def test_vmem_used(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] total = int(lines[0].split()[1]) free = int(lines[0].split()[3]) used = (total - free) * 1024 self.assertAlmostEqual(used, psutil.virtual_memory().used, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE)
def test_swap_memory(self): out = sh("pstat -s") _, total, used, free, _, _ = out.split('\n')[1].split() smem = psutil.swap_memory() self.assertEqual(, int(total) * 512) self.assertEqual(smem.used, int(used) * 512) self.assertEqual(, int(free) * 512)
def test_swapmem_total(self): out = sh('sysctl vm.swapusage') out = out.replace('vm.swapusage: ', '') total, used, free = re.findall('\d+.\d+\w', out) psutil_smem = psutil.swap_memory() self.assertEqual(, human2bytes(total)) self.assertEqual(psutil_smem.used, human2bytes(used)) self.assertEqual(, human2bytes(free))
def muse(field): """Thin wrapper around 'muse' cmdline utility.""" out = sh('muse', stderr=DEVNULL) for line in out.split('\n'): if line.startswith(field): break else: raise ValueError("line not found") return int(line.split()[1])
def vm_stat(field): """Wrapper around 'vm_stat' cmdline utility.""" out = sh('vm_stat') for line in out.split('\n'): if field in line: break else: raise ValueError("line not found") return int('\d+', line).group(0)) * PAGESIZE
def test_users(self): out = sh("who") lines = out.split('\n') users = [x.split()[0] for x in lines] self.assertEqual(len(users), len(psutil.users())) terminals = [x.split()[1] for x in lines] for u in psutil.users(): self.assertTrue( in users, self.assertTrue(u.terminal in terminals, u.terminal)
def sysctl(cmdline): """Expects a sysctl command with an argument and parse the result returning only the value of interest. """ result = sh("sysctl " + cmdline) result = result[result.find(": ") + 2:] try: return int(result) except ValueError: return result
def df(path): out = sh('df -P -B 1 "%s"' % path).strip() lines = out.split("\n") lines.pop(0) line = lines.pop(0) dev, total, used, free = line.split()[:4] if dev == "none": dev = "" total, used, free = int(total), int(used), int(free) return dev, total, used, free
def df(path): out = sh('df -P -B 1 "%s"' % path).strip() lines = out.split('\n') lines.pop(0) line = lines.pop(0) dev, total, used, free = line.split()[:4] if dev == 'none': dev = '' total, used, free = int(total), int(used), int(free) return dev, total, used, free
def test_net_if_names(self): out = sh("ip addr").strip() nics = psutil.net_if_addrs() found = 0 for line in out.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if"^\d+:", line): found += 1 name = line.split(':')[1].strip() self.assertIn(name, nics.keys()) self.assertEqual(len(nics), found, msg="%s\n---\n%s" % ( pprint.pformat(nics), out))
def test_uids_gids(self): out = sh('procstat -s %s' % euid, ruid, suid, egid, rgid, sgid = out.split('\n')[1].split()[2:8] p = psutil.Process( uids = p.uids() gids = p.gids() self.assertEqual(uids.real, int(ruid)) self.assertEqual(uids.effective, int(euid)) self.assertEqual(uids.saved, int(suid)) self.assertEqual(gids.real, int(rgid)) self.assertEqual(gids.effective, int(egid)) self.assertEqual(gids.saved, int(sgid))
def df(path): out = sh('df -k "%s"' % path).strip() lines = out.split('\n') lines.pop(0) line = lines.pop(0) dev, total, used, free = line.split()[:4] if dev == 'none': dev = '' total = int(total) * 1024 used = int(used) * 1024 free = int(free) * 1024 return dev, total, used, free
def test_memory_maps(self): out = sh('procstat -v %s' % maps = psutil.Process( lines = out.split('\n')[1:] while lines: line = lines.pop() fields = line.split() _, start, stop, perms, res = fields[:5] map = maps.pop() self.assertEqual("%s-%s" % (start, stop), map.addr) self.assertEqual(int(res), map.rss) if not map.path.startswith('['): self.assertEqual(fields[10], map.path)
def test_memory_maps(self): sproc = get_test_subprocess() time.sleep(1) p = psutil.Process( maps = p.get_memory_maps(grouped=False) pmap = sh('pmap -x %s' %'\n') del pmap[0]; del pmap[0] # get rid of header while maps and pmap: this = maps.pop(0) other = pmap.pop(0) addr, _, rss, dirty, mode, path = other.split(None, 5) if not path.startswith('[') and not path.endswith(']'): self.assertEqual(path, os.path.basename(this.path)) self.assertEqual(int(rss) * 1024, this.rss) # test only rwx chars, ignore 's' and 'p' self.assertEqual(mode[:3], this.perms[:3])
def test_swap_memory(self): out = sh('env PATH=/usr/sbin:/sbin:%s swap -l' % os.environ['PATH']) lines = out.strip().split('\n')[1:] if not lines: raise ValueError('no swap device(s) configured') total = free = 0 for line in lines: line = line.split() t, f = line[-2:] total += int(int(t) * 512) free += int(int(f) * 512) used = total - free psutil_swap = psutil.swap_memory() self.assertEqual(, total) self.assertEqual(psutil_swap.used, used) self.assertEqual(, free)
