() as cl:
            treecorr.set_omp_threads(2, logger=cl.logger)
        assert "OpenMP reports that it will use 2 threads" in cl.output

        # Finally, no OpenMP
        _lib.SetOMPThreads = lambda x: 1
        assert treecorr.set_omp_threads(20) == 1
        with CaptureLog() as cl:
            treecorr.set_omp_threads(20, logger=cl.logger)
        assert "OpenMP reports that it will use 1 threads" in cl.output
        assert "Unable to use multiple threads" in cl.output
Beispiel #4
def test_check():
    """Test checking the validity of config values.
    # First a simple case with no conflicts
    config1 = treecorr.read_config('configs/kg.yaml')
    valid_params = treecorr.corr2_valid_params
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)

    # Just check a few values
    assert config2['x_col'] == '1'
    assert config2['k_col'] == ['3', '0']
    assert config2['verbose'] == 1
    assert config2['kg_file_name'] == 'output/kg.out'

    # Will also have other parameters filled from the valid_params dict
    for key in config2:
        assert key in valid_params
        if key in config1:
            if isinstance(config1[key], list):
                assert [str(v) for v in config2[key]
                        ] == [str(v) for v in config1[key]]
                assert config2[key] == config1[key] or str(
                    config2[key]) == str(config1[key])
            assert config2[key] == valid_params[key][2]

    # Check list of bool
    config1['flip_g1'] = [True, 0]
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    assert config2['flip_g1'] == [True, False]

    # Longer names are allowed
    config1['x_units'] = 'arcminutes'
    config1['y_units'] = 'arcminute'
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    assert config2['x_units'] == 'arcmin'
    assert config2['y_units'] == 'arcmin'

    # Also other aliases, but you need to list them explicitly.
    config1['reverse_g1'] = True
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(),
                                           aliases={'reverse_g1': 'flip_g1'})
    assert config2['flip_g1'] == True
    assert 'reverse_g1' not in config2
    del config1['reverse_g1']

    # Invalid values raise errors
    config1['verbose'] = -1
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    config1['verbose'] = 1
    config1['metric'] = 'hyperbolic'
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    del config1['metric']

    # With a logger, aliases emit a warning.
    config1['n2_file_name'] = 'output/n2.out'
    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(
            aliases={'n2_file_name': 'nn_file_name'})
    assert "The parameter n2_file_name is deprecated." in cl.output
    assert "You should use nn_file_name instead." in cl.output

    # corr2 has a list of standard aliases
    # It is currently empty, but let's mock it up to test the functionality.
    if sys.version_info < (3, ): return  # mock only available on python 3
    from unittest import mock
    with mock.patch('treecorr.corr2_aliases',
                    {'n2_file_name': 'nn_file_name'}):
        config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(),
    assert 'n2_file_name' not in config2
    assert config2['nn_file_name'] == 'output/n2.out'
    del config1['n2_file_name']
Beispiel #5
def test_pairwise():
    # Test the pairwise option.

    ngal = 1000
    s = 10.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    x1 = rng.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    y1 = rng.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    w1 = rng.random_sample(ngal)
    k1 = rng.normal(5,1, (ngal,) )

    x2 = rng.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    y2 = rng.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    w2 = rng.random_sample(ngal)
    g12 = rng.normal(0,0.2, (ngal,) )
    g22 = rng.normal(0,0.2, (ngal,) )

    w1 = np.ones_like(w1)
    w2 = np.ones_like(w2)

    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x1, y=y1, w=w1, k=k1)
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x2, y=y2, w=w2, g1=g12, g2=g22)

    min_sep = 5.
    max_sep = 50.
    nbins = 10
    bin_size = np.log(max_sep/min_sep) / nbins
    kg = treecorr.KGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins)
    kg.process_pairwise(cat1, cat2)
    kg.finalize(cat1.vark, cat2.varg)

    true_npairs = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=int)
    true_weight = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=float)
    true_xi = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=complex)

    rsq = (x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2
    r = np.sqrt(rsq)
    logr = np.log(r)
    expmialpha = ((x1-x2) - 1j*(y1-y2)) / r

    ww = w1 * w2
    xi = -ww * k1 * (g12 + 1j*g22) * expmialpha**2

    index = np.floor(np.log(r/min_sep) / bin_size).astype(int)
    mask = (index >= 0) & (index < nbins), index[mask], 1), index[mask], ww[mask]), index[mask], xi[mask])

    true_xi /= true_weight

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(kg.npairs, true_npairs)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.weight, true_weight, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.xi, true_xi.real, rtol=1.e-4, atol=1.e-8)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.xi_im, true_xi.imag, rtol=1.e-4, atol=1.e-8)

    # If cats have names, then the logger will mention them.
    # Also, test running with optional args. = "first" = "second"
    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        kg.logger = cl.logger
        kg.process_pairwise(cat1, cat2, metric='Euclidean', num_threads=2)
    assert "for cats first, second" in cl.output
Beispiel #6
def test_sample_pairs():

    nobj = 10000
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    x1 = rng.random_sample(nobj)   # All from 0..1
    y1 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    z1 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    w1 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    use = rng.randint(30, size=nobj).astype(float)
    w1[use == 0] = 0
    g11 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    g21 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    k1 = rng.random_sample(nobj)

    x2 = rng.random_sample(nobj)   # All from 0..1
    y2 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    z2 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    w2 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    use = rng.randint(30, size=nobj).astype(float)
    w2[use == 0] = 0
    g12 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    g22 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
    k2 = rng.random_sample(nobj)

