def test_armv7m_intrinsic(temp_dir, board, west_cmd, tvm_debug): """Testing a ARM v7m SIMD extension.""" if board not in [ "mps2_an521", "stm32f746xx_disco", "nucleo_f746zg", "nucleo_l4r5zi", "nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp", ]: pytest.skip(msg="Platform does not support ARM v7m SIMD extension.") model = test_utils.ZEPHYR_BOARDS[board] build_config = {"debug": tvm_debug} this_dir = pathlib.Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) testdata_dir = this_dir.parent / "testdata" / "mnist" relay_mod, params = _open_tflite_model() sample, output_shape = _get_test_data(testdata_dir) relay_mod_simd = _apply_desired_layout_simd(relay_mod) # kernel layout "HWIO" is not supported by arm_cpu SIMD extension (see tvm\python\relay\op\strategy\ relay_mod_no_simd = _apply_desired_layout_no_simd(relay_mod) target =, options=["-keys=cpu"]) target_simd =, options=["-keys=arm_cpu,cpu"]) executor = Executor("aot", {"unpacked-api": True, "interface-api": "c"}) runtime = Runtime("crt") temp_dir_simd = temp_dir / "simd" temp_dir_no_simd = temp_dir / "nosimd" os.makedirs(temp_dir_simd, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(temp_dir_no_simd, exist_ok=True) with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3, config={"tir.disable_vectorize": True}): lowered_simd = relay_mod_simd, target_simd, params=params, runtime=runtime, executor=executor ) lowered_no_simd = relay_mod_no_simd, target, params=params, runtime=runtime, executor=executor ) simd_project, _ = test_utils.generate_project( temp_dir_simd, board, west_cmd, lowered_simd, build_config, sample, output_shape, "float32", load_cmsis=True, ) result_simd, time_simd = test_utils.run_model(simd_project) no_simd_project, _ = test_utils.generate_project( temp_dir_no_simd, board, west_cmd, lowered_no_simd, build_config, sample, output_shape, "float32", load_cmsis=False, ) result_no_simd, time_no_simd = test_utils.run_model(no_simd_project) assert result_no_simd == result_simd == 2 # Time performance measurements on QEMU emulator are always equal to zero. if board not in [ "mps2_an521", "mps3_an547", ]: assert time_no_simd > time_simd
def test_tflite(temp_dir, board, west_cmd, tvm_debug): """Testing a TFLite model.""" model = test_utils.ZEPHYR_BOARDS[board] input_shape = (1, 49, 10, 1) output_shape = (1, 12) build_config = {"debug": tvm_debug} model_url = "" model_path = download_testdata(model_url, "keyword_spotting_quant.tflite", module="model") # Import TFLite model tflite_model_buf = open(model_path, "rb").read() try: import tflite tflite_model = tflite.Model.GetRootAsModel(tflite_model_buf, 0) except AttributeError: import tflite.Model tflite_model = tflite.Model.Model.GetRootAsModel(tflite_model_buf, 0) # Load TFLite model and convert to Relay relay_mod, params = relay.frontend.from_tflite( tflite_model, shape_dict={"input_1": input_shape}, dtype_dict={"input_1 ": "int8"}) target = executor = Executor("aot", { "unpacked-api": True, "interface-api": "c", "workspace-byte-alignment": 4 }) runtime = Runtime("crt") with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3, config={"tir.disable_vectorize": True}): lowered =, target, params=params, runtime=runtime, executor=executor) sample_url = "" sample_path = download_testdata(sample_url, "keyword_spotting_int8_6.pyc.npy", module="data") sample = np.load(sample_path) project, _ = test_utils.generate_project( temp_dir, board, west_cmd, lowered, build_config, sample, output_shape, "int8", load_cmsis=False, ) result, time = test_utils.run_model(project) assert result == 6