def test_memory_maps(self): sproc = get_test_subprocess() time.sleep(1) p = psutil.Process( maps = p.get_memory_maps(grouped=False) pmap = sh('pmap -x %s' %'\n') del pmap[0] del pmap[0] # get rid of header while maps and pmap: this = maps.pop(0) other = pmap.pop(0) addr, _, rss, dirty, mode, path = other.split(None, 5) if not path.startswith('[') and not path.endswith(']'): self.assertEqual(path, os.path.basename(this.path)) self.assertEqual(int(rss) * 1024, this.rss) # test only rwx chars, ignore 's' and 'p' self.assertEqual(mode[:3], this.perms[:3])
def test_swap_memory(self): out = sh('swap -l -k') lines = out.strip().split('\n')[1:] if not lines: raise ValueError('no swap device(s) configured') total = free = 0 for line in lines: line = line.split() t, f = line[-2:] t = t.replace('K', '') f = f.replace('K', '') total += int(int(t) * 1024) free += int(int(f) * 1024) used = total - free psutil_swap = psutil.swap_memory() self.assertEqual(, total) self.assertEqual(psutil_swap.used, used) self.assertEqual(, free)
def test_cpu_count_logical_w_lscpu(self): out = sh("lscpu -p") num = len([x for x in out.split('\n') if not x.startswith('#')]) self.assertEqual(psutil.cpu_count(logical=True), num)
def test_swapmem_free(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] free = int(lines[2 if OLD_PROCPS_NG_VERSION else 1].split()[1]) * 1024 self.assertAlmostEqual(free, psutil.swap_memory().free, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE)
def test_vmem_cached(self): cached = int(sh('vmstat').split('\n')[2].split()[5]) * 1024 self.assertAlmostEqual(cached, psutil.virtual_memory().cached, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE)
def test_vmem_free(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] free = int(lines[0].split()[3]) * 1024 self.assertAlmostEqual(free, psutil.virtual_memory().free, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE)
from test_psutil import call_until from test_psutil import get_kernel_version from test_psutil import get_test_subprocess from test_psutil import LINUX from test_psutil import MEMORY_TOLERANCE from test_psutil import POSIX from test_psutil import retry_before_failing from test_psutil import sh from test_psutil import skip_on_not_implemented from test_psutil import TRAVIS from test_psutil import unittest from test_psutil import which # procps-ng 3.3.10 changed the output format of free # and removed the 'buffers/cache line' OLD_PROCPS_NG_VERSION = 'buffers/cache' in sh('free') SIOCGIFADDR = 0x8915 SIOCGIFCONF = 0x8912 SIOCGIFHWADDR = 0x8927 def get_ipv4_address(ifname): ifname = ifname[:15] if PY3: ifname = bytes(ifname, 'ascii') s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) with contextlib.closing(s): return socket.inet_ntoa( fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), SIOCGIFADDR, struct.pack('256s', ifname))[20:24])
def test_swapmem_total(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] total = int(lines[2].split()[1]) * 1024 self.assertEqual(total, psutil.swap_memory().total)
def test_vmem_free(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] free = int(lines[0].split()[3]) * 1024 self.assert_eq_w_tol(free, psutil.virtual_memory().free, TOLERANCE)
def test_vmem_buffers(self): buffers = int(sh('vmstat').split('\n')[2].split()[4]) * 1024 self.assertAlmostEqual(buffers, psutil.virtual_memory().buffers, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE)
def test_swapmem_total(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] total = int(lines[2 if OLD_PROCPS_NG_VERSION else 1].split()[1]) * 1024 self.assertEqual(total, psutil.swap_memory().total)
def test_cpu_count_logical_w_nproc(self): num = int(sh("nproc --all")) self.assertEqual(psutil.cpu_count(logical=True), num)
def test_cmdline(self): out = sh('procstat -c %s' % self.assertEqual(' '.join(psutil.Process(, ' '.join(out.split('\n')[1].split()[2:]))
def test_swapmem_free(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] free = int(lines[2].split()[3]) * 1024 self.assertAlmostEqual(free, psutil.swap_memory().free, delta=TOLERANCE)
def test_swapmem_used(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] used = int(lines[2].split()[2]) * 1024 self.assert_eq_w_tol(used, psutil.swap_memory().used, TOLERANCE)
def test_vmem_cached(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] cached = int(lines[0].split()[6]) * 1024 self.assert_eq_w_tol(cached, psutil.virtual_memory().cached, TOLERANCE)
def test_vmem_total(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] total = int(lines[0].split()[1]) * 1024 self.assertEqual(total, psutil.virtual_memory().total)
def test_vmem_buffers(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] buffers = int(lines[0].split()[5]) * 1024 self.assert_eq_w_tol(buffers, psutil.virtual_memory().buffers, TOLERANCE)
def test_swapmem_used(self): lines = sh('free').split('\n')[1:] used = int(lines[2].split()[2]) * 1024 self.assertAlmostEqual(used, psutil.swap_memory().used, delta=TOLERANCE)