    # Start with flat coords

    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x1, y=y1, w=w1, g1=g11, g2=g21, k=k1, keep_zero_weight=True)
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x2, y=y2, w=w2, g1=g12, g2=g22, k=k2, keep_zero_weight=True)

    # Note: extend range low enough that some bins have < 100 pairs.
    nn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(min_sep=0.001, max_sep=0.01, bin_size=0.1, max_top=0)
    nn.process(cat1, cat2)
    print('rnom = ',nn.rnom)
    print('npairs = ',nn.npairs.astype(int))

    # Start with a bin near the bottom with < 100 pairs
    # This only exercises case 1 in the sampleFrom function.
    b = 1
    i1, i2, sep = nn.sample_pairs(100, cat1, cat2,
                                  min_sep=nn.left_edges[b], max_sep=nn.right_edges[b])

    print('i1 = ',i1)
    print('i2 = ',i2)
    print('sep = ',sep)
    assert nn.npairs[b] <= 100  # i.e. make sure these next tests are what we want to do.
    assert len(i1) == nn.npairs[b]
    assert len(i2) == nn.npairs[b]
    assert len(sep) == nn.npairs[b]
    actual_sep = ((x1[i1]-x2[i2])**2 + (y1[i1]-y2[i2])**2)**0.5
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sep, actual_sep, rtol=0.1)  # half bin size with slop.
    np.testing.assert_array_less(sep, nn.right_edges[b])
    np.testing.assert_array_less(nn.left_edges[b], sep)

    # Next one that still isn't too many pairs, but more than 100
    # This exercises cases 1,2 in the sampleFrom function.
    b = 10
    i1, i2, sep = nn.sample_pairs(100, cat1, cat2,
                                  min_sep=nn.left_edges[b], max_sep=nn.right_edges[b])

    print('i1 = ',i1)
    print('i2 = ',i2)
    print('sep = ',sep)
    assert nn.npairs[b] > 100
    assert len(i1) == 100
    assert len(i2) == 100
    assert len(sep) == 100
    actual_sep = ((x1[i1]-x2[i2])**2 + (y1[i1]-y2[i2])**2)**0.5
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sep, actual_sep, rtol=0.1)
    np.testing.assert_array_less(sep, nn.right_edges[b])
    np.testing.assert_array_less(nn.left_edges[b], sep)

    # To exercise case 3, we need to go to larger separations, so the recursion
    # more often stops before getting to the leaves.
    # Also switch to 3d coordinates.

    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x1, y=y1, z=z1, w=w1, g1=g11, g2=g21, k=k1, keep_zero_weight=True)
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x2, y=y2, z=z2, w=w2, g1=g12, g2=g22, k=k2, keep_zero_weight=True)

    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=0.4, nbins=10, bin_size=0.1, max_top=0)
    gg.process(cat1, cat2)
    print('rnom = ',gg.rnom)
    print('npairs = ',gg.npairs.astype(int))
    for b in [0,5]:
        i1, i2, sep = gg.sample_pairs(100, cat1, cat2,
                                      min_sep=gg.left_edges[b], max_sep=gg.right_edges[b])

        print('len(npairs) = ',len(gg.npairs))
        print('npairs = ',gg.npairs)
        print('i1 = ',i1)
        print('i2 = ',i2)
        print('sep = ',sep)
        assert len(i1) == 100
        assert len(i2) == 100
        assert len(sep) == 100
        actual_sep = ((x1[i1]-x2[i2])**2 + (y1[i1]-y2[i2])**2 + (z1[i1]-z2[i2])**2)**0.5
        np.testing.assert_allclose(sep, actual_sep, rtol=0.2)
        np.testing.assert_array_less(sep, gg.right_edges[b])
        np.testing.assert_array_less(gg.left_edges[b], sep)

    # Check a different metric.
    # Also ability to generate the field automatically.
    cat1.clear_cache()  # Clears the previously made cat1.field
    cat2.clear_cache()  # and cat2.field

    b = 3
    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(min_sep=0.4, max_sep=1.0, bin_size=0.1, max_top=0,
        i1, i2, sep = nk.sample_pairs(100, cat1, cat2, metric='Arc',
                                      min_sep=nk.left_edges[b], max_sep=nk.right_edges[b])
    nk.process(cat1, cat2, metric='Arc')
    print('len(npairs) = ',len(nk.npairs))
    print('npairs = ',nk.npairs)
    assert "Sampled %d pairs out of a total of %d"%(100, nk.npairs[b]) in cl.output
    print('i1 = ',i1)
    print('i2 = ',i2)
    print('sep = ',sep)
    assert len(i1) == 100
    assert len(i2) == 100
    assert len(sep) == 100
    r1 = (x1**2 + y1**2 + z1**2)**0.5
    r2 = (x2**2 + y2**2 + z2**2)**0.5
    xx1 = x1/r1
    yy1 = y1/r1
    zz1 = z1/r1
    xx2 = x2/r2
    yy2 = y2/r2
    zz2 = z2/r2
    chord_sep = ((xx1[i1]-xx2[i2])**2 + (yy1[i1]-yy2[i2])**2 + (zz1[i1]-zz2[i2])**2)**0.5
    arc_sep = np.arcsin(chord_sep/2.)*2.
    print('arc_sep = ',arc_sep)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sep, arc_sep, rtol=0.1)
    np.testing.assert_array_less(sep, nk.right_edges[b])
    np.testing.assert_array_less(nk.left_edges[b], sep)

    # Finally, check spherical coords with non-default units.
    ra1, dec1 = coord.CelestialCoord.xyz_to_radec(x1,y1,z1)
    ra2, dec2 = coord.CelestialCoord.xyz_to_radec(x2,y2,z2)
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra1, dec=dec1, ra_units='rad', dec_units='rad')
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra2, dec=dec2, ra_units='rad', dec_units='rad')

    nn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(min_sep=1., max_sep=60., nbins=50, sep_units='deg', metric='Arc')
    nn.process(cat1, cat2)
    print('rnom = ',nn.rnom)
    print('npairs = ',nn.npairs.astype(int))

    b = 5
    n = 50
    i1, i2, sep = nn.sample_pairs(n, cat1, cat2,
                                  min_sep=nn.left_edges[b], max_sep=nn.right_edges[b])

    print('i1 = ',i1)
    print('i2 = ',i2)
    print('sep = ',sep)
    assert nn.npairs[b] > n
    assert len(i1) == n
    assert len(i2) == n
    assert len(sep) == n

    c1 = [coord.CelestialCoord(r*coord.radians, d*coord.radians) for (r,d) in zip(ra1,dec1)]
    c2 = [coord.CelestialCoord(r*coord.radians, d*coord.radians) for (r,d) in zip(ra2,dec2)]
    actual_sep = np.array([c1[i1[k]].distanceTo(c2[i2[k]]) / coord.degrees for k in range(n)])
    print('actual_sep = ',actual_sep)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sep, actual_sep, rtol=0.1)
    np.testing.assert_array_less(sep, nn.right_edges[b])
    np.testing.assert_array_less(nn.left_edges[b], sep)
Beispiel #7
def test_nan():
    # Test handling of Nan values (w -> 0)

    nobj = 5000
    x = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    y = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    z = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    ra = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    dec = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    r = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    w = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    wpos = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    g1 = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    g2 = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
    k = np.random.random_sample(nobj)

    # Turn 1% of these values into NaN
    x[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    y[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    z[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    ra[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    dec[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    r[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    w[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    wpos[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    g1[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    g2[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    k[np.random.choice(nobj, nobj//100)] = np.nan
    print('x is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(x)))
    print('y is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(y)))
    print('z is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(z)))
    print('ra is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(ra)))
    print('dec is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(dec)))
    print('w is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(w)))
    print('wpos is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(wpos)))
    print('g1 is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(g1)))
    print('g2 is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(g2)))
    print('k is nan at ',np.where(np.isnan(k)))

    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w, k=k, logger=cl.logger)
    assert "NaNs found in x column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in y column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in z column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in k column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in w column." in cl.output
    mask = np.isnan(x) | np.isnan(y) | np.isnan(z) | np.isnan(k) | np.isnan(w)
    good = ~mask
    assert cat1.ntot == nobj
    assert cat1.nobj == np.sum(good)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.x[good], x[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.y[good], y[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.z[good], z[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.w[good], w[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.k[good], k[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.w[mask], 0)

    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, r=r, w=w, wpos=wpos, g1=g1, g2=g2,
                                ra_units='hours', dec_units='degrees', logger=cl.logger)
    assert "NaNs found in ra column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in dec column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in r column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in g1 column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in g2 column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in w column." in cl.output
    assert "NaNs found in wpos column." in cl.output
    mask = np.isnan(ra) | np.isnan(dec) | np.isnan(r) | np.isnan(g1) | np.isnan(g2) | np.isnan(wpos) | np.isnan(w)
    good = ~mask
    assert cat2.ntot == nobj
    assert cat2.nobj == np.sum(good)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.ra[good], ra[good] * coord.hours / coord.radians)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.dec[good], dec[good] * coord.degrees / coord.radians)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.r[good], r[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.w[good], w[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.wpos[good], wpos[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.g1[good], g1[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.g2[good], g2[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.w[mask], 0)

    # If no weight column, it is make automatically to deal with Nans.
    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        cat3 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, g1=g1, g2=g2, logger=cl.logger)
    mask = np.isnan(x) | np.isnan(y) | np.isnan(g1) | np.isnan(g2)
    good = ~mask
    assert cat3.ntot == nobj
    assert cat3.nobj == np.sum(good)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.x[good], x[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.y[good], y[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.w[good], 1.)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g1[good], g1[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g2[good], g2[good])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.w[mask], 0)